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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48194863 No.48194863 [Reply] [Original]

Does EN need a new gen?

>> No.48195089


>> No.48195092

No, they need to close the branch entirely. It was a mistake.

>> No.48195122

No, CouncilRyS is already failing, don't need another failure generation.

>> No.48195622

I wish I could go to Japan whenever Ii wanted but I am broke

>> No.48195754

mumei and fauna are too responsible for their #s
gura and ina back to work + more girls

>> No.48196090

Remember, the new EN 3 is gonna be born with tempus around them so prey that all of then will ignore them

>> No.48196301
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Mama Mori looks cute.

>> No.48196509

They haven't had a new gen in almost 2 years, in the same time it took Hololive (jp) to reach gen 0, gen 1, gen 2 and gamers, HoloEN only has Myth and Council.
They have barely 10 members who are all inconsistent and inactive.
Saying "they might need new members" is like saying a dying patient might need some medical attention.
Bruh, HolOEN is dying. If your entire branch goes from 40 30 and 20 CCV averages to barely 3 5 and 15 yeah your branch is basically a fucking zombie at this point.

>> No.48196723

>caring about le streaming noombers
Reflect on your life choices.

>> No.48196815

only correct post itt

>> No.48196931

Nah, just wait for one of the CGDCT quintet to stream

>> No.48196951

Numberfags in this thread, go back to /#/ .

Also, we don't need another gen rn, HoloEN is good as it is, Gura just needs to stream more and that's it.

>> No.48197004

There isn't the same market for Hololive's style of vtubing in the EN market. They can release another gen, but that wouldn't change that fundamental fact. They could maybe lean really hard into the "idol" side of things or the "poggers content" side, but playing the middle of the road isn't ever going to work out.

>> No.48197219

Any good EN tuber is already living a comfortable life as a indie or with some small corpo. There's nothing left for a EN3 except for trash who'll only be in it for the money. Sorry my english bad, I'm american.

>> No.48197298

sorry but kiara is not doing that much better either

>> No.48197424

Graduate Mori, Ame, Kronii, and Bae and give their models to people who actually stream and like CGDCT.

>> No.48197565

Has Kiara or Ame gained a single 1k subs yet this year? I feel like they've had the exact same subs number since then but I don't know how to check.

>> No.48197703

Yes, most of the people that will watch EN3 is people that doesn't watch the current girls anymore, anyone who says otherwise is a retard, a homobeggar or a holoanti

>> No.48197721

Why is the worst stream of the three the one with biggest numbers? I swear one hand clapping might be one of the worst stream games known to humankind.

>> No.48197734

Literally has lost all meaning at this point. I don't even know what people mean when they say this besides "Doesn't interact with men." The so-called CGDCT quintet all have pretty radically different types of content they produce.

>> No.48197908

God I love all the Mama mori designs. So fucking good.

>> No.48198011 [DELETED] 
File: 577 KB, 1284x1431, IMG_6096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>primetime unarchived karaoke
Behold the power of bots.

>> No.48198148

>screenshoting 2 streams that just began and a just chatting stream
Numberfags deserve no rights

>> No.48198158
File: 157 KB, 1283x1470, IMG_6096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>primetime unarchived karaoke
Behold the power of bots

>> No.48198237

Holy shit, you're retarded.

>> No.48198299

Holy shit, you're really retarded.

>> No.48198314

NTA, but he's right in principle. Making everything about numbers is bullshit, but acting like numbers don't matter at all is also bullshit. Numbers largely dictate what is and is not financially viable for a business to do. In the end, every chuuba is either a business, a franchisee of a business, or a hobbyist who needs to be able to justify the time they spend on it, which is subjected to similar calculations as a business, often without direct profits. Not to mention the well-known (and extremely unhealthy) mental effects that numbers have on all types of YouTubers, not just vtubers, roughly as follows:
>Sees a seasonal or just random dip in numbers
>Starts getting stressed out about it
>Starts streaming/making videos less
>Makes noticeably less money
>Starts slipping into the depression spiral
>Streams even less
>Makes even less money
>No longer emotionally able to stream enough to make enough money to survive
>People are no longer engaged. and go elsewhere
>No longer have an audience large enough to make sufficient money, even if you could physically do it.
>Eventually quits altogether.
This is common, and could easily happen to your oshi. Creators love to act like numbers don't matter, and they're above it, and just in it for the art, but this is basic psychology. Humans get fucky if they feel like they're trending away from survival, even if it's just a totally abstract number on a screen.

>> No.48198364
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Cuckbeats don’t look.

>> No.48198371

>NTA, but
Shut the fuck up, samefag.

>> No.48198433

10/10 rebuttal.

