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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47780391 No.47780391 [Reply] [Original]

Purple dragon's ego sure is bruised.

>> No.47780446

Glad she's getting some dubs back on the board. Happy dragon. Happy life

>> No.47781069

Being good at Apex meant a lot to her, and she's probably got a lot of complex feelings about what happened. I don't think that's laughable. I think it's very natural and healthy.

>> No.47781962

>imagine dying to me
se sure is good in the head

>> No.47782337

Lol did you get your shit kicked in and you're ran here crying?

>> No.47782761

The clip is pretty damn funny ngl

>> No.47783025
File: 58 KB, 308x242, What Have You Done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Axel is IGL despite being bad at it.
>Ex pred Selen lets him do it, could have done it herself but then she'd have no one to blame when they lose anyway.
>both Tilt of the face of the earth after their second game.
>Selen is essentially playing solo.
>Axel's given up trying to shot call.
>Game ends with the Korean fuckboy who's brand new to Apex doing better than "Ex Pred Selen."

>> No.47785122

When’s the last time in the history of humankind putting a woman in a position of leadership went well.

>> No.47785145

>Ex pred Selen lets him do it, could have done it herself but then she'd have no one to blame when they lose anyway.
Selen gets tilted easily,one loss and she crumbles

>> No.47785214

Doesnt this chick need multiple coaches in order to enjoy playing a shitty EA Battle Royale? Talk about a soulless way to game.

>> No.47785221

Margaret Thatcher

>> No.47785239

Why is she so petty?
The play is so routine it's not even worth talking about.

>> No.47785257

So was she just watching his stream or were her fans stalking every stream that was up?

>> No.47785261

Altare was the real MVP of TSB

>> No.47785270

No but seriously.

>> No.47785279

its funny
you cant tell me that no da vtuber doesn't make you laugh

>> No.47785548

Isabel de Clare, the 4th Countess of Pembroke comes to mind.

>> No.47785570

She just had a collab with the coach that kept stroking her ego during vsaikyo

>> No.47785606

Why do women need coaches for everything? I don't get it.

>> No.47786004

Stephanie McMahon

>> No.47786291

Another vtuber that let us live rent free in their mind 24/7.

>> No.47786579

Haters btfo, all she needed to do well was to have a literal professional player in her team telling her everything she needs to do while also doing 10 times as much damage as her so she can be completely silent and just follow orders and win while spending more time knocked down than alive

>> No.47787019

She'll be fine

>> No.47787020

selen and nocturnal tweeting each other's pizza is beyond cute, a proplayer and a vtuber couple it's nothing new but always welcome

>> No.47787086

t.assblasted eceleb

>> No.47787214

pro teams that can afford them employ coaches too, TSM cites hiring a fulltime coach last split as the reason they went from mediocrity to winning a LAN

>> No.47787916
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>> No.47788236
File: 255 KB, 579x541, Screenshot 2023-01-16 202241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To Selen's credit, she was not shot-caller in her Pred days; somebody else was doing that. She's just decent at fighting in the moment when her shot-caller turns her loose on a team. Against a team more coordinated than hers, the rust will catch up. It didn't help that TSB went full blast on scrims, letting everyone see what they were capable of while overinflating TSB's ego with how well they did in scrims. Once the real game was on and everyone was trying, they were basically out of gas by that point.
It's still funny as fuck that La+ of all people dunked on her, but "ex-Pred should've been the shot-caller" has been a training arc she has intentionally avoided at least 4 times now. I personally think it's retarded that vsaikyou counted her as a Pred for points, since she hasn't been a Pred in literal years. When she did the Solo Masters grind as Selen, it was about a year ago at this point, in a very different meta, and she struggled once she hit Plat. She's absolutely washed up, but the points system that these tournaments all use means that she'll never be able to get anybody but jobbers on her team, so she can't get a good shot-caller or at least a 3-stack of experienced players.

>> No.47788289

So it's true that she was a boosted bitch

>> No.47788318

Just play the game, uh duh???

>> No.47788322

There is still no proof so it remains uncertain

>> No.47788353

>the points system that these tournaments all use means that she'll never be able to get anybody but jobbers on her team
What you mean is that she can't get carried by a pro. Axel was an 8 pt former master, other former preds like the gorilla had to carry worse teams and they managed to do it.

