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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48579227 No.48579227 [Reply] [Original]

My vote is IRyS.
I'm not an anti, but let me explain my reasoning.
>hasn't organized any notable collab
>hasn't had any notable live performances
>very few viral moments
>her music is very mediocre and hasn't had her own "break out" song
>has yet to have a "La Creatividad" moment (no notably original streams)
>has yet to push herself as a streamer (no endurance or challenge streams)
>the thing people know her best for is her relationship with Bae
I have nothing against her personality or model, but I don't think she's done anything notable in her time in Hololive. The most she's known for, are the things that have happened to her (shit management, shit debut model) rather than the things she's done.
If you know another EN member with even less impact than her, please enlighten us.

>> No.48579311

Nobody. Sana's premature departure broke the branch's leg off. One more and it's done.

>> No.48579318

Mori, Ame and kroni. For obvious reasons.

>> No.48579424

Homo shit aside, Mori and Ame have undeniably had a huge impact on EN vtubing as a whole let alone HoloEN. Kronii makes more sense, but I'd argue she's had a much larger impact meme wise than IRyS.

>> No.48579527

i know her for her cute interactions with my oshi, sora.

>> No.48579553

Technically you have to say Omega

>> No.48579774

Here’s the list, in order:

>> No.48579864

Bae of course, she's the most generic.

>> No.48580064

I feel bad for IRyS, but she's also a 75 IQ woman whose thought patterns are eating food and masturbating to gay porn, and my sympathy erodes somewhat.

>> No.48580171

Mumei, she is going on a Sana death spiral and nobody seems to care.
She is barely in events too.

>> No.48580220

From most expendable to least expendable:
1. Sana, Ina: No presence whatsoever. Nobody would notice if they were gone.
2. Gura (as a streamer): Stopped streaming anyway.
3. Fauna, Kronii, Mumei, Bae, Irys: Okay, but still expendable. They would all leave a hole but not a big one.
4. Ame, Kiara, Mori: Similar to 3. but with some lingering importance as Myth.
5. Gura (as a mascot): The legacy of HoloEN.

>> No.48580245

Getting rid of Mori would be an overall benefit to HoloEN so she's the easy choice
Unlike IRyS she's had a big impact but it was mostly a negative one

>> No.48580577

But anon, what about YabIRyS???? That's pretty funny

>> No.48580629

Ina makes such little impact that nobody even complains when she doesn't stream and fails to update fans. Her only real skill is her drawing, and let's face it, we're spoiled for choice in that department.

>> No.48580767

Sadly, Gura. Gura was big, but in the past 6 months, the most notable thing she's done is the terrible excuses for not streaming while working "hard" on projects that are never delivered.

>> No.48580877

all of them are equally expendable. HoloEN was merely a flag to set a foot in the western market, it has no real purpose anymore and getting rid of them won't affect Cover in any way since that market is dying

>> No.48580981

He said expendable retard...... Her stuff/merch even sells out in JP only events.

>> No.48581051


>> No.48581146

>Hasn't organized any notable collab
So like 90% of Hololive? The actual collab organizers are few and far between.
>Hasn't had any notable live performances
Most people had her Holofes performance right up there with Bae as the best of Day 2.
>Very few viral moments
>Her music is very mediocre and hasn't had her own "break out" song
Opinion. I think her music is great. Also "Here Comes Hope" has over 7 million plays on Spotify, Youtube, and Youtube music. That is pretty successful. Her music has also been featured in multiple rhythm games (D4DJ and BanG Dream).
>Has yet to have a "La Creatividad" moment
The Caraoke stream was pretty creative. Also she always steals the show when placed into a big collab since she is very creative on the fly. The "Wife Swap" stream with Bae, the Council April Fools, etc. IRyS always creates great moments because she is amazing at improv.
>Has yet to push herself as a streamer (no endurance or challenge streams)
She frequently streams for 6-8 hours whenever she goes live. She is known for saying "One More Try" and then streaming for another 3 hours.
>The thing people know her best for is her relationship with Bae
This just isn't true.

>> No.48581192

>hasn't organized any notable collab
didn't she say she doesn't initiate or host collabs? and she'll wait until someone asks her to join
but for my 2 cents, it's probably a tie between kronii and ame. the fame they have have gotten to their heads and have turned them into something they're not.

