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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48984165 No.48984165 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't he reviewed any of Mori's music? Even if only as a joke?

>> No.48984359
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because of this guy.

>> No.48984419

Isnt' that a guy that even /mu/ considers to be an completely and utter joke?

>> No.48984421

Mori's music sucks and he wouldn't want her autistic retard fans to annoy and pester him for stating his opinion. But that's assuming he even listened to Mori's music. He probably hasn't even heard of Mori and if he did he probably wouldn't give a shit about her music.
Mori is not as relevant as her fans think she is.

>> No.48984423

he hates weeb and koreaboo shit but doesn't want to piss people off

>> No.48984469

He's probably heard of her. He's quite keen on internet shit. Mori is pretty well known to be disliked among Twitter normies.

>> No.48984489

/mu/ thinks every music critic is a joke, but they doxed him so much they found out he used to post anonymously on /mu/.

>> No.48984512

I hate deadbeats and Mori, but I hate this fag more. I wouldn't wish him on anyone.

Well, maybe the Kronies.

>> No.48984705

His whole music reviews are a joke, though.

>> No.48984711

what? how do they know?

>> No.48984749

Melon's always had a bit of a blindspot when it comes to Japanese music and yes I know Mori isn't Japanese but she raps in it sometimes.
Also he doesn't have time for that when there's so much better music out there than the stuff Mori puts out.

>> No.48984791

I'm surprised he hasn't reviewed an album of hers as a joke.

>> No.48984844

Op, why would you care? This guy is one of those ones who shat on his original fanbase to appeal to fart-sniffing wokesters.

>> No.48984895

This makes me remeber that one bloke from /tv/ who was so sure that RLM would shit on Picard S3. After they didn't , the idiot got so mad it had a meltdown on /trek/

>> No.48984906

He's one of those reformed channers who now totally gets why it's important that we don't say the no-no things. He "matured".

>> No.48984915

I just think it would be amusing. Either he shits on an album and it’s funny, or he reviews it and likes it and the drama as a result is funny

>> No.48984980

So you're a dramafag? thank you for admitting your autism.

>> No.48985034
File: 77 KB, 944x652, Ek5vTqNXUAAKfkf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why hasn't he reviewed any of Mori's music?
Why? it's not like his rap opinions are any good
He's gives middling reviews to anything that isn't obscure or overtly experimental (unless it's already getting extreme praise from masses)
And when he doesn't like something he just makes really tepid pisstakes that any random off the internet could make, but his fanbase of retards who can't think for themselves (which ironically describes a lot of the group think retards on /vt/ who claim to "hate" Mori's music but can't name 5 songs without googling) will jerk him off like he's a modern day Roger Ebert
Quite frankly, he's hasn't worthwhile opinion since giving "To Pimp A Butterfly" a lower score then some shitty Lil Pump album

>> No.48985067

Literally not worth his time. Joke won't land with his audience and doing so is effectively punching down for him. If you're looking for someone to dunk on Mori that joker Brad Taste in Music has multiple videos doing just that.

>> No.48985074

kek, you'd think a board for music wouldn't have schizos at such level

>> No.48985106

> Brad Taste in Music
You mean the same guy who Deleted his IRyS video because it didn't generate the views he wanted?

>> No.48985147

>You mean the same guy who Deleted his IRyS video because it didn't generate the views he wanted?
News to me but I'm not surprised if true, dude clout chases super hard.

>> No.48985196

Oh, so he pulled a "Sseth" or a "warlockracy"

>> No.48985248

He gave tpab a 10

>> No.48985278

It wasn't even that. Dude didn't even notice he developed a fanbase of purely Mori antis and got scared when people got pissed at him for going after IRyS' music the same way.

>> No.48985281

He gave that a 10 as >>48985248 said. I think you’re confusing it with DAMN.

>> No.48985288

This is why this bullshit OP wants is bound to backfire on him.

You do not become a parrot to someone else for opinions.

>> No.48985292

>he pulled a "Sseth"
Did I miss something? I remember that guy making jew jokes every other video.

>> No.48985334

This is actually where the notion of IRyStocrats being Mori antis began. They literally bullied Brad to delete the IRyS video.

