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48117117 No.48117117 [Reply] [Original]

All right, give me your rrats as to why it hasn't happened yet. The more schizo the better.

>> No.48117176

I haven't found the fifth member of my harem yet

>> No.48117226

To piss off you specifically.

>> No.48117253

Tempiss happened
Popular demand my ass

>> No.48117266

Omega is still busy writing the worst fucking lore you've ever seen. When they do debut in 2025 45 minutes of their hour-long debut will be them reading a a chapter of what will essentially be a light novel

>> No.48117289

the good ones already established themselves as successful indies and don’t need cover

>> No.48117333

Myth threatened Cover with mass graduation should they hire new chuubas.

>> No.48117413

actually omega is too busy writing his shitty light novel to pitch to kadokawa, this is why the mori TT collab happened, the fag wanted to leverage that connection as an in to pitch his fanfic tier trash

>> No.48117424

well it's working...

>> No.48117451

>Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, won't get fooled again.

>> No.48117470

Failing branch, need to cut your losses short, not doubling down and waste more money

>> No.48117476

They set the bar way too high in order to avoid another Sana and now there aren't any indies that meet the new standards.

>> No.48117529

Good candidates have seen how absolutely schizo some Holobronies are, and would rather not deal with that.

>> No.48117582

>Still no Council member with 1 million subscribers
This is probably it. The only reason why they get really good views still is because they try their best to not overlap with one another. If overlaps start happening more frequently their numbers would look bad

>> No.48117590
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It already happened. The next batch of girls will be gen 5.

>> No.48117593

They took too long, so the only good talents went to other companies.
Sana's design was hideous and sabotaged Council, so they were never popular.
Yagoo is a faggot, so he wanted gay men in his idol company instead.

>> No.48117611

0 good EN talent available

>> No.48117754

anon, he said rrats not the truth

>> No.48117758

The same thing that happened to Tempus happened to HoloEN. Wildly successful compared to the JP side of their branch, 2nd gen rushed and flops (even Flay is top-tier compared to the JP side, though), no 3rd gen.

>> No.48117766 [DELETED] 

Mori remains a fat alcoholic wigger whose perpetual contrarianism has now resulted in her views falling off a cliff.
Ame hasn't done anything special in months, filtered half her audience with Tempest collabs, now does half assed streams.
Kiara is doing okay but she's still streaming at EU times and in chicken voice, she was never going to be the star.
Ina is half retired.
Gura is half retired.

Mumei is fucking dying and while a decent streamer, offers nothing special.
Fauna is doing well but again isn't a star
Kronii decided to lie and spit on all her fans, is being propped up solely by her model.
Bae is still a Homo promoter, was never big to begin with.
Irys is doing okay.

It wasn't JUST Tempus but they really split the fanbase a lot. Then the girls got lazy/stopped streaming. The ones who are still at it are doing the best they can but the brand overall is tainted.

>> No.48117847

EN management is Westerners or Westernized JPs who are ideologically committed to never doing anything that Hololive fans will enjoy.

>> No.48117888

They expected people to embrace tempus and be satisfied with them, if the reception was good they would've said "Yep tempus is EN3", but now everytime there's a new announcement people go "EN3?!" So they pulled the plug and are doing the audition for new girls only fucking now

>> No.48117927

they're stuck in negotiations hell with ironmouse, pippa, nyanners, pomu and selen

>> No.48117978

simply not worth the investment

>> No.48117984
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Bruh what are you talking about, they literally go out of the way to overlap each other while leaving the rest of the day blank. This is a consistent pattern.

>> No.48118032

Vshojo sniped the talents they were looking at

>> No.48118056

Mumei has asthma. She is definitely not dying.

>> No.48118116

The EN girls have unionized and management is withholding a Gen 3 until the Pinkertons have done their thing

>> No.48118133

she also has the other condition that she doesn't want to talk about that makes her really sick with constant fevers and fatigue

>> No.48118162

She said her cough wasn't getting better after weeks of treatment. It's ogre.

>> No.48118172

One or more of the models is IRyS/Sana-tier and the girls they recruit for the slot quit on the spot when they see it. This process has been repeating for a year.
Either that or they actually want someone brown for the diversity hire model and there isn't a black vtuber on this earth that isn't fucking nuts.

>> No.48118190

>When they do debut in 2025 45 minutes of their hour-long debut will be them reading a a chapter of what will essentially be a light novel
I would unironically like this, but only if it were an actual good story with good lore instead of the garbage we would actually get.

>> No.48118209

More like they bought Magic the Gathering cards legally with their own money.

>> No.48118246

All of the girls have their nepotism hires and none are good enough to actually bring in

>> No.48118252

Myth - Hololive had Kiryu Coco
Council - No Kiryu Coco and Omega fuck it up.

>> No.48118271

Tempussy is EN3

>> No.48118279

I'm over EN3 if they don't get Miori. Bring on JP8, the new girls sperging out when they meet their oshi is enough kino to keep the EN3 cope at bay.

>> No.48118473

>The good ones
The ocean is not dry, anons.
Kiara, Mori and Fauna said ON STREAM that they wanted kohais
>Concert ickets sold out
>Concert merch almost sould out
Probably this
The "1 million" rrat is the most retarded take on the lack of EN3
>The reason there's no EN3 is my personal reasons to not liking the current members
>Nyanners and Ironmouse
>Ignoring the low cost of vtubers
If they joined Vwhorejo they were not Holo material anyways

>> No.48118576

If Miori gets in you fags will just complain that she's a Tempus collaber and start shitting on Bae. So no thanks, let her stay indie and free from you freaks.