>> No.48581313

>hasn't organized any notable collab
yet she saves most collab other EN organized from being an awkward boring mess whenever she's around
>hasn't had any notable live performances
yet her performance in 4th Fest got all the talk along with Bae's.
>4th Fest not live
Cover hasn't allowed her to do anything "live" yet dumbass, so does all of Council
>very few viral moments
same for Bae, Mumei and Kronii
>her music is very mediocre and hasn't had her own "break out" song
same for all of Council and half of Myth
>has yet to have a "La Creatividad" moment (no notably original streams)
same for half of Council and half of Myth
>has yet to push herself as a streamer (no endurance or challenge streams)
stream average length of 4-5 hours and constantly break 6 hours mark
>the thing people know her best for is her relationship with Bae
dumbass clip watcher. You can say that with anyone about anything without any kind of evidence/data

Your arbitrary standard of "impact" can't be applied to anyone in EN anymore anon, not even to most JP. The only real impact they did was back in 2021, now you'll be lucky if they don't bring negative impact to their brand. Someone as inoffensive and does her job like IRyS is the least of your concern

>> No.48581893

Honestly I just totally forget Mumei exists a lot of the time. Like, if I was to try and list off the EN members off the top of my head without going in debut order, Mumei would definitely be the last one I remember.

>> No.48581971

Holy EOP last samurai take
Irystofags coping HARD. Irys is easily the most forgettable EN member. I literally only know about her because of her goblin model.

>> No.48582040

Seems like a (you) problem. IRyS is one of the better performing ENs right now.

>> No.48582215

El Rato?
More like El Addicto to Australiano Cocko

>> No.48582362

>Also "Here Comes Hope" has over 7 million plays on Spotify, Youtube, and Youtube music
IRyStocrats are the ONLY fanbase I know who do this weird shit of putting together number from all different plateforms to make it seems like IRyS music is doing well. Fact is, if you do that for everyone, IRyS is still at the bottom of the music chain in EN.

>> No.48582414

Success breeds jealousy. In Irys' case, success, perseverance and the esteem of her peers breeds seething.

>> No.48582456

Numbers don't compare to the intangibles like impact or legacy. Coco got like 4-6k on her regular gaming streams but had a huge overall influence on the vtubing scene as a whole. Even though Myth's numbers aren't the highest, so many indies and small corpo vtubers always cite them as influences. Sure, irys can bring in 6-8k playing flavor of the month games, but what has she actually contributed to Hololive or vtubing as a whole?

>> No.48582812
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She was literally in the bottom half of EN last month. Why do IRyStocrats have this constant delusion that she’s on the same level as Fauna or Ina when she’s essentially Ame-tier?

>> No.48582945

the whole branch is expendable

>> No.48583000

All of EN. They're all talentless lying greedy cunts. Proof that all western VTubing is 100% garbage all of the time.

>> No.48583339


>> No.48583823

And stay there.

>> No.48583980

Seething sidebranch shart

>> No.48584087

Maybe that means IRyS fanbase loves her more than any other fanbase loves their streamer? Which would make her less expendable, because the other ones would just move on and hop to another oshi while IRyStocrats would be devastated by losing her.

>> No.48584202

Kronii and Mori. at least Ame has her "La creatividad" moments

>> No.48585232

that table places kobo even lower despite being the fastest growing talent of current hololive
median peak is a shitty metric

>> No.48585910

kronii. she's isolated so the damage would be contained. I would say Ina, but cover puts her face on too much stuff. Kronii can't move merch. Did anyone really miss her when she had surgery? ...

>> No.48586082

If they truly love her they would loop all of her song on youtube daily and we wouldnt have this conversation

>> No.48586176

doesn't all of these points, except the last one that seem oddly specific, apply to most ENs? Heck, popular ones like Kronii and Fauna will never have any notable live performance cause she can't sing nor dance. But at least Irys makes something outside of her streaming activities.

>> No.48586340

I've actually done that with some songs I clipped out of a particular stream of hers, but I'm not her fan. I just haven't seen any other vtuber sing those and for once she has practiced.

>> No.48586403

Bae is the most useless person in EN, Mori is the most repugnant. Both can go, and take Kronii with them.

>> No.48586491

>all these faggots replying seriously to a bait thread

>> No.48586510
File: 64 KB, 715x574, 1663929988085455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori. Literally every collab she's involved in turns to shit.

>> No.48586663

IRyStocrats fucking hate IRyS

>> No.48586703

>0 personality
>0 talent
>Fake and forced as fuck
>Homo lover
She has the worst trait a holo vtuber can have

>> No.48586781

>call everything he doesn't like a bait thread

>> No.48587067

This thread isn't about what you don't like about a chuuba, it's about their overall impact/influence. Bae has done cooler things and has experimented more than IRyS ever did.

>> No.48587224

no, this is a deflection thread. uh.. what's on the catalog that this could be a deflection from...

>> No.48587586

Fatgut Covid hiatus.

>> No.48587591

This irys and really the rest of council have zero mindshare, you've still got vtubers debuting today who cite myth as inspirations

>> No.48587649

Counter point: She streams. Kick one of the half dozen other girls out who barely ever stream instead.

