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File: 65 KB, 1920x760, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4814383 No.4814383 [Reply] [Original]

How long until Hololive CN is reopened?

>> No.4814499

Unironically never. They'd get hatemail and death threats just for being associated with the nation now.

>> No.4814589

No just no.

>> No.4814597

Fucking never

>> No.4814712

step 1: denial

>> No.4814769

This. Not even from EN, we're talking about Evangelion OG ending-like rage.

>> No.4814778

The problem is gone, why not?

>> No.4814831
File: 24 KB, 777x437, 1623209044940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4814845

Because the fans are the problem too.

>> No.4814898

The company already left and if they dare to come back to China their going to be slammed by a bigger audience you dimwit.

>> No.4814956

step 2: anger

>> No.4814982

Because viewers still pay their bills

>> No.4815000

>How long until Hololive CN is reopened?
Hopefully never. They don't deserve any of this.

>> No.4815027

CN branch can come back after they all finish servicing this dick. Bugmen get the rope, end of story

>> No.4815030

July 2nd

>> No.4815109

The problem is chinks and there are a billion of them.

>> No.4815142

in 2 or 3 months auditions start

in 8 is back hololive CH

>> No.4815305

They will definitely try on July 2nd. Xi's Chinese Yuan blinds all """businesses""". But what they don't know is that once you """insult""" Han China you are done and gone, and the second chance you thought you have was never there.

>> No.4815379
File: 230 KB, 873x1462, 1623209908590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wont be long they used chinese runes for the announcement

>> No.4815460

You wish lol. Go back to NGA, and talk about sucking Xi's cock, faggot.

>> No.4815540

>implying it isn't already the main company

>> No.4815652

Fuck China, fuck the government of China, and fuck everyone that lives in China.

>> No.4815799

>cover couldn't resist china money
Another company falls.

>> No.4815829

Not only will they get hate from the jp side, they'll also get hate from the en side, and that's the last thing cover wants.

>> No.4815998

Because both the west and JP hate China. Just having that nation attached to you is going to attract a lot of very angry people.

>> No.4816037

It's true I'm angry at the Zhangs? What now, you're going to suck my dick? No, thank you, I have standards.

>> No.4816063
File: 80 KB, 741x1280, PJV2cf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally already put hololive china in the news tags. HoloCN is gonna get reopened so fucking fast that you experience time dilation.

>> No.4816078

Nobody likes China.

>> No.4816110

>Thinking that chinks let go of a grudge.
Look at how many times China backstabbed Disney over Mulan and other movies they wanted to release there and they bent over backwards to thank a place where a concentration camp was in there. One mistake is a life of harassment. There's no going back and companies need to realize that Chinese money isn't worth the hassle of walking on eggshells for all eternity.

>> No.4816171

I'm not joking when I say that I genuinely believe if Hololive tries to go back into the Chinese market after this they're gonna get Kyoani'd.

>> No.4816297

Yeah right, if they went crawling back to that shithole of a country JP and EN bros would rage. I'd personally join in on the monkey-shit throwing. Hope chinks get their throats slit.

>> No.4816390

Never ever. Expect a Hololive Taiwan branch before it does.
They axed an entire side of the company to keep Coco and others who sided with her (everyone). Coco leaving is her own choice, that doesn't erase what was done against her. Coco remains a proud part of Hololive while the [redacted] branch will never get mention.

>> No.4816402

>How long until Hololive CN is reopened?
Next month more than likely, once they finally get rid of Coco and spend a week or two setting things up, HololiveCN will be reopened and Cover will make a big song and dance about it. I imagine a few of the original CN girls will come back, they probably already have some new girls ready to debut when they're given the go signal.

>> No.4816414

It will get nasty if they reopen HoloWesternTaiwan.

>> No.4816491

I will pray for the staff's safety but I agree, someone's gonna get an hero'd if they decide to do this

>> No.4816535

Coco should collaborate with Yagoo before leaving to show that she leaves on her own terms.

>> No.4816612

The only thing they deserve is a nuclear holocaust

>> No.4816683

Hker here. I hate Zhang as much as anyone. Unfortunately Executives are taught to focus on growth, the world’s economy is focus on growth and you can’t talk growth without involving Bugmen

>> No.4816709


>> No.4816770
File: 196 KB, 500x500, Artia_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe. china won.