>> No.48198479

Almost sounds like you are describing Nick Rekieta’s current Coomer Arc.

>> No.48198504

Someone post the NijiEN cathedral to show what actual botting looks like.

>> No.48198517

If they debuted a new gen you'll still all complain

>> No.48198553

The innumeracy on this board is fucking wild.

>> No.48198590

>I’m totally not seething, shut up!
Took the time to say nothing twice.

>> No.48198591

>who actually stream
>actually currently streaming

>> No.48198644

lol no
JP7 so more friend for my oshi Pekora

>> No.48198664

The EN vtuber market was reclining for several reasons including the end of the lockdowns. holoEN would have lost viewers no matter what. The debut of EN3 might have lessened that loss but the overall CCV would have gone down.

>> No.48198705

>Nick Rekieta’s current Coomer Arc.
I haven't seen/heard anything about him in a while. Worth looking into?

>> No.48198755
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>> No.48198796

What you posted is normal linear growth. If it was bots, it would look like a smooth ramp, not a wobbly line.

>> No.48198816

Shut up and go back to /jp/ fag

>> No.48198824

He’s abandoned law content and now only talks about Balldos and coomershit.

>> No.48198887

Dramatic drops are from bots getting purged not the other way around. A steady incline is normal, z-spikes are bots.

>> No.48199166


>> No.48199263

Actually, botting is when a vtuber I don't like gets more views than I think she deserves. Regular growth is when a vtuber that I like gets good numbers :)

>> No.48199274

why would i watch a new Holo EN gen if i know they don't give a shit about streaming a year in.

>> No.48199395
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>cherry-picking numbers
So tiresome.

>> No.48199869

No you guys just need to fuck off and stop shitposting

>> No.48200327

The hololive community does not deserve EN3. Threads like these prove it.

Maybe if you actually supported the girls instead of acting like number obsessed dramafags, you'd have gotten it by now.

>> No.48200373

needs less whores

>> No.48200641

too late, the hype is dead and and the tempest drama did unrepairable damage.

>> No.48200943

The average hololive fan isn't even aware of the tempus drama. It's the biggest tempest in a teacup ever.

>> No.48200976


>> No.48202707

not reading all that

>> No.48203048
File: 1.88 MB, 1840x1034, Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 23-57-22 「【UNARCHIVED KARAOKE】with my mom!!」の視聴者数推移.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bots? Bots

>> No.48203499

>only taking CCV into account
is retarded. Least relevant numbers for a company like Hololive.

>> No.48203557

>Literally has lost all meaning at this point. I don't even know what people mean when they say this
It's simple. Are they a cute girl, and do they do cute things?

>> No.48205644

ID4 is coming

>> No.48205941
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1446675843497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chatting is boring, I don't give a fuck about unboxing, and that game Kronii's playing is some boring ass indie shit no one's ever heard of in their entire lives. I also don't give a single fuck about ASMR. I don't understand how lonely a person could be that they'd tune into content THIS boring.

Just play cooler games, holy shit.

>> No.48207419

no, just graduate Mori and Kronii and replace them with someone who is talented and consistent

>> No.48207474

You could always kill yourself instead

>> No.48207690

If you guys put more energy into watching vtubers you actually like in the branch instead seething about clock and pink woman you all would probably be happier

>> No.48208065

NTA but all of them are cute and all of them do cute things when they are together with no males, its such a selective and flawed point of view that makes people contradict themselves all the time.

>> No.48208142

>Kuso game stream that just started
>SC reading stream disguised as zatsu
Yeah nice try faggot

>> No.48208318
File: 44 KB, 353x500, 51WY1H8PT2L._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would litteraly watch an entire stream of a chuuba playing this game

Sadly the girls have no taste it's seems

>> No.48211072

>Kronii mogging both Bae and Mori COMBINED with a debuff game.
This explains why Mori is so desperate to leech off Kronii.

>> No.48211511

You are unironicaly correct. If they just played popular games that people liked then they'd get better numbers.

>> No.48211519
File: 118 KB, 320x180, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there's people who still rag on Kiara for "low numbers". If she keeps bleeding numbers like this Mori's career will be fucking finished.
No wonder she crawled back to minecraft despite telling Gura she'd rather kill herself than play minecraft ever again.

>> No.48211580

EN is dead and a new gen would make them Nijisanji 2.0 with quantity over quality. Just let Holo EN die. We still have ID.

>> No.48211643

>EN is dead
You mean the male collabers finally got the comeuppance now that the homobeggars got bored and fucked off to beg somewhere else. Gura and Fauna can still easily pull in 10K. Kiara now has higher numbers than them.

