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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48586036 No.48586036 [Reply] [Original]

>Swings an impromptu offcollab with THE Suisei and Marine
>Continues making connections in Japan every day
>Multiple appearances on the main channel and in official collabs
>Huge amounts of attention from her fes dance performance
>Pushing out huge projects every week with packed schedules
Is this the rrat's year? At this point I wouldn't say it's a stretch to believe Bae will rocket to 1m subs ahead of the rest of councilRyS with this momentum she's cultivated

>> No.48586113


>> No.48586144

Are you just trying to farm seethe today anon? But yes, all true regardless.

>> No.48586159

Still not watching her, deal with it

>> No.48586163

I sure hope so. Hope her second original song does well too.

>> No.48586321

i don't understand WHY she bothers with JPs when her own viewers don't speak nip and HOW she manages to be well connected. Hell, there are mems that live in japan that never even had offcollab with suzy. But does she think she can become japanese or something??

>> No.48586372

How to forget the Kiara of Council, but even worse because she is actually a whore

>> No.48586429

She probably asked Mori to put a good word in desu.

>> No.48586496

Still not watching her

>> No.48586501

The first one has nothing to do with her.

>> No.48586568

>But does she think she can become japanese or something??
That's actually, unironically her goal, yes

>> No.48586627

literally copy and pasted samefag bait from global

>> No.48586636

she bribes them. there are numerous accounts of holomems saying they received gifts from her

>> No.48586637

Mine too.

I was gonna stop at permanent residence, but Covid restrictions made it clear only Japanese citizens will always be allowed to return.

>> No.48586654

If she stops tempiss collabs, leaves CHADcast and convince Irys to do the same and does ear licking asmr, I'll sub and watch her

>> No.48586752

>Work for a japanese company
>studied japanese for 10+ years
>why do you talk to your coworkers?!?!?!?!

>> No.48586855

>I can buy a date with Marine for a couple of packs of Tim Tams
Why didn't anyone tell me this?

>> No.48586869

To be fair, it's at least harmless. She is in Japan anyway, so it's not like there are much better things she can do in term of streaming (most of other ENs aren't there and she can always collab with IRyS or Mori anytime)
If she gains even just dozen JP viewers, it'll be good enough. Anymore (more viewers, or opportunity to get invited to future JP collabs, for example) will be a bonus

>> No.48586994

Can you even name the last time she did one of those collabs?

>> No.48586998

You said so, but Kiara lived in JP and irys + mori are living in JP - none of the 3 collabed with as many big (popularity-wise) JP members over the last year as Bae did within just 2 JP trips. She is clearly way more proactive in making connections than the other 3 (whose Japanese are better than her, too)

>> No.48587003

>still gets nothing out of this at the end of day and stay the most unpopular council member
Management noticed it and tries to push her but after like 700 days after debut it's a bit too late

>> No.48587046

Nigger you clearly did not watch Hololive when Kiara lived in Japan

>> No.48587064

>If she gains even just dozen JP viewers, it'll be good enough
JP viewers won't watch someone that stream basically exclusively in English just like EN viewers don't watch HoloJP

>> No.48587142

200 posts
50 ips
Nigger samefagging and doxxing on cooldown for over 10 hours
Refer to this post later when im right because he got tired of shitting up global because no one pays attention to him anymore

>> No.48587198

She's been super aggressive about speaking Japanese on stream again lately and has even had a number of JOPs SCing saying they're new fans so I'd say it's paying off

>> No.48587197

wrong thread bro?

>> No.48587215

That SuiBaeMari collab really triggered some schizos huh

>> No.48587264

she is not gonna stream in japanese enough to get JP viewerbase, just the runts that understand English means nothing

>> No.48587267

she had a japanese week last year, shes does japanese only zatsus, this is not a new development, retards have just opened bae's channel for the first time in their lives

>> No.48587304

Her numbers didn't budge after Holofes. I suggest you don't be annoying about her in the catalogue either.

>> No.48587425

I'm aware it's not a new development but she did go through a period where she really dialed back the intermittent JP before it got drilled back into her head with her JP trips

>> No.48587510

>I suggest you don't be annoying about her in the catalogue either.
But that is the whole point of threads like this.

