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48016813 No.48016813 [Reply] [Original]

>Falout: New Vegas, the least liked game in the entire series
>in that timeslot
>on a sunday
What was Ame thinking?
Is it an elaborate cry for help?

>> No.48016879

>New Vegas
>least liked

>> No.48016883

>maxresdefault (5).jpg

>> No.48016895


>> No.48016909

>Falout: New Vegas
>the least liked game in the entire series
wtf are you on about, anon?

>> No.48016976

I hate Bugthesda and their overrated games, but I'm pretty sure that game is in the top 2 of the franchise, retardchama.

>> No.48016977
File: 3.57 MB, 498x441, minorspellingmistake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your (You) anon. Catalogfags aren't even gamers, how disappointing.

>> No.48016995

Do toddcocksuckers STILL exist?

>> No.48017072

>least liked
I guess OP prefers 76, then.

>> No.48017171

If we're only counting mainline games then I can agree with New Vegas being the flop of the series but as long as Fallout 76 exists it can't be the worst Fallout game

>> No.48017184

This isnt even bait you just threw the whole rod

>> No.48017258

>despite a rocky start fallout 76 has been a runaway hit, with 12 seasons and counting
Holy shit, that's just depressing

>> No.48017270


>> No.48017286

She'd literally have nobody watching if she played the first two because the combat would bore people to death.
In B4 some /v/boomer tells me she'd have a million viewers, no she wouldn't people don't watch streamers playing your boomer games, nobody does.

>> No.48017351

Pretty sure enjoying what you stream is the most important part.

>> No.48017407

>what is Korone?

>> No.48017437

very creative bait, good work

>> No.48017584

You will certainly get a lot of fish with this kind of bait mate

>> No.48017712

game is shit

>> No.48017959

I hate Ame too, but what even is the point of this thread? This bot ain't making no sense

>> No.48018039

>the least liked game in the entire series
good morning sirs

>> No.48018248

That's because it wasn't developed by Bethesda

>> No.48018442

Korone can laugh and power through kusoge, Ame will ragequit after failing to Ameway a boss for 1 hour.

>> No.48018737

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.48019134

When it comes to Fallot 1 and 2, yeah I would agree. She'd probably rage quit after Sandy Shades while running into raiders.
>Bowlsob missed
>Bowlson missed
>Bowlson hit raider in the head dealing o damage
>You were critically hit by raider dealing 139 HP damage
>You die
>Gremlin scream and desk thumping followed by ragequit
I'd leave these games for Vespers channel.

>> No.48019280

These types of games are precisely why save scumming became a thing. It was almost designed around it.

>> No.48019529


>> No.48019809

Teamates should encourage Ame to play Rust with Towa and the others

>> No.48021105

I think EN is done with rust unless suddenly 3-4 of them picked it up again.

>> No.48021883

>>Falout: New Vegas, the least liked game in the entire series
Do you live under a rock?

>> No.48022366

Isn't it loved by trannies?

>> No.48022759
File: 23 KB, 256x328, Fallout-_Brotherhood_of_Steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the least liked game in the entire series
Shit bait and proves you know nothing about the series.
>Pic related and we won't discuss it any further

>> No.48022947

>>Falout: New Vegas, the least liked game in the entire series
ESL OP with shit taste makes garbage bait thread during SEA hours.
have your (You) then KYS.

>> No.48023670

>New Vegas is the least liked
Do Bethesda fags really?

>> No.48027486

Summarily log off.

>> No.48027722

Korone's not playing CRPGs. I love those games, but the other anon isn't wrong that they're not really suited to streaming.

>> No.48027819
File: 16 KB, 503x454, 1656737825723106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this newfaggotry? Kek. You make it sound like Ame is rage quitting bosses or stages in every game she plays. She doesn't even do that, she'll usually just start cursing and continue playing her own awkward way until she beats the boss. Sometimes she'll take a break and just beat it in the next stream like with Elden Ring's Malenia.

>> No.48028171

All Fallout games are the worst Fallout games.

>> No.48029270

>least liked
Weak bait, pajeet
Korone is arcade gamer, definitely not CRPGs nerd. Just like strategy games, CRPGs are not streaming material. They are too slow and boring for average viewer. In those genres games you need to read a lot and plan things rather than rush in like in some shooter game, something that goes heavily against streaming.

>> No.48029591

Imagine Bae trying to stream Jag 2 with 1.13 mod? I imagine her turning it off shortly after the first gunfight and leaving the starting zone, headed towards Cameria without even visiting the rebel hideout.

>> No.48029663

>Falout: New Vegas
>the least liked game in the entire series
take your (you) and leave

>> No.48029816

I can imagine Kronii trying Fallout 1 or 2 and then quitting right after quickly getting killed by few radscorpions because her build sucks and she doesn't know how to play game.

>> No.48030456

I can give you a discount, 3000 caps

>> No.48030551

She'd mess up both the character building and the starting area, thus fucking her over before she even notices. >Fallout 1: she wouldn't re-enter vault after starting the game or even after completing Sandy Shades
>Fallout 2: Do the trials, talk to elder, skips most of the village side quests before heading the wrong way towards Modoc
Wouldn't be a good stream, but fun to watch them try their hands at it while people familiar with the games would smugly chuckle at all the mistakes.