>> No.4816849

I hope cover isnt that stupid, i imagine some people would be way way more brutal compared to zhangs if this really happened

>> No.4816856

>Cover suddenly has permissions for chinese games again

>> No.4816884

Yup, this too >>4816249
China banned Kpop and Kdramas but Korean artists still bother marketing there for some reason
And I think we all know what happened with LeChina James

>> No.4816888

Firing Coco at that time seems like the correct answer now

>> No.4817017

holy shit, hecatia is celebrating coco's graduation

>> No.4817033

HoloCN is now basically cancelled forever, the only way for HoloCN to reopen is to close everything else, and I mean everything, that includes JP too

>> No.4817595

This is traditional chinese, so it's probably for the taiwanese to read.

>> No.4817800

It's not just that as well, one of the Coco's Graduation messages was also posted in chinese, while if you go back months, none of the other girl's achievements are in chinese.
they LITERALLY axed her for zhangs.

>> No.4817823

I wonder what her discord is like right now.

>> No.4817904
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>> No.4817946

Doubt it will reopen in China. If this is the case, I will be spamming their channels "Taiwan is a country" and "Free Hong Kong."

>> No.4817969

>Coco's final live date is the 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party
You can't make this shit up

>> No.4818023

You're both right in an instance. Management will reopen CN now that what they considered the "problem" is gone and then reopen HoloCN in secret, but it won't be Hololive yet another name like how Cover's music division Inonaka isn't apart of Hololive. People forget China's funding is what helped make Hololive initially big before the clipfag boom so Cover's hands are tied. Overseas won't care and will proceed to shit on Cover regardless, so Hololive might be dead in about a year.

>> No.4818222

I wish this happened

>> No.4818229


>> No.4818414

No, getting involved in the Chinese market is not worth it. More money for a short-term, until they start saying their influence means their demands need to get met, and other talents get harassed or forced out, then no money because the entire thing falls apart because China is incompatible with the rest of the world.
Cover stood by Coco and she chose when she would be leaving, on a good note. Coco's departure does not mean inviting China back. It means many people hating them even more.

>> No.4818494

Kill yourself OP

>> No.4818500

Why isn't anybody calling her out?

>> No.4818546
File: 108 KB, 1024x576, Fuck Zhangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we stop the bugs from hurting our idols?

>> No.4818590

>No, getting involved in the Chinese market is not worth it.
Not according to numerous US companies kek

>> No.4818623

They would get hate from everyone.

From JP/EN side because Kiryu got sacked for this shit.

From the CN side because of sheer autism.

>> No.4818670

Because that's just someone who hijacked her account

>> No.4818678
File: 3.03 MB, 2000x1333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you can't compete with trillions chinks spammers
face it, we lose, Cover kowtow to china, as many big companies before then when threatened with boycotting by chinks
Remember this recently?

>> No.4818690


>> No.4818767

You overestimate merchants' intelligence and underestimate their greed. Merchants will always fall for China's trick, and they will always think they are different.

>> No.4818881

So like virtuareal?

>> No.4818906

When that stain of a state is wiped off the map in the next decade, it won't matter. Anyone who stood by China will fall with them.

>> No.4819020

>so reliant on china's money that if we upset them the whole world will get destroyed economically
>can't even go to war with them because their army is also superior in numbers and tech
>the shanghai shivers was just a small sample of their prowess
The future looks bleak.

>> No.4819034

There's a simplified Chinese version lol

>> No.4819044

If they dare to do this I will pay them with the same coin as the fucking zhangs bots did to Coco: 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门90

>> No.4819047

>uses "zhang" as an insult
the self hating asian meme is real kek

>> No.4819062

fucking never

fuck china

>> No.4819065

I highly doubt that? who would wipe them out?
fucking US? when 90% of their companies, big or small, is sucking china off for their big dong?
The world will only get worse anon when China reach is further and further

>> No.4819084

>No, getting involved in the Chinese market is not worth it.
I wouldn't go as far to say that. They're economical giants and has several corporations kneeling to them and made both Disney and the NBA their bitch. They're basically a nation of powerful loan sharks. Cover fucked up by doing business with them at all, they'll use their connections to take Cover down if they don't conform eventually. Today is that "eventually" unfortunately.

>> No.4819233

You're a bug loving onahole.

The Anon I know doesn't forgive and he doesn't forget.
The Zhangs have taken Coco from us and you want us to just sit here and choke on chin cock? fucking kill yourself.

>> No.4819274

you forgot that the world production s also heavily relied on them
without china we can't make shit anymore

>> No.4819310

Says increasingly nervous man for the 5,000th year in a row...

>> No.4819476

Beijing is yet unnuked so the problem still remains.