>> No.48118623

hinging the entire success of your foreign branch on a single talent reaching an arbitrary, absurdly high subscriber mark is so fucking retarded i won't accept it.
well run dry agument is very closed-minded. you bet your ass cover had boatloads of applications to go through over two years.
if they'd show they are seriously looking for new girls they could get another gen even now. not like there are now new indies ever and oyu know everyone. idiots

i think it's a mix between trying to grow existing talent and having enough support for them (new 3D studio, IPO money etc) and EN management being in complete disarray,
failing to recognize that people want another gen while JP thinks it's going well. and then some extra caution to avoid a Sana 2.
personal bonus rrat: gura and ina went MIA to wait out the end of Omega's contract at 1.4.23 as a result of the homo disaster. the activity drought last year was because the talents had a fallout with management
because omega/whoever else chose to prioritize homos while the girls got sidelined

JP is confused at the clusterfuck and quietly restructures EN with the beginning of the JP financial year (new hires, new talent manager position) to get things under control before debuting a new gen.
note how EN is included and pushed more (bae jp official content, hololive en channel animated, holoGra, EN concert), means they didn't drop the branch. it's just not under control

>> No.48118624

For me it's either no 1kk subs for any councilrys, or EN management thinking they're Nijisanji and can pass Holostars off as EN3. Remember the creation of the HoloproEN account and Omega's stars shilling? I bet they hoped it'd go over better with the fans before being forced to accept reality.

>> No.48118727

This is the most viable rrat, just look how recently they REMINDED fucking everyone that there are auditions opened for Hololive english, it gains more viability once you remember that there were many posts /here/ about indies saying ''WHY THE FUCK COVER DIDN'T WATCH MY AUDITION????? I CAN SING, DANCE, STREAM FOR 8 FUCKING HOURS'' and such, Cover literally didn't watch any fucking video until their boys started hitting a wall.

>> No.48118786

Here's my spicy rrat, one or more of the girls have told Cover that they'll leave Hololive if they don't delay wave 3 since they know that a third wave would cannabalize viewers from them and cut into their income.
Cover doesn't want to risk debuting new talents if it means losing one or more of their cash cows, so they're willing to delay the 3rd gen for them.

>> No.48118795

My guess is it was postponed for ENMales

>> No.48118808

You almost had a coherent reason then immediately dipped into Tempus schizo cope, Ina literally asked Axel to join his Bad End Night cover why do you think she gives a shit

>> No.48119030

Remember that management tried to push the idea that generations aren't a thing. In other words, there will NEVER be an EN3 and you aren't supposed to expect one.
Hope, Council, and Tempus are their own projects and have some kind of weird lore/narrative. Basically, Council+Omegatroon are the Gods and they're meant to bless & guide Tempus, which is a guild of adventurers meant to defeat evil. And Hope is meant to sing about their deeds.
Most likely they were pushing the idea of "HoloPro" and "no generations" in order to slam down a mixed gen that's a separate project from Hololive/Holostars. The EN management never wanted idols, they wanted a kind of Fairy Tail guild.
The reason new gens are so slow is because they had to change their plans. They have a couple girls that they intended to drop into Tempus, but they got worried about the backlash and decided to delay their debuts. Obviously, it would look pretty bad to debut a gen of only two girls, so they have to go find three more for a proper gen.
By this point, their contract with the original two girls actually expired with no debut date in sight, so one of the girls decided not to renew and instead pursue other opportunities, forcing Cover to go back through auditions again to find a replacement.
And that's why it's taking forever.

>> No.48119119

They took too long to debut and were overly hyped by those retarded lore teasers, not to mention how they debuted after all of myth had reached 1 million subs and the gen amassed a total of around 7 million subs so by the time they dropped people (and Cover) expected them to be Myth Part 2.

>> No.48119147

They're just waiting on Pomu. She's almost ready.

>> No.48119171

T3MPUS doesn't refer to EN3 but the 3 Tempus gens that are needed to complete the guild.

>> No.48119175

That doesn’t mean she’s dying, retards

>> No.48119297

Then how is it that new successful EN corpos keep popping up?

>> No.48119366

fair point but i can't be the only one who thought gura was pissed at the homos.
no tempus mention like fauna, the "men are smarter" comment at a convenient time. feels like someone told the girls off and they are hiring guys to replace them
maybe ina, mori and bae didn't have a part of it but i'd bet money not everyone was content with EN guys

>> No.48119470

one of the candidates fucked up somehow and they scrapped the entire gen last year
kind of what lamy thought would happen to gen 5

>> No.48119566

not a rrat, EN3 just underperformed

>> No.48119577

the limited and deteriorating services that cover provides to EN talents are of marginally decreasing appeal to vtubers generally, and of extremely low appeal to the specific segment of EN vtubers that cover would choose. they can't find anyone good enough who will put up with their retarded bullshit.

>> No.48119594

Why do you think Haachama is away for 'health' problems? Her metamorphosis is nearing its completion. The Holy Trinity, that is EN 3, is EN 0. Haato is not Haachama is not Red Heart but they are all EN 3 (0). Just you wait. She'll re-debut as the strongest member of Hololive EN.

>> No.48119700

Was this written by Hideo Kojima?

>> No.48119708

thanks for your input, rin

>> No.48119798

This is the one

>> No.48119805

There's also the fact that Tempus received the premiere treatment compared to all the other StarsJP gens who always debuted close to another Hololive gen. If Tempus wasn't supposed to the the EN3 then we would've had both their debuts and a new HoloEN either before or after them, but not only they debuted alone Cover pushed for another gen after less than 6 months. They were hellbent in getting their own Luxiem to the point they sacrificed the growth of what should've been their focus in the first place, but their success was middling at best and they're now scrambling to get 5 girls more than a year after they started the open auditions.