>> No.48587820

>thinks fans post these

>> No.48587882

She's still the lowest viewed HoloEN and pulls the smallest audience. No year will ever be her year. God help her if EN3 ever happens.

>> No.48587919

Bae's one of the most sincere and seiso ENs. I hope all the best for her this year. Also her new outfit is pure sex, that helps too.

>> No.48588139

hope she manages to make a full transition into JP and ditches the EN audience since none of them watch streams anyways

>> No.48588194

This isn't a very good point when the fans still come into these threads to defend her.

>> No.48588201

Love the rat but don't pretend this isn't one of your (not) thinly veiled garbage samefag anti posts after getting kicked out of global

>> No.48588300


>> No.48588317

it's almost like she's taking advantage of the fact that she's only there for a limited time

>> No.48588319

Hololive's biggest leech who invites herself to off stream events because she knows the girls are too nice to say no.

>> No.48588436

lel retard. it doesn't work like that; everything is done between managers who aren't too nice to say no.

>> No.48588461

How do you get kicked out of global?

>> No.48588507

She's doing great work, and is easily my favorite Council member, but I don't see it actually translating into much in terms of viewership or subscribers.

>> No.48588570

>they need to ask their managers to meet each other irl
projecting much, aren't we, retard?

>> No.48588576

When you talk to yourself for too long and all of your posts and their samefagged replies get deleted at the same time, you realize no actual poster was buying your shit so you try for the catalogue

>> No.48588583

I only watch JP anon EN is trash

>> No.48588627

NTA but
>Suisei REALLY wanted to meet Bae as soon as she landed in Japan and invited her
You got anything else shit for brains?

>> No.48588679

>over the last year
Reading rep, anon. Kiara left JP way more than a year ago.

>> No.48588688

Hlggs resident samefag desperate for attention doesnr watch streams or gives a shit dont waste your time

>> No.48588749

She tries, but her personality/demeanor just isn't all that amusing. Her model does most of the work for her.

>> No.48588800

Extremely cute rat, probably my favorite EN member at this point

>> No.48588864


>> No.48588930

Not even the best dancer in EN

>> No.48588946

I am thoroughly convinced this is some jealous 2view whore who hates the rrat
Literal copy-paste bait

>> No.48588953

I honestly don't ever post in these. I just come to see what the schizo is trying (and failing) to achieve. Like watching an animal in a zoo, I guess.

>> No.48589040

Literally copy and pasted from global but rubbernecking retards will still bite and think theyre talking to anyone but a anti

>> No.48589126

No shit. What board do you think you're on? Literally every anti post is written by someone who's jealous out of their minds over the success [Enter Vtuber Here] is having. Every. Single. One.

This thread is no exception.

>> No.48589179

>i don't understand WHY she bothers with JPs when her own viewers don't speak nip
In the year 2023 after the birth of Christ, niggers still doing Stay In Your Lane bit.
>Didn't collab with as many big (popularity-wise) JP members
Okay nigger you literally just outted yourself as a newfag who didn't watch Holo in 2020.
At least specifiy it down to offcollab or something, because Kiara literally collabed with Pekora while she was in Japan, just 3 months after debuting. Idk how you're gonna wiggle your way out with a popularity argument when it was fucking Pekora.
And no, I won't take your semantics way out of it either just by saying
>over the last year
When you obviously picked Kiara because of her time living in Japan in 2020 and early 2021.
Like nigger just readproof your post next time.

>> No.48589240

Yes, she is much more talented and hard working than Gura.
That's what you want us to say? It's not like everyone already knows and it won't increase Bae's numbers or decrease Gura's.

>> No.48589405

Lol, Gura's preggo hip shake standing next to Bae

>> No.48589491

Say the name of the best dancer in HololiveEN then.
This is all for all the anons passing by here too, it's not targeted it's closer to a dumb survey.

>> No.48589565
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>> No.48589594

Get your nigger ass out with your 20th failed fanbase war attempt you fucking imbecile

>> No.48589630

Stop trying, everyone knows your gig by now

>> No.48589667


>> No.48589757

>But does she think she can become japanese or something??
Unironically this

>> No.48589879
File: 58 KB, 536x574, neneheydude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, good analysis.

>> No.48590255

What are you even trying to say here?

