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4898694 No.4898694 [Reply] [Original]

With Coco's graduation, is Hololive going to decline from here or are they still going to incline?

>> No.4898721

Incline for a few months, then decline if they reopened holoCN again

>> No.4898741

Depends how soon they announce debut for EN gen 2 I think.

>> No.4898767

Depends on what new talent they bring in and how much current members will reach out to one another without Coco.

>> No.4898805

they were inclining before coco, and they'll keep going without her. she is significant for Holo's early growth, but not anymore

>> No.4898822

They are gonna debut next year

>> No.4898850

>is Hololive going to decline
are you insane? people will forget about it in a week.

>> No.4898904

no you eops only give a shit about coco and haato due to their eop pandering, but holo jp doesnt have any leader or mastermind aside from sora. also im sure coco will be hired as a covers employee. nobody in holo jp will openly talk about it at least for a year though

>> No.4898967

Yea, coverbots sure will forget about it quite fast. But you don't take into consideration how it is going to affect other holos. You can easily see that some of them took this decision not so well, it may cause them to start thinking if they still want to be part of it and if so for how long they want to continue

>> No.4898981

Who are those 3 behind Subaru? The brown haired one is from nijisanji right?
As for Coco, what are we going to do without the reddit show? hololive is ruined!!

>> No.4899003

Incline I'd say

>> No.4899017

If you want to pretend you're not eop make a more believable rrat. Coco will not stay with hololive. Sora isn't the leader of hololive either.

>> No.4899030

Subaru has had a massive incline lately, Shion and Ayame do huge numbers even tho they never stream. Also pictured is Matsuri. Who cares about Coco. She has been irrelevant for a while. The only thing I worry is it has emboldened the Chinese.

>> No.4899034

>Obvious Matsuri bait

>> No.4899038

Coco gave hololive the momentum it needed to really take off with Asacoco. There were many viewers that started watching from there, and Asacoco itself was pretty much a huge advertisement for all of the members. With that foundation, hololive will probably keep inclining. It's just sad that a year from now, half of the audience won't know who brought hololive from an up and coming company to the top vtubing company around.

>> No.4899092

its not a rrat. just a speculation based on cocos stream. she actually asked holo management that lately. the other stories on this board like shes gonna join vshojo are rrats for sure.

sora isnt a leader, but shes often treated as a centerpiece of hololive like she appears first in the holo alternative pv


>> No.4899146

EN2 debuting soon will repair the damage providing it is only Coco leaving. An ES branch may also do some good. But an attempt at doing a CN branch, especially if done too soon after Coco’s departure, would see a sharp decline regardless of what they do.

At some point, graduations will happen anyway. As even Coco says, she’s the first long time holo member leaving so it’s a shock. The problems only start with a mass exodus or if alumni aren’t related with respect. Like if there was a gacha game, I would still expect to see alumni who part on “mutual terms” for special events.

>> No.4899161

They'll throw out EN2 ASAP as damage control after Coco's graduation.

>> No.4899210

Depends on how the other Holos take it.
The knowledge that they might suddenly get harassed into graduation just to please Zhangs and that it already happened to one of the most beloved Holos might make them less enthusiastic about their activities, if not outright quit.
Less activity and excitement = less growth = possible decline
More graduations = Hololive falls apart at the seams

>> No.4899308

they're gonna keep inclining, especially EN, but it's never going to feel the same

>> No.4899407

Is that you Antichama?

>> No.4899449

Decline in EN but business as usual for JP

And that's a good thing.

>> No.4899470
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They're going to double down on idol activities with Corona soon being over and they're going to incline to the moon
With Coco gone that's one less terrible singer

>> No.4899494

Financially? Absolutely not. People will still be loyal to Hololive no matter what.
Entertainment wise? It's already been on a decline. Could argue it has been since the copyright apocalypse

>> No.4899582

I hate the Meme review but it kept her very relevant and got a shit load of viewers every time she did it

>> No.4899643

They will only incline. Every single Yab incident has always resulted in more publicity and more viewers. Hololive will decline if all the Yab would suddenly go away.

>> No.4899697

Anon Corona is not over. Don't believe the fakenews. The new mutant strains have already reduced the effective of the current vaccines by 75%. A few more mutations and we are on the brink of a escape mutant.

t. VaccineResearch

>> No.4899782

soooo... what are we gonna do? lock everyone inside until we find a wondercure for all rna based viruses? Countries will have to open up eventually

>> No.4899815

I'm not recommending anything governments should or should not do. Just letting you know that it's too early to say it is over. So take care.

>> No.4899836

THIS! people underestimated Holo's idol brand but it's still their core brand. with corona over, holoJP'll soon focus more on the irl events side, concerts, and other stuff.
plus vtuber as a whole is in huge inclining, meaning there'll be more irl events being held featuring vtuber and hololive currently place one in term of branding.

>> No.4899900

Assuming EN 2 is debuting before August and there aren't any other graduations I'd say that their debuts might be a good bellwether for how things will go. If EN 2 is able to draw in large crowds and they wow people like EN 1 did, I think the incline will continue. The hype and celebration will help to get people invested again and drown out the current negative mood. EN 2 bombing or there being another graduation will cause even more negativity and rumors and very likely result in a decline.

>> No.4900039

I'm no fool, I roughly know why their won't be anything like a cure or long term vaccine anytime soon. This disease won't be overcome for the foreseeable future. Like the flu, we will have to live with it and just vaccinate our most vulnerable populations.
I just want my life back
You take care, too.

I came for the clips and stayed for the idols.
They''re strong and cool and cute.
I wish Cover would be more competent with the concert tech. Fubuki awkwardly holding a guitar for 30 minutes made me cringe.

>> No.4900063


>> No.4900112

Nobody cares about the redditdragon.

