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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4900107 No.4900107 [Reply] [Original]

Let this incident be a reminder to you all, one day, it's going to be your oshii's graduation day. Even the super known ones are not safe, clock is ticking /vt/, spend your time with your oshii and enjoy every second of it, you never know when the time comes.
Memento mori.

>> No.4900149

Joke's on you, my oshi has been at this for over a decade and will never quit

>> No.4900173

Jokes on me i do not watch vtubers im just here to collect lastest drama and then convey it to /qa/ for maximum reddit points.

>> No.4900185

I can't wait for Pekora to kill herself

>> No.4900223

It doesn't bother me about the talents on an individual level, it's more about the level of control this shows the chinks have over literally everything. Nothing can be left untainted. Everything is a manichaean struggle for power, even dumb cartoon streaming.

>> No.4900282

My oshi will definitely resurface, she promised! I-it's just been 6 months!

>> No.4900291

that's why i bought all of her voice packs
so that in the future it might be possible to resurrect her using AI

>> No.4900414
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Unironically the reality pill. While this is indeed sad times, it's also a good reminder that as everything, they're not here forever. There's also the fact that many holos have already passed the 3 year mark (as short as time felt, fuck), and so far chuubas graduate either at the 3-4 year mark or stay for a really long time.
>Even the super known ones are not safe, clock is ticking /vt/, spend your time with your oshii and enjoy every second of it
This a hundred times, as Korone said, you gotta be sad on sad times, but don't waste yours shitposting on an anonymous board about whose fault this was and enjoy Coco's last month with us.

>> No.4900747

Jokes on you, my oshi is deathly ill and about to die any moment anyway

>> No.4901035

Jokes on you I have terminal cancer. Doctor gave me 3 mos tops, Im not going to witness my oshi graduate hah

>> No.4901048


Good, now die.

>> No.4901049

nah, Nyanners will last forever

>> No.4901085

Joke's on you my fat ass might die first.

>> No.4903607

I dropped vtubers. Now I'm just hanging around for a bit to show other anons the light. That this is a sick manipulative practice that takes advantage of people's natural instincts for profit and that the anons would be much happier putting their time and effort into actual relationships that can reciprocate rather than remaining here coping with their loneliness pathetically the rest of their lives. I am now a saviorfag for anons. Don't fall for this trap boys.

>> No.4904134
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>> No.4907734
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already come to terms with it, I am just hoping she continues streaming in another form just like Coco will.

>> No.4907999

I don't have to worry about graduation only death

>> No.4908042


You should superchat your oshi about it.

>> No.4908044
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I hope this serve as a final blackpill to all normies.

Any form of China's involvement will ultimately taint and ruin the product in the end. You may think that SJWs censoring from the West is bad, but China takes it one step forward, and they won't stop, they will never stop. Why would they stop when they hold this much power? You will have all your video games censored and characters literally DELETED (see Azur Lane). You will not mention any historical events that paints China badly, even an accident will cause you to be cancelled. Out of nowhere, you will also be forced to provide your National Identification Number when playing games on China's server despite not being a citizen of China or have your access revoked despite your thousand of hours invested.

>inb4 don't care about Coco quitting, don't watch her anyway
You may think it doesn't matter to you but the fact that this is happening confirms the capability of China. This is just the beginning. This is a limit test to see how far they can push while still being able to damage control. Very soon it'll be your favorite Vtuber's turn, all JP, EN, ID branches will soon be dissolved over the years and Hololive will turn into a bugmen company with CN only.

There's nothing you can do except cope, seethe and dilate behind a keyboard. This is how terrorists in the Middle East are spawned, with the Jews stealing what's left from them. And this will be how zoomer terrorists will be born worldwide. Never forget July 18th, 2019.

>> No.4908145
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I know nothing lasts forever but I can't tell if I should just stop watching my oshi and vtubers in general, or support them all even harder. I don't even live a maladjusted life, I have a family and friends, and yet I still felt sad about this plus the way Cover has treated certain talents. I got too invested. I'm not even a Hololive exclusive viewer either. I think I'm just retarded, I teared up reading and seeing everyone's sadness.

>> No.4908178

tell me your oshi and I will make sure you can see her graduate

>> No.4908480

Spend time with your family and friends.

>> No.4908533

Keep fighting the good fight anon

>> No.4908599

i dont like this image

>> No.4908629


>> No.4909903

>be nyannerfag
>get terminal cancer
sorry anon

>> No.4910096

what if I stop caring before my oshi stops THOUGH

>> No.4910150
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mori get off /vt/

>> No.4910557
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Graduation isn't my problem. And fuck if I don't hate that fucking term.
Nothing goes on forever. This isn't my first rodeo. Most of the shit I like is old, busted, and would never see a revival unless I personally invested into it. It's nothing new to me. Even if it was stupid JAPANESE BUSINESS ACUMEN drama behind it, it's the nature of the beast, and I've had enough trying to twist my head trying to figure out how that bullshit works. I was there when those stupid fucks managed to kill the golden goose known as Kemono Friends.
It was literally printing money, they were selling out of EVERYTHING they put their silly Japari symbol on, even buckets. And they managed to kill it.

It's the idea that Coco is being chased off because of totalitarian CCP goons, and Cover/Hololive didn't really do much to protect the talent that's pissing me off. Are we really just going to let all forms of entertainment be China-sensitive, and if they don't get their way, they'll kick and scream and every business will bend over backwards for $$$?
Now that they've gotten their taste, they aren't gonna stop. Who's next? Aqua? They'll break her within a few weeks. Maybe Kanata for being good friends with Coco.

The morons got their way, and no protections have been put into place.. Shit, I wouldn't be surprised to see them all converge on her very last stream, because why the fuck not? Nobody is gonna be there to protect it.

If this was anything else, I honestly wouldn't care,

>> No.4910672
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This isn't my first rodeo. I was there when those morons managed to sink Kemono Friends, a literal 3rd string gacha game that ended up printing money. But JAPANESE BUSINESS POLITICS showed up and managed to kill the Golden Goose.
I've had my taste, and even if that was it, I wouldn't be upset, I'd just shrug and move on.

I'm upset because Coco is being forced out by totalitarians CCP goons, and Cover/Hololive did nothing to protect the talent. And we're all sitting down pretending like everything is fine and dandy, and everything is totally on good terms!
I wouldn't be surprised if they all aren't already planning to show up on her last stream to fuck it up, because why not? Nobody is gonna be there to protect it.

How many fucking businesses are going to bend over backwards for these fucking morons? It's never enough for these people, and now that they've had their taste of victory, it's just a question of who's next.

If this was anything else, I honestly wouldn't waste my time getting upset.