>> No.48590288

You can tell from how the JPs talk that she's absolutely stunning IRL. Everyone that's seen her seems to fall in love with her. The fact Marine and Suisei went out of their way to off-collab with her says a lot about how she's seen within the company.

She may not have the numbers. But she has THE RESPECT.

>> No.48590396

Does she live in Japan now? She collabs with JP members frequently

>> No.48590407

Her own viewers are a drop in the bucket compared to the JP. If she gets any kind of JP audience that's her path to success.

Mainly though, if you join hololive, wouldn't you want to meet the legends? I know some of the EN girls barely even know the names let alone how they paved the way for them--but seems like Bae has done her reps.

>> No.48590483

She hasn't done a tempus collab since that one with Vesper last year. She likes Stars, not Tempus.

>> No.48590504 [DELETED] 

archive dot ph/246gn

>> No.48590585

No she's on a business trip, she just really wants to hang out with the JP girls since she has a great time

>> No.48590590

>tempiss collabs
correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't she literally have just 1

>> No.48590635

>At this point I wouldn't say it's a stretch to believe Bae will rocket to 1m subs ahead of the rest of councilRyS with this momentum she's cultivated
What fucking momentum she's still 9k behind Fauna in subs and she JUST got sub a sub 4k stream yesterday. I don't get it, is this just a troll thread or what? Or are you an actual delusional brat?

>> No.48590693

Yes this is a troll thread
Good job sherlock

>> No.48590711

Suisei literally dragged her into the offcollab herself, Bae didn't do shit. You don't even count as a fucking clipwatcher.

>> No.48590718

This thread is created everyday for a third worlder to samefag doxx

>> No.48590763

>Bae gets passed around between all the JP girls to have their way with because she's so cute

>> No.48590766

God FUCK OFF already you son of a whore, how many times will you copy paste the same shit?

>> No.48590844 [DELETED] 

>doxx thread stays up for 2 hours
but good luck if the shitskin jannies see you utter the word seanigger

>> No.48590858

Cute rat
Having the time of her life being molested my hags
Seethe more

>> No.48590922

We get Bae threads like this every other day, this one just gets 1 more layer that nigger can add into his greentext because of the collab.
I'm sure from that you can deduce whether the OPfag has been serious or not.
My guess however is serious, as in serious mental illness.

>> No.48590972 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 640x798, Not-Bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's absolutely stunning IRL

>> No.48590982

bae is becoming the front runner of hololive EN and will probably leave her mates behind.

>> No.48591015

Bae was so reluctant to admit she spoke three languages when marine asked her about the 3 she could speak

>> No.48591078

She's not terribly fluent in Korean so I can see why she'd hesitate on that, she's still learning

>> No.48591118

She didn't want Ayame to do a hit and run on her after she left Marine's place so she chose not to disclose the fact she can actually speaks competent Gooks tongue

>> No.48591148

suzy rejects collabs with jp holomem because she knows they only want her for her numbers. she's burnt out from helping shitters with their lives
bae is a breath of fresh air because we all know she will never ever have a solo concert

>> No.48591156


>> No.48591161

Never watched her solo stream but her collabs with JP members are enjoyable at least.

>> No.48591184

i am happy for bae but also feel bad for kiara who is now useless.

>> No.48591208

>He's trying again

>> No.48591216

she knows 5 languages:
and some coding language for her rpg maker shit which she dropped right after debut

>> No.48591228

I like her, I also know you're a shitposter who's obsessed with her

>> No.48591287

Did you just combine ollie and kobo

>> No.48591334

Still a 4k shitter with lowest subs in council

>> No.48591343

Oh it's this guy again
Does he not sleep?

>> No.48591406
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>> No.48591420

Kiara worked hard and did all that stuff and where did that get her?
If you're unlikable, none of that matters.

>> No.48591453

>Couldn't even change his IP for the post
He's getting bored

>> No.48591455

i was talking about bae. but you're right, i was confused about who the rpgmaker chuuba was, it wasn't bae

>> No.48591484

Gura says the ancient meme on her once in a blue moon stream and no one will bother with Bae again. I hate everything

>> No.48591513

Explain why Selen passed her in subs then...

