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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49068132 No.49068132 [Reply] [Original]

So hear me out: When Holos break the illusion and give you "the talk" they are doing it because they want you to be happy.
Most of them feel guilty they are leading their fans to become more and more obsessed with them which will ruin their lives, simping for streamers on the internet is not a healthy hobby.
What Fauna, Kronii and Amelia said is all about their love for you as their fans, they don't want your happiness to depend on something so fickle instead of loving your family, having friends, play games, sports, taking care of your pets... This is where the real happiness is.
You guys will hate me for saying this but deep down you know it's the truth.

>> No.49068577

Yeah but that mental illness is what brings in the whales

>> No.49068608

Don't you lump her into what those other 2 said.
There is a big difference between what both Kronii and Ame said to their fans, and the context of what Fauna said is much more innocent and reasonable than Ame and Kronii.

>> No.49068655

i don't hate you since i am not gachikoi, i like them enough to membership that is all.

>> No.49068766

I have multiple hobbies besides vtubers on top of working full time. I just want to watch vtubers to relax when I'm done thinking and I don't like when vtubers try to make me think.
This is why Gura is the perfect EN vtuber for me.
Streams are easy to fit in with a more varied lifestyle and she also doesn't take me out of my zone with real world bullshit.
It's just weird to me that the ones who are more dedicated to full-time streaming are the ones who refuse to keep up the illusion, because only lunatics can keep up with full-time streamers.

>> No.49068993

So hear me out: When nijisanji gives their livers "1%" they are doing it because they want them to be happy.
Most managers feel guilty they are leading their talents to become more and more obsessed with numbers which will ruin their lives, 5 handcams a week is not healthy content.
What Anykara does is all about their love for their talents, they don't want their happiness to depend on something fickle like money instead of loving their nijisanji family, having friends, playing games, sports, taking care of their pets... This is where the real happiness is.
You guys will hate me for saying this but deep down you know it's the truth.

>> No.49069068

That must be the answer, they finally get scared past a certain point so it's easier for them to prune those who are most attached on the spot.

>> No.49069271

>simping for streamers on the internet is not a healthy hobby
And yet they're only able to put bread on the table thanks to it. If they disapprove of it and genuinely want to "help" then they should graduate and stop wasting their poor viewers' time and money. Why don't they? The simple and real truth is they don't care about their fans, in fact they're disgusted by them, but they'll tolerate it so long as the cash keeps flowing. Sometimes that disgust will leak out, nothing more to it than that.

>> No.49069370

what fauna said is not nearly as bad as what the other two said, mainly because of the context of why they said it, fauna actually said it cause she cares about her fans, amelia and kronii did it because they wanted to ride on tempus dick instead of being a wholesome cute idols

>> No.49069413

/a/ calls them vtumours for a reason y'know.

>> No.49069440

yes, when you are homeless and can barely afford food is when you can truly appreciate it all. AnyColor is playing 5d chess to make their livers happy.

>> No.49069454

/a/ is right for once

>> No.49069701

And what do you want them to do? Keep lying and taking your money?
These three at least have humanity left to tell you to stop being emotionally dependent on them.

>> No.49069886

>vtubing is le bad
Ok, but them first.

>> No.49069908

Yeah, Fauna broke the kayfabe, which is way worse than anything the other two did.

>> No.49070044

>instead of loving your family, having friends, play games, sports, taking care of your pets... This is where the real happiness is.
What people need to realize is that there's an out of control epidemic of angry lonely men who have nothing left to live for. And that telling them to "just get friends" just makes them angrier because it's as retarded as telling a homeless person to "just buy a house".
It's not like they don't know these people are right but they spend years trying to not be lonely and failed so many times that they just gave up on everything. And what the chuubas are doing is just destroying the last escapism they had in their life and shitting in their mouths.

>> No.49070090

An honest person, in their situation with the mindset described in the OP, would quit. Telling the truth but still taking the money is the worst thing you could do

>> No.49070199

Yeah, but if I wanted to go to the gym or whatever I would already be doing that
nobody watches vtubers to get lectured, just dance for me monkey

>> No.49070241

That's not in all cases though, I'm fine with being alone but such attitude is still a complete turnoff.

>> No.49070254

Thanks, Ame

>> No.49070267

they are merely culling the weak

>> No.49070293

I just wanted CGDCT. I can't even have that.

>> No.49070357

You can just watch the entire 3 seasons of Yuru Yuri you know?

>> No.49070364

I didn’t ask for a therapy session.

>> No.49070397
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Yes, a test of our love... Only the truly devoted will carry on the fight!

>> No.49070426

She didn't talk down in an insulting manner like Ami and Kronii did. She was pretty respectful with the whole speech.

>> No.49070433

YuruYuri ended over 10 years ago. And I've watched all the seasons already.

>> No.49070489

She might have been more respectful than Ame and Kronii (which is a bar that's so low it's subterranean) but she was just as ignorant of who her fans are and where her money actually comes from.

>> No.49070492

What is it with EN girls and their penchant for lecturing their fans?
I have literally never run into this with the JPs I follow. You're playing a character, stick to the script.

>> No.49070498

thanks ame

>> No.49070571

You don't know Japanese or watch clips so of course your dumbass would have never encountered this

or you do and you're actually that clued, sorry about your life

>> No.49070602

because retarded virgins keep sending deranged superchats. inb4 just dont read it abloo abloo
how about dont send it bitch

>> No.49070609

improve yourself

>> No.49070634

JPs lecture their fans too, the difference is, the ones who do it have the god damn decency to do it early on like Suisei or Fubuki and not stay around milking the GFE dollars and THEN decide to drop the bomb.

>> No.49070735

Anon streamers are here to be your virtual friend.
That's the core aspect.
All this other shit, no males, GFE, playing up how they are parasocial for the fans that's all secondary.
Saying "we can't be friends", that's the antithesis of being a streamer.
Might as well say she's a podcaster or lets player.

