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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4771567 No.4771567 [Reply] [Original]

> Lockdown was removed in my country so was busy the last week job hunting
> come back today see nearly half of the threads here bashing Mori and her fan base
> get the gist of the situation
> am confused why when Ollie did this and more with Connor and dragged Moona also with her, it did not rile us to this extent.

Am I missing something?

>> No.4771590

ollie is a zoomer so naturally the crusty old fat fucks here don't care about her

>> No.4771636

did this make sense to you when you typed this out

>> No.4771836
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How the fuck can you say this like you were here when you clearly wern't?

This board went berserk over the Ollie Connor situation like fuck even a week or so ago people were still going on about it, despite being mostly contained to zomcucks threads

>> No.4772152

Maybe coz I only spend 15 mins here daily but at that time when I opened /vt/ there were at max 8 threads not like now. But given there were 200+ replies in each and some did comment on threads regarding Ollie are being deleted so that could be a thing.

>> No.4772309

also to further back it up no one chat was donating Red superchats to shit on Ollie like they did with Mori.

The superchat images + hate comments in the shadowverse stream made me thing think this was bigger.

None of these happened with Ollie though.

>> No.4772319

Ollie is good spirited and likely not thinking much into it. She's just trying to have fun and trying to let her audience have fun as well. It isn't a big deal to her, so it wasn't that big of a deal to everyone else.
Mori makes very broad statements on the state of Hololive without really realizing the issues that come with what she says. Hololive being a bubble is good and bad in ways, but she seems to ignore the good and only care about herself expanding. None of what she has said is about Hololive or her gen branching out, it's purely her. This makes her seem selfish, and atop her poor reactions to criticism, makes it feel like so doesn't care about what her fanbase actually wants to see. She said she'd work on it so that's hopeful.

>> No.4773353

as long as she has those fat miller’s she is the best vtuber.
not on my watch will i ever except this mori mommy milkers slander, not on this board , not ever , not now.Do you see how fat her anime tits are?HOW DO YOU NOT FORGIVE EVERYTHING AFTER A JIGGLE OF THOSE SCRUMDIDDLYUPNTIOUS FAT ANIME HONKERS, HUH OP.
do you have an ounce of horny in you op? are you gay?
she is forgiven from ANYTHING and is absolved of any criticisim.

>> No.4773497

Ah nice to see you fellow deadcucks, trying to slide the shit storm away from Calli I see

>> No.4773547

What's wrong with Ollie-Connor situation, and Connor in general?
I just watch vtubers for casual entertainment, but delving into 4chan makes me seek forbidden knowledge.

>> No.4773707

Ollie makes an effort in collabs and Mori is the exact opposite and also the 5% thing made things worse, she obviously dislikes being a vtuber and wants to quit but the money is too good for the amount of effort she puts

>> No.4773760

No. it's been building for a long time. Here is your copy pasta. Do your reps.

>Makes Gura extremely uncomfortable during their first collab together
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Drags the entire generation into a series of extremely boring Overcooked 2 where she just mumbles to herself the whole time forcing collab partners to pick up the slack, despite being the one to start it
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Promises Kiara that they'd do weekly Minecraft streams where they could learn the game together, collabed MC exactly once one one month later and never again
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Spends half an hour thanking superchats during her first Minecraft collab with Gura
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Doxxes herself and then obnoxiously fake screams into the mic the entirety of the Secret Neighbor collab
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Can't even be bothered to set up the game correctly for the first big Among Us collabs, is a massive anchor for the team and a wet blanket during meetings
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Was in a separate Discord channel thanking superchats during her second Among Us collab while her JP senpais all introduced themselves
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Played Lethal League with deadbeats while Ina literally stood there and watched, in what was supposed to be a Mori Ina collab
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Starts sulking when the punishment game comes up in Puyo Puyo Tetris, refuses to take part and brings the mood down
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Extremely and inexplicably rude to Kiara during the Takamori Q&A, nearly brought her to tears
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Doesn't know the first thing about Reine during their collab together, keeps calling her 'senpai' and actually thinks she's a Turkey character
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>According to Kiara, has overslept multiple collabs, forcing them to be delayed or rescheduled
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Spoils the outfits for the Walfee outfit reveal collab, doesn't even try during the Jeopardy rounds and just types gibberish
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>was in a separate discord
>Completely uninterested during her Clubhouse 51 stream with Kiara, Kiara even has to pull out the fucking weather deck to try and get any sort of response from Mori
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Spent 2 hours saying absolutely nothing but random autism grunts, as Kiara desperately tries to carry a conversation during their Shadowverse collab
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Can barely speak two words of Japanese during her Super Bunnyman stream with Rikka, forcing him to use English instead
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Completely shits the bed in the highly anticipated Coco Meme Review collab, exercising her usual "awkward sperg spamming stock phrases like naruhodo instead of holding an actual conversation" shtick to its fullest as Coco becomes more and more desperate to get ANY kind of reaction out of her and eventually asks 75k live viewers "is she always like this?"
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>made Gura wake up early on a day she had a stream later in the day
>replaced their game because it only has local play with a game that only has local play
>didn't install the game anywhere between the game being changed and the actual collab
>made a sleepy Gura wait 20 minutes only to have her experience about 0.5 to 2 second lag
>finally settle on Phasmophobia after all this struggling
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!