>> No.48120013

Nijisanji provides even less and they still get people, unless you count Chinese kusoge permissions as a service (and knowing the average weeb girl this could actually be a factor)

>> No.48120109

It'll flop worse than Council. The new HoloID girls debut and fucking eviscerate HoloEN. HoloEN flounders in mediocrity until Ina graduates before the new year. Some of the ENs may even jump ship for Niji or vShojo. But by that point Cover will either sack the entire EN management or turn it into some crappy NijiEN clone. At this point who fucking cares? My chuuba streams every fucking day. And squeals like a retard everytime I toss her 10 bucks.

>> No.48120123

>but their success was middling at best and they're now scrambling to get 5 girls more than a year after they started the open auditions.
And if those girls aren't the greatest thing since sliced bread, everybody is going to, rightfully, blame EN management.

>> No.48120213

they don't choose the same segment of candidates.

>> No.48120519

I think Sana's graduation scared cover really hard on betting on the EN side, that and overall the talent pool is drying faster and faster, they probably are more strict, making it so it takes longer, having girls in standby get annoyed at the waiting, leaving, then trying again.

>> No.48120590

no EN3 because OP is a faggot.

>> No.48120640

It's because you didn't buy Kronii's merch.

>> No.48120848

Yagoo is disillusioned with the way Gura never streams and half of the female talents hate Idol culture, so Omegafaggot is taking the opportunity to talk him into 10 tempus generations so he can build his gay harem.

>> No.48120867

At this point, i'm starting to believe they're holding off EN3 because Tempus happened. Almost 2 years of waiting...

>> No.48121009

At this point as long as they're dedicated streamers they don't need to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. The biggest problem EN has is that they don't have many dedicated streamers and end up with huge chunks of dead air between streams, and often there are days without a single member going live. Their goal with EN3 should be getting girls to fill these dead slots for the Hololive audience because it's fucking obvious at this point that they would rather watch anything instead of Tempus, and also hope that one of them is a monster like Kaela and Koyori. Outside of that maybe bet on niches that aren't filled yet with the current roster.

This argument never takes into account the fact that Cover didn't talk about HoloEN auditions for over a year while they pushed the StarsEN one 3 times in less than a year. If they're having trouble getting 5 girls they would shill the auditions harder, but they waited until February of 2023, 13 months after the open auditions started, to do that.

>> No.48121041

>that and overall the talent pool is drying faster and faster
This is pure, unadultered cope, the indie scene is growing on 1 views, many are really fucking interesting but they didn't have the luck factor that all of the other indies had.
It all depends on luck and how you ride it.

>> No.48121146

When one of the newest members of HoloEN, a homo to boot. Starts selling his merch higher than the EN girls. You have a problem.

>> No.48121160

Cover decided it isn't worth investing in the EN market anymore. So no more EN coming unless it's tempus.

>> No.48121217

If they want to avoid another Sana they shouldn't be letting a nepo hire slip by

>> No.48121447

Two of the En3 candidate bailed out because they're told to collab with Tempus after their collab ban end

>> No.48121525
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The HoloEN members vetoed EN3 because they don't want to lose their paypigs and merch opportunities. If EN3 debuted and became popular people like Gura and Ina and Kiara would start feeling threatened. They don't mind Tempiss since their audience is different and non-threatening. Internal politics in companies full of women are always toxic.

>> No.48121623
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nepo hires are good, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.48121682


>> No.48121748

what part of writing the worst fucking lore you've ever seen do you not understand

>> No.48121770

>>48117117 copied from another thread
There is honestly no point in introducing new gens to HoloEN as long as Homostars exists
Any new girls that might join are immediately tainted by association
No one is safe to oshi as long as male collabs are looming over the horizon
Tempiss is the downfall of Hololive

>> No.48121789
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so thats why Kiara is asking for more Niji collabs instead of bitching about getting more HoloEN members to collab with, huh...

>> No.48121829

>maybe ina, mori and bae didn't have a part of it but i'd bet money not everyone was content with EN guys
Kiara definitely said something.

>> No.48121871
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>Tempiss is the downfall of Hololive
JP still thriving

>> No.48121886

That would be really petty of them

>> No.48122015

Reminder that the sales revenue for Dino Gura was used to fund tempus

>> No.48122021
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Its EN3's 1 year anniversary in a couple months

>> No.48122078

Most of the merch revenue goes directly to the talent

>> No.48122265

I hope it never fucking happens, any one aplying now is a cloutchaser. Alo when they all streamed normally we had 4-5 people overlaping and was imposible to enjoy them all.

>> No.48122323

Myth: Coco convinced Cover there is a market for English
Council: Myth's amazing reception

>> No.48122411

ngl it's funny seeing so much retards hating on the homos just for existing. They genuinely think that tempus somehow fucked everything

>> No.48122478

>They genuinely think that tempus somehow fucked everything
They did

>> No.48122512

Almost 2 years with no new girls
Debuting irys as solo shit was a mistake
No 1M subs from Council yet (Holox and ID2 already get those)
Sana graduated
Kronii merch status (Imagine getting another Kronii for EN3)
Declining number for HoloEN, even Gura barely get 20k stream nowadays
Waiting for Tempus to grow

>> No.48122545

>They genuinely think that tempus somehow fucked everything
Not completely but they and EN management really fucked things up.