>> No.49070799

>What Fauna, Kronii and Amelia said is all about their love for you as their fans
Yeah nah. They just feel guilty because their fans care about them a great deal but they don't care about their fans much. So the message they're trying to send is "I don't really care about you so please don't care about me. keep watching my streams and simping for me though".

>> No.49070806

You sound kind of mad about my observation. I'm sorry your oshi treats you this way, m8.

>> No.49070875

If I pay a hooker I'm paying her for sex not so she can tell me "Do you don't have a girlfriend loser? I'm only fucking you for the money ugly bastard, you should get a girlfriend so you can fuck for free"
We both know what it is, she doesn't need to say it.

>> No.49070887

That's bad how? At least they are honest.

>> No.49070934
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I'm sorry you thought you actually watched enough JP streams to think this concept has literally never happened before

>> No.49070949

reminder that this chimpout is what that faggot alexander babski wanted. you are all playing right into his grubby jew hands

>> No.49070960

This. Plus there are different levels of friendship. Fauna might not be comfortable calling everyone her "best friends". That's fine. I'm never going to call her to ask her to help me move a couch and she's never going to call me asking to be there for her after a family member dies. But showing up every day to a stream, telling jokes and trading stories, you don't just do that with fucking strangers.

>> No.49070991

You should not get a hooker in the first place, that's legit braindead behaviour

>> No.49071100

The only difference is
>Muh males

>> No.49071104

Don't be a vtuber or even use the internet at all.

>> No.49071139

So you only need to relax 3 times a month since that’s all she streams?

>> No.49071189

Yes you do, wake the fuck up. You are a stranger to them.

>> No.49071237

Because you don't know Japanese

>> No.49071290

Vtubers would recommend this option instead of playing along for some hours a month.

>> No.49071295

You're not a sapling. Stop pretending

>> No.49071300

Holobronnies hate honesty more than anything

>> No.49071318

This may surprise you but you can enjoy vtubers without an emotional dependency

>> No.49071344

Wrong they do it out of spite (Ame, Kronii) or disgust (Fauna) for their audience
They hate you
They only pretend to like you for the money but even when making hundreds of thousands from your supachats they can barely tolerate you
There is no lifeform lower than a simp and all women know that

>> No.49071387

I don't give total strangers 5 dollars a month to hear their random thoughts and ramblings.

>> No.49071399

Many wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the avatars to begin with.

>> No.49071453

Yes you do, because you are a dumb sucker. This is a wake up call before you fall further into a world of delusions.

>> No.49071494

They can also gain those same numbers by not being invested in their job, sure.

>> No.49071562

Sorry, I only fight for friends, and Fauna's not my friend

>> No.49071583
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Eh, toughen up. Holobronies have it easy, this is small fries. Fauna was downright nice. You want escapism raped and burnt down? Imagine being a Lazulight fan in December of 2021 and looking forward to the new year. Do you have any idea what festers inside me? My god.

>> No.49071662

Meh, you guys should have known you were living on borrowed time

>> No.49071682

>Imagine being a Lazulight fan in December of 2021 and looking forward to the new year
I can't imagine that because I'm not a nijikek
What happened to your whores?

>> No.49071692

Streamers have not and never have been your friend. They don’t even know you exist. Anyone who thinks others wise has taken the parasocial poison pill. Get help.

>> No.49071693
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>I fight for my friends

>> No.49071697

It's like five times a month for members.
But no, I relax more than that because I have other ways to relax. I said I have other hobbies and I like Gura because you can be a diehard without dedicating the entirety of your free time to her.

>> No.49071725

She fuckin knows her fans are in love with her.
She might have had a moment of clarity or a momentary lack of reason which ever way you view it. What she said was true and good advice. She even understood how hard it is to make relationships in the real world and was pretty empathetic with it all, she probably just shouldn't have said it.

>> No.49071749

Man up isn't such a bad idea, it has to be done with total honesty so leaving those chuubas would be for the best.

>> No.49071761

And nijinig hate their organ, it was funny listening that they would rather buy merch than ever sending SC.

>> No.49071792

>come home from a long day at the coal mines
>prep a plate of cold sardines and a can of beans (all i can afford)
>turn on the television to see an e-thot larping as an anime girl talking down to me as if she's better than me
>i decide to solemnly take her advice and never watch her stream again

>> No.49071823

You literally do though to everyone you subscribe to.

>> No.49071879

She is better than you though. Why are you working on coal mines?

>> No.49071881

these false flag fags at it again
we know what kronii did u shit,
pretended to listen only to 180 just a few hours later, followed by a collab with vesper to shit on everyone.
so she can burn in hell and i really hope her great vesper like fans go nuts on her, she picked the faggots who are 110% for sure mentally deranged over the semi nut job fans.
enjoy it kronii, i'll laugh when it's you who's first get put six feet under.

>> No.49071898

It's just a slew of pretentious doomposters and the odd actual regular Fauna watcher who have to point out a streamer cracking at a retarded schizo about the limits of viewer relationships has some level of hypocrisy, like anyone with a brain can't understand that. Also don't apparently take into account she's been streaming for years and this singular incident was brief and handled politely during an SC reading after the main streaming portion.

I think bringing this topic up was a bad idea on her part but condemning her and vilifying her is pathetic and short-sighted.

>> No.49072007

She doesn’t develop an emotional attachment to somebody who doesn’t know she exists so she is better than you.

>> No.49072131

dont put them in the same boat. Ame feels superior as a person, and told fans that do not support her even if she wants to flirt with other males on stream that they need improving, despite treating chat like shit every other streams and Kronii thinks all her fans are degenerates.

Fauna is not a cock thirsty whore like the other two.