It just made Brad look even more like a Clout chaser.

>> No.48985347
File: 61 KB, 600x650, FrjdOGfaAAAM5vc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that's Lisa's oshi you're talking about He has gotten asked about it in his Friday streams sometimes and says he has no idea who "Mori Calliopay" is

>> No.48985448

nice lore.

>> No.48985542

I hope the few thousand views it got him was worth it kek.

>> No.48985570

He started backtracking some of the "problematic" shit he said once his mental health issues were brought to light
He also started throwing his discord clique under the bus by separating himself from their "content", not sure if he is still doing it

>> No.48985586

Are you seriously joking or not? It was never a secret that he was on /mu/, he literally openly played to them back when he was up-and-coming and the board spammed him 24/7, it was only after he got big that he disowned them all. His shot in one of his early videos where he literally held up a sign saying /mu/ was one of his most posted memes.

>> No.48985592

Damn, was he as harsh with Irys as he was with Mori then?

>> No.48985633

Yes, he thought he got anti-vtuber fans but didn't realize that they were just purely anti-mori, so he got exposed as a clout-chaser because Mori and IRyS have different music, and him going for the same Angry reactions was so funny.

>> No.48985636

Yeah, you think he was rating anything on any actual merit? He thought he just had a fanbase of people who blindly hated on vtubers, but it was specifically Mori antis.

>> No.48985742

Damn. When did this happen?

>> No.48985832

He's afraid Death Grips fans will kill him because he knows Mori's music is a genuine 11/10 but they don't want to hear it

>> No.48985837

Honestly willingly cultivating a fanbase of vtuber antis is more pathetic than the clout chasing itself, like anyone is going to take him seriously if he does so. I'm glad it blew up in his face then, fuck em.
>Yeah, you think he was rating anything on any actual merit?
No, that was painfully obvious with his Mori video. 0 actual engagement or critique and that is why he will never be the next Fantano as his actual videos are not much better

>> No.48985861

I have no idea, I was just there to troll with J Pop threads, but he even acknowledged i as true.

>> No.48985908

my T key didn't go all the way down

>> No.48985973
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>> No.48986056

I giveh dis Korone a 10/10 bery cute

>> No.48986178

>This is actually where the notion of IRyStocrats being Mori antis began
I think it's probably more he made a video trashing Mori's music at a time where twitter faggots were mad at her and it got traction from that, and he tried to chase that same high by trashing Irys's music without realizing not that many people outside the vtuber bubble even know who she is and thusly both got less traction and the small amount it did get was just from holofans shitting on him

>> No.48986730

He's probably heard it, he's online enough and on Twitter enough to have checked it out at least once. He'll probably never make a proper album review though. Knowing his taste in rap, no way he doesn't think it's anything higher than a three. He is also likely aware of the hate it gets and sees it as punching down. Maybe when he doesn't have any ideas for content he'll make a video taking the piss out of it, but I doubt we'll ever see a real review.

>> No.48986830


Please tell me someone saved a mirror of that video somewhere. I missed it specifically because I knew the dude was too cringe and terrible to follow

>> No.48986867

If he gave Lil Pump a 7 you never know what his contrarian ass might rate it

>> No.48986906

what would you watch a music review channel for
to this day I don't get it

>> No.48986943


>> No.48987135

I read this in Cal Chuchesta’s voice

>> No.48987277
File: 68 KB, 1076x719, 541172EC-D38D-4A27-83BB-E295B3BA6EE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for mori’s MBDTF era to begin (it never actually begins)

>> No.48987362

If you watch theneedledrop you shouldn’t be allowed to listen to music

>> No.48987445


>> No.48987498
File: 269 KB, 546x700, Mikeaggn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48987621

Why do people watch movie review channels? Or video game reviews? Or tech reviews? Or car reviews? Or flight reviews?

>> No.48988249

Why would you need the opinion of others when you can listen to it yourself for free. there's absolutely no risk of paying for something that is not to your standards.

>> No.48988265

experiencing most of those things yourself to form an opinion is gated by money or time
you can find any music on youtube or whatever and listening to it will take just as long as listening to some guy's thoughts on it
