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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4846323 No.4846323 [Reply] [Original]

How do I avenge Coco?

>> No.4848027

Nuke the chinks

>> No.4848097

Douglas MacArthur did nothing wrong.

>> No.4848543

How do I accomplish this?

>> No.4848601

This image was literally made by chinks themselves

>> No.4848647
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>> No.4848785

You're gonna need a LOT of old clocks with hands that glow.

>> No.4848825

You don't

>> No.4848841

A coco thread died for this coco thread

>> No.4848889
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>> No.4848938

Any cheap & easy way to develop a virus?

>> No.4849082
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>> No.4849182

Guide a US warship close to Taiwan

>> No.4849229

some deranged Japanese hikikomori will murder yagoo and set fire to the cover HQ. screencap this

>> No.4849233


>> No.4849303


>> No.4849811

MacArthur was uber based

>> No.4850056

Keep laughing at the impotent little emperors, as they choke on gutter oil cowering behind a vpn from a cartoon bear. Until they die alone and unfulfilled because they don’t exist in the real world.

>> No.4850085
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>> No.4850149

Gutter Oil Empire, kek

>> No.4850199

This but unironically.

>> No.4850331

Go KyoAni arson on cover hq.

>> No.4850453
File: 307 KB, 447x428, 1592780183347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are saying nuke the chinks, but in all reality, war with China is getting very scarily real right now.

>> No.4850534

Id enlist right away

>> No.4850561

Im not the one fighting tho :^)

>> No.4850666

You don't want to do that. I just got out of the Army, it's now full of trannies and SJW.

Any war with China is doomed to fail for the US.

>> No.4850692
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Why was he so perfect, bros?

>> No.4850862

I dont know man
he was God amongst men
I will propably start reading his Reminiscenes tomorrow after work, I was planning to do it in a long time anyway

>> No.4850941

If a new war against China were to start it’d create an influx of new blood that are actually invested in the war. Regarding the SJW types, they’d either die quickly, pussy the fuck out or become actually competent when faced with a real fight.

>> No.4852649
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>> No.4852766

Correct answer right here

>> No.4853539

Gura, avenge her...
Destroy Kizuna AI and break out of your damn scaly ass and be the next forefront of the EN

>> No.4853814
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I'd get to slaughter chinks, or die, or maybe both. I want to see the world burn after these past few years.

>> No.4854030

Would a China war have been a better option if Orange Man was still in charge?

>> No.4854145

you don't need to avenge anyone. people are hurting but it's just something you have to deal with. it's kind of like having your pet die from cancer.

>> No.4854170


>> No.4854202


>> No.4854219
File: 404 KB, 2000x1270, Master-and-Commander-Russell-Crowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petition Congress for a Letter of Marque, put together a crew, and raid Chicom fishing vessels in the Galapagos.

If you vtube it make sure you can sing "Barrett's Privateers"

>> No.4854259

Except the cancer has a name, a government, and an increasingly aggressive stance that will probably end up becoming a causus belli allowing OP to kill a commie for mommie.

>> No.4854365

I'd unironically enlist. We'd get nuked anyway, may as well try to take some with me.

>> No.4854372
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>war with China is getting very scarily real right now.
Good. The world has put up with their shit for far too long.

>> No.4854410

If he was perfect he would have waited for Imperial Japan to genocide enough of the bugs so they never become a threat before letting the nukes drop

>> No.4854944

>How do I avenge Coco?
You know, there are tangible ways to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else.

>> No.4855014

The one innocent cn member and you do this to her?

>> No.4855278

I live in Taiwan and I'd unironically join a resistance cell.

>> No.4855363

I'm a chink and I unironically hate the CCP

>> No.4855382


>> No.4855536


>> No.4855625

Pay a "visit" to your local chinese embassy...

>> No.4859004

As anyone with sense should.

>> No.4859064

Unironically insight war between the US and China

>> No.4859122

>roomate account
but there's a reminder, she's not a vtuber anymore
ask yourself, why do you watch vtuber?
why dont you watch 3d irl women on twitch?

do you think apple pie is an apple?

>> No.4859211

Your sorry excuse for a country has lost the mandate of heaven.

>> No.4859334
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>> No.4859461

Honestly this. If any burger jews wanted a war with chinkland they should be hopping on this right now. Every neet is now willing to go to war.

>> No.4859561

I just want to get away with blowing the heads off a couple hundred chinks

>> No.4859572
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>noooo lamb dont fight evil
nice try satan.
By the way mercenary groups are still a thing. Just make one.

>> No.4859649

Spread the idea that the CCP has lost the mandate of heaven and that their rule is illegitimate and all true Chinese people should rise up and overthrow them. Every time there's a new war for rulership of China, there's a death tolls in the millions. If a civil war breaks out now, they will certainly set a new record.

>> No.4859654

I hope to see one day a B-2 nuking Beijing

>> No.4859717


A dream job. Hopefully when war breaks out it'll be possible to buy a mothballed corvette and raid Chicom shipping.

>> No.4859804

maybe I missed a sentence
>don't avenge, support her
at least you can support her roommate account if you think it can make you feel better
but imo, vtuber is vtuber
treating a irl women as your idol will make you look no difference as a schizo idolfag or a simp

>> No.4859901

Repeat Nanking

>> No.4859922

My realization that Beijing and the PRC would best serve the world turned into a sheet of radioactive glass predated me following vtubers. Thank God the rest of the world is waking up to the bug menace.