>> No.48211732

Nui has crazy numbers since she did stuff with Peko and Marine, good for her

>> No.48211797

>Kiara has higher numbers
Kiara is still the biggest shitter of them all. They should have canned her with her Nijinumbers.

>> No.48211908

I don't care I just want more cute girls.
>just watch another co-
No, I want Hololive.

>> No.48211955

Not only that, she tried to leech off Kobo, and because Mori never bothers to check her equipment because she never takes it seriously, all that collab did was piss Kobo off to the point she was considering deleting the VoD.

>> No.48212071

Kiara, mogged 2 of the streams on OPs screenshot today and almost matched the kronii one. You should stop living in 2020. Kiara is doing better than homocollabwhores.

>> No.48212148
File: 319 KB, 1079x878, 1672463102128980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people calling for EN3 are a bunch of disloyal fags - unless you're new and want to follow an oshi from the start then you get a pass.

>> No.48212231
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>> No.48214136

She literally just started the stream you retard

>> No.48214171

None of you actually watched any of the streams in this screenshot and it shows

>> No.48214187
File: 2.92 MB, 2720x1800, 1610156870119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, only had less than 2K viewers for half the duration of the stream.

>> No.48214207

lol no she didn't

>> No.48214439
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1682585056555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening whether you like it or not.

>> No.48214591

EN need more CGDCT girl, they are rare breed in western

>> No.48216011

yeah, they need good actual streamers, because atm they got 2 or 3

>> No.48216081
File: 420 KB, 1280x257, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should shitcan a lot of the JPs first.

>> No.48216147

>We still have ID.
SEA generates almost no revenue according to Yagoo. also, half of ID are 3views and their "star" can barely break 6k on a good day now.

>> No.48217582

Here in EU timezone we have exaclty a average of 0.4 streams on prime time. (7pm to 1am)

Like, kiara 2 times a week, some night watame/kaela/luna and maybe a early fauna.
HoloEn is not En, is holoUSA.

>> No.48217706

Gura’s viewership is declining fast. Even on things that would be buff content isn’t drawing in the audience it used to.

>> No.48218244

The main difference is that Roboco was even lower, she is slowly growing.
The EN shitters on the other hand lost almost half their fanbase aside from Mumei and Fauna who are the only ones retaining and growing.

>> No.48218278

ok SEA bro

>> No.48218372

stop including mumei retard. she can't even reach 10k with minecraft

>> No.48218732

Unironically true.
If you don't enjoy any of the existing girls, chances are you won't enjoy a new gen either.

>> No.48218875

You think the new ones will be boring too?

>> No.48218979

Ame and Kiara have both gained approximately 20k subs since January. Their growth is basically the same. Using wayback machine and checking their subs from as early in January as possible.

Gura - 50k
Ina - 20k
Mori - (no snapshot available in january)
IRyS - 14k
Fauna - 44k
Mumei - 62k
Kronii - 22k
Bae - 38k

>> No.48219074

Cover don't need to close any Hololive branch or account. They make a profit on literally every member.

>> No.48219111

>hating on roboco og
neck thyself

>> No.48219133

Truth they don't want to hear.

>> No.48219931
File: 509 KB, 666x500, 9658CDBE-E3E5-4B23-B68D-7511F015A40C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new gen would be nice but I don’t know that it’ll fix what seems to be a systemic issue in EN. While the girls themselves are not blameless, I think the EN management is a significant part of the issue. Until something changes there I think a new gen is likely to just have some or all members slide into the same bad habits most of EN has developed.

>> No.48220335

They need 10 new girls

>> No.48223133

It’s incredibly relevant, it’s indicative of the size of a girl’s fanbase. Most holoEN subscribers are inactive so that’s a bad metric to go on, meanwhile, the youtube algorithm has such a massive impact on vod views that using those is unreliable and not indicative of the talent’s actual popularity. CCV is the most accurate metric in this regard, CCV is influenced by the size of the fanbase, how many of them were actively waiting for the stream, how many are regular viewers, and whether they were notified about it through social media. The number itself might not earn cover money but the number is highly indicative of other metrics which would earn cover money

>> No.48223218

They needed it ages ago but we got eight homosexual men instead. EN3 won't be able to undo that damage. It's over

>> No.48223250

This would be a valid observation if this viewership number wasn’t so run of the mill for mori, she gets those numbers all the time

>> No.48223296

>three whores who can’t stop slobbering on anime boy cock
Yeah i’ll pass

>> No.48223371

Too late anyways. The damage been done and it's spreading everywhere with every twitch streamer and youtube short spammers converting to anime avatars.

>> No.48227203

RBK is unofficial Holo? I mean on right ownership

>> No.48227594

Wait, Kobo actually said that on stream?
