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48915294 No.48915294 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when mito got harass and doxxing while her management let the doxxer free, remember when lulu got harass, doxx and death threat and she quit, remember when axia krone got harass and stalk and he quit, remember when zaion got terminated and niji put a hitlist on her and subsequently got doxx, harass and death threat.
Is it funny that everything associate with niji always leading to doxx and harassment including aloe, that a weird correlation.

>> No.48915340

>everything associate with niji always leading to doxx and harassment including aloe

What is Aloe's relation to Niji?

>> No.48915425


>> No.48915449

Why would you invalidate your entire post due to your shit English?

>> No.48915539
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>> No.48915753

One retarded nijifag made a video where he jerked off at Aloe's graduation and holofags have been using it to shift the blame and pretend they weren't the ones who forced Aloe to fuck off

>> No.48915828

Remember nijisisters literally use a doxsite as a forum.

>> No.48916010

>pretending nijifags didn't dox, stalk, harass and send death threats to Aloe, not to mention calling her house, over an extended period of time because of something she said about chitose once years before getting into hololive
>her step dad literally threatened her into graduation
>nijifags shift blame onto holofags
Classic nijifag deflection and gaslighting tactics.

>> No.48916096

Cool, I'm guessing you have proof of nijifags being the ones to harass Aloe? Surely you're not repeating something you heard other anons say, right?

>> No.48916108

don't forget that nijienfags literally did the exact same shit to zaion too
all nijifags are the same

>> No.48916135

It would be easy to dispove if it happens only once Nijinigger

>> No.48916143

Do you have proof that it was holofags? Nijifags, particularly NijiJPfags, have a history of doing this kind of shit. Even to their own livers. You're not going to gaslight anyone, nijifag.

>> No.48916170

Got it, no proof. You may continue to jerk off in /#/ while ranting about the evil nijifags

>> No.48916188

You got no proof either then. Got it.

>> No.48916196

Who tf said it was holo or nijifags?
A hololive anti is not a nijifag and a niji anti is not a holofag.
They are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.48916215

>evil nijifags
you are making this awfully easy for us ngl

>> No.48916231

Cope harder Nijinigger, it happening live on twitter as your sisters and troon force harrasing and doxxing Zaion rm right now

>> No.48916262

Learn how to read retard >48915753
>holofags have been using it to shift the blame and pretend they weren't the ones who forced Aloe to fuck off

>> No.48916282

You're the one who started accusing others, the burden of proof is on you, not me
When you behave like NPCs who repeat the same thing over and over, it is easy to mock you
That's a different thing

>> No.48916315

>different thing
Literally the same doggy shit you pulled every single time

>> No.48916346

>You're the one who started accusing others
I actually wasn't. It's amazing how you can be on here while being illiterate.

>> No.48916357
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maku basubarr jork
ah yabai

>> No.48916358
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nijiniggers are a textbook definition of subhuman.

>> No.48916389

No it isn't. And you're not one to talk given the harassment you've given to Mori
>posts in the thread that says nijifags harassed aloe
You're not one to talk about being illiterate

>> No.48916420
File: 478 KB, 1280x284, fuckindegens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's what you get if you have a zhang fanbase
(chinese characters are cut from this pic apparently)

>> No.48916432

>You're the one who started accusing others, the burden of proof is on you, not me
>holofags have been using it to shift the blame and pretend they weren't the ones who forced Aloe to fuck off
learn how to read retard
also you still have no proof
"burden of proof" is just a cop out because you have no proof of your own claims
just take the L

>> No.48916442

>trying to change topic
I can read Nijinigger like a textbook now

>> No.48916451
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(roa did not sue meiro and her lawsuit against that japanese keemstar was withdrawn that fucking bitch is a liar)

>> No.48916459

Read >>48916389 and stop pretending to be retarded
Just like you changed the topic to Zaion? Cute

>> No.48916492

so you have no proof of your claims
got it
you could have just said that from the beginning
good that's settled

>> No.48916495

Read the OP, it is about how everything related to Niji always ended up in doxx and death thread, which include Zaion

>> No.48916527

The more you try to damage control the more attention is brought to the matter Nijiinternkun, take the L and shut up for your own good

>> No.48916530

>nijifags dox and harass zaion
>b-but they t-totally didn't harass a-aloe because...they just didn't, ok! d-despite having a history of doing this kind of shit!
i accept your concession

>> No.48916547

I'm genuinely uncomfortable with the fanbase NijiEN has cultivated and I'm sure that's the case for many others, too. There are just too many things that make it an active repellant for people who could be potential fans.

>> No.48916548

How many times is this going to repeat until these morons get the picture? They drove people like Luna and Lulu away, Ibrahim took a massive shit on management a few times, if that isn't and indication of how shit they are idk what is.

>> No.48916581

Read the OP fag

>> No.48916609

>tells others to stop being retarded
>calls others illiterate
>can't even read the OP
You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.48916611

A Nijigypsy found in the wild.

>> No.48916618

Your shitposting aside, she continued to actively shit the bed after being terminated, so I'm absolutely inclined to believe Meiro was the more menhera of the two.

>> No.48916645

The more they try to damage control the more bumped up this threat become it is hilarious

>> No.48916664

she is a menhera but roa is the one who bullied her retard

>> No.48916675

lmao did you get the recap from a youtube comment tourist?

>> No.48916680

While I'm no fan of Nijisanji fans, I think it's just too easy to use them as a scapegoat. I just personally dislike massive generalisations, although, given where I am, it's to be expected.

>> No.48916751

I'd agree if they didn't use dox sites as forums.

>> No.48916779

Nice story, except it was management who absolutely failed to allow them to properly communicate with one another, and caused a mountain to be made out of a molehill.