>> No.48591538

>Okay nigger you literally just outted yourself as a newfag who didn't watch Holo in 2020.
>And no, I won't take your semantics way out of it either just by saying
I was talking about the present, or at least within reasonable period. Some collabs 2-3 years ago are meaningless when it comes to their *current* popularity. Kiara wasn't used to be a 3k chuuba, now she is.
I picked Kiara, Mori and IRyS because they all have better chances to network than Bae, yet Bae managed to do more collabs with big JP reasonably recently. That's what EN - and I don't meant just the 3, all of ENs (well, I will give the ones who aren't fluent in JP - i.e: Fauna - a pass) should try to do to some extents.

>> No.48591546

holostars buff

>> No.48591555

>he thinks Bae could comprehend even a basic coding language

>> No.48591611

He has no life outside of here, so he probably sleeps the bare minimum

>> No.48591665

>wasn't used to be
I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.48591825

>attempt at ad hominem
I hope you enjoy having your oshi as the runt of HoloEN, then. Meanwhile, Bae is actually trying to improve her popularity (and it's working to some extents, too, judging by her numbers in March)

>> No.48591910

>nigger lover
>not a whore

>> No.48591914

Don't respond to him, let him talk to himself

>> No.48591940

>using the kiara vs bae angle
What else you got? I'm getting bored here. Dance, monkey, dance!

>> No.48592125

>Swings an impromptu offcollab with THE Suisei and Marine
EN branch
>Continues making connections in Japan every day
EN branch
>Multiple appearances on the main channel and in official collabs
EN branch not clipfag branch
>Huge amounts of attention from her fes dance performance
**the moves that came straight from a strip club
>Pushing out huge projects every week with packed schedules
this only suggests that bratts are fake fans
>Bae is a homoshill
this still holds true so...

>> No.48592145

Only KFPfags would take offense when people were just trying to praise Bae's proactivity in networking and setting up collabs with JPs

>> No.48592170

What the fuck is he doing

>> No.48592206

>bae is becoming the front runner of hololive EN
In what way? Because her numbers are literally the opposite of a front runner. If HoloEN is a conga line she's at the very back.

>> No.48592278

I thought the mindbroken thing was a meme but he's really just gone

>> No.48592289

Schizo-chama? Are you okay? What broke you?
How many times will you rephrase the same post

>> No.48592309
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NTA and he was obviously shitposting, but Bae's standing in fact improved in March. At least she is not "at the very back" anymore even though she was few months ago

>> No.48592322

He's STILL trying, it's the saddest thing I have ever seen

>> No.48592413
File: 1.15 MB, 1184x987, 1668765338191757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this the rrat's year?


>> No.48592695

Well, putting together all the rrats the obvious conclusion is that she has a japanese passing look and the other holomems feel closer to her than to Mori/Kiara.

>> No.48592755

east asians all look the same

>> No.48592824

> Pushing out
Yeah my children, /preg/GODS win again.

>> No.48592856

Best post ITT

>> No.48592992

Holy based almighty!!

>> No.48593141

Based. I love pregg bellies.

>> No.48593374

Pretty sure only the Asians and the hafus in EN know Japanese. Which is like half of them. The other ones still need her.

>> No.48593426

I said she passes as japanese. Some Thai can pass as japanese, some Chinese too, hell I even saw some Latam people with a heavy native herency that can pass.

>> No.48594433

I'm not reading all that man

>> No.48594860

You're right, the numbers don't lie. But I'm just going to point out the obvious, her outfit reveal stream easily buffed her average by about 1-2k. I don't suppose you have march's numbers? Because that image says its for April 2023.

>> No.48597349

Nah she's just been taking regular trips back, this trip was planned before she even left last time

>> No.48597779

She's making connections and then losing them by forcing them to eat Vegemite

>> No.48598152

Some ENs are an exception, but I agree. Mainly watch JP.

>> No.48598510

But some of them actually liked the yeast sludge!

>> No.48598526

>suzy rejects collabs with jp holomem because she knows they only want her for her numbers.
Explain why she collabed with Mori, the Leech of the west?

>> No.48598692

You mean the second highest subbed EN Vtuber? The one with all the huge music releases?