>> No.49072205

Your hard work should be appreciated but searching for that in thots isn't the best idea.

>> No.49072209

>Kronii burned her fanbase harder than anyone else in Hololive
>continues to be successful
sometimes I wish actions had consequences

>> No.49072216

1% deflection thread

>> No.49072434

>also a retarded unicorn freak
always goes hand in hand

>> No.49072803

If you think they are breaking the illusion because they care about you, you are fundamentally missing the entire purpose of breaking the illusion. That kind of thought process *is* the illusion they are attempting to shatter.

They don't care about you, and don't want you thinking they care about you because that causes much inconvenience to them on a personal level. They also want you to think they care about you because it pays the bills. They live with this fundamental hypocrisy, and the fact it's irreconcilable is precisely why they should avoid talking about it at all.

>> No.49073029

Simping always find a way.

>> No.49073582
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>> No.49073924

This is the new anti-Fauna 4D chess her antis are trying to pull off.
Trying to mix her up with what Kronii and Ame did to somehow make it seem like they're on the same level.
Hey, people hate Ame and Kronii, but they love Fauna, maybe if we put them on the same level people will love Ame and Kronii too?

Fuck off.
Fauna did nothing wrong and you mother fuckers can go crawl back into a corner and simp for your garbage tier oshis.
Leave Fauna alone.

>> No.49074052

>leave Fauna alone
I think some will do just that but don't worry, she'll be fine like Ame and Kronii anyway.

>> No.49074204

I loved Lazulight and I watched them every moment anyone was live and I watched every one of their collabs, I even carried on some of that momentum with Obsydia, but I knew the guys would arrive eventually and Nijisanji would accelerate and spam members so much any cozy culture they had created would soon go away.
And it did.
Ethyria was the time to leave, it was your warning sign that the fun times were over and they were hiring trash now.
And the guys arrived right afterwards.
If you did not leave at that point you deserve everything that came afterwards.
You got a warning sign and you got a period to leave and you ignored it.

>> No.49074264

She's not doing that though. She's begging you to try again, even though it hurts. She's begging you to let yourself be vulnerable again and that comes from a place of love

>> No.49074270

I'm sorry Kronii dropped from 20k to 3k. I'm sorry Ame dropped from 10k to 3k.
Fauna will be fine, this will not affect her at all because what she did is not on the same level as those two.

>> No.49074317

>simping for streamers on the internet is not a healthy hobby
If you say or think things like these, you shouldn't be a vtuber. That's the problem in the first place.

>> No.49074371

Numbers don't matter to them, they're good with what they earn and the fanbase they choosed. Fauna has finally gone through that process and separated the good from the bad.

>> No.49074408

Ame was always right.

>> No.49074462

Exactly, some of her fans just need to touch grass mygod.

>> No.49074656

>She's begging you to try again, even though it hurts. She's begging you to let yourself be vulnerable again and that comes from a place of love
typical woman behavior

>> No.49075462

no, it's why they have a moral obligation to attempt to address it, which is exactly what fauna did. I truly believe that if one cannot wrestle with, and answer for themsleves what their relationship with chat should be, they shouldn't stream. Fauna has done just that.

She'll never love her saplings as individuals, but I truly do believe she loves the collective

>> No.49075594

whoever you are coal miner anon I appreciate your hard work

>> No.49075681

If loving you enough to want the best for you, even if it hurts both you and her, is "typical woman behavior" she truly is the mom of EN

>> No.49075810

A reasonable and healthy opinion in all of this?

>> No.49075947

>I don't watch streamers for the parasocial aspect
Then what the fuck are you watching them for? They are as entertaining as paint dry. You want reaction content? Is that it? What kind of entertainment you fucking get from streamers? Especially vtubers? This influencer/streamer culture shouldn't even exist. It's disgusting. People streaming what they do shouldn't be able to make money out of this. Go watch anime. Watch documentaries. Play games. Make games. Exercise. Shitpost. Stop streaming. Do what you preach. Release your fans from your parasocial clutches. Let them live.

>> No.49076066
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I'm glad people are bringing Ame and Kronii back into this because maybe, just maybe, some will be able to see past the bullshit and realize that neither of them said anything wrong either... or maybe I'm expecting too much.

>> No.49076487

the difference was in the way in which they presented it. Fauna did it in a loving way, or maybe that's my cognitive bias since she's my oshi

>> No.49076554

yup totally, there was not even an ounce of anger, hatred, spite or disgust towards their fans, that last tweet Kronii did on Vesper's panties totally wasn't a middle finger before leaving.
It was all love.

>> No.49077460

What kind of retard had their "illusion" of being friends broken by yesterday's talk broken when the whole talk about her flaws implied she was talking about real life, or at least outside of streams? Are sisters still trying to make it mean anything more than it did? Did the 1% hurt that much?

>> No.49077934


>> No.49078339

fauna is already 2nd lowest subs in EN. she's probably dropping into last place after the shit she pulled, i saw a bunch of organized mass unsubs.

i expect her to drop from 8k to 4k ccv after this. saplings are all rational types and will take mommies advice to go make some real friends who won't shit on them instead

>> No.49078526

I hope you get over this, anon. For your own sake.

>> No.49078653

Except Ame and Kronii were bitches about it. Most of the discussion I've seen was less of what they said and more of how they said it.

>> No.49078710

>fauna is already 2nd lowest subs in EN. she's probably dropping into last place after the shit she pulled, i saw a bunch of organized mass unsubs.
>i expect her to drop from 8k to 4k ccv after this.
Anon she's gained 1k subs since the stream and her stream floor will remain 6k CCVs
Your headcanon will never be real

>> No.49078794

hive mind is scary
i'm totally fine with the chuuba hating some parts of chat
they are getting dox threats daily from their "fans", of course they hold some resentment.

kind of like how japan got nuked twice and firebombed but still love americans, ya know?

