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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47959717 No.47959717 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.47959977

none, nada. all vtubers are fake gamers at best they only play block games, and dont get me started with woman 'gamer' chuubas.

>> No.47960012

airshowd on twitch
Senbatorii on youtube (but seems to be burned out on DCS lately)
KiitaVT on twitch

Yes, it's pretty dire, but did you expect better for the DCS World community?

>> No.47960293
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airshowd is really the only one of note and has been blowing a bit recently (for a male chubba lets be honest)
He flies almost every module in the game and his model is just an su-27 with eyes and a mouth

>> No.47961655

Most of them can't even drive a virtual truck, what makes you think they can fly a virtual plane?

>> No.47962414

They're will never be a market for it in the Vtuber sphere. Just like chubas playing racing Simulators like ACC or AC is a meme. They play it once laugh and never touch the game again because it's too hard. Now imagine them trying to wrap They're pea brains around a hard-core flight combat Simulator like DCS world. And even before that you need a hotas and chubas aren't gonna spend the 299.99 or more on a flight stick and pedal system to play DCS world unfortunately.

>> No.47963614

There's a male vtuber with really good wheel tracking in iracing I follow

>> No.47963670

Women can't into complex avionics

>> No.47963723

And even if they are willing and able to play DCS, like some of the vtubers posted upthread, the DCS community isn't willing to line up behind them.
How do you stream for a niche community, if that community would rather watch dudebros and thinks anime avatars are faggy?

>> No.47963984

i would want to watch korone piloting su-27 and shot down western imperialist planes.

>> No.47964772

Piloting fighter jets is actually one of the very few military jobs where women outperform men. They cope with g-forces better because their biology makes it easier for them to keep blood in their core.

>> No.47964990

Sure sis, too bad about their ability to infer things quickly and their reaction times compared to men

>> No.47965135

you tell those manspreading bigots, sister!

>> No.47965250
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what the hell

>> No.47967516


>> No.47967847

ruzzian thinks that his POS jet would beat an F-15, F-16, F-22, F35 instead of getting sparrow'd within 100km+.

>> No.47967996

all this tells me is that women are perfect for placing in suspended animation cryopods as breed sow cargo, for the eventual intergalactic starship launched to escape our dying planet

>> No.47968035

lmao lets call back to vietnam war where US think their BFRs gonna win. turns out mig 21 shooting those shitty f4s left and right easy

>> No.47968406

>Let's go back 50 years and apply it to modern times
I think you're lost >>>/k/

>> No.47968611

bro changed to Vietnam war to make himself look better
the only good purpose the Mig-21 had was that it managed to scare the USAF in making a considerably better fighter jet over and over that BTFOs anything the russians make
the USAF is close to have more than 1000 F-35s in their alliance while the russians are struggling to have more than 6 jets that can be easily detected by radar. Do you rele beleb?

>> No.47968897

coping western cia bots still believing their not battle proven paper tiger plane is as good as the Hollywood want them to believe,

>> No.47969010
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>> No.47969494

another lie by the burgers as usual, propaganda is strong ngl

no sources just random numbers

>> No.47969641

blind mfer look at the bottom of the list
at least I have numbers you just out here being paranoid thinking the solution is for everyone to live in a shitty russian village where there is no 100% guarantee of a functioning bathroom in the area
show your numbers then

>> No.47969802
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have you seen them for yourselves? do you know history is written by the victors? in this case, thats must be a website written by arm chair mutts. unless i see the videos of the air kills myself i wont believe your stupid ass random numbers,

Verification not required.

>> No.47970200

US and its colonies (EU) only fight winning battle, they afraid to touch russia but will fight
untrained pilot and, downgraded migs in iraq

>> No.47970632

I've considered becoming a vtuber that does mostly simulators/tactical games but I dont think its worth it

>> No.47975522

It'd be awesome if you followed through on it.
But they don't make for the best streaming, I admit. In DCS World for example, vods are king usually. Trim out the gristle and leave the meat.
I think if you could speed-talk your strategy through single turns in a tactical game, that'd also be cool as a short video format to game the algorithm. Like, 20 seconds "here's the scenario", 20 seconds "here's what you need to do this turn", 20 seconds "show off the fireworks carrying it out."

>> No.47980267

citation needed

>> No.47982825

Are you female? There's an untapped market for a good sim vtuber and simdads have a ton of money if you do it right. If you are male don't bother.

>> No.47983089

Hello /k/

>> No.47983184

We only love ace combat here

>> No.47989982

Asby? I put him on my second monitor sometimes. Since he barely talks it is kinda relaxing just listening to the car.

>> No.47990395

You can always start small as a png vtuber to test out the waters or maybe even just a free model.

>> No.47994513
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Ace combat 7 is just bandwagoner. True fan pick zero, 4 or 5.

>> No.48001570

they dont exist

>> No.48002016

airshow has been having some luck recently hosting one of the larger competitive DCS tournaments within the scene and most people have been receptive to it
(and by larger I mean there's like 80 people watching which is a lot for this kind of thing)

>> No.48004518

>where are the DCS chuubas at?
IdolEN gen2

>> No.48004596

I'd actually watch them if that were true.

>> No.48004962

>USN Institutes Top Gun
>Doesn't bother with MUH GUN POD
>Outperforms USAF with MUH GUN POD

Sounds more like USAF had Skill Issue while USN Got Good

Good luck getting BAMCO to give perms. Remember that Fubuki had AC5 run lost to Permissions Holocaust

>> No.48006403

>Good luck getting BAMCO to give perms.
You can do it easily. Just simply try harder and turn off superchat.
>Remember that Fubuki had AC5 run lost to Permissions Holocaus.
That was just Cover being retard.

>> No.48008664

better than nothing

>> No.48011234

be the change you want to see

>> No.48013315

So the one advantage they have is the one that doesn't translate to bideo games. ogey

>> No.48013893

Needs to get updated, the F-22s 1st air kill was a Chinese air balloon.

>> No.48014069

Well, there's also some interesting discussion about the effects of estrogen and testosterone on 3d perception.
There were some research papers a while back that suggest stereoscopic 3d is less effective/immersive for cis- and trans- women (and it was fascinating that it wasn't a birth-sex thing) and that women respond better to color and relative-motion for indicating depth in a scene.
But because stereoscopic 3d is "easy" to implement, but realistic use of color and ambient movement like wind are "difficult" to implement, you get shovelware VR games that just give women motion sickness.

Also, if you are willing to allow more arcade-style flight/combat sims like War Thunder, I've definitely seen female War Thunder vtubers.

>> No.48014121

So true sister!

>> No.48014125
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