>> No.48598949

>likely roofied and chained to a pipe in Marine's basement rn

>> No.48599475

maybe it's fun for her

>> No.48599915


>> No.48600142

waiting for Towa to clear time out from her busy impregnation of all women in japan schedule to mating impregnate the rrat

>> No.48600279

god i wish that were me

>> No.48601002

Girls can't impregnate girls.

>> No.48601719
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, BOWA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you read? poster specified Towa

>> No.48601863

EN English viewers knows she's tainted already,
so she's gonna try farm the JP nip audience
she can basically do a stream in FULL Japanese and it'll be fine

>> No.48601957

Your spelling and grammar need some work, anon. Duolingo for English isn't enough

>> No.48602101

>EN English viewers knows she's tainted already
What the fuck does this even mean

>> No.48602203
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>> No.48602573

Suzy has never rejected a collab in her life unless it clashes with her schedule nigga what the fuck are you on

>> No.48604049

you don't watch suisei.

>> No.48606649

kys, shitposter.

>> No.48606711

You mean the Queen of Dead Subs? It does fit with her lore, but her CCVs are a joke.

>> No.48606806

>You mean the Queen of Dead Subs?

>> No.48606871
File: 583 KB, 615x616, 1682969609148189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dated movie with tower
>ate yakiniku with MiComet
>Marine hands touched her chest to feel her heartbeat, and she did the anime keijo sumo ass twice.
Bae meets 3/4 of her oshis in spans of 2 days and fags here screeching about numbers or farming nip audiences. kek

>> No.48607023

Your whore will graduate before she gets 1M

>> No.48607226

>>Marine hands touched her chest to feel her heartbeat, and she did the anime keijo sumo ass twice.

>> No.48607415

>Can't make the cut for HoloJP so she sneaks in through holoEN.

Happens more often than you think.

>> No.48607697

You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.48607999

>marine hands
>keijo sumo ass

>> No.48608114

Just a couple more clips where she pretends not to know what something is and she'll pass Gura too.

>> No.48608315
File: 165 KB, 300x300, 1672456087987114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be raped by Marine

>> No.48608567

Phasmophobia and Worms and Boomer vs Zoomer

>> No.48608799

She'd be a star if she weren't a bitch.

>> No.48609044

So the handful of collabs on their debut like 9 months ago?

>> No.48609721
File: 1.12 MB, 1136x1800, pc107chnnat91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roofied and chained up in a basement
Anon, she met Marine, not Matsuri.

>> No.48610091

Really funny how EN fans used to smugly claim EN is superior to JP and now you all glorify any JP interaction.

>> No.48610342

>/vt/ is one person
All me btw

>> No.48610464

It was the general ENfaggot opinion for 2020 and most of 2021. There's no need to pretend otherwise unless you feel embarrassed and ashamed about it.

>> No.48610782

I maintain that Bae is one of the best hires Cover has had in a while.

>> No.48611400


>> No.48611502

You know how the gossiping aunts here operate by now, it's either a schizo, falseflaggers or numberfags

>> No.48611553

I kneel

>> No.48612109

Nice, now if only she grew a personality beyond saying things LOUDLY she might be worth watching.

>> No.48612194

t. hasn't watched her since 2021

>> No.48612773

I'd rather deal with bae's yelling than with kiara's screeching

>> No.48613087 [DELETED] 

Nta but apparently unicorns don't want her because she's a whore who likes the stars, uses tinder, and gets drugged and gangbanged in raves. The rrats said so.

>> No.48613212

>beyond saying things LOUDLY she might be worth watching.
this is why I dont watch most of JP desu. Their voices make want to rip my ear out, especially Subaru's and Miko

>> No.48614698

JP fans are the most brain dead bunch.

>> No.48616236

She absolutely is one of the best hires on paper which really confuses me as to why her viewership hasn't really been reflecting that in comparison despite all the projects and things she's been putting out

>> No.48616349
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I will hit 1m subs before Bae.

>> No.48617169

I blame her slow start to the character lore she was assigned. Chaos just isnt a good fit for her personality, and she interpreted being chaotic as just screaming every now and then. She was also determined to try to keep it up longer than she should have. I think Bae and Mumei were miscast.

>> No.48619240

I'll remember this post and either congratulate you if Selen reaches it first, or tell you "You were saying?" if Bae does.