>> No.4819481

If CN comes back then consider me their first anti. China must be destroyed. Sink it into the fucking ocean.

>> No.4819504

holy cringe

>> No.4819513

Man, I might just consider learning chinese at this point.

>> No.4819581

This would be true in 2018.

>> No.4819587

became president and nuke this country asap

>> No.4819775

oh yeah and what can you do to china?
they don't even watch youtube while you keep spamming that stupid Taiwan Tibet pasta there
destroying cover only makes they they laugh at your face as it only shows sign of powerlessness since it wont affect them in the slightest

>> No.4819797

What do you mean? The chinks are still there.

>> No.4819848

Kind of ironic she's been ranting on twitter since the very moment Coco posted the video.

>> No.4819909

it's still true, made more evident by this stupid pandemic
despite hating chinks guts, US still has to import medical supplies from chinks

>> No.4819952

They also has nukes, the best US can do is sanction them lol

>> No.4820045

> 用户理解并承诺,主播皮肤的设计方案不得存在任何以下类型的“动态预设动作”元素和设计方案:不得存在任何具有性暗示、性挑逗性质或擦边低俗色情的行为或表演,包括但不限于抚摸敏感部位、撩衣服、表演脱衣舞、模拟性姿势、展示诱惑动作、有走光风险的动作、互相抚摸等让人产生性幻想的动作等;
Avatars cannot have any sexual expressions, suggestive elements or performances, incl. but not lim. to touching sensitive parts, suggestive clothing, striptease, simulating sexual postures, enticing movements, or other elements and motions that entice the imagination in a sexual fashion
> 不得存在任何暴露突出敏感部位,或进行任何诱导观众关注性敏感部位和性敏感衣物道具的行为,包括但不限于展示暗示性器官、提内衣、脱穿丝袜等;
No exposure of sensitive parts or enticing audience focus on sensitive parts, clothing or items, incl. but not lim. to suggestions of sexual organs, mentions of underwear, removing pantyhose, etc
> 不得存在任何其他违反公序良俗的“动态预设动作”的元素和设计方案。
No other performance or elements which disrupt public morals.
> 用户理解并承诺,皮肤的设计方案不得存在任何可能造成观众不良反应的元素和设计方案:
Users understand and promise that the avatar and its usage do not contain elements that cause the audience to have immoral reactions.
> 不得使用恶搞、恶趣味、特意扮丑或讽刺他人等元素;
No malicious pranks, ill taste, or intentional denigration or mockery of others in elements of design.
> 不得故意突出或只有手部、脚部、腰部及敏感部位等;
No intentionally exposing hand, waist, feet and other sensitive parts
> 不得使用其他任何可能造成观众不适、或潜在会引起观众不适的设计方案。
No use of anything else to cause the audience discomfort, overtly or subtly
> 用户理解并承诺,皮肤的设计方案不得违反主播直播规范中关于“主播着装和场景”的规范,具体包括但不限于以下类型的设计方案:
Users understand and promise the avatar's usage does not violate any of the rules incl but not lim to below:
> 不得穿着情趣制服内衣(如透视装等)、内衣外穿、SM装束或印有低俗等不当图案的衣服等;
No wearing perceptible underwear with a sexual intent, wearing underwear outside, S/M gear or other low and unseemly clothing
> 男性主播皮肤不得仅穿着三角或四角及类似内衣的服装,且裤腰不得低于胯骨;
Male streamer avatars must not wear 3 point or 4 point underwear and the waist shall not be below the hip bone
> 女性主播皮肤的背部的裸露部位不得超过上半部的三分之二以上即腰节线以上;
Female streamer avatar back exposure shall not expose more than 2/3 of the upper back, above the waist line
> 女性主播皮肤的下装腰部应当穿到骨盆以上,短裙或短裤下摆不得高于臀下线;
Female streamer avatar lower wear shall cover up and over the hip bone; shorts and skirts cannot be above the lower hip line
> 女性主播皮肤的胸部裸露面积不得超过的胸部三分之一,上装最低不得超过胸部三分之一的位置;
Female streamer chest exposure shall not exceed 1/3 of chest, lowest point of upper clothing shall not be lower than 1/3 of the distance from top of chest
> 用户理解并承诺,主播皮肤的设计方案不得违反法律、法规以及其他规范性文件以及哔哩哔哩其他平台规则。举例如下:
Users understand and promise no elements of the avatar's usage and design elements violate laws and bilibili platform rules such as below:
> 禁止模仿、丑化或亵渎国家、政治人物、历史人物、革命英雄等人物形象;
Imitation of or mockery of the country, political and historical figures, heroes of the revolution etc
> 禁止使用违法、暴力惊悚、色情低俗、广告营销等元素;
No depictions of law breaking, violence and shock, sexual, and commercial advertisement in elements of the avatar
> 禁止使用国家党政机关、事业单位、国内外军政等制服或元素;
No depictions of national, military or party offices, positions, military uniforms in the avatar design
> 禁止使用封建迷信、反动、邪教类等元素;
No use of pre-revolutionary superstitious elements, seditious elements, or forbidden religious elements
> 禁止使用赌博工具、性用品、内衣等涉及不雅违禁的内容物品作为表演道具;
No use of gambling tools, sex toys, clothing and other immoral items as props
> 禁止其他违反中国法律、法规以及其他规范性
No elements that violate other Chinese law and bilibili platform rules