>> No.48122652

Honestly, i like Tempus, but if what people are saying that Cover decided to take english girls auditions AFTER tempus debuted, thats so fucking retarded on so many levels. Their audiences are not the same, they should have in theory been able to get working on EN3 alongside HQ and Vanguard, but if they didn't well, if it isn't the consequences of their actions.

>> No.48122722

>they and EN management really fucked things up
? Tempus still bring in money, maybe not as much as the potential EN3, but they still bring in the money
reminder most HoloEN (myth) refused to read superchat nowadays (easy money), taking too much break, that's why EN males are need, less break, still bring some money

>> No.48122766

Gura got so lazy and rich that she said she will graduate immediately after EN3. Yagoo is stalling as much as he can for all of you. He's the saint, apologize.

>> No.48122871
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>> No.48122937

>Their audiences are not the same
EN management are/were so delusional that they probably either thought HoloEN fans would watch them or they could force them to watch.

>> No.48122952

They hate Idol Culture

>> No.48122958

>Debuting irys as solo shit was a mistake
It was but it turned out really well in the end when Sana graduated
>No 1M subs from Council yet (Holox and ID2 already get those)
Kronii could already be there if it wasn't for her frequent breaks and the tempus debuff, she was top tier before everything went wrong
>Sana graduated
She should never have joined Hololive, Ina messed up by giving a slot to her friend when she had no potential
>(Imagine getting another Kronii for EN3)
That would be a good thing if it wasn't for Tempus
>Waiting for Tempus to grow
Tempus was the biggest mistake Hololive has ever made

>> No.48122966

1) resources were directed towards recruiting males for Tempus 1 and Tempus 2, because Tempus was successful by Holostars standards- Altare will have about 600,000 subs by this time next year, lapping Roberu. This is mostly because he tapped into the massive well of Indonesians that Kobo discovered. Axel has many Japanese friends, Bettel has asian yumejos, Vesper has gay men. They are all doing quite well.
2) Cover is focused on subs it doesn't matter what their superchat/CCV/membership/merchandise is. It's all about the subs. There will never ever be a gen 3 until Gen 2 is properly fleshed out and subby and IRyS is part of gen 1.5 and doesn't count, cover doesn't give a fuck about her. I genuinely also do not understand the people who seethe about 'numberfags' whenever someone posts this, Cover is explicitly a numberfag company because their goal is increasing their profits and bars of success not being 'a happy family'.

>> No.48123048

They unironically released 2 en gens already. That raging schizophrenic yagoo thought this time for sure niji male popularity will transfer over

>> No.48123071

It's like that meme of the guy that's all alone in the bathroom and the other guy walks all the way across the room to piss in the toilet next to him.

>> No.48123179

It's obvious that they put HoloEN on the backburner for Tempus. As I said here >>48119805 all StarsJP gen had a Hololive gen debuting close to them. Their first gen debuted a little over a week before Sankisei, gen 2 on the same month as JP4, gen 3 a few weeks after ID1 and Uproar a few days after ID3. If they treated StarsEN like they did StarsJP we would've had EN3 in between both Tempus gens or they would just debut the 2 extra ones they had with Tempus 1 and debut an EN3 after, but here we are without a new HoloEN gen 20 months after the debut of Council.

This doesn't make any sense. The absolute majority of the HoloEN audience isn't watching Tempus and no amount of shilling will make them interested in watching dudes.

This is truly a schizo reason because Altare won't even reach 400k if he keeps his current sub growth for the next 12 months.

>> No.48123212

>they are in different timezones
>they have different sleep schedules
>they have difficulty setting up collabs
>somehow daily solo streams overlap like this

>> No.48123285

My person favorite rrat is the someone in the gen needs 1 million subs before they hire a new gen.
Tempus just needed the new members.

>> No.48123395

They're told to stream at PST primetime? idk

>> No.48123510

Stop calling literally everything schizo, you retard. Your toaster is not schizo, your cellphone is not schizo, things that upset you are not schizo. Cover will not have another generation until the previous generation has grown up. That's how it is, they like subs, I don't see why this bothers all of you retards so much.

>> No.48123654
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>Western vtuber market began really slowing down in the later half of 2021 with Covid restrictions finally being lifted
>Council completely failed at even coming close number wise to Myth, while that's not 100% true of CCV it is of subs, which Cover takes more seriously than CCV for whatever fucking reason
>HoloEarth is their big project that's gonna eat up most funding going forward and where they'll want to put resources

/vt/ wants EN3 so they have streams, which sadly shows a fundamental problem with your current crop of talents that you need to rectify before you can even wish to shit out more talents. The problem is EN Management gave the girls an inch and they proceeded to take a mile, they've set a precedent for all future talents. Work hard for 6-9 months then ride off memberships and merch.

Tempiss is everyone's collective scapegoat, it gives people to blame without them pointing the finger at their oshi. If tempiss brings in a paying audience that's different from the girls and they bring a good net profit for what they cost then good on Cover for diversifying their reveune streams. The problem is what did it cost them elsewhere? I get the feeling they really don't care as long as everyone is providing profit for the company at large.

>> No.48123657

The vtuber boom became too big
Every talented streamer with a cute anime girl uwu voice already joined a company or became big on her own
They can't find unused talents like Gura anymore and without new talents there's no new gen

>> No.48123721

>pull a retarded number out of his ass
>get mad someone called out his retardation
I bet you were bullied out of /#/.

>> No.48123776

It's literally in their latest IPO,
They want more investors to stabilize the funding for all of the current Gens first, then release a new Gen.