>> No.48587743

so, what about all of these green naturey debuts... and that slag who did asmr that just got fired/quit?

>> No.48590272

Right now it's Ms. Amelia "Burnout" Watson

>> No.48590286

Bae has been leeching off IRyS since day one. Just like Mori with the forced ship and CHADcast.

>> No.48590411
File: 250 KB, 601x618, scd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we compared IRyS to the top JPs you would have a better argument for her being expendable, but compared to other EN girls? Hell no. The bar for EN is so low that IRyS even with her boring solo gaming streams still manages to stay at the top

>> No.48590499

It's the other way around, IRyS needed Bae to gain entry into CouncilRyS and then threw her away because her split threw a fit
Also keep in mind that Bae always promotes IRyS's releases/delays her streams if they overlap with the releases
IRyS never promotes Bae's stuff. Bae has also raided IRyS twice now while IRyS has never raided her back, only Kronii and Mori
Says a lot about who's truly the leech

>> No.48590618

>If you know another EN member with even less impact than her, please enlighten us.
Mumei is right there OP.

>> No.48590713

>graph is le number
We're talking actual influence in the vtubing scene. Amelia and Kiara don't have the best numbers, but many vtubers will call them their oshi. What vtubers even acknowledge IRyS' existence?

>> No.48591036

Gura, she literally isn't even there

>> No.48591083
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x1520, B3CC6436-131A-42C1-99B1-2A9D9C35A185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori leeching off of IRyS
Lmao yeah, the sub 1 mil runt vsinger who’s most viewed MV EVER has less views than a cover Mori shit out only a month ago is leeching off a 2 mil+ sub channel with half a dozen MVs with over 10 million views. Christ IRyStoshits are delusional.

>> No.48591117

>Has week of streams planned
Jeez even while burnt out she's still streaming alot

>> No.48591207

>I'm not an anti, BUT

>> No.48591656

>If you know another EN member with even less impact than her, please enlighten us.

I think this comes down to the fact that there are fundamental differences between JP and EN audiences. IRyS is the closest thing we have to a HoloJP member in EN and whether consciously or subconsciously EN audience just doesn't like that. If IRyS changed absolutely nothing except streaming during better JP hours and talking more japanese she would immediately gain several thousand viewers per stream, the same could not be said for the others.

>> No.48591763

>nothing except streaming during better JP hours and talking more japanese she would immediately gain several thousand viewers per stream
But she did that multiples times and got sub 4K streams ?

>> No.48591826
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>I'm not an anti, but
Yes you are.

>> No.48591829

None of this is true. She has very little competition in the EN branch and is middling, yet you think she could change branches and do better? There is nothing very remarkable about her, she would end up another Roboco or something.

>> No.48592281

What surgery did kronii have?
Didn't even know.

>> No.48592454

she hasn't done so consistently, on the contrary she is trying so hard to appeal to the EN audience that it feels like she is walking on eggshells all the time. contrast her interactions with JP members and EN members to see what I mean. she is more natural and free around the JPs and thus more entertaining.

>> No.48592496

If IRyS is the closest thing we have to a JP, then I’m glad I don’t watch any JPs.

>> No.48592835

thank you for making my point. this is exactly what im getting at, a large portion of EN doesn't like what vtubers actually are, they like the EN girls despite the fact that they are vtubers not because of it. I know this will never happen but in an ideal world IRyS would be transfered to HoloJP maybe Kiara aswell but c'est la vie.

>> No.48593693

Kiara's stream style is more like a JP than an EN as well

>> No.48594081

>>her music is very mediocre and hasn't had her own "break out" song
>same for all of Council and half of Myth
Yes, but only Irys wields the brand of being singer first over a streamer. Imagine doing a mediocre work on what is supposed to be your strong trait. kwab

>> No.48594382

Isn't it sad that she gets mogged by Kiara of all people in the music department?

>> No.48594430

Her jp collab streams cant get more than 3k viewers live and if you check the vods most struggle to surpras 50k

>> No.48594465

>Imagine doing a mediocre work on what is supposed to be your strong trait
Like Fauna's ASMR or Kronii's voice acting

>> No.48594577

I think it is very clear that irys is not that spontaneous around bae. Specially after they met in real life, but there is no point to say she was leeching since her numbers are way better

>> No.48595291

she doesn't normally stream to the JP audience so of course JP viewers are going to watch the girls they see regularly over IRyS in a rare collab. Im talking about consistently appealing to JP viewers in all her streams as part of her normal routine.

>> No.48595622

>CTRL+F: Mori

No, you fucks are just haters who fail or refuse to acknowledge the money she brings in to Cover. No one else in EN has a Universal Music deal.

