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47849762 No.47849762 [Reply] [Original]

How do we save Mio from overwork (and menopause)

>> No.47850268

Realistically the only way would be to get her pregnant. She would start to slow down then. As for menopause, i dont know what that is really but im sure getting pregnant would fix that too

>> No.47850469

I volunteer to be the be one who has to impregnate her. No no, don't try to stop me. I was born to be a sacrifice, and it's only right for me to be the one to do it.

>> No.47850621

>As for menopause, i dont know what that is really
It's literally the end of a woman's fertility. Are you 12 or just retarded?

>> No.47850698

Well if you think your up to it then alright. It wont be easy though, you will have lots of training ahead of you. So long as they get pregannt, i dont really care who does the deed.
Im the opposite of twelve unfortunately, and im not a femmo so of course i dont wouldnt know what that is

>> No.47850780

Menopause occurs in a woman's 50s and is the end of her ability to get pregnant even with an autistic baby, usually accompanied by hormonal changes and hot flashes as satan leaves them for a new host. This is also why people perceive women in their 60s as "more mentally stable" than middle aged women in their 50s or younger women in their 20s/30s.

>> No.47850944

Age related jokes aside, last year she said she was looking into booking a sololive but that she was too late to make the call back then. She's probably doing everything she can for it to happen this year, even if that means overworking herself beyond her limits.

>> No.47851131

The only solution then would be pregnancy

>> No.47851204
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By getting married. To me of course.

>> No.47851719

Sorry pal. She and I already got engaged

>> No.47853131

She is like 35, right ?
So you more or less 15 years to make her pregnant and just hope she won't get a retarded baby

>> No.47853218

>So you more or less 15 years to make her pregnant

bro take some biology lessons

>> No.47853697

Are you for real? nigger I went with a 50 people raid to defeat fucking Taiga to fuck Mio and we wiped in the middle of the furball mechanics, get yourself ready.

>> No.47855211
File: 20 KB, 296x254, guardian-of-mio-womb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to see you try.

>> No.47857251


>> No.47857601

with me

>> No.47857770

Sasuga slavery company

>> No.47859947

Never forget that she farted on stream.

>> No.47861201 [DELETED] 


>> No.47861497

I've heard this woman vomit at least three times over the years.

>> No.47861762

>wedding night with Miosha
>she vomits all over your dick
what do

>> No.47861971


>> No.47862418

Jokes on you, that's my fetish.

>> No.47862471

Get harder.

>> No.47862644

She's closer to 40 than 35 and any kid she has at this point will likely have moderate tism.

>> No.47862786

SEA education everyone.

>> No.47862860

Make her do it again.

>> No.47863572

its over...

>> No.47863636

lick it up