>> No.49079224

Yup. I’m not as lonely or as desperate as some, but more than others. Have friends, have a life, go to work, and so on. But having content creators speak down to me, even if it’s for a good purpose, such as “improve yourself” just makes me want to tune out. I’m already aware that this entire hobby is a waste of time. I could/should be doing literally anything else other than spending my time watching Vtubers. It’s one of the dumbest hobbies I’m into. Having the vtuber i watch then remind “me” even if it’s to some troll sc or some chatter, and not at “me” that we aren’t friends just reminds me that I shouldn’t even bother watching or supporting any of these girls.

>> No.49079416

how did they say it. bro

>> No.49079425

It's like TV. It's entertainment. I don't donate to people on TV so why would I SC. I pay a cable bill--buy YT premium.

>> No.49079536

Which makes it better if you aren't a fucking autist.
Mori and Ame both social tards. Expecting speechcraft from them is retarded.

>> No.49079758

They aren’t on the same level but I will lump them all together as chubas who decided to put their foot in their mouths to make watching Vtubers less appealing. Simple as that.

>> No.49079853

Watching streams isn’t healthy, watching streamers isn’t healthy. We should all improve ourselves and be our best selves outside of the computer. I didn’t realize it until the anime woman I watched told me!

>> No.49080023

I never think anyone I watch is my friend, Vtubers or fleshtubers, but the moment any of them bother to bring that up or make a point about it I instantly want to tune out. Watching/binging streams and videos is escapism and I don’t care to escape into people reminding me I should already be doing something else.

>> No.49080380

The thing is that she basically said she shouldn't become friends with her fanbase in order to keep that escapism, because she doesn't want to show them a bad side she doesn't show on streams. How the fuck is it so hard for anyone to just try to understand her message holy shit.

>> No.49080404

No one is my friend. They all want something. Trust no one.

>> No.49080599

It's just cgdct anon... holy parasocial retard

>> No.49080632

Difference is Ame (and Kronii) were responding to their fanbases expressing their feelings on them collabing with the guys. They knew some of their fanbase didn't want it and still did it anyway, and basically told the people that didn't like it to fuck off and that their opinion didn't matter.
And in Kronii's case it was actively malicious, she said she wouldn't do it and then immediately did a 180 and told people outright she was going to do what she wants, regardless of their feelings. That's just a shitty thing to do to your fans.
Fauna just said something that should be common sense to any sapling that isn't mentally ill.

>> No.49080743

Lol why would she ever show that bad side on stream regardless of being anyone’s “friend” or not? Sounds silly. “I can’t be your friend. Not because there are 700,000 of you and I’ll never see you guys irl or even talk on discord, but because of the illusion of our potential fake friendship and it being shattered when I go Fauna Dark Mode.” Lol

>> No.49081005

...That's literally what she said. That she only shows her best on stream and wouldn't want to become friends with her fans because friends show each other their ugly sides all the time.
Listen I know the 1% thing is pathetic but you could at least try to understand what this whole forced drama is about before jumping into it.

>> No.49081030

>When Holos break the illusion and give you "the talk" they are doing it because they want you to be happy.
They should have done it from the start then.

>> No.49081410

Subs are borderline irrelevant.
Kronii got a huge surge of early subs because of her artist and her tits and look at her CCV now.

>> No.49081894

Sounds retarded. You didn’t even properly read my post. Also Nijisanji is retarded too, congratulations.

>> No.49081968

>Fuck off.
>Fauna did nothing wrong and you mother fuckers can go crawl back into a corner and simp for your garbage tier oshis.
>Leave Fauna alone.

>> No.49082075

Watch Kronii's unarchived member stream and then tell me what she did wasn't wrong. Oh wait you haven't, you're just talking out of your ass? You're in luck, I have it right here for you. But you won't watch it because you just want to dunk on incels right?


>> No.49082143

well, it was a no win question and she fucked up. no clue if it was some shizo or intentional. obviously there are chuubas who will say what you want to hear. there are tons of low views desperate for attention.

>> No.49082167

that folder is empty anon

>> No.49082182

I might watch. Of course I've never seen a member stream from her...

>> No.49082277

The folder is empty dude.

>> No.49085391

Obviously? That's why people are angry.
Like when you try to tell an addict to stop using. Their own brain will make them very defensive and angry, unwilling to ever change.

>> No.49085627

Watch kiara. She won't betray you like the rest of these vapid whores

>> No.49085703

>Watch kiara
eww no I'd rather get cucked

>> No.49086284

why is noone else playing hotline miami... such a good game.

>> No.49087180

It's an RNG fest so that makes for entertaining streams.

>> No.49087375

ame is a redneck who narrowly avoided death a hundred times and has no skills or qualifications

Kronii is a depressed asexual agender who would still be living with her family if it wasnt for us

They are talking down to us when we are the ones fixing their lives and they need to realize that

>> No.49087474

She already did. Being a vapid lesbian disgusts me and goes against being a pure idol.
Nothing worse than being fucked by a man than being fucked by a woman. Not even a twink ffs.

>> No.49088292 [DELETED] 

Kronii isnt ace. You see the way her and vesper interact? He's def pounding that they/them pussy.

>> No.49088394

None of them said anything "wrong" it was actually good advice. Just most people watch them to escape and don't want to hear about the real world where they have no friends, girlfriends, or a life.

>> No.49088420

how many years has she lead these cucks on lol, only now she goes mask off

>> No.49088499

she was until she got this job, just another part of her life we fixed for her

>> No.49088793

True expect it’s only Ame and Fauna that have good intentions. Kronii simply thinks most of her fans are gross.

>> No.49088834

Ever met a female coal miner? I haven’t.

>> No.49088877

I'm going to go ahead and guess you have never seen a stream

>> No.49088902

Do you really believe that white women from North America are telling you to fuck off because they want you to be happy?

