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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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481897 No.481897 [Reply] [Original]

Which girl has the worst fandom?

>> No.481945


>> No.481951

Your favorite's

>> No.481965

I get Kiara, but why Watame and Reine?

>> No.481966

Coco obviously. The worst combination of young kids with yellow paranoia and the ones that like western vtubers who make poopoo peepee jokes. So the dumb and xenophobic demographic.

>> No.481981
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Chumbuds when they harassed Iofi to death. How could you even hate this cutie?

>> No.481982

I agree. But others I do not.

>> No.481999



>> No.482006

When did that happen?

>> No.482014

Sheepposters aren't actual Watamates you know?

>> No.482022
File: 87 KB, 960x540, JmI2YbRSP6-XOxydqy1NYXcUIdD1log1e7Vte4cx5eY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards in chat constantly spam months old memes and refuse to try out other girls.

>> No.482030

n/a because for some reason the girls can all tard wrangle or the fact that their fanbase is smaller thus easier to control

>> No.482041

I disagree with the assessment that Kiara has the worst fandom. Remember, we're talking about her fans here, not her antis, and I'd say that generally (not all of them and not all of the time, obviously) they're tolerable to ok, but not bad or even 'the worst'.

>> No.482046
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>> No.482073

nta but yikes

>> No.482078

you do

>> No.482097

fuck off chang china has the worst fanbase like its people

>> No.482102

Deadbeats by far. Worse than Nousagis.

>> No.482106

Am I missing something? Because that looks more like one of Kiara's fans shitting on Iofi, not one of Gura's.

>> No.482112


>> No.482117

How new are you? It was after RBC's Among Us collab.

>> No.482121

Exhibit A of the little kids I am talking about.

>> No.482132

all of them holy fuck

>> No.482145

Kiara's can't be the worst. They already went through the humbling experience of their oshi being perceived as the worst HoloEN, and then see her grow and be better through hard work. They have a more realistic perception of their oshi is what I'm saying. Being known as a sex-crazed retard probably doesn't create overbearing fans.

>> No.482148

Not very new, I just don't watch Iofi.

>> No.482192

Chumbuds were ready to start a war after Gura seemed to not be having fun during the Roboco among us collab.

>> No.482199

nah that's you china is the enemy fuck off

>> No.482201
File: 55 KB, 520x501, 1604978942052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second en among us collab (with jp and id)
>gura gets extremely salty towards the end of the game, not getting a single win so far
>gets voted several times because "sorry i dont spik ingilis" even though she's inno
>chumbuds pin everything down to iofi being useless as translator
>harassment on twitter
>iofi depression tweets
>gura has to come out and say "i had fun!" to tardwrangle her shitty fanbase

>> No.482207


>> No.482220

rent free

>> No.482228

It's probably kfp who made that.

>> No.482251

kenzokus kinda freak me out, they seem the most obbsessed with their oshi for some reason

>> No.482255

reine fandom is composed of literal doxxfags who got too scared after knowing who her roommate is and decided to pussy out and indulge in masochistic fantasies

no idea what's the deal with watame fans

>> No.482261

nah more like im living in your head rent free no one likes china get fucked

>> No.482271


>> No.482277

not asking for dox but is reine's roommate actually someone you legit don't want to fuck with?

>> No.482278

It's an assblasted chumbud falseflagging as kfp. Why would KFP be salty at Loafy when Kiara wasn't even present during that collab?

>> No.482320
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>> No.482330

Cumbud poster is just furious that Nousagi's and Deadbeats have Original songs and covers to listen from their oshi's while all he can do is pray that his oshi doesn't cancel her stream last minute.

>> No.482395

Thank fuck I'm not a doxxfag then.

>> No.482436

The worst part is that Gura was obviously playing up her saltiness, but her dumb fucking fanbase is to fucking inept at understanding jokes unless it's in some dogshit meme format.