>> No.48595881

No girl who is
(1) Consistently among top 5 EN members and
(2) Part of CGDCT quartet / quintet
should be expendable. HoloEN has already reclined enough after all the homo begging and collabing started and you still want to damage it further?

>> No.48595937

>We're talking actual influence in the vtubing scene. Amelia and Kiara don't have the best numbers, but many vtubers will call them their oshi.
It's 2023, now 2020 anymore. Wake up, anon

>> No.48596039
File: 505 KB, 758x782, ennaRyS_Twitter_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna is a confirmed Irystocrat, for one

>> No.48596151

I would hope JPs aren’t all retarded NPCs that only prattle on about Keyboards and Anime for 99% of their streams. And just from clipwatching I already know you’re wrong, stop coping IRyStofat.

>> No.48596643

God she is so cringe

>> No.48596672

Like most irystocrats

>> No.48596702

>actual influence in the vtubing scene.
I would describe IRyS more as impactful than influential. she is a shining example of talent.
>what vtubers even acknowledge IRyS' existence?
well the only vtubers that actually matter(HoloJP) not only speak very highly of her but also as if she was one of their own.

>> No.48596850

>I'm not an anti, but
stfu anon, Ina can tick all those boxes alongside half of the council

>> No.48596945

>starts thread with heavy anti vibes
>makes list that doesn't have much foundation
>claims to have nothing personal against her
Bait thread

>> No.48596979

As much as i would like to say Kronii, Bae, Mori or Ame.
Ina definitely. She does nothing for Hololive.

>> No.48597161

Anyone of the 3 different colored guras could go and we would still have back ups.
>mom I want gura
>we have brown gura at home
>we had brown gura all month!
>well we can try green gura today
>ughhh not green gura >:c

>> No.48597500

This just further proves how irys is on her discord. A totally different person

>> No.48597534

No dude. Stop making up excuses the jp audience does not care about her since she is not jp member

>> No.48597985

>And just from clipwatching
as would be expected.
I'll explain this in as simple and direct way as I can. If you watched streams, you cannot help but notice.
a) the parallels/patterns/similarities between JP vtubers.
b) the same between HoloEN and many nonHolo english vtubers.
c) the fact that there exist a massive gulf and even clash between the ways/manners/tastes of the two.
and lastly
d) the fact that IRyS clearly fits in more with JP than she does with EN.
hell, I don't understand how this is even debatable, how often have people in IRyS's own chat talk about her being JP, it's such a regular occurrence I barely notice it anymore.

>> No.48598317

She does not. The jp girls dont even bother about her

>> No.48598363

if the girl you normally watch was collaborating with someone else, would you watch the other girl's pov instead? of course not, don't be retarded. In my honest opinion IRyS fundamental problem is trying too hard to prove she is EN. If she shifts gears and goes after the JP audience I don't doubt for a second she would see a massive improvement to her number of viewers.

>> No.48598381


>> No.48598431

That's a whole lot of words and you haven't provided a single way she's like a Holo JP. Her chat saying she's like a JP despite not watching any JPs just because she knows Japanese is not an example.

>> No.48598539

Bae has the lowest CCV in Council and the lowest amount of subs in EN. She is a burden.

>> No.48598587

Mori gets half or IRyS CCV and having the most deadsubs is not a good thing.

>> No.48598658

>she would see a massive improvement to her number of viewers
She's currently one of ten members of Holo EN and at any given time a third of them are on break. She has very little competition for the EN audience. Why would she do better competing against 35 Japanese talents who would rather watch a Japanese streamer? There is a reason her Japanese karaokes in JP primetime do worse than her Japanese karaokes in EN primetime: JPs would rather watch JP vtubers over her if given the choice.

>> No.48598937

No complaints here. 100% agree

>> No.48599016
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>Mori Debuff

>> No.48599059

Mori mogs the fuck out Irys and both subs, sub growth, and total views
The literal only metric she beats Mori in is CCV average, and even that's both incredibly recent and fugazi cause Mori tanked her CCV by spending the past 4 months playing JRPGS at 5 am
If anything Mori does more to try funnel viewers to Irys

>> No.48599068

if you want an example watch streams. Do you understand the concept of pattern recognition? since day one people; both fans of IRyS and her detractors have noted how she is JP. This is not a conspiracy theory I have dreamed up anon, do you not read chat? My point is too many EN people such as the OP just cannot get into IRyS, they don't see the appeal. I don't blame them for that, different people have different tastes and that's ok. Which is why imo instead of beating her head against a wall trying to get EOP to watch IRyS would be better off appealing to the JP audience. I don't understand why this get's so many people butthurt but oh well.