>> No.47788377

No more "boosted" than any other 3-stack that has gotten to Predator. She was definitely much better in her Pred days than now. Some of that never goes away, but Selen herself admits that she was always very prone to being an ape if not reined in by her captain. She is nowhere ready to take the mantle herself and knows it, and keeps trying to worm out of it when the points systems keep forcing her to be the most experienced person on the team.

>> No.47788488

That one russian saint (Olga?) that set pigeons on fire to burn down an enemy's town.

>> No.47788568

Adding on axel is a former master but current diamond, selen is former pred but master, gorilla is current pred level. Both axel and selen have a bit toxic ego

Based take

>> No.47788609
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, FtwaveCacAIoYtT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When’s the last time in the history of humankind putting a woman in a position of leadership went well.
Not in your upbringing, that's for sure.

>> No.47788643

Angela Merkel and Michelle Bachelet.

>> No.47788688

There's a reason many of the female leaders in Civ games aren't even real.

>> No.47788715

So what is she actually good for? Pointing and shooting while someone else micromanages her play for her? I watched a bit of Noct's stream yesterday and that was basically what she was doing. Is that all she got out of her several years' worth of playing the game and climbing to high ranks multiple times?

>> No.47788735

>it's retarded that vsaikyou counted her as a Pred for points, since she hasn't been a Pred in literal years
Its funny that people said this earlier on but once the scrims started going people were saying how her points were right and now we're back to this again because of how the real tourney worked out.

>> No.47788748

>t. never played fps's in his life

>> No.47788812

I've been playing CS for like 20 years, any good player is expected to be able to do more than follow orders and aim good

>> No.47788830

People stop saying point scam because 3pt snipes

>> No.47789045

I mean she still has the general gamesense and other skills of a pred-level player, but her execution has gotten rusty and she's bad at situational tactics. If you're trying to say "she must've been boosted because every Predator-level player should be able to lead a team as well as they follow", then most Pred-level players are "boosted" under those conditions.

>> No.47789229

Its not like that was that egregious. Nothing so far was as bad as Greedz.

>> No.47791101


>> No.47791879

do you think thats why she overcompensates on the food?

>> No.47792876


>> No.47792923

that'll teach her to team up with holoshitters. she should go with nijisanji and VSPO next year. selen would have won with a better team.

>> No.47792990

She couldn't team up with people from Nijisanji or VSPO because they didn't invite her. The homo was the one who heard it was her dream to play in Vsaikyo but she never got invited so he felt bad for her and invited her to his team.

>> No.47793082

>Being good at Apex meant a lot to her
She was never "good" relatively speaking.
Even though she plays at a high level in solo pubs, she thinks she's pro level because she got carried to that level by her friends.
A lot of vtubers match her level and are better teamplayers. As seen by her tournament results being abysmal. Simple as.

>> No.47793136

Catherine the Great.

>> No.47793168

Aung San Suu Kyi

>> No.47793225

Not gonna lie, I feel a bit bad seeing her clearly seething like this. I know my homo isn't the best IGL, but she was the one who asked him to do it, don't throw him under the bus so quickly like that, man. Take some responsibility. He has nothing but great things to say about her, despite her tournament day performance.
I guess her fear of being IGL is in part projecting, because she knows how she personally acts towards IGLs when they fail, and assumes the rest of the team would do the same to her in that position. I guarantee they wouldn't.

>> No.47793349

The town literally has "broke" in the name, it can't be that good

>> No.47793972

>It didn't help that TSB went full blast on scrims, letting everyone see what they were capable of while overinflating TSB's ego with how well they did in scrims.
Isn't this exactly what happened with StartEnd too?

>> No.47794247

More than a few in vsai had never been in a tournament before, and literally all of those master ranked players did way better than her. The level of play was way over her head, because most of the players in the lobby were either equal to or better than her. She never should have been 10 points, an objective evaluation puts her about 8 points or a weaker 9 point player, about at hayuns level but stronger than meika. All the vspo masters are way better than her.

>> No.47794504

I'll give her a pass for this once since it really was funny.

>> No.47794557

>It didn't help that TSB went full blast on scrims, letting everyone see what they were capable of while overinflating TSB's ego with how well they did in scrims. Once the real game was on and everyone was trying
19 teams were tanking scrims except the baka gaijin... Yeah I believe you.