Pretty sure it means HoloEN and StarsEN are a flop.

>> No.48123787

They could easily find 5 girls that match Council's quality

>> No.48123848
File: 537 KB, 846x382, holosubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's how it is, they like subs,
correct, this is the Hololivefes 4 promotion

>> No.48123856

>just existing
my ass. you are trying to memoryhole the massive homocollab pushing last year? nobody would give a shit if they'd have kept to themselves from the start.

>> No.48123875

They're not flops so much as Cover is throwing money into an incinerator with little to show for it besides Vtubers.

>> No.48123878

They keep dropping out in incubation once they realize what being in a corpo is actually like and not whatever dream scenario they envisioned.
Which forces cover to sift through their pile of at least a hundred thousand applications.
And corporate is scared shitless of a new EN wave performing like Tempus because they don't understand why it doesn't perform as well.

>> No.48123879

finding 5 Mumeis or Sanas? Sure easy
finding 5 Kroniis or Faunas? Impossible

>> No.48123895

They talked about wanting another studio because they have too many projects and the talents have said you need to sign up months in advance to get time with the current one.

>> No.48123984

And Mumei is the most popular Council, so that works out

>> No.48123998

Kronii was the first Council member to stream as little as possible. It's true that she was massively outclassed by Sana, but it's like you completely forgot about people mocking her schedules having 3 or 4 days of break barely 2 months after debut.

>> No.48124032

That is my rrat, they fear that debuting a new girl gen, who may be very awaited, will completly put tempiss in the shadow in an irremediable manner. Also with how tempiss 2 and the girl have been ignoring each others you can predict that most if not all EN3 is bound to forget that tempiss exist. Meaning that viewers will also forget they exist, who will left them with only homobeggar (remember they don't watch them, clips are enought for them, if it's not threats) and with JP stars getting budget restriction having the same happening to EN (it will happen anyway) too soon is gona put people who both support and created them into a very, very bad situation in the entreprise as such a big failure will really put a dark dot on their records. That why those same people are probably doing their best to make sure that EN3 is delayed as much as possible. Who know they may have found a weird thing like finaly finding EU girls and that thing enought will slow down the audicion process but i doubt people who debuted tempiss are that smart though.

>> No.48124062

pls find 1 kaela, 1 koyori, 1 botan, 1 mio, and 1 fubuki for EN3
cam on yagoo, fuck you omegay

>> No.48124203


>> No.48124245

Yeah, these are the same assholes that kept on scheduling meetings for the girls during special events for Tempus to make sure there was no overlap for their pet homos.

>> No.48124318

Is EN management all women?

>> No.48124387

>that kept on scheduling meetings for the girls during special events
Never happen

>> No.48124410

they are moving to TTS and AI

yagoo already show interest in the tech

>> No.48124550

They understand that their talents are like a cast of characters to a show. You don't need to constantly add a dozen new members every year.

>> No.48124575

>they fear that debuting a new girl gen will completly put tempiss in the shadow in an irremediable manner.
It's the other way around
Casual viewers don't bring in money. Members, gachikoi, unicorns, waifufags and so on bring money
But as long as Tempus is around no new girl will be safe to oshi. EN3 will never gain anything other than casual viewers

>> No.48124794

but the tempus collab arc is over? the last collab was between the usual suspects and EN3 will probably make it clear they are homofans at debut like bae

>> No.48124802

JP had 28 members by the time EN had 10 and that branch is doing much better overall. While less is more more often than not there's a limit to it, and HoloEN is way below the acceptable number to make that true.

>> No.48124819

might be the dumbest post of vt, I have never seen someone so out of touch with hololive or vtubers in general.
Referring to the last point only.

>> No.48124888

Hello? I'd like to order 1 Korone, 1 Koyori, 1 Kaela, 1 Watame, and a side of Marine please.

>> No.48124928

The second you decide to oshi a new girl she will schedule a male collab
Enjoy knowing that going forward

>> No.48125183
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Sana had a meltdown over not being able to politicfag and they decided dealing with more westoid womyn wasn't worth the risk.

>> No.48125263

>Sana had a meltdown over not being able to politicfag
What's that about? I never watched her and didn't hear about this before

>> No.48125294

EN3 are set to be comparable to Myth in terms of talent, skills and creative prowess with very strong lineup of talents. One of them is an ex-disney channel DCOM actor/singer, and 3 of them are professional/semi-pro that went on hiatus for a really long time (there is this one hag, married singer that will BTFO everyone in Cover, not avril, but she's pretty famous in 2000s). The last one is a relatively unkown vtuber, but pretty good at MOBA and good with tech stuff.
They're set to debut in the middle of May, but it got pushed to June.

You didn't hear it from me.

>> No.48125425

>hiring washed up popstars
that's a whole new dimension of yab waiting to happen

>> No.48125492

EN3 are set to be comparable to Myth in terms of talent, skills and creative prowess with very strong lineup of talents. One of them is an ex-disney channel DCOM actor/singer, and 3 of them are professional/semi-pro that went on hiatus for a really long time (there is this one hag, married singer that will BTFO everyone in Cover, not avril, but she's pretty famous in 2000s). The last one is a relatively unkown vtuber, but pretty good at MOBA and good with tech stuff.
They're set to debut in the middle of May, but it got pushed to June.

I heard it from the guy I'm replying to.

>> No.48125559

>That is my rrat, they fear that debuting a new girl gen, who may be very awaited, will completly put tempiss in the shadow in an irremediable manner.
Yagoo definitely cares more for Tempus than holoEN so he is delaying the debut of EN3. He doesn't want anything to interfere with the growth of Tempus.