>> No.48599095

>Ina, Sana, Kronii
Boring and awkward streamers. Ina and Kronii are carried by their models. Sana shows what happens when a boring streamer/VTuber also looks ugly.
Kronii is also the only one with an attractive voice. Ina sounds like she has a stuffed nose and Sana... yeah... very unattractive.
Entertaining VTuber who had an outright hideous face for the first year and 4 months. Though she finally achieved the "perfect body!"...
... the hype around her had already gone out, and I think her extravagant design might only resonate with people who have chunibyo tastes lol. It would have attracted more people if she had come out swinging with some nightcore hits, but she lacks notable achievements despite being generally fun and consistent. She's like a journeyman of VTubing.

So what do most people remember?
"Wah" and big tits + sexy voice.
Just having one or two points casuals can latch onto even if the rest of the product is shit = recognition and success, especially in the hugbox of the general community.

IRyS doesn't officially belong to a group either, so her departure would be less upsetting to casuals as well. VTubers who uphold the standard are taken for granted if they don't make a wave.

>> No.48599144
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Mori, Kronii, Ame, and Bae are the most expendable.
Cope Tempissister.
Anyone besides these 6 are completely disposable.

>> No.48599171

IRyStocrats are the most delusion fanbase there is, they have severe victim complex and can only come up with hypothetical alternate realities where their oshi means shit

>> No.48599223

Deranged and delusion unicorn, par for the course

>> No.48599404

Mori is just there to poison everyone
The legendary Ame La creatividad comes once a year and the gap keeps getting larger, also is a cunt
Gura doesn't even stream
Ina is a two faced cunt sometimes streams
Kronii is a cunt that only reacts to others
Bae dumb zoomer, at least she tries
Mumei is just there?

Without IRyS council collabs would be like a dead fish, she is the glue
Kiara and Fauna take the lead of their groups

>> No.48599494

>The literal only metric she beats Mori in is CCV average
NTA, but... you meant the most important metric as a live streamer? The one Cover asked for in their application form?
I meant, if you are only looking at total views or subs, Mori would have been the 2nd or 3rd most important member of HoloEN even though Fauna (and Councilrys in general) has been a solid pillar for HoloEN for almost a year after Mori, Kiara and Ame reclined and Gura + Ina disappeared at times

>> No.48599638

>>48599494 (Me)
Forgot to say: since it looked like I was shitting on Mori now that I read my post again - I wasn't. She is an important member as an artist. However, as a live streamer, she is behind most of Councilrys now.
(And her recent original songs releases aren't doing as well as they used to either)

>> No.48599662

>korone stealing the dude's coffee
it's so fucking funny

>> No.48599767

>She has very little competition for the EN audience.
doesn't matter if the viewers who would watch someone else when their favorite isn't streaming don't watch her because they don't like her.
>Why would she do better competing against 35 Japanese talents who would rather watch a Japanese streamer?
because for one the JP audience is much larger hence why there 35 talents; a majority of whom are doing better than the EN talents. Also she is a JP streamer herself, it's not a stretch for her to reach out to a JP audience, she just has to be herself but do it consistently, a one off JP collab won't cut it.

>> No.48599828

>Median CCV
Holy kek, number monkeys keep shifting the goalposts.

>> No.48599887

>I meant, if you are only looking at total views or subs, Mori would have been the 2nd or 3rd most important member of HoloEN
which aligns with Cover's financial statements, investor statements or the way they promote her, yes

>> No.48599923

How many schizos are here, and how many are just retards biting baits and giving silly takes?

>> No.48600006

OK enough arguing for today im off to make dinner

>> No.48600206

>NTA, but... you meant the most important metric as a live streamer? The one Cover asked for in their application form?
Cover literally doesn't care about CCV, they care more about views and subs
You guys seem to forget YT is a video sharing platform rather than a strict live streaming platform like twitch, so their sum total viewership comes from people watching VoDs
>even though Fauna
>However, as a live streamer, she is behind most of Councilrys now.
The issue with using CCV as an end all be all metric is that it requires you to pretend like it's not effected by content and timeslot
Like yeah, no shit Fauna's gonna have a big CCV when she mostly streams MC at a decent timeslot where the only EN who overlapped her (Ina) has been in soft hiatus, like wise Mori obviously will have a shit CCV when she plays niche JRPGS at awful timeslot for english speakers while getting overlapped by 10 JPs

>> No.48600452

The answer is Mumei and you dont even need to watch EN to know this. She's worthless and her only appeal point is being retarded (which is an awful trait if you were to personally know her)

>> No.48601574

This thread is wild. The Pink Woman Bad hysteria is real. Even if you absolutely hate her, what mental gymnastics do you have to do to think that having one of your talents sign with UMG is a small, expendable thing? Her CCV, though important, is not her most important contribution to the company.

>> No.48603613
File: 53 KB, 400x400, 1652919599657762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick cope Cuckbeat.
Mori is the Worst in Myth.
Bae is the Worst in Council.
IRyS mogs both of those parasites.