>> No.49088969

>Being a vapid lesbian disgusts me
Same, and /u/fags are spineless cucks of the highest order, but wait until you unlock the forbidden knowledge that Kiara isn't a lesbian at all.

>> No.49088990

I know you like to pretend that "improve yourself" was talking down to you but when has Kronii said that?

>> No.49089249

"Do you not have female friends" is obviously a very nasty attempt to insult and talk down to people.
In reality I dont have female friends because it always ended up becoming a relationship

>> No.49089292

Tourist here, link to the stream?

>> No.49089384

the latest one on her channel

>> No.49089390

You are obviously a very sad person with a brick on their shoulder

>> No.49089415
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This. If fauna's fans just saw her as a casual neutral entertainer to keep on in the background, would she make remotely as much money as she does? Nope. Would she even have the viewership she does? Nope, she has not really any notable skills or interesting knowledge, she's just a normal average person who can do an uwu voice.

I can speak from experience, I don't get too attached to vtubers, I don't really have gosling moments at all and never have. I've watched them since ~2017. I am quite able to just turn off a stream on a whim like changing a channel or "meh I've wasted enough time, need to get back to work/a game/a show." I guess I'm their ideal target, someone who watches a lot and keeps close tabs on goings-on in the Holo meta, as it's a lot of fun, but I don't get too attached or see the streamers as something more than entertainment. You know what? I've never superchatted a cent. The few times I even bothered to speak up in chat, I felt stupid, like "why am I trying to get this person's attention" and stopped. I am no closer to doing that today than I was then. If everyone was like me, if these girls had what they wished from their audience, they would be penniless and Hololive wouldn't work.

They NEED those people who care more than is rational and like it like that. They can't bat them away, ever. Hell, -I- need you guys to keep doing that to keep Hololive in business for my casual entertainment. I need you to gosling just as much as they do. It's just a lose-lose when streamers take a moment to soapbox their audience over the merits of what is the utter throwaway junkfood mode of entertainment.

>> No.49089887


>> No.49090191

I like the constant attempts at rewriting history you do with Kronii's shit in particular where you ignore how her comment was directed at the deliberate shitstirrers who sent a bunch of SCs to her shipping her with the blue man after that collab and not her audience as a whole.

>> No.49090876


>> No.49090927

Hi BVTM bros! Please tell me, why are you so obsessed with astroturfing this anti unicorns campaign? Does being a flippino makes you a cuck or something? Is it the fact that you know no woman will ever want your malformed third world ass?

>> No.49091014

>BVTM bros

>> No.49091444

>ignoring the part where Kronii outright said on stream weeks before she would collab with them if asked which led to the DBD collab Mori setup

The main reason this place blew up is because for the better part of a year shitposters went back and forth on if she was a man-hater or a troon, so when neither turned out to be true they lashed out because their headcanon version of her didn't match with reality.

>> No.49091501

How did Fauna's comment trigger so many retards? She just stated the obvious.

>> No.49091628

that's the laziest rewrite of history I've seen so far

>> No.49091881

It's several things

>was an answer to a question of "would a sapling be a friend or just simps" and she specifically said they're not friends. what's the alternative then? she indirectly said they're just simps.

>not only that but she goes on a several-minute long lecture womansplaining to the audience as if they don't know how to socialize at all like they're special ed kids in 1st grade

>in summary, she both dismisses saplings harshly and is condescending as all fucking hell despite trying to frame it as "I get it" - no, she doesn't

Kind of a fucking disaster all around. She shouldn't have opened that can of worms, there is literally no way she can be the viewers' social worker and also expect to get money and views from them constantly by being cute and smalltalking with them for hours every day. It's a trap, literally no vtuber style streamer can adequately talk about this without getting some egg on their face in return. should be on "don't adress this" 101 in Holo management boot camp but clearly is not.

>> No.49091949

>They knew some of their fanbase didn't want it and still did it anyway, and basically told the people that didn't like it to fuck off and that their opinion didn't matter.
Yes and that's true for all things, like what games they will play, the time they will stream, what content they make.
There will always be dissidents and you can't please everyone.
They were were quite polite in telling them to "fuck off", no matter how much you would like to claim otherwise because it's you who got told to fuck off.
It's not a shitty thing to do to fans at all. You are just a shitty fan, assuming you were one at all which is doubtful.

>> No.49091982

This is just your schizo mind racing. It's quite simple: she can't be a friend to each of her audience members. Which is obvious.

>> No.49092063


>> No.49092214

Yes it is, which is why nothing is gained by addressing it.
It's like going to Disneyland and before entering telling your kids none of it real and all the characters are just people in costumes paid to be there.
Yes it's true, but you not supposed to think about that.

>> No.49092309

You don't get into a stream thinking the streamer is your friend.

>> No.49092319

Holo EN is a mistake, should have kept it to the japs

>> No.49092384

Then why are you watching?
What makes a stream different than a vod of a lets play? Or a podcast?

>> No.49092386

She lead her fans one way and then did a 180, breaking her kayfabe to be a saviorfag.

>> No.49092422

Yeah the moment they hired Mori Calliope as part of their EN gen 1 it was doomed to fail
A rap hoe and wigger will never fit into hololive

>> No.49092476

She can and did qualify that online friends are different from IRL and that as a collective saplings are her friend, but obviously that's not the same as 1-1 friends or IRL friends. Basically she should have said "symbolically we're good friends as me vs you as a group with all the time we spend together. obviously beacuse of how streaming is, this isn't the same kind of thing as individual friendship, but oh well" etc.