>> No.4820155

They won't reopen it right away. Probably next year

>> No.4820294

Not even that guy, but I'm off my meds and there's some circumstantial evidence to suggest that now that Coco is leaving, Cover is going to try to mend at least some connection to China. Rumors about purposeful gross negligence in assisting Coco and posting the graduation notice in Chinese. I bet those cunts try to get bilibili reenabled or some shit. Fuck these past couple years man.

>> No.4820297


>> No.4820526

Says the country which suffered centuries of subjugation and disorder but now thinks a few decades of stability (enforced at gunpoint) means they will stand forever. Don't make me laugh.

Sanction, blockade, bomb. If China tried aggressive expansion into the Pacific, they get strangled out.
If they try to use nukes, their few hundred get met with the thousands pointed against them.

>> No.4820534

I don't think the logistics of streaming on bilibili work out, don't you need chat moderators in numbers proportional to the number of users in the live stream? And they need to be government certified too.

It just seems like what's happening with livestreaming in china is antithetical to how Cover operates Hololive. If Cover can't directly manage the CN employees either then I just don't see them re-opening a CN branch. Even if they don't open a Chinese branch and just want to restart or increase activity on bilibili, the rules in place seem to be too much.

>> No.4820548

The timing makes sense as ccp is looking to increase it's influence in west, and doing business in china again would expose the company to their propaganda efforts

>> No.4820915

Now that would be funny

>> No.4821060

Is it, though? I wouldn't be surprised if China was the only viable market in a few years the way things are going.

>> No.4821086

US is too economically tied to China now,
Most of their big companies is sucking china big fat dong
they cant do shit

>> No.4821119

our missle defense system is much superior to china
we could nuke them and survive, unironically

>> No.4821202

>Overseas won't care
I think you underestimate how much the world hates China. Everyone regardless of political affiliation has a reason to hate them.

>> No.4821405

it doesnt matter
There's 1.4 billion of chinks

>> No.4821520

Try it and find out how quickly those ties vanish. Walmart getting its cheap plastic shit ain't going to stop a war.

And way more humans.

>> No.4821559

And? They can't even stop consuming Chinese products. What are they gonna really do?

>> No.4821565

You really want the gachikois to go full anti mode on hololive?

>> No.4821728

but we have
covid showed as much
we're only really dependent on taiwan. if push comes to shove we'll have war over taiwan, if necessary.

>> No.4821970

>And way more humans.
arent as united as those chinks
what do you think the west is busy doing?
fighting over useless identity politics shit
east asians like Korea is playing both side
only Japan seems to care enough
SEA is almost their backdoor now
indians are incompetent street shitters
south americans are in deep shit themselves
afficans has never contributed anything worth mention in modern time, and are chinese colonies now

>> No.4822014

>reopen CN
>bugs see their harassment as victory and viable
>bugs go onto harass all of hololive because they have an inferiority complex
>all holomem jump ship because Cover is retarded and opened up more harassment
>japs go onto harass Cover as retaliation and for giving into bugs
>Cover loses everything and bugs alone can't replace their revenue
Yeah, I don't think CN is happening again

>> No.4822111

LOL the average Amerishart will be back in Walmart in no time consuming more Chinese dopamine rush. Those that think they are above Walmart are just going to be buying yet another iPhone watching yet another KING LEBRON NBA game and creaming over yet another Disney propaganda.

>> No.4822192

if this happens i will cancel all my subs

>> No.4822229

China would never welcome it first off.
Secondly their entire fanbase would flip their shit.

>> No.4822281

Cover would literally get Kyoani'd if they so much as sniffed China again.

