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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48611959 No.48611959 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.48614409

Thou insulted the holy religion of baseball in the glorious baseball nation of japan. Thou shalt have no mercy
imagine worshipping the sport of the country that nuked you though

>> No.48614741

who? and why should I care?

>> No.48616241

And that is a good thing.

>> No.48616433 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.48619807

Qrd? Also isn't she the female jp hex?

>> No.48619938

Is he still gone?

>> No.48620170

nah, he came back after a month. Notable because it outright confirmed that niji does stealth suspensions as they only announced he was susp- I meant "on a journey of self-reflection" the day before he came back

>> No.48620266

It was confirmed a long time ago, but alright

>> No.48620268

jesus, just stick to ENtuber drama lol

>> No.48621466

I miss her...

>> No.48621755
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>> No.48624250

Gundou is one based motherfucker. She is not what Nijisanji needs but what Nijisanji deserves. I hope she comes back.

>> No.48625201

>imagine worshipping the sport of the country that nuked you though
Japanese be cucks like that.

>> No.48625308

Nips got off easy compared to what they did to other Asians

>> No.48626292

Zhang every war in china involves cannibalism and millions dead
Whats it matter whether its a civil war or the japanese doing it?

>> No.48626944

>so what if I kill the guy? Any murder would have been just as bad

>> No.48628391


>> No.48629351

His suspension wasn't stealth. It just was "self-imposed"

>> No.48630455

I miss her, she was one of the few Nijis I actually watched.

>> No.48630831

>pretending to watch NijiJP
Nobody outside Japan actually does that.

>> No.48630979

Antinig really loves lying through teeth, huh?

>> No.48631374


>> No.48631459

Nips already liked Baseball way before the war. To compare, Baseball was already big in Nipland around 30s and Football was only started around 70s.

>> No.48633346

I see

>> No.48633467

so a vacation?

>> No.48635434

What did she actually say to get suspended and become the next virtual voldemort? All I've heard is that it was baseball related.

>> No.48635860


>> No.48635872

Alright hopefully this can summarize the entire thing.
The tweet that got attention is this one -
> これ玉投げる人、強い人が立った時に頭か身体に投げちゃえば出場停止にできるんじゃないの?
Best translation is -
> When a strong player come to bat, can't the dude throwing the ball, like, throw it to his head or body, and get them to stop playing ~ ?
You can see the slight implication at the end with "get them to stop playing", where if you see it you see it for the first time you might think "is this bitch talking about killing the batter by throwing the ball at his head? the fuck?".
So, immediately that's a bit of a faux pas, which is what most of the baseballfags caught on to. It's also why there were a lot of "don't say that, even as a joke" type of tweets.

First bit of damage control -
> the translation is wrong, she was talking about the PITCHER getting suspended, it was a legit question
That MAY have worked, but
> 出場停止にできるんじゃないの?
"dekiru", implies "getting something done", in this case, getting the strong player to stop playing.
If she meant to talk about the pitcher getting suspended, she would have used -
> 出場停止にならないの?
"naru", i.e. "become suspended".
You can see she was trying to use vague terms to avoid backlash throughout the entire thing (pic rel), but she really messed up with this one, which is why it caught fire.

No worries, shift narrative -
> she doesn't know shit about baseball, she's was just a newbie asking questions
Oh wait : https://twitter.com/qRVN63mw1cRwPF5/status/1638776054717485056
That's her making an oldfag baseball reference while playing the game, so yeah. She knew what she was doing.

Okay, so next narrative shift is -
> she didn't ACTUALLY say she was new at the game, she was just pretending for her audience, antis are just grouping that in just to attack her
Wrong -
> 野球プニキしか知らんのだけど来た球全部打たないんだね
"I only know a little bit of baseball but you don't hit all the balls huh ~"
> リスナーが9ターン制のゲームだって教えた事を天才なので覚えています
"I remembered my listeners telling me it was a 9-turn game, I'm such a genius ~"
> こんな小さなバットで当てててすごいな!あも腕がムキムキしてる人が多くてすごいな
"Hitting with such a small bat is amazing! Ah, also it's amazing how so many people have muscular arms ~"
> ストライクって何?でも場所は定位置が定位置じゃないのがわかった!ありがとう!
"What is a "Strike"? But anyway I found out that the fixed position is not the fixed position~! Thank you~!"
> 全然わからんけど野球おもしろい :smileyface:
"I don't understand it at all, but baseball sure is fun :smileyface: ~"

The sheer amount of condescension and sarcasm dripping from her tweets can't fully be translated to non Japanese speakers.
Suffice to say, imagine some valley girl being an utter passive aggressive bitch about something, and imagine having to translate that to a non English speaker.
They wouldn't see anything wrong because they wouldn't understand the tone or the way that she says it. The literal sentences don't look so bad, but the context in which they are said is what makes it bad.
Same case here.