Instead she boiled it down to strictly 1-1 definition. Which is the incorrect approach really, I mean you don't hear pop stars or actors shitting on their fans much, there is implicit understanding of factual distance but at least a casual friendliness towards each other pre-built. If you were a big Ryan Gosling fan and just saw him walking down the street one day you might smile and wave and say "dude I love your movies" and presumably, he might smile and nod and just keep walking along. You're not literally-his-friend, but are friendly with each other, he probably doesn't mind being recognized and liked and you like that he acknowledged you think he's cool. He wouldn't be like "what are you doing, we are not friends don't act like you know me" - that, would be just him being a dick. So in this analogy Fauna is just being a bitch.

>> No.49092480

>She lead her fans one way and then did a 180
>breaking her kayfabe
> to be a saviorfag

>> No.49092485

>What makes a stream different than a vod of a lets play? Or a podcast?
For the interaction with the streamer or just the feeling of the live transmission.

>> No.49092577

Certain people are very desperate to make this nothingburger into a yab because... they hate Fauna? They hate Hololive? They want to deflect from the 1% thing? Who knows.

>> No.49092688

So go interact with any other streamer. They're all strangers to you right? Not your friends.

>> No.49092705

People shouldn't be afraid of unrequited love.

>> No.49092727

>bitching about en
>not watching jp
The solution is right there but you need to put some retarded I need to know what they’re saying rule or some shit and then act worse than women when you hear something dumb.

>> No.49092754

They're neither strangers nor friends. Is this that hard to understand?

>> No.49092924

>feeling of the live transmission
Might as well watch TV shows for that.
>interaction with the streamer
Yes, almost like they are in a relationship with the audience.
The key point to understand is that they are in a relationship with their audience as a whole. You are part of the collective, not standing alone.
The people who try to stand out and become obsessive about being noticed are the problem, and it's a problem that is much more prevalent in the west compared to Japan.

>> No.49092931

>What Fauna, Kronii and Amelia said is all about their love for you as their fans,
nice attempt at shoehorning them in there. Ame only said her speech because she was angry at her fans who didn't want tempus collabs. She was telling you to fuck off and leave her alone. Kronii was slightly more concerned for her fans but the motivation was still the same; leave me alone and let me do what I want (collab with males).

>> No.49092955
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>> No.49093032

Go ask your friends for $500, see how it goes

>> No.49093077

Yea the video is in his head

>> No.49093136

What they don't understand is that real happiness comes from the inside

>> No.49093296

i genuinely think its just the schizos finally having a meltdown because "muh immersion" was ruined (despite the fact that fauna will go on about her streams just like normal after all of this)
either that or nijifags deflecting

>> No.49093484

When I said hello to vinesauce vinny at a con and told him I love his videos he smiled, said thanks and took a photo with me.
If I say hello to Fauna at a con she'll call the police and say a schizo fan tried to murder her

>> No.49093575

My mom ran into the dude who played the Fonz in happy days (she lived in Los Angeles) one time and tried to just say hi, and he kind of snubbed her, glared and just ignored her and that was that. You know what happened? My mom never forgot that, she instantly fucking hated him from then on and dropped watching Happy Days. This was in the fucking 80s. She still doesn't like him and if talking with strangers and it comes up she will still retell that little story.

Celebrities don't understand how fucking crucial it is to NOT be dicks to their fans. The opinion changes like a lightbulb, and won't easily go back. Vtubers are small FFF- list celebs in the modern day, they are beholden to the same kinds of interactions. I look at /vt/ and am not fucking surprised in the slightest how it seems there are antis everywhere for so many girls - once scorned, fans often just flip right over into antis. It's innate human psychology at work or something. They need to be aware of that and never, ever, ever, not once ever, let the mask slip in public.

>> No.49093595

>almost like they are in a relationship with the audience
Which is not "friendship". Friendship is not the only relationship you can have with people.
Idols like Suisei certainly do not perceive their fans as "friends".

>> No.49093611

Judging by the shit your post she would be right

>> No.49094828

you're right, she can decide if I'm her friend but she can't decide if I'm her enemy. Relationship clarified.

>> No.49098802

Yeah but that mental illness is what brings in the whales

>> No.49100558

Go in.

>> No.49101036

These are real people acting with an avatar, delusional unicuck. Go back to watching anime if that hurts your feefees

>> No.49101125

>real girls can't do cute things with other girls
>not even when paid to do so
Are you ok?

>> No.49101793

That's not what /ggg/ always says...

>> No.49102024

I only go to /ggg/ during streams and during streams it's mostly that autistic guy narrating everything she does and the occasional retard floating in from the catalog.

>> No.49105213

Precisely. It was always going to be the viewers' fault unironically for getting too attached to a streamer/treating them as anything more than an entertainer. They HAVE to reel (You) back to reality to prevent (You) from becoming victim to your own schizo, loneliness driven fantasies

>> No.49105771

Okay, so we have your theory, which is that they tell you they don't care about you because they actually do care about you.
Alternatively, they are:
>virtue signalling for clout
>protecting themselves from expectations
>training their viewers to be anti-parasocial so they won't get attached to new streamers who can give them more attention due to a smaller chat

>> No.49105966

>So hear me out: When Holos break the illusion and give you "the talk" they are doing it because they want you to be happy.
I know this is bullshit because no woman, even a vtuber, would ever want me to be happy.

>> No.49106060
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Are you niggas doing ok?

>> No.49106385

wrong thread

>> No.49106481

Why do vtubers pretend they are something more than a dancing monkey?

>> No.49108693

Because being paid 6 figures a year by lonely virgins made them believe they're above them all.

>> No.49108772
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I don't want minecraft streamers lecturing me on life, especially not girls who live life on easy mode

>> No.49108865

Which vtuber out there had the hardest life?

>> No.49108958

Counterpoint: ur gay

>> No.49109563

Apparently miko worked a factory job before hololive

>> No.49109625

It's true though

>> No.49109968

Damn Mikochi could beat up all the fat NEETs in /vt/

>> No.49110296

Well shit, nothing else left to say about it

>> No.49110460

Looking at this board it seems they are right

>> No.49110660

Vtubers are just sports for losers, you think you're winning because they are kek

>> No.49112362

What did Fauna do?

