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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47802365 No.47802365 [Reply] [Original]

So... Did a certain someone get fired recently?

Good. Hopefully the one to take his place won't be as much of a cuck.

>> No.47802496

Do you mean Omega? He never was a talent manager. His position was higher than that.

>> No.47802557

No one is going to be a talent manager for the EN

>> No.47802661

Either someone got fired, or EN3 got hired. Or someone left for a more lucrative job opportunity.

>> No.47802723

Good news if he let go of the project manager role to someone else
Bad news if he needed another scapegoat

>> No.47802745

Omega got fired in february of LAST year

>> No.47802747

>tranny purge
It was about time.

>> No.47802805

Either that, someone quit or they are actualkly preparing for a new gen (kek)

>> No.47802830

Yeah these seem like the most sensible outcomes.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone got fired because of EN's laziness. Maybe Cover blamed management for that.

>> No.47802850

>talent manager
Anon, you can't possibly be this dumb. Also it's for Tempus3, their managers are already overworked as things are.

>> No.47803008

more than likely that a manager quit, cover's rates for labor regarding editing/commissions is dogshit and they use the exposure cope to not feel bad about paying you peanuts for shit the girls use. I imagine being a literal janny for cover must pay like shit as well

>> No.47803033

Sounds like someone (not omega) got fired. Makes sense, a lot of what happened mid to late last year came off as some dumb manager convincing their higher ups to approve certain projects and enough time has now passed for the raw data to filter through to cover themselves of what a dismal failure it all was.
Won't surprise me if we see a different approach to en going forward.

>> No.47803287

>self realization
lol lmao even

>> No.47803542

No, pretty sure OP means that fucker who was shittalking Niji on his public account for trying to swat the insects that is dramatubers

>> No.47803710

Maybe the tranny who thought Tempus was a good idea finally got fired after their abysmal performance.

>> No.47803880

>Won't surprise me if we see a different approach to en going forward.
dyrbi? i wouldn't keep my hopes up

>> No.47803912

Oh, are we playing with this train of thought again? This'll be, what, the third time? Fourth?

>> No.47804011

It could be that a talent manager got promoted after Omega was fired.

>> No.47804056

I think there's something to this. A-chan has been far more active on the EN side recently.

>> No.47804060

Wasn't this cope already used right before he came back and announced Tempiss?

>> No.47804078
File: 57 KB, 350x405, 1663758841497119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 4th time you niggers are spamming about
>Omega is fired
How many times are you gonna disappoint yourselves

It isn't even one person it's all of management anyways

>> No.47804144

I’d apply if I spoke Japanese. It seems like it would be a fun challenge.

>> No.47804210

It's amazing how none of you know a fucking thing but act like you know everything that's going on. Get a life.

>> No.47804241

>sign up
>"oooh i get to work with my oshi!!!"
>end up being assigned to one of the homos

>> No.47805720

>feb last year
>tempus debut was july last year
>xe was there to announce it

>> No.47806065

EN branch got a new project manager right at the end of last year (late December).

>> No.47806585
File: 26 KB, 160x160, 1639640478510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiring actually competent management for EN that will finally wrangle those lazy bitches into behaving more professionally
Sounds too good to be true, I don't beleb

>> No.47806739

Lmao, imagine actually working for the company.
You are paid garbage for the amount of idiot wrangling expected.

>> No.47807092

How did so many people trick themselves into seething this much and for this long over a literal non-entity? I bet if they never even made that tweet about gender (which everyone misquotes) no one would even give a shit. I certainly don't. I just like imagining them as a big stupid SNK boss with a giant sword and lasers

>> No.47807096

Maybe this is the groundwork for HoloOfAmerica where EN members can stop asking for JP permissions for every game while also having to make reservations months in advance like it's a fancy restaurant. Or having to block specifically 75% of the screen at key gameplay moments.

Japan stream laws are created by fellows living in the stone age. NA freedom please.

>> No.47807533
File: 86 KB, 200x200, 1647416933273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to your containment thread vwhorejofag

>> No.47807956

>It isn't even one person it's all of management anyways

Nah, that "Omega is actually a shared character account for all of management" theory sounded always more like cope to me and there's more indications on the side of it was just a single self-important faggot with a god complex trying to seize the chance to insert his OCdonutsteel into the lore.

The useless snide bitch tone of Omega's tweets is too consistent for it to be staffed by multiple people (in which case you'd think there'd be some variation in his tweets, but there wasn't really any - also the OmegaAlpha = AO-chan connection, but that's a different discussion). Why would they even need a multi-manager account for anyway (but then still only give it a defined "single character" public face)? That'd only make sense if they planned to be sooo busy with it and make sooo many tweets that no single person could handle it and the workload needed to be shared by multiple people. But how busy was the account in the end? Not really, only a couple of tweets per month at most, nothing that couldn't be handled by one single person.

What was the reason for the Omega account (and whole character even) in the first place? In the end, his twitter mainly only did two things - either just retweet official Hololive announcements (i.e. useless, you already have an official Hololive company account, no need for this redundant double-posting) or "answering" cringy unimportant loreshit marshmallow questions that no one cared about (which gave us "invaluable" important deep knowledge such as... oh yeah, for example the infamous "I don't have a gender, teehee :^)"

And why did he never evolve past the vtweeter stage, and not did any public work (for example, as many have thought initially some kind of attempt to be a "EN A-chan", that could for example serve as an announcer, or host for group collabs etc.) - the obvious answer is because there was just a single male faggot behind it, and even he with all his retardation knew that it's better to just stay hidden behind tweets and not show his voice on stream because then everybody would see he's just a faggot. If it really were a "shared multi-manager account", you'd think it would be easy to just order one of the many female interns/staff they have to play the character publicly. The fact that they didn't makes it more probable it was just the personal passion project of one single faggot who wouldn't let others play with "his" character.

>> No.47808028

>All this text I won't read

Stop obsessing over literal twitter pngs

>> No.47808274

Doing what nigga? They dint have sponsorships, they don't have events, what are they even managing? That they stream on time?

>> No.47808420

>create drama from the inside, leak dirty laundry and sabotage the whole branch
That's a win for me.

>> No.47808826

nta, but the irony of complaining about twitter on a message longer than 140 characters.

>> No.47808847

Why aren't more pointing that out.

>> No.47808999

I'm like 98% certain that Omega was a jap furry who had lived (studied?) abroad and produces music. He overestimated his ability to communicate in english, which lead to the weird flavour his tweets had.

>> No.47809129

The problem to begin with is that you morons are assuming Omega is a single person when it is more likely just an account that management uses occasionally.
The reason Omega "disappeared" is because the entire Omega storyline in the lore went away and the persona was no longer needed.

>> No.47809445

So you call them morons because you’re also making assumptions. You can’t prove your point either

>> No.47809534

Altare is still in Homostars though?

>> No.47809621

Nah. More likely they're expanding/someone was promoted