In addition to all this -
> Nijisanji has sponsorships with not just baseball video games, but actual Japanese Baseball leagues as well (Central League).
> A Korean guy once implied that they might try this strategy with a star player of Japan and got absolutely dunked on for it, this is a repeat of that

All of that combined with how much the tweet spread, I don't think Anycolor had any choice other than to suspend her.

>> No.48636475

Thank God I was born white

>> No.48636636

as someone who loves american football i think i would genuinely just find it funny if some chuuba decided to go hard on negging it. it's better than "sportsball" jokes or "uhh i like REAL futbal?" that said, yes, you probably need a suspension to damage control "they should try to make the guy who throws the football's head hit the ground"

>> No.48639495

its over

>> No.48639660

Just looks like she was shitposting to me.

>> No.48641049

She was. Prime example of "chat shit, get banged"

>> No.48641612

Gone no Mirai

>> No.48644314

"Just a 2 week suspension and they were right to do it just like they were right to remove Zaion, though this definitely isnt like when they unpersoned Zaion, she'll definitely be back. 2 weeks, month tops!"

>> No.48644468

with like a gazillion talents does anyone even notice, niji = not idol = no oshii

>> No.48644565

niji fans are like console wars retards, they dont care about the talents, only the company

>> No.48644730

based gundou making the sportsfags cry, only they're allowed to make those jokes

>> No.48646988

tribalism aside what's the story, why hasnt she come back?

>> No.48649279

she is tho

>> No.48649411

To be fair shit got big before the 1900's, it was the closest thing a peasant got to swing a katana.

>> No.48649567

can you name anyone who was banned for over a month and returned?

>> No.48650319


>> No.48653779


>> No.48653860

if anyone knew they wouldn't be making bait threads

>> No.48654860

Yeah, suspended in a bondage dungeon

>> No.48655023

Yeah, mine.

>> No.48655510

>american football
You mean commercial ball

>> No.48655782

her obsession with nakadashi is so hot. She also sounds like Towa

>> No.48657231

All the "vacations" and "health" breaks that corpo vtubers have for 2 or 3 months are technically self-imposed in the sense they could get a graduation instead. If they want to stay in hololive or Nijisanji though I doubt the radio silent break is optional.

>> No.48657897

khyon can you please stop pretending your care about NijisanjiJP.

>> No.48662194

they played baseball a lot before the nukes.

>> No.48667010


>> No.48667331

>Just looks like she was shitposting to me.
It was Shitposting of national scale, yes.
Bear in mind, the dipshit white knights who said "Oh she's just asking/she legitimately don't know" are fucking retarded. Gundou literally stream baseball regularly and know the rules to the bone.

>> No.48667658

They need some time to make up a list of her other crimes so they can justify firing her

>> No.48668033

They really don't and you're exposing yourself as a newfag for thinking that would take any time at all. Literally one of the most hated JPtubers on this board and also in Japan. You must be new if you've never seen a thread shitting on something she's done.

>> No.48668180


>> No.48668208

>defending gundou
If only you retarded children knew

>> No.48668239

She’s the sadist right? Or am i confusing her with someone else?

>> No.48668312

sportsball fans are in the wrong

>> No.48668327

hey chinkbug, do you think NijiEN's concert was really cancelled due to covid?

>> No.48668372

Okay? You're just defending a woman that would laugh and berate you publicly without second thought, hates your guts and has generally been a shit stirrer for years. This is insane behavior.

>> No.48668396

>When a strong player come to bat, can't the dude throwing the ball, like, throw it to his head or body, and get them to stop playing ~ ?
This happened in Hockey with the 1972 Canada-Soviet Hockey Series. A Canadian player took a swing at the Soviet star player's ankle and broke it, clearly on purpose, and took him out of the game. Beat them later on in that series without him. Baseball is just a game for pussies who care more about luck than athletics.

>> No.48668679

god thats so hot

>> No.48668753

so true nijisister!

>> No.48668826

It's amazing how you soulless fucks instantly hate anyone niji fucks over and start screaming "the bitch deserved it, I always hated her, she was always terrible!"
must be the chinese influence, loyalty to the party, no humanity