>> No.48125653

Cover hasn't gotten 5 applicants they think are good enough.

>> No.48125755


>> No.48126034

Fake Cover Intern

One is an ID singer who can speak native English, one is a failed stand-up comedian, one is Ex Esport girl - Kaela tier grinder, one nepotism hire, most likely another artist

>> No.48126119

Isn't it just her period?

>> No.48126199

No EN3 because you guys don't subscribe to tempiss. No EN3 until one tempiss member reaches 1 mil subs

>> No.48126202

I hope Ina gets banned from making nepotism hires, she's 2 for 2 in hiring the worst of their gen

>> No.48126390

Western women don't know how to follow orders. So all the possible candidates rejected Cover because they all already know they have a lot of rules so prefer to go indie or to some other not so restrictive company.

>> No.48126720

That would be really womanly of them.

>> No.48127604

Every time this thread pops up I remember who the average holobronie EN looks and then simply laugh knowing they are equally disarrangement from the inside and the outside.

>> No.48127803

Yeah and the new girls will also overlap the same times

>> No.48127846

the 3rd gens are always hololive's "golden boys" which caused them to have a hard time looking for someone that' good ebough for standard
either that or they're denying anyone that doesn't want to be a cocksucker for the boys

>> No.48128087

Ok schizo rrats aside

>Waiting for Miori Celeste to move out of her parents place a
>Waiting for Hana Macchia to graduate
>Waiting for Pikamee's new model
>Waiting for Fauna to fix fallenshadow
>Waiting for Kronii to stop being a lazy cunt and pick from her PL clique

EN3 in 2024.

>> No.48128102

Cover lost all trust in western women
>Hate idol culture
>Drug abuse
>Tummy hort
>Throwing tantrum at fans
>Non stop jealously
With tempiss, they're going to place their trust on western men. If they also failed they may cut off the branch altogether

>> No.48128201

>Ok schizo rrats aside
>posts schizo rrats

>> No.48128231

Jp also has a bigger audience for vtubers excluding that weird covid boost for myth

>> No.48128245

myth graduate before New gen

>> No.48128304

>she was top tier before everything went wrong
You are just horny and starved of human contact. Go and buy a escort. Better if is one with a dick, that way you kill two birds with one stone and removes your unheatlhy obsession with dick.

>> No.48128306

No one wants to join

>> No.48128317

Kronii was the first of council to figure out she could do the bare minimum and still make mad dosh, at the same time Sana figured out that the bare minimum + six figures was somehow still too difficult for her. Put together they crippled the gen out of the gate. Then add to it Mumei also had a very inconsistent schedule back then because of school and Council has effectively two active members despite being barely half a year old.

It’s interesting. Back then I figured if HoloEN was going to phone it in this hard I still had the new NijiEN girls. It goes without saying that turned out poorly. Fast forward two years and at this point I’m pretty much only watching indies and small corpos, and I think there’s a non-insignificant number of people from Myth’s original audience who followed the same trajectory.

>> No.48128541

They are waiting for Miori to finish her major as Bae gave cover an ultimatum
>Get her in or i leave
Now they wouldn't really bend the knee that much for Bae but Mori supports Bae on this and they dont want to risk losing both

>> No.48128616

I blame all of that except tummy hort on Mori
Mori introduced the bitch attitude to Hololive and encourages other holos to follow suit because >fuck the haters
Whatever that means to her demented brain

>> No.48128628


>> No.48128764

does japan think only people on the west coast likes anime puppet women

>> No.48128767

>and I think there’s a non-insignificant number of people from Myth’s original audience who followed the same trajectory.
Oh definitely, and a lot of indies grew during that moment when there was no new HoloEN gen while Cover was shilling Tempus hard. But here's the thing: an EN3 has a chance to bring these people back. It's not the only way but it is the most efficient, and Cover only needs to bring girls who can either provide a type of content the current ones don't or already do it but inconsistently and they have the best chance to get the attention of the audience who left HoloEN in the last 2-ish years. They just have to make sure that the 5 girls they hire will not start doing the bare minimum after a couple of months and that they don't overlap with each other every fucking time at least early on and they have a golden gen.

>> No.48128896

After Gura's death due to overdose in Mori's party Cover started a several stage protocol to ensure the branch wouldn't die within weeks:
1. Grab one of the EN3 members and train her to be the new Gura VA
2. Cancel the rest of EN3 as they were considered a risk if any of them were to figure out that one of them is now Gura
3. Divide Tempus Gen 1, originally meant to just be 5 though at the time they had 2 members fighting for the 5th position, they were told they could both get in if they managed to find 2 more members for the next gen which was now put to debut at the time EN3 was meant to happen
4. Send anyone that would leak this to the re-education camp to ensure this wouldn't happen-> Ina missing for a few months for "health issues"
5. Start hiring again for new EN3 members

Everything is going fairly well nowadays to be honest, EN3 should debut in the next couple months

>> No.48129089
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>> No.48129211

