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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 284 KB, 2000x1500, __judgement_dorothy_haze_and_hana_macchia_nijisanji_and_3_more_drawn_by_angon623__8b7dc9d699c16693754309b8a532657b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4829891 No.4829891 [Reply] [Original]

Nara SoS

Riksa UniCLR

Knockout City - room soon
Taka, Cia, Hana at 09:00 pm JST

Also, does anyone know if tempe tastes good?

>> No.4830647

I don't know if it tastes good

>> No.4831111 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 768x1024, Elira_sings[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F842ovl.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus. Considering the state of this board I don't even want to make a /nijien/ thread.
May I stay here for a while?

>> No.4831342

hana was right!

>> No.4831416

I really hesitated when I saw the sticky, I hadn't heard the news until just then. Didn't even bother looking at the other threads because I knew it meant trouble. Well, stay as long as you want, at any rate. I think all of us feel pretty positively about the LazuLight girls in here.

>> No.4831458
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>> No.4831741

>Also, does anyone know if tempe tastes good?
Yeah it taste good, people said the texture feels like meat? but I don't know, it's different for me.
also try it yourself, look it up on your nearby asian grocery store, they usually sell it

>> No.4831960
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>> No.4832006

I'm happy that Derem got in this!

>> No.4832099

She's gonna make it bros, our daughter gonna make it..!

>> No.4832260

I'm a bit disappointed that Derem is the only NijiID there that hasn't already met NijiEN, but overall this seems like a pretty nice assortment. Although it is weird that Bon is the only guy there. Regardless, I'm looking forward to this.

It'll be interesting to see if this brings her a big popularity boost, it'd really confirm if the "lack of popularity" is just people ignoring Indonesia and has nothing to do with the quality of the streamer.

>> No.4832392

The other JP guy pics people have been speculating about joining were pretty busy

>> No.4832764

Wow its a rare case that vr send other liver other than hoshimi.
Also happy that they send lot of newer gen.
Maybe to help them gaining exposure, make EN not to awkward facing their senpai & fostering close relation between newer gen in each branch.

>> No.4833358

Ah, i forgot Hoshikawa probably busy with NijiAPEX

>> No.4833899

Yep, pretty much everyone is.

>> No.4834148

Wasn't expecting Bon, I was expecting Reza or maybe Rai. Somehow it feels like Enikara wants to push Bobon more (him hosting the LazuLight event and now this) I wonder why.

>> No.4834369

His English is one of the best in NijiID, he's actually very good at video games and knowledgeable about a lot of things. He definitely has the potential to become one of their biggest stars.

>> No.4834492

Bobon have bigger international fanbase than rai & reza. And rai himself is pretty busy.

>> No.4834533

Form all of male member in Oversea's branch, Bonnie is the one that has biggest potential to grown.

>> No.4834584

When your starting point is as vague as "somehow it feels like", you're jumping much too far ahead by already thinking about the "why" of it. It doesn't have to be anything more complex than scheduling, or the people most interested in participating, or whatever. There's a limited amount of slots and it could be literally anything, so always be careful not to get too carried away with random theories.

>> No.4836760

Derem somehow turned into a mosquito

>> No.4837814

Another thing about Bon that not many people know, is that he's a sussy baka. With this in mind he is an obvious choice for Amogus.

>> No.4837977

Idk bout that chief, all of them interesting to me. Bon weak to pressure, reza dumb & dumber shenanigans with hana, rai analysis skills, all of them have their own charm.

>> No.4839339

>Cia plays Friday Night Funkin
>Taka immediately decides to play it as well
They really are close.

I'll link it now but keep in mind it's not for 2 days.

>> No.4839579

Is taka considered as half-staf now?

>> No.4839833

Sometimes I wonder if Taka and Cia are just really close friends, a couple, or already married IRL. They casually hangout with each other off-stream pretty much all the time and not even hiding it

>> No.4840061

This board is currently on fire. We need to step up our bumping game.

>> No.4840242

Yeah somehow Bobon is pretty popular overseas. Dunno why Taka can't really follows. Rai only rarely streams although he uses English often. Reza is the pussy slayer of NijiID, why do you need overseas fans if you have an overwhelming female fans? And Riksa needs to improve his English.

>> No.4840268

As long as someone's here every hour it'll be fine. I'll be here for a couple more hours but I'm gonna sleep soon so I'll put trust in the rest of you. How fitting that a dragon set the board on fire...

>> No.4840278

Yeah. They already in old married couple stage. I love them

True. Hope it'll not negatively affect Niji ID, Niji EN or next international collab. Well it's just wishful thinking, prepare for field days peeps

>> No.4840516

Anon taka sense joke is boomer level, even zoomer indonesian will be having difficulties swallowing his joke. He got charisma though.