>> No.49114113

made me sad

>> No.49114177

>I mean, if you want me to be real, I'll be real
>we as fauna and saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, theres a lot of reasons
>is I think important for boundaries to be maintained

>> No.49114188

serves you right for being a cuckling

>> No.49114306

It's rich when they say shit like that because female vtubers get paid due to people (men) being parasocial. Nobody watches them because they're funny or skilled at games. Male twitch streamers are for that. They may as well say no one should watch them, because other than parasocial reasons there isn't any genuine reason to invest time or money into them.

>> No.49114389

Sucks that your oshi is shit but mine is the best one on the branch.

>> No.49115916

>should be on "don't adress this" 101 in Holo management boot camp but clearly is not.

This here. I'm in my 30s, I know damn well I'm not friends with any of these bitches and never will be. It's no different than the girls I interacted with back in school, those girls only spoke to me because they had to.

I never expected fauna to ever directly reach out to me but with the asmr/yandere crap (which is a form of GFE) it was nice to pretend for the moment then when the stream ends back to the shit reality.

Now what's the point of listening to these lewd sounding asmrs if the line is explicitly set instead of vaguely?

>> No.49117366

This. Especially the last paragraph.The only reason this industry (streamers in general, not just vtubers) keeps turning is because parasocial retards either think they're friends with the streamer or think they're friends with the rest of chat. Without them, this all stops, because who else is schizo enough to throw large sums of money at a person the've never met? I'm glad I'm not one of them, but I'm also glad they exist.

>> No.49118898


>> No.49119638

Fauna is not my oshi but she's close. She answered that question from the perspective of her rm imo. She knows there will always be goslings, and I think that's scary to any girl, especially introvert weeb girls. Fan/streamer relationships are automatically a lost cause.

>> No.49119828

People watch male streamers because they're parasocial for the stream as a "friend".

>> No.49120171

i'm nooticing it's a little funny how vtubing is at least partly about escapism for her but she couldn't be ambigious enough to keep the escapism intact for her viewers.
fauna please Let Me Stay Here

>> No.49120221

yeah and being in love with someone you barely even know is pretty awful. you just paint a picture of what you would like them to be in your head and youre in love with that.

>> No.49120733

The faggot's SC pinned her against the wall and she went for it. Like the way he said it especially. She answered it in the most genuine way possible.

>> No.49120914

Why didn't she just ignore it or make a joke?

>> No.49121476

If I was happy or had the ability to attain happiness, I wouldn't be watching anime girls play video games on the internet
Why do none of them realize that for some people, escapism is all they have?

>> No.49121546

>women love their fans
You are one delusional retard and I pity you my guy

>> No.49121600

Because she's a woman and they're prone to random acts of stupidity when they feel slighted just like blacks

>> No.49123297

Hahaha, Hololive fans on this site are getting bad karma for constantly attacking other fanbases. It's just a matter of time until all your talents give you the truth pill.

>> No.49123396

It's no coincidence that Fauna has finally fallen mere days after they shit up the board with the Zaion thing. Every time they do this, something bad happens to them, but they never seem to learn.

>> No.49123634

If your escapism involves treating a girl as your personal slave and getting angry when she doesn't behave exactly as you expect her to, the problem is with you, not her.

>> No.49125474

makes sense

>> No.49126014

I think this is probably the most likely explanation.

>> No.49126947

Truth is that half the EN vtubers are not entertaining as a streamer enough to make them worth anything more than a illusion of a gf or a friend. You will hate me for saying the truth about your oshi, but it's true. If you like them as an entertainer you wouldn't care about the illusion, their job would simply be to entertain you. Because you know deep down how boring they are without the cute voice appealing to your loneliness, and that the moment this one single element fades away, you actually don't care about their content at all. And i'm not blaming you or le epic roast of incels, it's mostly commenting on how bad EN vtubing is.

>> No.49127048

>they want you to be happy.
Then keep up the lie.
>simping for streamers on the internet is not a healthy hobby
Then just straight up tell them to stop simping at the start, don't wait and keep saying it until they leave. Don't bother putting up the fantasy or lie. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
>family, having friends, play games, sports, taking care of your pets
If the viewers had these things, they wouldn't be simping for streamers in the first place. Its the same shit as asking poor people to just stop being poor.

>> No.49127066

I have all those things and a gf and i waste my time here and watching chuubas

>> No.49127105


>> No.49127131

>probably dropping into last place
I don't think so. Bae's too shit to lose even with this Fauna stuff going on.

>> No.49127140

I was being generous so that (you) can sleep at night thinking this does not apply to your oshi

>> No.49127240

You already admit and know you are wasting time, so stop wasting time and put a ring on that gf bro and actually live life to the fullest instead of using your seconds on chuubas. Not many guys are luckly like you now. Its why its easy for grifters online to get into guys brains nowadays.

>> No.49127332

Tobacco gives you cancer, and people still do it. I know it's a waste of time objectively speaking, i.e. won't bring anything greater to my life. It's just a part of my day i spend on something useless. Not really that deep but ok

>> No.49127369

based fubuki

>> No.49127449

deadends deserve dirt in their eyes

>> No.49127524

>the industry keeps chugging
I don't see why it has to go on forever. just as streamers graduate, simps could in theory grow a spine and experience character development.

>> No.49127538

>It's just a part of my day
You should realize how lucky you are. The fans getting mad are those who have nothing much in their life and content from their streamers is probably a bigger/more significant portion of their days and their not getting out of that hole safely so they'll never get out.

>> No.49127570

This isn't a new thing anon. This fabled character development of yours has never happened and most likely will never happen. But hey we can all just imagine.