>> No.48619359

Based 1 year from now grudgeposter

>> No.48619577

nigga just watch botan or something.

>> No.48619982

Make a Bae or Selen slowpoke and post about it in 10 years coward.

>> No.48620056

I'll take Bae over Suisei and queen of the whores Marine any day

>> No.48620094

You sound really upset over the facts

>> No.48623777

i'm an eop and the only EN-adjacent chuuba i watch consistently is kaela from ID, the rest are from JP
every little bit counts, the strays she attracts from this method could turn out to be whales

>> No.48624037

People really looked at ame and Mori awkwardly bumbling through their streams and went “Hey, these girls are better entertainers than Marine!” ??

>> No.48624178

Bae is a stacy. Kiara, IRyS and Mori are all fucking weirdos. Simple as

>> No.48624262

On the business side, being well connected to HoloJP members are a good thing in the long run
Suisei and Marine are people with connections
There's a rrat that Gura's daki got approved because she talked to Marine
Gura did talked to Marine about some projects, but she didn't specify what the project is

>> No.48624360

Yes. Are we going to pretend that Global wasn't spamming about Ame being the biggest creative genius in hololive and mogging all of JP just because she has a cheap home mocap setup?

>> No.48624402

No, this is the year of rabbit based on the lunar calendar
On a serious note, she should train her fans to be more accepting towards JP contents

>> No.48624546

>use 2 ply toilet paper
>bribes someone who use cherry printed toilet paper with gifts
So how many rounds of mating press from Senchou?

>> No.48624716

I already got first dibs, the hag can get in line

>> No.48624757

I still will not watch Baelz

>> No.48624812

I believe in Bae getting mainstream attention like Miko has from official institutional sources

>> No.48624875

Bae's been getting chain pressed by all the JP girls in all her time in Japan off stream, notice how she's been getting passed off to different pairs of girls for "dates" every day. The rat can't escape her fate, even Migo got in on the action

>> No.48625168

I mean, Tim Tams are really good, it should've been obvious.

>> No.48625169

The jps love the roommate even though shes not white. Shes somehow more apex nip than they are.

>> No.48625518

She’s just good looking
That’s literally it

>> No.48625927

No, the japanese love shy girls and she's very shy in person despite seeking out interaction
See aqua

>> No.48626493

Because in the eyes of the normalfags, that doesn't matter at all. What matters is how much memeability she has. You can organize collabs, make ongoing series, sing covers and originals regularly, speak Japanese highly proficiently, do everything to be an integral member of Hololive, that will grant you about 500 regular viewers who appreciate that. Have an unfortunate voicecrack or bait coomers with a tweet suggesting a cowkini and you become a 5view, that's how it works. Work smart, not hard.

>> No.48627555

Where would I even post it or who would even remember who the two of them are in 10 years? Vtubers and /vt/ depend on a specific timeframe that, loathe to admit, will pass in a couple of years. Anime and Manga have a much more eternal presence and that's why those slowpoke edits work.
Hell, for all we know, 4chan will die in the next ten years.

>> No.48627645

>THE Marine
She is nothing but coombait. How is collabing with her a good thing or a big deal at all?

>> No.48627708

The biggest holo

>> No.48627962

male collabing whore

>> No.48628403

She's not even top 10 female streamer in the world.

>> No.48628793


>> No.48628868

YWNBJ last samurai

>> No.48630307

I have always and will always have a HoloJP oshi. I will admit that there was some novelty boost around EN when they released , and they seemed motivated enough to capitalise on it for a while, so I used to watch them, but ever since a year ago or so it's been nothing but downhill.
Ah, I see. I never visit that shit hole and I only venture out of my general into the catalog sometimes so I'm sure our experiences are quite different, but just know there has always been a group saying JP is and always will be superior. Now that a lot of the EN only tourists have left, the latter group's voice sounds stronger once again.

>> No.48631010

She can be fine, her zoomer shit is whatever, but I just can't stand her pretending to not know anything slightly adult and risque. I known it's just kayfabe, but it got old a long time ago.

>> No.48631681

hello Anya

>> No.48632705

>Is this the rrat's year?
It is the year I mating press the rrat.