>> No.4822642
File: 656 KB, 1920x1179, Party_Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to party in Beijing like its 1900.

>> No.4822744

lol hollywood, disney literally kowtow to china again and again
after that Mulan shit many people shit on disney for thanking the concentration camp in their credits
but now nobody gives a shit anymore and people are back sucking disney for the newest movie
John Cena just apologized to chinks because he accidentally said Taiwan, then his Fast and furious made BANKS in china while people already forgot about that

You overestimated too much of the supposed fanbase having long attention span in this day and ages

>> No.4822846

nah they will do it just to show the rest of the world they fucking won, they will support them even more

>> No.4822854
File: 123 KB, 1200x675, 1514088139617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right, you can't beat greed get ready for them to be World's # in GDP unless you guys muster up a campaign to abso-fucking-lutely bankrupt anywone that supports or is owned by them.
Good lucking in hoping start up VTuber comanies needing tech and loans won't got to them and good luck getting the film and game industry to drop them, Blitzchung anyone?

Even space girls are still hostage because of them

>> No.4823035

Keep trying to defend her. It was obvious as soon as she faked retiring and came back on Bugtube that she was no different than the rest of her pack of Wolf Warriors, only smart enough to not say anything and not associate with the other cunts.

>> No.4823150

I have a rrat. The Coco incident actually didn't happened because Coco mentioned Taiwan, it was just an excuse and catalyst to kick Cover out of China, why?

I'm and indog or whatever you would call me (so forgive me for my ESL-ness). The more I look into HoloID, the more I'm convinced that Cover never really opened a company branch outside Japan. They're still a Japanese company but using a foreign brand like "English" and "Indonesia" without actually opened a company branch in America or Indonesia.

You know how the Chinks conduct business with foreigners. The foreigners MUST open a company branch with the majority of the shares owned by the Chinese. Look at Nijisanji CN, why didn't they use that name? Instead they're using a "VirtuaReal" name. Maybe you think that's because the Nijisanji name is too Japanese and that could hinder their growth within Chinese internet community. It's maybe one of the factors, but I think the true cause is that VirtuaReal is already a joint company between Nijisanji and local Chinese owned the majority of the shares.

Maybe Cover didn't want to do the same thing, and the Chinese government are using an excuse of Coco mentioning Taiwan to send their 50cent army to harass Hololive and kick Cover out of China. So unless Yagoo agreed to make a joint venture with local investors, Hololive CN will never be reopened.

Actually the same law also exist in Indonesia, but the Indonesian government is more incompetent so they don't know the HoloID existence. But by the time the government knew that, be prepared for another drama. Yagoo will have to choose to open a company branch here together with the locals or he has to rebrand/graduate the HoloID.

>> No.4823207

[X] announcement in simplified chinese
[X] graduation on the 100th aniversary of the chinese communist party
[ ] holoCN re-opening
[ ] fubuki graduates

Which do you think will come next?

>> No.4823251

they already got blacklisted in china when they did that, now that coco is gone, expect chink mobile game collabs by the end of the year, and bilibili streams.

>> No.4823266

Can't wait for the girls to be able to play huge buff games like Genshin, and for Suisei going back to her beloved Muse Dash :)

>> No.4823372

Genshin is not a buff game, barely anyone watches genshin streams

>> No.4823424

The best part is that we have a lot of strong evidence that the Wu Flu leaked from the Wuhan lab, that it was likely around in the fall of last year and the the Chinese covernment made sure to lock down inter-regional travel in China but did nothing to stop travel out of Wuhan to foreign countries. There's a lot of instances of people getting illnesses back in September/October/November and realizing in hindsight that the symptoms matched up with COVID.

Incompetence allowed the coronavirus to leak from the Wuhan lab while malice allowed it to spread. The PRC created a global pandemic in order to weaken other countries (chiefly the United States) and increase its own position and if that isn't enough to bring on Centuries of Humiliation then nothing is.

>> No.4823510

Sorry Ina, but if HoloCN is reopened, even my love for you won't be enough to let me forgive cover.

>> No.4823514

her discord is dead, she doesn't stream on twitch anymore

>> No.4823525

If the rrat is true and Mori leaves to follow Coco this will be like one bloated tumor being excised at once. Right when things looked most grim, too.

>> No.4823570

You know what also sucks about all this? The autists over in the mainland were spamming for months, while everyone thought they were wasting their time, and this happens. Whether or not Coco's graduation is because of China or not, those fuckers are going to be emboldened now that they think they can cancel anyone they want in Hololive, as long as they spend long enough time spamming them.