Nope, enjoy your new Tempus gen/Homo Vsinger, he was already leaked btw

>> No.48129272

This is my rrat, make sure to turn off your brain before reading.
First some background. Cover's main concern with EN is lack of streaming, the market is largely untapped for them but they haven't had the same success they have with JP and ID. Yes Myth has large subscriber numbers, but there are a lot more comparable EN vtubers out there than with the other branches, which means Hololive could easily support more EN members. The problem is the current member's lack of streams which makes it harder to capture that market. JP has a worker's culture keeping the successful girls working even as they become wealthy, ID knows they are making way more money streaming than they would be any other way. However EN is entitled and lazy, and cover is afraid of bringing in more tubers who will grow a small fanbase then stop streaming and coast on a few memberships and periodic merch. That's why they cut Sana to try and scare the rest of the branch into streaming more. However all of the current members know they are untouchable because they are still profitable even if their hours are low and Cover doesn't want to push them out and lose even more market share in EN. I believe cover has determined the lack of control over EN is due to communication difficulty from the language barrier as well as poor management which is part of the reason that A chan has been grinding her english so hard and is now taking over the branch management.
Now the rrat. Cover actually already hired EN3 months ago. However instead of nepotism hires or poaching talent they are trying something new for the market. Cover has recruited and hired students who are still in college and are waiting for them to graduate this spring to debut EN3 in the summer. This sounds stupid at first but it really makes the most sense. By targeting college students they are able to focus on people who are already learning japanese or easily put them in classes to learn. The age range of college seniors are older than the young teens Cover has stayed away from since gen 1, but still young enough to fit their target demographics. College students may not be as familiar with regular work requirements but by not debuting the gen you can assign them periodic work and those who don't pull their weight can be dropped before the cost of debuting a model is incurred. Also there is the added benefit that in the US college students have a ton of debt so that leech should keep them working even if they start to bring in a ton of cash as a vtuber.
Hiring directly out of college instead of applications means they could negotiate better terms with their talent than what someone who is currently streaming would ask for, larger splits for cover of SC and membership $s and in return higher monthly salaries for the new members. Most likely those would be first year deals which would improve for EN3 after they streamed for a year.
Also the JP fiscal year starts on april 1st, so it isn't a long wait until spring graduation from schools. Cover delaying the new gen until this new year after they've gone public makes sense, and waiting longer to see if the new members are going to flame out is only a benefit for Cover before they start promoting them to the wider Hololive ecosystem.
Ok now the rrat is out of my head and anyone who bothered to read all of that can deal with it.

>> No.48129327
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my scouter says...
> quote me on this

>> No.48129492

I don't believe it but that rrat was an interesting read thanks for sharing anon

>> No.48130303

The longterm goal for HoloproEN is to collapse StarsEN and LiveEN into one agency
JP management set them up as two agency based on their own model but separating by gender is a big nono in the western brainrot mindset so EN management works towards bringing them together into one mixed gender agency
EN 3 will not debut the way we're used to because going forward EN3 and Tempus 3 are one generation in the new westernized Holopro
The reason why Tempus had 2 gens in rapid succession while EN was put on hold was to equalize the amount members across both agencies before the merger

>> No.48130570
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Council hasn't hit 1 million subs, that is literally it.

>> No.48130795

I blame Tempus for this

>> No.48130923

that just looks like a black man to me

>> No.48130942

>Waiting for Kronii to stop being a lazy cunt and pick from her PL clique
I rather they hired some homeless orphan before that, have you seen her chat mod, that her friends, twitch garbage behaviour.

>> No.48131233

>the reason that A chan has been grinding her english so hard and is now taking over the branch management.
please be real, A-chan taking the reigns of EN management would be amazing
also that college meme is interesting and I could see them doing that

>> No.48131332

>the reason that A chan has been grinding her english so hard and is now taking over the branch management.
Honestly the best thing that could happen to EN
EN management has been a consistent series of fuckups since Myth debuted

>> No.48131373

if they do that i'm going to drop even my oshi's membership. why the fuck does cover have to act so goddamn retarded

>> No.48131516

Ironmouse and Nyaners? I suppose you want Yagoo to recruit KSON and Nazuna as well...

>> No.48131853
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>P has a worker's culture keeping the successful girls working even as they become wealthy

>> No.48133035

EN is being used as a testing ground for a mixed gender/counterpart generation to see if heterobaiting from the very beginning as well as cultivating a sort of "Boys vs Girls" mentality is a viable strategy. EN3 will double as the third generation of female hololive EN talents as well as male EN talents. This has been a rather complicated process due to conflicting personalities as well as prospectives dropping out when learning about the gimmick.

>> No.48133124

Still hiring for more EN manager.

>> No.48133534

I applied as a male last week and they've watched my video kek

>> No.48134537
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>think HoloEN is doing fine
>decide to debut Tempiss, seeing how male streamers absolutely dominate the western scene they though they were going to be a massive success
>see that the Tempiss debuts are fairly succesful and gaining tons of clout (MAGGING), decide to prepare a new gen ASAP while pushing the HoloPro bullshit
>turns out HoloEN was not fine and things got even worse when their top two talents went on a hiatus soon after
>the mixed collabs actually cause a fuckton of drama
>the Tempiss boys just keep reclining further and further and a new gen does absolutely nothing to save their asses
truly the single biggest mistake in the history of HoloEN, imagine having complete monopoly on the market and fucking it up so hard

>> No.48134867

oy that's my rrat >>48130303
make up your own bullshit

>> No.48135022

>be the cute girl company
>attract an audience of lonely weebs
>introduce males into the mix
who would've thunk

>> No.48135365

One of them was supposed to be Wolfychu but then her husband joined NijiEn.

>> No.48135447

they need to clean house of the woke infested EN house first.

>> No.48136524


>> No.48136621

Your rrat went all over the place but is correct in one thing. Cover fucking hate the fact that EN don't stream. The cultural clash is too huge and they are shotgunning the approach to fix it.

Anyway EN3 will be released in October +-1.5 months max.