>> No.4841757

Most international viewers knows Taka from his megamix, Tamaki collab, or Pikamee collab shenanigans. But the best of his jokes and antics can only be understood if you're Indonesian

>> No.4842037

I wonder how much percentage of reza female viewers. I wouldn't be surprised if the result is close to 50% or even more.

>> No.4843418

>But the best of his jokes and antics can only be understood if you're Indonesian
Do you mind explaining about some of them? I actually really appreciate how people in this thread like to explain about the things that happen in Indonesian heavy streams. As someone who does not speak much Indonesian it is very helpful and allows me to share in some of the enjoyment.

>> No.4844981

One of example is this clip

Basically taka talking about sarong war. When ramadan month arrives, usually children playing around slapping each other with sarong after they do evening prayer in mosque. Taka saw one of the meme where one of children use thick folded carpet that usually in mosque instead of sarong. He explained why its cheating using very funny game analogy.

This kind of funny story really filter non-ID because of different culture & filter younger gen Because something like this doesn't happen much anymore, except in village.
Meanwhile the boomer feel relatable & feel nostalgic because in our childhood we already did it.

Sarong war

>> No.4845289

I remember he said it was around 40%, and some weeks later he said it increased to around 45%.

>> No.4846203

Aaah sarong war. Back when everyone was poor and didn't have any money to buy things like phone and PC to play games, or motorcycle to do things in the city, and the streets at night were still full of criminals. We kids and adults alike were spending our time after evening prayers fighting using our sarong and firecrackers. Kids nowadays can't relate because they have it easy by playing mobile games with friends or watching vtubers or other unlimited entertainments from their gadgets.

It does indeed making his fans only cosisting of a niche audiences, like me.

>> No.4846785

Do you guys have pairing in Niji ID?

>> No.4848635

Knockout city starting soon
Cia https://youtu.be/acxAmhF4twE
Taka https://youtu.be/YHxvm3tYyXQ
Hana https://youtu.be/h5EIlufKfTE

>> No.4849594

Why yes. Yes we do.

>> No.4850100

Taco really active today

>> No.4851030

This game is pretty interesting but its not free, I guess I will wait for discount or something

>> No.4851311

Gotta admit I was completely uninterested in the game when I saw the initial trailer for it. But watching these vtubers play it makes it actually look fun. I tell you, any company who doesn't give streaming permissions for their games is fucking dumb because it's great advertising to just watch people playing games and get a feel for the game and realize it's actually something you might be interested in. No bullshit cinematic trailers that don't show you anything, no carefully curated misleading gameplay footage. Just pure, unfiltered gameplay so you can see what the game is really like.

>> No.4851608

Cia apex reps doesn't help her aim better inthis game lol

>> No.4851874

I think for games like this (matchmaking PvP games) is a no brainer and you're asking for a dead game if you don't give permission to stream but for the case like story-driven games, there's some "excuses" for not giving permission to play like you will get spoilered by the story so people don't want to play your game anymore because they already know everything.
This approach will be kinda acceptable for old series (like Persona) because its already famous before but if its a new game, your game sure will be dead for sure lol.

>> No.4852615

What the fuck, Did Jukut just came in and then left? I just realized that after a few mins, Am I hallucinating?

>> No.4852708

No u not

>> No.4853775
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>> No.4854151

They really enjoying this game

>> No.4854194

>Hope it'll not negatively affect Niji ID, Niji EN or next international collab.
Oh don't you worry, the opposite is what will happen. Soo many people are angry with the next door agency's decision. More people might give a chance for Nijisanji next time.

>> No.4854306

Speaking of him, he's streamin right now

>> No.4854364

I'm kind of concerned that will lead to some real assholes joining this community, but I suppose all we can do is wait and see how it pans out.

>> No.4854480

holy shit nijisanji is dead in the water.
if this what's supposed to be as good as hololive? 200 views or less?

>> No.4855116

Probably just going to be an uptick in shitposting for a while (see above) and then it'll normalize again. Back when NijiEN launched I was worried about the same thing for the main Nijisanji threads, but things have ultimately remained pretty chill.

>> No.4856168

True lol. You know the drill

>> No.4857382

ZEA schedule

ZEA will teach you ID lingo on saturday

>> No.4859423

Hm, small announcement on Sunday huh
Also I love that illustration

>> No.4861700

Hope that's what happens, been getting more and more into Niji ID (and Niji in general really) would be sad if what the other anon said happenned...

>> No.4862746

Shitposters like that have always been here since this thread was created for the first time. Back then it was way worse. As long as no one feeds them they will stop. So far, I like this thread's general attitude towards trolls and shitposters.