>> No.4900129

is that why there's 40+ threads about her?

>> No.4900176

Those are redditors, and so are you.
Go back.

>> No.4900227


You're a redditor, you coomer

>> No.4900290

In the denial stage of grief, I see.

>> No.4900774

They’re gonna be better than ever without her jeopardizing their China fanbase

>> No.4900815

If your life involves the outside world why the fuck are you on 4chan?

>> No.4900819

Nips dont give a shit about her so business as usual in JP.

>> No.4900879

Nobody cares about (((corona))) anymore

>> No.4900899

4chan has multiple boards encouraging you to go outside anon...

>> No.4901692

This is the only place I can bond and be freely without repercussions. The mindset of some anons is way closer to my own than my actual friends.
Also chuubas are cute and I like to talk about them here. Discussing them anywhere else doesn't interest me.

>> No.4901763

>An ES branch may also do some good.
That would doom HL.

>> No.4902177

No one will forget about it in a week because she won't be gone tomorrow. She will still be 3 weeks online and for her and her circle it will be a constant topic, the superchats won't shut up about it.

>> No.4902235
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incline forever of course
the great chuuba forward!

>> No.4902270

depends to what Gen 6 has to offer. I fucking doubt anyone can surpass her though

>> No.4904230

The golden era is over.

>> No.4904487

They were going to decline either way. The pandemic is ending and people are going to be spending less time on youtube. Incidents like this will only speed up the process.

>> No.4905655

What's the rrat on that one, the more non-chink markets they open in, the more resistance there will be to ever looking back at china again.

>> No.4905840

Vtubers cannot be communist.

>> No.4905902


>> No.4905913

personal property =/ private property

>> No.4907311

They cannot be communist because their whore existence depends on exploiting the workers.

>> No.4907352

It's not exploitation it's love

>> No.4907399

the basis of love is exploitation of another

>> No.4907533

>what are we going to do without the reddit show?
Kanata has considered doing reddit meme reviews after Coco is gone. It was in their Minecraft stream

>> No.4907571

but that's EN, which is basically in it's own category. JP lost a big name heavy hitter, it's going to be awhile before anyone can fill Coco's role

>> No.4908835

anyone who was on the fence about continuing streaming likely would've been unwilling to break the seal on graduations. no one wants to be the first to break rank and make waves in the community. I do think we'll see another grad within two months, probably an amicable one

>> No.4909859

EN2 will add 500k subs to all Holos.

>> No.4910038
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How will hololive ever survive without reddit reviews and ARK
It's over cocobros, we better follow her footsteps and leave this place as well and never turn back

>> No.4910140

They will sink or swim with EN2. They've also got HoloKR and HoloES in the wings, I bet.

>> No.4910406

Yep, can't stay at home and jerk off and watch chuubas all day anymore. Was fun while it lasted.

>> No.4910431

I hope it declines at this point.

>> No.4910508

That's a failure waiting to happen. Just look at Nijisanji's KR branch. The only people with even the smallest amount of relevance are JSL

>> No.4910570

here is my personal rrat : they will incline even harder by pandering to globalfag. more milquetoast content, less swearing, less sex and tighter leash to decrease yabs at the cost of creativity. thats why coco quit.

>> No.4910591

imagine believing this

>> No.4910608

I've already unsubscribed from a lot of them that I didn't watch all that much.

>> No.4910746

Is this even a rrat at this point? Coco more or less said as much in her members-only stream earlier today.

>> No.4910768

As a whole I think they will continue to grow. Uniromically clipfags are gonna be the most effective international outreach Hololive has now Coco is gone. Pekora is still the queen of JP, but Coco was big with both JP and Overseas. I imagine JP’s growth might slow a little, but Vsinger/EN gen 2 have been in the works for a while which should inject some interest into Hololive’s future endeavors.

>> No.4912465

Hololive was only interesting for the comedy. If they continue watering it down to be less racy then I might as well just watch Hana macchia. Gremlin asmr is better than generic anime girl playing generic anime game in a wholesome, completely uninteresting way that abides by strict public morals and the most restrictive global standards.

Globalization was a mistake.

>> No.4915606

your opinion doesnt matter. most love them for whatever they are and the way foward is by entering mainstream and become irl celebs. next each of them would appear in tv shows, concerts, ads, magazine, etc. The senpaitachi will stream less and do more irl events, while the new gen will entertain the future newfags and the circle would be complete.
They just need to play their card right, follow Kizuna Ai's footstep as an example, and everything would be fine.

>> No.4915646

I don’t get why cover is so retarded, just let her do it and see what happen, let her be the Guinea pig, if she fuck up in that project then it will only affect her, it is not like the entire fanbase is going after all the girls because of one member fucked up. Making her leave become of this has a more negative impact on their growth then letting her tries her project and failing from it. I really don’t get how dumb can one company be, just split the girl into two group, one for entertaining and another for idol project like how gamer was a group.

>> No.4915687

So long as they stay out of CN (I belive they will, zero fucking reason to accept the risk) they will thrive. As will Coco on her own. It will work out for everyone.

>> No.4915884

Coco was in a special, pretty crappy, position. Getting away with a lot early on but now her ideas got turned down (as do other talents) but she got a special status due to the other drama. Where a screw up could mean an influx of hate and trolling. It was already spreading to anyone Coco collabed with and it made her feel bad. The problem with Zhangs is mostly gone but Coco is still unable to do everything she wants. She's tired and deserves a break and then to explore freely what she wants. Cover couldn't do that so they agreed to split and also give Coco a month to collab with anyone.

>> No.4915939

Not that anon, but the ES audience is absolute cancer.

>> No.4916061

Well, the company wanted to go in one direction while Coco wanted to go another it looks like. Nothing we can do about it.

>> No.4916517
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I miss her so much.