>> No.48136745

>Anyway EN3 will be released in October +-1.5 months max.
You said that last year too

>> No.48137056

I could see a stars gen and live gen coming out within a short time of each other (1-2weeks) with management kinda pushing (not forcing) the members of the two gens to collab with each other but I don't ever see a proper mixed gender gen happening

>> No.48137059
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>ex-disney channel DCOM actor/singer

>> No.48137145

Don't flood the market.

>> No.48137264

If they are confident enough in their brand to delay it for so long they're probably waiting for the 2 year anniversary, something must've happened direction/management wise on that 1 year anniversary that delayed things from the initial approach they had but now we'll be back on track

>> No.48137700

Nijisanji got the Botan of EN and its the Purple dragon.

>> No.48137751

>implying that unstable menhera is the EN Botan

>> No.48137767

>be omega
>carefully craft some big lore thing about the next members of the new generation and makes them thematic with pairings like time and space, or nature and civilization
>one of the members straight up quits before the year ends, completely ruining the whole dynamic you were going for

>> No.48138146

was sana kronii even a thing, did they even have a single one on one collab?

>> No.48138355

The Live gen are themed around a "Heroines" (Western superhero, power ranger, magical girl, priestess, knight princess, etc.) while the Stars are themed after "Villains" (Tokusatsu monster, evil overlord, princess stealing dragon, slasher villain, evil merchant, etc.).

>> No.48138415

>getting into the big leagues
The only thing she has going is the edgy personality, joining Holo or Niji would defang her, she would just be a mediocre side character without the edge

>> No.48138906

Stop watching porn.

>> No.48139175

because yagoo is a stupid faggot tempuss loving retard and omega is also a mega faggot who keeps shilling homos to the management is why things have ended up like this. fucking fuckity fuck you omega youre gay as fuck. also en3 shouldve been filian, miori, rin, etc. now they're fine without holo buff. this is all omega's gay ass' fault. fuck you, stupid faggot.

>> No.48139561
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>> No.48139650

The global vtubing market is falling apart before our very eyes. There will be no "EN3". You might get another one off though.

>> No.48139745

Temus is EN 3 and EN 4.

>> No.48140282

sasuga schizo haaton, i kneel

>> No.48140895

Exchange deal with vshojo was a little delayed.

>> No.48141902

Because if you stream in English when the US is at work or school or at the dead of night you get less views. I'm not staying up for a stream at 3 AM and only listen at work and most people don't even have that option. The reason why Kiara and Calli get bad numbers is cause they stream when nobody is on YouTube. Not everyone is terminally online and you have to time it.

>> No.48142017

They've had a couple holoEN's under their previous names around in discord servers trying to subtlely nudge a couple indie vtubers into it, but they're not taking the bait because they like being indie more than corpo, so they're kind of at a dead end.

Don't ask me how I know this

>> No.48142189
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>> No.48142742

No one at Cover. If you have more than 30 IQ you are overqualified

>> No.48143181

>there is this one hag, married singer that will BTFO everyone in Cover, not avril
Christina Aguilera? Time to release the genie from the bottle, baby!

>> No.48143261

fuck now I really want to know if that's true

>> No.48143405

How do you know this?

>> No.48143563


>> No.48143669

>All right, give me your rrats as to why it hasn't happened yet. The more schizo the better.
They were waiting for Silvervale to leave Vshoujo because she's going to be part of EN3. Now that she's no longer under contract she can join Hololive. Expect an EN3 announcement in a week or so.

>> No.48143676

my oshi got scouted by them last year but she ended up turning them down because she didn't like the terms they offered. she talked about it on stream but then had to nuke the vod. IYKYK

>> No.48143822

woops i missed this but yep shondo already turned holo down probably because they were going to give her a big booba model

>> No.48144537

EN3 cast will include at least two of the following:
>Lumi (the white one)
They've been waiting on contracts to be cancelled and non-compete agreements to run out for the ones who left agencies.

>> No.48144952
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she ate them (with love)

>> No.48145022

Kiara's collab with Neuro was a diversion. In reality, Cover has hired Vedal to work on their own AI vtuber models, and that collab was his interview. These models will be EN3. A machine will not be as unreliable as Myth and Council have proven themselves to be. EN3 won't have a sleep schedule, they won't skip out on streams because tummy hort, they won't complain or cause yabs that follow them for years.

>> No.48145121

Juniper actias? i know she puts a shitton of work on her models constantly, adding like 10k layers and making a bunch of cute gimmicks to it, i really don't know if she would willingly part ways from her fanbase and the vtuber models she made for holo, and also, i really REALLY doubt they will let her make her own design that will ultimately mog the other girls in holo.

>> No.48145160

>2x vshojo
>that phase girl
>5 people


>> No.48145682

EN3 will all be AIs, they are just waiting for the tech becoming good enough.
Think about It, 100% of the profits, no drama, no sudden graduations, willing to go along any lore they want and any rule they demand.

>> No.48147213
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>holo establishing complete poach supremacy in a single move
Hell yea motherfucker!

>> No.48147912

>Altare will have about 600,000 subs by this time next year, lapping Roberu
LMAO. His monthly growth right now is 10k. And that's fucking buffed by Vsaikyo. He also got recently overtaken by Astel. He will be at 300k subs at best by this time next year.

>> No.48148202


>> No.48148265

Maybe he should spam shorts.

>> No.48148354

>taking that many shitposts seriously

>> No.48150312

I'd kneel so hard

>> No.48150409

They were waiting on vei and silver

>> No.48151093

Council hasn't hit the 1 million milestone, please wait a little longer and show them your support
