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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4838449 No.4838449 [Reply] [Original]

Take everything back, go back in time, redo it all to make everything better...
Coco's graduating anyway, so there was no reason for my oshi Artia to graduate. With Coco gone there would have been no problems, the Chinese fans were happy with Haato getting a slap on the wrist and Coco getting graduated. Happy CN fans would have stopped causing problems and all it would have taken was graduating Coco,but for some reason they graduated all of CN instead...
And to top the sick joke off, they go and graduate Coco anyway. They graduate CN to save Coco, but then graduate Coco anyway. If they had just graduated Coco to begin with, I wouldn't have lost my oshi
I miss Artia and Civia... give them back Cover...

>> No.4838524
File: 25 KB, 220x423, 220px-Judas_Hangs_Himself_(Judas_se_pend).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4838580

just hurt

>> No.4838602

Why do you like backstabbing bitches, OP.

>> No.4838694

What you need to understand is that vtubers are the future. It's a thing that people in futuristic societies have moved on to. china is in the past. They're not ready for vtubing. The cn branch was like giving a tribesmen a flamethrower. He's just not ready for it.

>> No.4839230

those two can die like the fucking dogs they are, if Coco is what it took to get rid of those fucking chingo chongo CCP shills all the better

>> No.4842462

Cover will not bring her back after you harassed Coco to quit, Zhang. When will you learn?

>> No.4843308

>Coco's graduating anyway, so there was no reason for my oshi Artia to graduate
Her and the rest of CN "graduated" (but it was more like an ultimatum) because they normalized CCP anti harassment (and even fueled it at some points). But I wouldn't expect less from a CCP bootlicker.

>> No.4843330

JUST enjoy

>> No.4845809

Coco had nothing to do with CN being dropped. bilibili wanted to promote their new group, A-Soul. Cover was a foreign company. You can guess what happened.

>> No.4845954
File: 429 KB, 593x559, burn_chinks_alive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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