>> No.47794675

Yeah, Aqua was basically calling engages for no good reason because she thinks her team could win a 3v3 reliably.
Which lead to them being BTFO at #20 by the survey camp team in one match.

>> No.47794888

You gotta know that's a dumb thing to say. That's like saying all football players are shit at football because only the coach is the one coming up with the tactics.

>> No.47795141

not surprising when she has fans like this

>> No.47795192

Not really, apex players should know startend didn't do that great in scrims except a few rounds where aqua popped off. Tsb on the other hand had pretty good placement in scrims until the last two days where they started to tilt and degrade.

>> No.47795249

Why is this stupid faggot so butthurt about Selen? Did you get bullied out of /haha/ when you tried cuckposting about Noct, bitch? Lmao. I can physically feel the impotent rage coming off of you that she's doing good in this tournament.

>> No.47795252

So maybe she didn't have to post that long fucking tweet thread and just kept her cool, instead she had to throw her teammates under the bus and be self-righteous by implying "I definitely did fine because my coach said so".

>> No.47795290

>The homo was the one who heard it was her dream to play in Vsaikyo but she never got invited so he felt bad for her and invited her to his team
Bullshit. It's already been said that he only invited her because his management fucked up on getting him JP chuubas to play with. Selen was a low hanging fruit so he picked her up. Everything else that came after is just cope.

>> No.47795362

You're a faggot who never even watched selen or any of the involved parties.
>selen would have won with a better team.
Yeah because all she could do to win is to get carried by more competent players.

>> No.47795383

Yep, literally rent free.
>parody channel
Anon-chaman, not like this...

>> No.47795417

TSB pretty obviously tilted a bit, then off the face of the earth in the tournament. Experience can help but some people just have weak mental. Ironically Altare seems like he would be a good leader if he actually knew anything about Apex

>> No.47795447

Anon, your headcanon is not real when she also blamed herself on that Tweet.

>> No.47795555

I argued they already start tilting 2 days in scrims before main day. The cracks are forming when their rotations are starting to fail but they sorta cope with we still did good in points at least.

>> No.47796049

Damn this thread is slow when she's doing great. Catalogfags only fags when it's an easy (you).

>> No.47796325

>genius level fps player
>holo bro and omega hold her back by secretly working against her
>/vt/ suddenly is mad about selen


>> No.47796964

>Genius level
>Destroyed by Laplus of all people
>A fucking Overwatch player runs laps around her

>> No.47797308

Are russian consider a woman, if her name olga?

>> No.47797721

Her team performed badly when Bonbon was carrying her fat ass.

>> No.47797915

>she was low hanging fruit
>had to negotiate with Hal just to get her in

>> No.47799149

The homos placed way above her in damage and kills

>> No.47800521

>Angela Merkel
>went well
wasnt she the idiot who forced Europe to take in millions of nigger immigrants just so they will vote for her

>> No.47801530

I thought selen was holo material, That she was one of the good ones, but here Selen is a whoring herself and dragoons are defending her? Truly pathetic, I thought nijikeks had hit rock bottom with Enna but this shows me that they look for this type of behavior on their chubas, they really are nijicucks

>> No.47801643

No need to larp, Ennacuck

>> No.47801854

both of them out performed her lmao

>> No.47803292

She performed the worst of her team, theadreader.

>> No.47804723
File: 108 KB, 667x1556, 1681567453641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't kill much people in the tourny, Selen. In fact you didn't kill anyone.

>> No.47804928

>dragoon defense force
Damn, must be the last actual Niji fanbase since the other girls dont get anyone to defend them other than those girls samefagging

>> No.47805092

They are only 3 guys at most, probably her mods
I wouldn't be surprised if selen paid them to defend her

>> No.47805515

Thanks, anon. This chart put things to perspective. So she ruined their chances cause she performed horribly. If she's not gonna stand out, might as well drag everyone down with her.
Typical Chinese behaviour.

>> No.47805887

in terms of familiarity and perms autism, retard. the haggling was after dingo already got a yes from her.
you catalogfags are so used to fagging and ignoring context KEK

>> No.47805996

i'm so glad towa's team took the 20th place in vsai KEK with tsuna and towa not getting kills and placing lower than her.
