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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48083012 No.48083012 [Reply] [Original]

Would this board improve if it had flags?

I say it would, dramatically so

>> No.48083218

I too would like pol-esque flag deflection instead of any discussion whatsoever, even if the discussion quality is poor. Because "you're an X" and "remove your memeflag" will make the board much better.

>> No.48083336

You can always go to reddit if this website's format is not to your liking.

>> No.48083337

How can you unironically think this would be a good idea if you've ever been to the boards that do have them?

>> No.48083378 [DELETED] 

There's plenty of that already as it is

>> No.48083480

And it's a largely cope response by retards. They don't actually know.

>> No.48083698 [DELETED] 

no its not, its easy as hell to tell when someone is a SEAnigger or a spic because they lack the competence in speaking English to distinguish themselves as anything but that, and they make the same type of threads all the time.

>> No.48083842
File: 137 KB, 590x456, Geht zurück nach Vierkanal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krautchan /int/ was great until the cancerous invaders ruined it. But you're probably too new to remember that.

>> No.48083871

>if it had flags?
Hardly. You'd just realize that there are way more shitposters from Europe and USA than you realize.
Having IDs might marginally help, but itoddler shitposters will just turn the mobile data on and off.

>> No.48083926

at least one has given up on trying to speak and just makes threads with ".", why he hasn't been publicly executed or had a minimum word count put on OPs is anyone's guess

>> No.48083932

there's certainly got to be a better way to figure out if I'm talking to a fat american child or an ESL wetbrain

>> No.48083945

If it's so easy to tell, why bother with flags?

>> No.48084116 [DELETED] 

Maybe not flags specifically but rather, just mark every poster by its continent, or give them post IDs like /biz/ does.

>le go to reddit
Frightened? Good.

>> No.48084501

>janny hates the idea
that means it's a good idea

>> No.48084620

why are you ashamed of your flag?
t. brazilian

>> No.48084661

outing the schizos and catalog shitters as seaniggers is always a good thing.

>> No.48084719

At best it will not do anything to conversation. Now, if that's the best case scenario, fuck off with the idea you waterheaded retard.

>> No.48084780 [DELETED] 

You are SEA

>> No.48084843

Half the people here are from /pol/ already anyway that don't even watch vtubers anyway so we may as well go all the way.

>> No.48084909

seeing the sea flags vs "hong kong" flags in nijiholo wars would be funny

>> No.48084933

No, it would improve with IDs though

>> No.48085102 [DELETED] 

Only SEAniggers are ashamed of their own countries, you already know who doesn't want flags on /vt/

>> No.48085180

I'd love to expose cuckbeats for whatever they are
I say we do it

>> No.48085320

Burgers wouldnt survived. Because every schizo that is called SEA will have their flags. And all homocollabs will also be from there. In other words, Americans will become the laughing stock in the board

>> No.48085399

all Japan flags will be called Mori

>> No.48085415

1 pagpag has been deposited in your mudhut

>> No.48085446

Don't need flags, can tell who is from where based on their grammar.

>> No.48085515
File: 54 KB, 636x405, 1682351170070225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO You can't make this shit up.

>> No.48085620

>m-muh pol!!!!!
You should go back to >>>/lgbt/

>> No.48085690

don't you mean /MANS/?

>> No.48085706 [DELETED] 

You're trying too hard. You will never fit it no matter how hard you try.

>> No.48085737

It would unironically kill this board because 3rd world brownies wouldn't post out of shame

>> No.48085762

You're trying too hard. You will never fit in no matter how hard you try.

>> No.48085837

Is that supposed to be a downside?

>> No.48085843

saw you delete your post the first time

>> No.48085844

lmao this board is hopeless

>> No.48085878

Yes because drama is the only thing keeping this board alive

>> No.48085910

No it would just devolve into country wars. IDs would improve the quality of all threads tenfold

>> No.48085963

Are you just realizing this now?

>> No.48086007

This, it would show the blatant samefagging

>> No.48086046

More or less the same thing although there are more biological roastoids in /mans/

>> No.48086058
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>saw you delete your post the first time

>> No.48086073

"alive" is pretty subjective, this board is in desperate need of a janny to actually have the guts to make this a proper slow blue board. /vt/ doesn't need to be at constant /vpol/ speeds because 10 people just NEED to make their own thread for the same event

>> No.48086101

>Argensimian thread
how's that transition going?

>> No.48086134

Just go to /sp/ during a Champions League match, you will recognize a lot of usual shitposters from here using exactly the same words and the same pics without even changing the filename

>> No.48086149 [DELETED] 


>> No.48086163

Every board needs flags and ids like /pol/.

>> No.48086175

And then it’s gonna be as dead as /jp/ lmao

>> No.48086224

Based monkeychad.

>> No.48086276

OP doesn't seem to realize it

>> No.48086612

Deep down anon, it's still better than to artificially inflate this hobby by pumping dramas and schizo delusions all around.

People that jumped into this hobby before the Taiwan yab happened, or hell, even long before yonkisei debuted, would rather prefer that kind of flow that was exclusively reserved in the dedicated thread on /jp/ to come back.

>> No.48086777

good, the actual decent posters deserve a board more like /o/ or /sci/ than this disaster zone. /qa/ lost and you'll never have your /incel/ meme