>> No.48604033

>guh, buy my blu-ray Reddit pwease…
UMG takes a gambles on an artist, tons of literal indie nobodies like Mori.
They bet her advance that they could make their money back. If they don’t recoup that money she won’t get another album.
Why would they pay for the production and touring costs for someone that still owes them money?

>> No.48604089

Did the voices in your head tell you this?

>> No.48604136

She is pushing the Blu-ray so hard because that is her last chance. The album didn’t sell enough to secure a second album.

>> No.48604544

No one watches Mori’s VODs, all her views are from songs, and those only have one ad in them. There is a reason why most YouTube channels will stretch a video to 10 minutes just to get 2 ads in. A 3 hour gaming VOD is worth a shit load more in ad revenue than a 3 minute song.

>> No.48604567

90% of EN audience are ironic weebs who only see vtuber like gacha characters, make sense they got filtered immediately when they see an actual Japanese chuuba. Irys should transfer to JP, I wanna see her doing collab with Maririn.

>> No.48605367

Is this the new copypasta that will be spammed in the catalog for days on end?

>> No.48605508

>Also she is a JP streamer herself
She's not

>> No.48605594

go back to your containment thread you falseflagging IRyStocrat

>> No.48605902

Swap Mori with Kiara, maybe put Mori next to Kronii on a good day

>> No.48606864

VISA Issues

>> No.48606898

>just wait until her redesign, she will completely mog your oshi
>just wait until she get accepted as holojp, she will completely mog your oshi
irystokek are totally delusional, next time they are gonna say
>just wait until she get a new va, she will completely mog your oshi

>> No.48607934
File: 223 KB, 1140x512, my-image (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48608600

Ina and Mumei as well

>> No.48611231


>> No.48612634

Bae is mumei's shoulder to rely on. Lots of members also like her so members collab with her willingly. Council needs Bae.

>> No.48612771

As an IRyStocrat, I not only would follow IRyS as an indie, I actively hope she goes indie so I can stop watching holo all together.

>> No.48612856

Homestly what do you expect from a board that doesn't really watch streams and does not touch grass as well? Most 4chan users are only good for shitposting

>> No.48612904

the hard pill to swallow is everybody is expendable. your whore is not special in anyway. if Coco and Rushia can go, so can these girls

>> No.48613122


>> No.48613208

Coz kobo's a shitter. Nobody watches her. Her subs are from multiaccounting lolicons. "Fastest growing" lmao 17k on a 2m celebration stream. Gura can get more on cho choo shit stream while pekora gets that easily on watchalongs. She barely beats Bae on average ccv and really pathetic for someone with almost thrice the subs.

>> No.48613303

And you cant do that? You must not have any braincell at all if you cant do both simultaneously.

>> No.48613398

I want to hold IRyS down and pump her full of my semen until I shrivel up and die

>> No.48613507

so true sister! only us kindred are allowed to be deranged schizos!

>> No.48613560

Youre just biased and its obvious.

0 personality yet liked so much by all three branches. 0 talent yet Towa and Suisei are willing to make music with her, also got praised by marine for her dancing. Fake and forced- gets called like that after she abandons the "chaos rat" image and be herself more coz shitters think everyone should know all these useless stuff. Sexist fckers like you should also kill yourself.

>> No.48613806

>you meant the most important metric as a live streamer? The one Cover asked for in their application form?
Cover hires tons of complete nobodies dude - Axel got in with like only 2K subs on Youtube. The thing they seemed to be asking for on the application I saw was a consistent history of content creation, and Mori destroys almost all of HoloEN at that.

>> No.48614638
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, Eldritch Watcher Ninomae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. proof 4chan is just an echo chamber of childish emotional displays and highly opinionated lies.

actually true, but i'd offer up facts.
or at least explain the relationships they have with the company or their viewers

>> No.48615135

I would say keep Fauna, Gura, IRyS, Mumei, Kiara, and maybe Ina. Everyone else in HoloEN is expendable. In fact, they would probably enjoy streaming more if they were in a more western company like Vshojo, so they can have more freedom to be as yabai and controversial as they want.

>> No.48615668

You realize that not everyone can watch live, right? Go look at her vod numbers. she's consistently 150k-350k for vod. She mogs every en outside of gura. her fanbase is spread out among en viewers, id viewers, and even some cn viewers so ofc her ccv won't be that high.

>> No.48615688

Man, fuck Sana. Pako deserved better

>> No.48615915

This CGDCT post is about as stealthy as a wrecking ball

>> No.48616366


From Myth, I'd say Kiara. While she is the most committed to the company, she just hasn't been able to get any serious following in the 3 years she's been there. As I said, she puts in the most effort, but even still she is the absolute lowest in terms of CCV out of the entire branch and the lowest of Myth in terms of subs. She's EU friendly, but the "EU bros" are basically nonexistent. She streams games no one wants to watch at hours no one cares about.