>> No.482532

Jesus christ. I'm amazed that none of the management foresaw language barrier issues in a group game like Among Us. Just seems like a bad idea.

>> No.482571
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I figured from ger ridiculously clean english accent that her family was rich but that's some crazy shit.

>> No.482619

That was supposed to be part of the fun but it backfired.

>> No.482814

I mean, I can see big multi-branch collabs working, but certainly not in Among Us, a game where you only have a limited amount of time to talk.

>> No.482863

People failing because of language barriers is funny though. It's the retards who feel they need to defend their oshi and backseaters that ruins it.

>> No.482896


>> No.482936

I'm saying that relying on one person to translate an audio clusterfuck game like Among Us is doomed to have that result. As we saw Iofi took the hit for a bad idea that never should've happened.

>> No.482954

Risu is way worse, did you forget that 500 dollar incident

>> No.483220


>> No.483406

That incident is a meme anon... the only person who takes it seriously now is the butthurt loser who donated the $500.

>> No.483444

I'm just finding the shitflinging sad all over ono this board really. Seem like a salt smoothie from /jp/ autism and /cgl/ vendettas.

Kinda stressing me out really.

>> No.483685
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All fanbase is cancer to a degree
Risu keeps her fans in check and so does Anya.
And KFP bros is always an easy target to pick on but nah they are annonying at worst, harmless at best just dedicated to Kiara which i can get cause she also has the most hate.

Guras fan did that to Iofi and tend to way overly love her voice. Nousagi are also equally annoying as KFP bros and probably less ironic.

Watame fans they just seem so fucking depressed

>> No.483788

Coco: If you criticise Coco they label you chinks

Gura: You know why

Didnt watch much

>> No.483847

Nousagi are the most powerful race in the world.

>> No.483914

What's wrong with hating on China a.k.a. West Taiwan? That's kinda based desu

>> No.483986

Takamori fandom
They don't even care about the girls themselves

>> No.484067

Nothing, but it is bothersome when you bring it up when one does not lick Coco feet.

>> No.484092

They care about one girl though

>> No.484153

Kiara without a doubt. Like their oshi, they can't seem to take a joke and that's a sign of someone far up their own asses both here and in real life. I wouldn't want to meet them.

>> No.486172

The what?

>> No.486883

Doxxfags are universally SEAniggers so this should be surprising to no one. Funny that when the jungle chimps deal with someone that can actually react they all hide in their holes like proper SEAniggers.

>> No.487333

Based and pekorapilled.

>> No.487675

Artiafags are easily the worst fanbase I've seen in a while, it's a mix of the worst elements a fanbase can have (twitchfaggots, discordfags, zhang apologists, falseflaggers) and they delude themselves into thinking their bootleg chuuba was the best thing in history with comments like
>dude she's like an english pekora
>she has the best chat of all holos
>what you are saying has been proven wrong *never shows proofs*
>she's just a poor girl escaping china

>> No.487693

Based Reine

>> No.487964

cocofags are subhuman

>> No.489384

Coco is ruined by redditfags tho.

>> No.490094


>> No.490400

Ame by far
They're all from that nasty place 4chan

>> No.491113
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pretty sure what you're saying has been proven wrong tho anon

>> No.491183

>gushing over your oshi is bad

>> No.491197

red*itor hands typed this

>> No.491207

Marine and Coco. Both are good chuuba but their chat is horrible

>> No.491219

Ame is annoying twitch thot and so is her fanbase

>> No.491268

Way to miss the point entirely dipshit.

>> No.491350
File: 75 KB, 267x267, 1612892995087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they need to make a containment board for you retards arguing about Artia, I swear y'all somehow end up in every fucking thread on this board

>> No.491416
File: 614 KB, 648x678, 1602730003223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a shitpost thread
>gets mad that shitposters reply

>> No.491648

>hur dur muh redditfag
>hurr dur muh zhang
gets old pretty quick

>> No.491725


>> No.491818

Yeah, if she'd started yelling on top of that shitshow there would have been N + 1 people yelling.
I think they could have avoided some of that by doing a few practice runs before the stream and figuring out how they're going to communicate, but that might have watered down the actual streamed gameplay a bit.