>> No.4859975

Yeah I can't wait till nuclear war... so based

>> No.4860166

It would be a lot more damning if China descended into civil war, to be honest. Look up the death figures for the war that followed the fall of each dynasty. Let them kill each other, and let it be the final end of communism. And to be honest, with the excess of unmarried men they have, it would probably be better to seed resentment against the CCP for the one child policy and let them revolt than have to fight them.

>> No.4860234

Genuine question for all the hot heads in here:

How committed would you be to volunteering your time to a real campaign, even if this would require months or even years of hard work and dedication to accomplishing a shared goal?
More importantly, would you be willing to work with the science team and the nijibros to make this happen?

>> No.4860241

World peace is a lie, it’s like if Russia attacks Ukraine, US can’t do anything.
I suggest throwing a nuclear bomb directly to China. As far as I know, China does not have nuclear weapons
anyway im a seanigger

>> No.4860352
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>Spread the idea that the CCP has lost the mandate of heaven and that their rule is illegitimate and all true Chinese people should rise up and overthrow them. Every time there's a new war for rulership of China, there's a death tolls in the millions. If a civil war breaks out now, they will certainly set a new record.
based and normanpilled.
West taiwan should fall to the one who has the mandate of heaven
taiwan obviously. they have the jade dragon after all.

>> No.4860524
File: 1.35 MB, 2500x3984, ED5bPPwU0AETrzD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China's had nukes for a while. If you've been on /k/ in the past, there used to be an expert on nuclear policy who'd post there, and at least as of a few years ago the biggest threats for a nuclear war breaking out were India and Pakistan, or India and China lobbing nukes at each-other.

However, the spirit of Chesty Puller makes me wish the US gets a chance to kill some commies.

>> No.4860657

The USA under Biden is a bitch.
Better let Russia have a fight with China to let things end well.

>> No.4861014

Participate in anti asian violence.

>> No.4861293

And neither did Patton

>> No.4861542

feel like the chinese who weren't indoctrinated by the ccp are the ones who hate the nationalist shitshow china has become the most.

t. chink

>> No.4861557

start jumping international students from china at your local university

>> No.4861620

Instead you hope Trump’s butt buddies fuck each other to death, kek.

>> No.4861863

Gotta prepare Coco patches in case it's happening.

>> No.4862090

Before anybody starts jumping slanteyes on the street, at least ask them if they're really a chink first. Wouldn't want any japs or gooks getting caught in the crossfire. For bonus points try not to fuck up HK or Taiwan chinks but I know y'all ain't got the time or brains for that shit

>> No.4862142

Jumping randoms on the street ain't going to change shit. You have to go at their government.

>> No.4862325

trump do nothing but obama

>> No.4862490

i beleeb

>> No.4862787


>> No.4862906

there're good chink and bad chink nigger
not every asian are chinese

>> No.4863438
File: 53 KB, 640x821, View on China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this.
The chinks under Xi's wolf warrior diplomacy have truly shown to be the enemies of mankind.
I'm starting to think that Muslims, blacks and Jews are actually kinda nice just by comparing them to mainland bugmen.

>> No.4863456

We can't, we are powerless.

>> No.4863505

Get fuck

>> No.4863592

Speak for yourself. It's not much, but write your politicians every time there's a bill that might effect relations with the Chicoms. Actively inform people of the bug-people and why their shitty illegitimate nation doesn't deserve anything but nuclear fire. Boycott Chicom products, and encourage people to buy Taiwanese products instead.

>> No.4863645

>all this even before 2020
FUCK CH*NA, good to see everyone agrees.
Also, surprising that at one point even japan was pretty neutral on it.

>> No.4863823

What would be the goal of this campaign?

>> No.4863848

It's time to make a new world order anon

>> No.4863857


>> No.4863903

There's nothing you can do

>> No.4863921

Who did this to Coco? Names names

>> No.4863938

It seems that way, a chink dev I follow seems to hate the shit of the CCP aswell.

>> No.4863983

There's plenty I could do, but from what people have been saying about the Jap reaction to this all on 2ch, they're much more likely to snap and actually act.

>> No.4864107


>> No.4864177

>India and China lobbing nukes at each-other
I can't believe the number one hope for bug genocide is the street shitters

>> No.4864240


The 'rona is reason enough for harsher sanctions than the ones against Russia. The only reason the CCP get's away with it is because the west outsourcing their manufacturing there. The CCP should be begging forgiveness on their knees staring up the barrel of a gun right now.

>> No.4864605

Kill yourself, that'll show em

>> No.4864640

Kill yourself.

>> No.4864646


literally do your pic related

>> No.4864919

>tfw too old to enlist
Time to become one of those guerilla fighters that kills two civvies and gets brained by an actual soldier within six seconds.

>> No.4865078

The VA has my disability rating too high for me to realistically reenlist, which is why I have my fingers crossed for the possibility of Congress issuing Letters of Marque.

>> No.4865257

You really think Congress has the balls in this day and age to do that? I can't see it happening myself, but it's a nice dream nonetheless.

>> No.4865566

I can dream. More likely it'll be one of the south american countries dealing with chicom fishing vessels poaching in their waters that would be more likely to go the PMC route for dealing with the red menace.

>> No.4865568

I hope americans and chinese annihilate each other.

>> No.4865632

Raid to all social media of cover and hololive.
Fuck Bugs and fuck the communist party.