For Councilrys, it's a tough call because I truthfully think you could nuke the entire branch and it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Of them all though, I'd say Mumei is the most expendable. It's clear that real life things are happening for her and her focus has shifted a bit more towards those things instead of Hololive.

While I agree with OP that IRyS is a bit of tragedy, I think the things that really hurt her the most is the absolute shit state her use / management has been. That's not exactly something she can fix; it's up to the company not to be shit and utilize her for the role they hired her as. I don't find her "Oh no I am totally unaware of the yabai things I am saying" personality though, it's so extremely fake.

>> No.48616546


It's not, it's fake as hell, shitty acting to pander to a base who thinks with their dicks. Faking ignorance of perverted things isn't a personality.

>> No.48616899


Funny enough, I think that last part of the chart is funny because I've said before "If Hololive standards of now were applied to the old JP talents, there'd be MAYBE two people from Gen 0 - Gamers who would make the cut today.

>> No.48617513

>I don't find her "Oh no I am totally unaware of the yabai things I am saying" personality though, it's so extremely fake.
That part is real though.

>> No.48617695

It's very much not, you could see it in the Kobo impromptu collab, she would say a "YabaiRyS" thing, and then wait for Kobo to react only to be totally disorriented when Kobo didn't pick up on it. It's a shtick and she's absolutely lost when she can't rely on it.

>> No.48617961

I think it's more that IRyS is used to being the immature one being babysat. Kobo acting like a kid probably put her in the babysitting role, and she's not used to it. She's used to being the little sister, but has no idea how to act like an older sister.

>> No.48617979
File: 17 KB, 200x198, NPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"muh male collabs" bot spotted

>> No.48618073

Call me an idiot but i believe her though, she's an airhead most of the time, i love her for it.

>> No.48618230

not him, but male vtubers were a mistake

>> No.48618339

Neither is pretending to be superior, yet here you are.

>> No.48619348

Mori songs are shit legit shit. rape is crap and for lesser minds, and she's only relevant in drama basically a dramafag
Ame i don't even know if she exist right now
kronii, meh don't care she's so dead weight it's boring, won't even lean into her strengths, she's great in certain collabs

>> No.48619392

From least to most expendable:

1. Gura, even with a 10-year break she's get the mainstream buzz more than anyone at her graduation.
2. Mori, like her or not, her leaving would attract reaction from everyone from Trash Taste to Kson. I don't like the rap gimmick, but it's just what sells these days.
3. Ame, again, like her or not, she has plenty of allies and was at one point one of the most highly regarded Holos, there'd be tons of nostalgic AmeSame posts if she suddenly left.
4. Ina, this place doesn't care about her, but as evidenced by her subs and other numbers, a ton of simps from the mainstream will be missing her, especially reminiscing about her first year
5, 6, and 7. Mumei-Fauna-Bae, this Council trio is pretty interchangeable, I just sorted them by number of subs here. Hardcore fans will surely miss them, but they really should have debuted during the 2020 boom.
8. Kiara, while the other four Myth members had a way better head start, her biggest asset, which is bridging the EN-JP gap, kept her from complete irrelevancy.
9. Kronii, if not for OP's case for IRyS, I probably would have put her at the bottom.
10. I like IRyS overall, but it's hard to disagree with what OP said.

>> No.48619676

>Of them all though, I'd say Mumei is the most expendable. It's clear that real life things are happening for her and her focus has shifted a bit more towards those things instead of Hololive.
Man, imagine her power if she wasn't a college zoomer. She should have leaned into her character more like she did the first couple of months, but she obviously can't. She's my oshi, but I can't blame others for her not being theirs.

>> No.48619772

Far from a Kobo stan, but about to be the 2nd most subbed Holo within a year, seethe

>> No.48619798

Kronii, because she's a calli-lite.

>> No.48621456

>she's great in certain collabs
yeah, male NTR collabs

>> No.48621632 [DELETED] 

>puts Gura(who streams the least) as least expandable
>puts IRyS(one of the few that streams the most) as most expandable
Chumniggers everyone

>> No.48621747

Kronii has literally nothing going for her outside of a few weird fans.

>> No.48621971

Her model has impressively large breasts.

>> No.48622032

Graduate Ame and promote her to EN branch manager so she has the power to turn this sinking ship around

>> No.48622223

Gura is a household name, IRyS is not. You'll take a part-time Brock Lesnar over any midcard fodder in wrestling. My oshi's in the Council trio, but acknowledging Gura as the most important HoloEN is just simple facts.