>> No.49127603

Well I am not here to tuba, I really want to be but I dont have talent for it or the wallet to blown on rigs.
I'll just say that kind of self improvement in others is what I live for, not dollar signs.

>> No.49127636

>"the talk"

I hate that it's come to this.

>> No.49127684

I don't know why are you telling me this when i just made a joke remark about how some people don't fit those characteristics but while we are at it, i'll respond to you if you insist.
It's exactly because they are in this situation that they need to hear from their oshis abour how much they need to get out of their comfort zone. When i was 18 all i did was stay on /a/, /vg/ and /jp/ all night and it took me other people to take me out of the hole i was. You can't get out by yourself, which is why you precisely need to hear it from others. People on the board will seethe over this but the person itself will always say that they don't want to get out of the hole and that it's actually fine or that they already gave up. That's just the expected.

>> No.49127789

>which will ruin their lives
It has done anything but
>something so fickle
It is anything but

Go back to r*ddit, r*dditor.

>> No.49127858

I’ll be real too. Half of me despises them for breaking kayfabe like this because I really don’t care, I just want to watch girls acting like anime characters and then go back to real life shit. Yes, I have a job, and yes, I have friends. They do tend towards the weebish side, but whatever.
The other half of me despises the EN audience much more for behaving to the point where these kinds of talks have to happen in the first place.
EN vtubing has so much trouble being like JP because so many of the people who watch EN vtubers are the same schizos who make fleshtubing so toxic. Whatever happened to not giving a shit about the rm? Why are the same people who proudly refuse to watch kson because it’s just not the same as coco so concerned that Fauna has a boyfriend or whatever the hell it is people pretend to care about on this board?

>> No.49127927

i dont watch the streams. i watch clips that are funny with context and go on with my day after.

im not gonna spend time watching them do boring stuff for hours, and im not gonna be typing into a chatbox where people are spamming emoji nonstop. naturally, i will be spending absolutely no money either.

>> No.49127955

no idea. I'm one of those same turncoats on kson. I would watch her new stuff but the lack of horns is a deal breaker for me.

>> No.49128049

>my view and taste of entertainment is the one everyone should have and my opinion reigns supreme
You appear to have a huge ego issue if you think that everyone feels and achieve entertainment the same way you do

>> No.49128090
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Better than you, that's for sure

>> No.49128393

How fucking delusional do you have to be to believe this? I really hope you're just shitposting.

>> No.49128524

b-but i bought all her merch! sh-she loves me!

>> No.49128728

Anon. People aren't going to get out of the hole just because of a streamers' words. They need real people, their family or friends or hell even a teacher that actually cares about their students but they don't have that anon. YOU ARE LUCKY you had those other people. You do not realize how lucky you are. This shit has been getting worse and is only going to get worse.

>> No.49128760


>> No.49129268
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Off with you, NijiZhangji/NijiSEAnji

>> No.49130916

...and some wonder why people just go straight into coomer content.

>> No.49132232

then wheres the balance then? these people who are at their wits end have nothing else, are they to be left in that state until they die? How do you provide escapism without making them solely reliant on it? I love my oshi but damn im not going to base off everything i do in my life to her. im a kissless handholdingless virgin that hasn't felt the touch of a woman for 25 years, i am friends with loneliness, im not going to pass this responsibility to my oshi.

>> No.49132457

because we arent "friends", why do you think they give use fanbase names? its similar to giving a petname, were in a less than friends situation, like an acquaintance that knows you really well, and occasionally wants to fuck you. its just overall hard to balance a community like that.

>> No.49132643

this is honestly one of those phenomenons that is hard to really understand unless you experienced streaming like fauna yourself. unless you're REALLY gunning to groom your fans, you dont really think or care about your fans most of the day after you stop streaming. its like switching off work mode, you dont give a shit what happens at the office when you clock out, you chat with your coworkers during work hours, but after that you wont care about them the rest of the day.

>> No.49134774


>> No.49136738

Based. So fucking based. It makes me worried when I see so many people desperately trying to pin their happiness on some egirl. I like vtubers too but it's not healthy to assume they're anything more than entertainment. You will ultimately feel betrayed if you invest tok much into them.

>> No.49137672

Best post of this thread

>> No.49137790

No, he is right. There were a lot of people having this notion/ here/ that Kronii was lesbian, and even a man-hating one that became non-binary,one given what she said about how things were with her family, especially her father and shit...
Now, while I do believe Kronii was a man-hater and even got into a phase in which she wanted to be a troon, I believe that was just a phase in her life, that she grew out of it. Didn't she said at some point that at the end something-something that hatred and abuse can come from anyone?
My point is that this board is so used to gossips and hivemind behavior, is easy to trick people into believing something with some small pieces of evidence, they easily jump themselves into it. Now, if we were talking about a purely fictional character, whose actions are decided by the producers of the show or writer of the book, it would not be a big deal, but Kronii is a vtuber, a abomination between fiction and reality, because she can react to the outside world, to us. Is easy for her to see something of her character that has not been revealed yet, and when it happens, after almost two years of building our fandom perception of it, our beloved image crashes down, and we are left angry and dissapointed, and we lash out at her, when in reality, those building and pushing for such image are the ones responsable for that, as well the ones who believe it.

>> No.49138974

>they are doing it because they want you to be happy.
In fauna's case it's because they have a conscience and know they're not influencing their viewers' lives positively. It's not always like this.

>> No.49139128

As a Day 1 Kronie you are full of shit and this lazy rewrite of history is also full of shit. Fuck off. The only niggers spamming non binary crap were Discordfuckers. People were hurt because she appeared to care about the concerns of her fanbase with a pretty intimate unarchived members stream and then went "Actually nah, fuck all of you".

>> No.49141172

>they want you to be happy
But I'm happy with living in a fantasy world though