>> No.48916780

You can check that Narukami is still streaming at twitcast actively, and if you checked his stream he said he was not summoned to the court for any trial.

>> No.48916825

The only """"fan"""" they have left are the horny chink sisters and drama craved elitist SEAfaggot

>> No.48916988

Classic nijimigger playbook, what do you expect

>> No.48916994

>Remember when mito got harass and doxxing while her management let the doxxer free,
You mean when one of her former schoolmate decide to put Tsukino Mito banner in her school and Mito herself let them free?
>remember when lulu got harass, doxx and death threat and she quit.
Do you watch her graduation video? Thought so.
>remember when axia krone got harass and stalk and he quit,
As far as I know both his anti and him fought in Twitter and chat. He was never stalked.
>remember when zaion got terminated and niji put a hitlist on her and subsequently got doxx, harass and death threat.
En management is scum, cannot deny this. And NijiEn sisters are retard.
>Is it funny that everything associate with niji always leading to doxx and harassment including aloe, that a weird correlation.
You know nothing about Aloe. Or Chitose. Or whatever happened during that time. Remember, both Nijisfag and Holofag were guilty during that time. And only Nijifags own his mistakes. Holofags have yet done that.

>> No.48917029

Poor intern kun working overtime today. You can fix a broken dam with all that damage control your doing

>> No.48917180

>And only Nijifags own his mistakes
Proof? Not trying to argue. Just curious when and where they owned up to it. It'd be pretty funny since that one retard vehemently claimed there's no proof of it being nijifags and yet they apparently owned up to it. What an L if so.

>> No.48917259

>Is it funny that everything associate with niji always leading to doxx and harassment including aloe, that a weird correlation.
You quoted yet didn't address this point

>> No.48917349

>Is it funny that everything associate with niji always leading to doxx and harassment
You didn't deny this

>> No.48917550

Cute collages. Why not make some of the holofags who always reply to the vt_takes tweets?

>> No.48917606

Here niggers >>48916358

>> No.48917667

>implying it's not the same guy

>> No.48917692
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Nijiniggers are garbage that deserve the rope

>> No.48917702

There is no doubt that Nijifags in JP were one of the mob who attacked her because she made shit up about Kudou Chitose. Meanwhile Nijifag in En basically just feel bad for her but realized it was pretty much her own fault to begin with. To begin with, it was Hololive fag and full time antis in JP were the one who started it by doxing and tried to get rid of her when they found out about her dildo sashimi or horny post. But Nijifags in JP caused the most damage simply by being more numerous. Also you have to remember, nobody like Delutaya in JP. Fucking nobody. Not even by Hololive fags in JP. There is reason why she was called one of the Vtuber Voldermort along with Sio and other who I don't know. Fucking Chitose throw her under the bus with this statement.
Basically, she said everything that Aloe said during her past life was complete bullshit.

>> No.48917783

This is literally Japanese problem. I mean Towa and Shion have the exact same problem. Nijisanji is bigger in Japan so they have bigger number of schizos.

>> No.48917857

Explain Zion then

>> No.48917934

>B-but only Jp
>B-but also Hololive
You didn't deny but resort to deflection kek

>> No.48918465

En sisters are retard, I know. En management obviously trying to bury for personal grudge, who knows.
>we dindu nuffin. Holofag is a good boi. We dindu nuffin.
Since you going to drag retards in Nijis fandom, I can drag your retard from yours fandom too.

>> No.48918601

There’s also that one schizo that tried turning Mumei into EN Aloe because he thought she tricked him into thinking she’d be joining NijiEN.
Discussed graduation rrats about a former Niji a couple years before Gen 5 debut.

>> No.48918969

>There is no doubt that Nijifags in JP were one of the mob who attacked her because she made shit up about Kudou Chitose
There is no doubt that they attacked her, yes, but you said they owned up to it. Where and when did they own up to it?

>> No.48918989

Check 5ch.

>> No.48919166

I did. Yes we fucked her. Yes, she deserved it.

>> No.48919512

>one schizo that tried turning Mumei into EN Aloe because he thought she tricked him into thinking she’d be joining NijiEN.
Are you sure you are not mistaken some random chatter like:
>hey Mumei nearly joined Nijisanji. That is cool. If only she join Nijisanji, she can play with her friends, Selen
with whatever said by voices in your head?

>> No.48920656

>remember when lulu got harass, doxx and death threat and she quit
Don't even pretend you've watched a single stream of hers.

>> No.48920753

You’re either a newfag or running defense for a schizo.

>> No.48921176

Too be fair I know nothing about whatever shit happened in En thread. But considering this board who loves making shit up to own Nijiniggers, I wouldn't surprise if you twisted whatever that guy said.

>> No.48921712

where is gundou bros, i want to watch her play the new honkai game :(

>> No.48922475

nijiniggers confabulated she shit talked some NijiJP talent so they stalked, doxed, and harassed her and her family irl

>> No.48922917

That's not how you use the word, retard.

>> No.48923177

You’re lucky you’re talking to someone willing to consider that you’re asking in good faith. When Obsydia was announced, doxxers deluded themselves into thinking Mumei was going to be Petra, which part of how Petra got hyped up as the Gura killer. Her friendship with Selen was not a factor, and would have gone against the claim that certain likes and retweets were an accidental self-dox. When it turned out she wasn’t Petra, and Petra didn’t live up to the hype, one of them went on a schizo rant about how she besmirched the board’s honor and swearing revenge. From Council debut to Halloween, /who/ was constantly getting raided, and Mumei discussion was impossible anywhere else. Someone tried passing off cropped photos of some Instagram thot as IRL Mumei nudes, and some furry was tweeting dox to try to get her cancelled on Twitter.

>> No.48923316

nta but I remember this, anon blaming her for their own mistaken assumptions and going full shizo. Shit was hilarious.