>> No.4823664
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for lazy schizos who don't do their reps, thinking that Cover would force her to leave:

>> No.4823835

>oh boy. Time to reward the chinks for driving away our top earner
never ever

>> No.4823948

Ina is Korean you retard
the bigger picture is even worse
now chinks will think they have authority over anything, movies, fashion branches, video games
and can bend these companies will to do whatever the fuck they want, censorship, putting up chinese propagandas, as long as they have the 1.4 billion chinks boycotting card

>> No.4823964

>how much the world
money talk, most of the world doesn't have any conflict with chink, only US and anglo countries because they contest for #1 spot in the world

>> No.4824052

I think she made the decision today. Probably cause the chink spam in mori's chat made her realize they're never going away.

>> No.4824088

that is nothing when chinks promise to invest hundreds of millions into cover

>> No.4824229

>chinks being this bad at math

>> No.4824277

Cover is IPO soon, they want those sweet Xi's money and sponsor

>> No.4824515

I wish I could say I would quit watchin holo if this happened, but I already don't watch them. So meh whatever.

>> No.4825059

who are you watching?

>> No.4825071

I'd do it. I'm willing to be put in jail or killed just so cover would stop pulling this stupid shit. If it ever happens, I'd turn the KyoAni arson into a fucking joke

>> No.4825377

I think it's funny how much denial there is over this. Even if Cover didn't want to reopen in China, they will still do it. China is the only future for Japan's entertaiment industry, it's where the money is and where all the talent is going. Chinese investors will take over and with the US no longer even trying to maintain any foothold in east Asia Japan is without protection and must bow down to their new overlords. It is not a just world but it is what it is.

>> No.4825698

Pretty much this.

>> No.4827563

if holoCN is reopened i bet there's gonna be kyoani 2.0

>> No.4827865

This. It's over, not even Amerifats could beat them.

>> No.4829151

for lazy schizos who don't do their reps, thinking that Coco would voluntarily leave:

>> No.4830480

Not if I'm in charge. We shall tear down china brick by brick.

>> No.4830567

The well has been poisoned. There is no coming back from this.

>> No.4830657

Zhang bait. Initiate Directive 7395

>> No.4831310

>If the rrat is true and Mori leaves to follow Coco
What are you even talking about? Why would she leave?

>> No.4832350

>buying yet another iPhone
Good luck without Taiwanese chips

>> No.4832446

Time line wise, it depends entirely on how the remainder of Cocos time at Hololive goes and whether certain rrats about it are true.(Coco is being moved to the EN division for gen 2 to separate her from the Chinese audience, also to where youtube would be able to police chink behavior in the channels. Haachama is being considered for early movement as well, but may occur later. Cover is working on a streaming deal with Twitch.)

If it goes well, their could be a CN branch within the next 8 months time since changs wouldn't be able to complain about Coco. And it would be an easy PR win in the West for Cover.
If it goes poorly, Cover will have lost to much support over seas for EN to work, their would be backlash through the loss of other talent for Cover, and Cover would collapse inwards and you would see strong growth in competition companies. Cover would then have to push up the timeline for when they attempt to open in China, take more Ls, and recover about 2 years afterwards only to be the marginalized company that isn't as good as others.

>> No.4835324

this is extremely interesting. Her "movie" analysis is the same rant she did in her last arknights twitch stream, just before being forced out of twitch into bilibili. Exactly the same thing, yet she has written it after the coco video.

This surely means something, and I don't think the "rich man hiding" is coco. It reads like she realizes she's a pawn of something else.

>> No.4835435

it's not her

>> No.4835708

You guys to realize Cover realized that CN wasn't really making that much money?

I know alot of you are newfags but the insider supahchats from bilibili and others place showed the chinese were like 10% of the most of the girl's revenue. Re-opening the branch would be an insult to all the girls who were forced to graduate and the chinese will just react to "How dare you show your face to us again" and again this goes in hand with the STRICTER chinese laws that recently implemented that basically make it impossible for COVER to dual-stream it their talent, because of just how bad it is.

Also even before that COVER was brought up by the japanese government and told them "Don't invest in china too much"

>> No.4838041

Kanata said they've known about the graduation for some time

>> No.4838136

>The problem is gone

>> No.4838183

Try it ,I really want to see what happen

>> No.4838234

Because it's a fake account you dumb faggot.

>> No.4838310

idc but i will be very speciesist when it happens

>> No.4840197
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>> No.4840509

Me fucking ame and you getting dicked by chinks cock
