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47947228 No.47947228 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine crawling back to minecraft and Kobo in a desperate attempt to increase your failing numbers after taking a fat dump on the game and saying you'd never play it again at the height of your popularity.

>> No.47947376

Of course you'd have to imagine it, since that never happened in the first place. Calli never took a dump on the game, she simply said it wasn't for her. There was no antagonism involved, and you somehow inferred that there was, you have issues and need help.

>> No.47947451
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fippy bippy
wrap it up boys, picrel is for OP, /thread

>> No.47947463

Jesus christ, she's going to ruin all the minecraft Kino we've been having.
Every minecraft collab she was involved with was her not contributing in any way and just talking loudly over everyone. Wish she kept her fucking word. Will probably force herself onto the JPs to stay relevant.

>> No.47947480

>Consider minecraft!!!
>I prefer to jump off a birdge.
Dunno anon, sounds like shitting on it.

>> No.47947532


>> No.47947549

Literally said to Gura she'd rather kill herself than play Minecraft. Gaslightbeat.

>> No.47947579

...yeah? that's her name

>> No.47947654
File: 441 KB, 1664x1088, kobono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine… Kobo in a desperate attempt… taking a fat dump on… you

>> No.47947656

Go back reddit tranny

>> No.47947672

That's still not "taking a dump on the game", you idiots.
>I don't want to play [GAME] because I do not have fun playing it.
is not the same thing is
>I don't want to play [GAME] because it is bad and stupid and terrible and fuck that game.
Calli saw people having fun on a fresh new server and got the itch to play again. It's that simple.

>> No.47947708

See >>47947480
Minecraft and Rust were not to her liking and she hated the games. She is a killjoy and ruins any collab she is in. I don't think Mori is desperate, but OP is correct in that Mori is hypocritical and selfish.

>> No.47947739

>I would rather commit suicide than play a video game
Is a neutral statement? Are you fucking retarded?
>Calli saw people having fun on a fresh new server and got the itch to play again.
Mori saw people having huge numbers and wants minecraft collabs because they're easy numbers. If she wanted to have fun she'd start out with solo projects like the rest of hololive.

>> No.47947771

The can you please take this outside and go tell her that.

>> No.47947780

Actual autism in multiple aspects are displayed in this post.

>> No.47947783

Why aren't you niggers like this for Kiara when she also said the exact same thing?

>> No.47947815

Keep this at one fucking thread you fucking schizos.

>> No.47947821

Link to Kiara saying she'd rather commit suicide than play a certain game and then her playing the game with one of the most popular hololive members.

>> No.47947901

Honestly, I never understood why people care about the difference. Her genmates use Calli but she refers to herself as Mori. Either should be fine.

>> No.47947930

/jp/ here. Keep your fat whore away from my oshi.

>> No.47947971

Do it yourself, faggot.

>> No.47947989

Lol fucking esls can't understand English jokes as expected

>> No.47948009

>when she also said the exact same thing?
Kiara literally never said that, anon. She just lost interest because her favorite thing to do in Minecraft was to explore with other people and those people stopped playing minecraft for a brief period. Not to mention the two Japan trips pushing the wither collab further and further than when it was originially supposed to happen. If you were talking about Rust, then maybe you would be somewhat correct. Still, I don't see the point of this thread, I'm pretty sure Mori was always "somewhat" open to playing Minecraft as long as it was with a friend who was of similar knowledge of the game.

>> No.47948018

Didn’t ask

>> No.47948084

Ah, the classic cuckbeat cope once they get caught lying. "Mori was just joking".
Just like they claim she was just "joking" when she said Gura was up to "shenanigans" and when she lied about listening to Kiara's "King cover" . Even though she said that in the most monotone voice possible and nobody was laughing.

>> No.47948089

I have never seen a more pathetic, desperate attempt at white knighting than this cuckbeat right here. 'I'd rather die than play this game' doesn't count? Lmfao

>> No.47948228

Newfriendchama, maybe you should heed your own advice

>> No.47948257

Hey if you are this bothered by Mori's actions could you go tell her your problems to her face.

>> No.47948285

Sounds like someone is not very intelligent.

>> No.47948401

Regardless of it being a joke you still can't understand the implications of the phrase because you are esl seashitters. >>47947672 broke it down for you retards

>> No.47948641

Ok, you’re right. Mori didn’t shit on the game, she just didn’t have fun and now she’s changed her mind because stuff is going on. That’s fair.
However, don’t blame ESLs for this. Mori is autistic as fuck, and “I’d rather jump off a bridge” is a stupid as fuck way of wording it. People are going to misinterpret that because normalfags don’t express it like that.

>> No.47948705

Problem? :}
>trying to call others retarded
>literally too autistic to understand simple hyperbole
