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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47789497 No.47789497 [Reply] [Original]

>casually mention anything vtube-related
>"You know they're all men with voice changers, right? Heh. Stop being in denial."

Why are normies like this?

>> No.47789596

You don't do yourself any favors anon when vtuber fans deny obvious trannies are trannies. Yes, they are the rare exception, but you need to call them out if you want any credibility.

>> No.47789650

Most of them are
>Genuane retards
>Manchildren who think they are running
Ignore them or if you are going to interact with them go hard lukewarm statements will only fuel there ego.

>> No.47791291

Straightfags like this are the reason we can't have cute femboy vtubers. Fuck them.

>> No.47791410

They only know vshoujo

>> No.47791423

They kill what they fear and hate what they dont understand!

>> No.47791489

>Implying they even comprehend the concept of vtubing

>> No.47791519

vtubing would be improved of it was all men with voice changers

>> No.47792225
File: 1.37 MB, 1240x1754, 103366037_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying i wouldn't fuck a femvtuber with an unironic male voice

>> No.47792254

This but unironically. Vshojo ruins the image of vtubing.

>> No.47792635

It's a secret call that only those in the know, know. I've come to learn through observation of these so called "normies" that when someone says all Vtubers are men with voice changers it's the equivelent of going on grindr and wanting every man to rail you 10 ways from sunday. It's a mating call for faggots to say you're available to be fucked raw.
It can't be any other reason because no voice changer is good enough to trick a straight man into thinking a man sounds like a woman unless of course that man is in fact gay.

>> No.47794382

if this were true they would know that there are actual women behind the avatars because they posted pics of themselves

>> No.47796295

>implying I'd care if they were actually men
Embrace the illusion, that'st the whole point. The most disgusting fans are the ones who get invested in what their "real life" is like.

>> No.47796626

What is Zen?

>> No.47796982


>> No.47799340

If only they were men. Then maybe they'd be actually funny.

>> No.47799489

casually answers "so? i like men" and start staring at the presumably male normie seductively

>> No.47799921

or maybe good at games

>> No.47799972


>> No.47800157

least gay tempus fan

>> No.47800170

Isn't that twitchfag

>> No.47800428
File: 46 KB, 1200x800, humanoid-robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With AI, it will soon be true.

>> No.47800915
File: 494 KB, 258x388, 1680669529664502.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God help us if there were actually a voice changer thay could make me sound like Suisei

>> No.47802927


>> No.47803920

seeing how Hololive is still the biggest normie magnet, I really doubt that

>> No.47807755

Is that still a thing at this point?

>> No.47808910

But both starsEN and nijiEN males are shit at videogames...

>> No.47809605
File: 145 KB, 220x171, 1656533561991493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the obligatory gif that shows CONCRETE PROOF that every single vtuber in the world is actually a man with a voice changer.

>> No.47810265

Most people over, I would say, 25, grew up in a world where girls just weren't so openly into nerdy hobbies, if into them at all. If you ever met one, they were the exception.
So if they haven't been exposed to this new age of girl "gamers" and gamers being relatively common as content creators, to them it makes more sense that woman nerd = man instead of woman nerd = nerdy woman/grifter.
There are also a lot of nerdy "woman" as well, so maybe they got burned by that.

>> No.47813123


>> No.47813544

No normal person says shit like that. Knowing about vtubers is like knowing about Homestuck. Only weirdos need apply. They're just ignorant.

>> No.47818930

I'm normie

>> No.47818957

The only place I see people say that shit are /a/, /v/ and Reddit/Youtube comments under videos where the main audience probably hates anything "weeb". It's just zoomers in Jr High thinking they're smug pieces of shit.

>> No.47821956

twitchtards are not normals.