>> No.48622328 [DELETED] 

>most important HoloEN
>Cover doesn’t even try to bring her back to stream
Pffft… I hope you enjoy no streams chumfag. Also kill yourself with that cringe wrestling analogy.

>> No.48622394

Which she hides at every opportunity.

>> No.48622470


>> No.48622591

esl seanigger

>> No.48622741

From least to most expendable:

1. Kiara - the heart and soul of HololiveEN
The backbone of EN
2. Mori
3. Fauna - The strongest of Council
4. Irys + Bae
7. Ina
8. Ame
9. Gura - she is the worst and example of bad Vtuber who neglect her fans

>> No.48622810
File: 343 KB, 2020x2020, 1670828665840510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trimming the fat to just 5 HoloEN total would be te best thing Yagoo could do. Removing the following is irrefutably the best course
>Mori: First one to wreck shop with her wigga mentality and telling everyone she doesn't care about idol culture
>Ame: Like Mori, doesn't care for idol culture and encourages male collabs. Also spurned Gura on stream with her AX meltdown and "I'm not Gura's +1" rant
>Kronii: Male lover, lies more than she breaths, and is unapologetically lazy
>Bae: Yet another male lover, but apart from that is highly unreliable and doesn't have anything unique or appealing about her
>IRyS: What OP posted

>> No.48622901

Gura's graduation will be salvation of HololiveEN.

We hate Ayame method here and we don't want Ayame EN 2.0

>> No.48623146 [DELETED] 

>hates male lovers
>leaves Mumei and Fauna

>> No.48623272

Which makes it all the more special for when you do get to see it. Also that tent-like behavior of the cloth as it drapes her breasts while she's wearing her sweater is pretty god-tier, not gonna lie. You can still very clearly make out its shape, which makes it extra lewd despite being covered up.

>> No.48623585

Kiara is the highest earning HoloEn (344k last year). She is polarizing, but her fans adore her. Without her calling the shots, Holomyth would never do anything togeather. EZ #2.

Ina barely beat Sana is superchats last year (106k to 102K). Her view count is only high because people fall asleep watching her streams.

>> No.48623695


>> No.48623744

ignore him, he's just rrat posting praying everyone believes it

>> No.48623884 [DELETED] 

>he doesn’t know
do your reps next time anon or you’ll just make yourself look like an idiot

>> No.48623891

Doesn't comparing chuuba's SC numbers just make you realize how much of a NEET or wagecuck you are

>> No.48623948

Based KFP, but don't underestimate Guras importance. Every time she collabs with others, she exposes normal weebs to the rest of hololive. If she had Kiaras spirit, HoloEn would be twice as successful, but we should be grateful for what she does do.

>> No.48623977 [DELETED] 

>he thinks it’s just a rrat
Come on anon. You and me both know what’s up

>> No.48623990

It's Irys, isn't it?

>> No.48624103

>clockbeat mental gymnastics

>> No.48624129

I’m not sure what you’re talking about please enlighten me

>> No.48624146 [DELETED] 

If I said it then I’ll probably get banned

>> No.48624152

Ina is the Kripparian of Hololive. You watch her to fall asleep.

>> No.48624195

You’re not making any sense, you gotta be more specific.

>> No.48624196

>Calls someone a neet while posting on vtuber thread.
>Is not a wagecuck, so probably unemployed, living with his parents.

>> No.48624255 [DELETED] 

It has to do with their past lives and present lives if you know what I’m saying.

>> No.48624331

Huh? But Kronii and Ame are the time travelers, not Mumei and Fauna. Stop speaking in riddles and just come out with it.

>> No.48624455 [DELETED] 

Check the archives for Marcel and Eddy

>> No.48624738

What a mostly garbage thread.
>waaahhhh mori, kronii, I think theyre yucky waaaahh >:,(
Bunch of manchildren. Grow up you tender pieces of shit, and consider OP's question seriously.

I'm glad there are at least some people itt capable of critical thinking though.

>> No.48624852

Kronii unironically has nothing going for her though.

>> No.48625124

Ask a retarded question, get a shitty response.

>> No.48626817 [DELETED] 

It's a thread for opinions. Seethe and go if you're pissed, but don't complain when follow the thread's purpose. Also funny how you say "emotional displays" when your post is one of them.

>> No.48628477

>Who is the most expendable HoloEN member?

>> No.48628611

>Not Kronii or Morii

>> No.48628944

Right now, probably Goofster. It's not like there's any difference between her leaving and her current state.

>> No.48628978

you can unironically replace Kronii in the OP and add more shit to the list though

>> No.48630863

Mori was literally accepted the day after she applied because her history and skills.

>> No.48631472

>I'm not an anti
you are

>> No.48632484

No just spitting facts