>> No.492055

even if it waters down the gameplay, it'd be better than causing drama between them, especially since hololive likes to present their idols as all buddy buddy no drama to the public

>> No.493304
File: 451 KB, 1217x1080, Screenshot_20201101-115227_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This IS the Artia containment board anon.

>> No.493361

The drama happens cause the fanbase goes full retard.

>> No.493962

>What's wrong with hating on China
>a.k.a. West Taiwan?
go back

>> No.495768

Ollie (probably, none of them have fanbases as bad as the above 2)

>> No.495805

JP: Coco
EN: Gura
ID: Ollie

>> No.495812

Chumbuds aren't that smart.

>> No.496476

anyone who didn't reply with chumchuds for EN does not know what they're talking about

>> No.496498

ur mom

>> No.496942
File: 38 KB, 720x720, Smukayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one writes Okayu and FBK
>all those kfp and cumbuds
>mfw my oshis are approved best community

>> No.496978

Easily the chumbuds. They're the only ones I have absolutely no respect for.

>> No.497044

>implying that any of this is a smart move
retard. you're probably one of them.

>> No.497518

Nah, just not schizo enough to take a KFP shill on /vt/ at face value.
And again, too elaborate for a chumchild.

>> No.498941

Fuck, that's hot

>> No.499209

What's wrong with Watamefags?

>> No.499245

Does Okayu even have a fanbase?

>> No.499302

EN: Gura's
JP: Pekora's. Easily.
ID: Don't have strong feelings there

>> No.499422

You think the doxxfag got a knock from the police?

>> No.499432

>Does Okayu even have a fanbase?


>> No.499469

>from the police


>> No.499506

u r braindead

>> No.499524

from ur mom?

>> No.499565

Here? Kiara, if only because you get the one person that keeps going into the anti threads and made it their life purpose to waste time with the mixture of 2 antis and obvious bait there.
t. KFP

>> No.499763

Ofcourse EN has the worst fanbases.

>> No.499798


>> No.499828
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So sane KFPs do exist

>> No.502599

nah Chinese are subhuman
fixed it for you chang

>> No.503113

Marine. Ichimi have stuck objects up their butts and worn make up simply because Marine talked about those things.

>> No.503772

Speaking only of JP (I don't watch EN, ID, or Stars)
In chat: Korone. My oshi's chat is full of EOP and spics with their broken spanish and cringy superchat
Here in 4chin: Mikopiss and noushitgis are cancer

>> No.504101

This. Gura fans are retarded as her and Pekoras fans just love to shit on miko for some fuckin reason

>> No.504431

Prolly because most of them are the same ones that made her retire the first time around. She was sick of it and hated the community, then they come back in screeching about doing the same old shit she hated doing in the first place.

>> No.504964


>> No.505217

Ok Chink

>> No.505428

Why Ollie?

>> No.505822 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder: communist riceniggers are lower than AIDS-infested rats, the preferred afternoon snack in China. They have no souls, they’re just flesh androids that live to serve the petty whims of the communist party even when the party tortures and humiliates them.

>> No.506614

What did we do this time?

>> No.506677

ANYONE who says this is JEALOUS of the creative GENIUS of our time that is the #1 WORLD WIDE STRONGEST IDOL

>> No.506717

Most based thing I've ever read and we're not on /pol/

>> No.508324

The people that post on the hololive subreddit, but only 50% of them because Coco's meme review are aite, idk if the meme is good or its due to guest's reaction that makes me entertained.

>> No.508643
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>He hasn't experienced the pepeloni

>> No.508743

Haatons don't attack other choobas like kfpeasants or chumbud chuds.

>> No.508857

Haatons are too busy trying to figure out what the hell Haato/Hachama is actually doing to be annoying