>> No.4773811

Love this pasta. Always gets the cuckbeats seething and reflexively calling you an incel that needs to touch grass, it’s hilarious

>> No.4773857

Nothing new really, it's just /vt/ being a retard with its endless cycle of love and hate.

>> No.4773872

this is taking up too much space now that the list is so long. just put this once "It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!" at the bottom, the deadbrap cope still comes across the same

>> No.4773928

It gets bigger every time I see it

>> No.4773965

Keep posting this shit deadcuck

>> No.4774197

is she actually a crackhead? holy fuck

>> No.4774335

It just Zhang trying to pin both events as Idolfag to cause war while they are different things.
For Ollie, there was some hint she is an underage and Connor trying to groom her while tried to flirt with Moons and Iofi. He then shit on Hololive fans when they question his creepy rooming behavior This stopped when Risu called him out and Moona apologized.
For Mori, she collab with Gigguk. It was normal stream and fun but some high tier member question why Mori don't show the same enthusiasm with her coworker. In There was small conflict between deadbeats, nobody outside of their circle care.
Both case always have Zhang try to stir shit up but today they lose their mind over some big guy in US acknowledge Taiwan is a country and went full bug mode.

>> No.4774614

4chan in general just has a hate boner for anitubers.
The original sin that Connor and the TT crew is that they are filthy gaijin who have the wrong opinions on weebshit.

>> No.4775200


>> No.4781215
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>> No.4781442

Don't forget that Ollie also has energy during streams, talks to her genmates consistently, reaches out to other Hololive members for collabs, and is enthusiastic in general about Hololive. I'd take that with a few yabs over what we get consistently from Mori.

>> No.4781546

Ollie NO!

>> No.4783014

They're both degenerate whores who need to be graduated.

Mori doesn't care about Hololive or being a team player.

Ollie means well and tries with her collabs, but she's also a perverse family unfriendly kinkster who tried and failed to restrain her lustful moans for 2 hours straight. And she probably got off to the thrill of being groped while streaming. And she made the same mouth noises in other streams, leading to reasonable concern that streamsex is unironically one of her fetishes. That, and she has anti idol culture activist leanings. Ollie's the genuine real life caricature that Aloe simply portrayed herself as and got graduated for.

Both of them should've stayed independent or become either Nijisanji, as Niji's generally regarded as the one that's permissive towards degeneracy and whose fans have much more lax standards for their chubas. That's where you go to thot it up. Hololive fans expect at least a modicum of class and professionalism given the brand's worth and reputation.

>> No.4783145


Go back over the firewall

>> No.4783163
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>They're both degenerate whores who need to be graduated.
>Mori doesn't care about Hololive or being a team player.
>Ollie means well and tries with her collabs, but she's also a perverse family unfriendly kinkster who tried and failed to restrain her lustful moans for 2 hours straight. And she probably got off to the thrill of being groped while streaming. And she made the same mouth noises in other streams, leading to reasonable concern that streamsex is unironically one of her fetishes. That, and she has anti idol culture activist leanings. Ollie's the genuine real life caricature that Aloe simply portrayed herself as and got graduated for.
>Both of them should've stayed independent or become either Nijisanji, as Niji's generally regarded as the one that's permissive towards degeneracy and whose fans have much more lax standards for their chubas. That's where you go to thot it up. Hololive fans expect at least a modicum of class and professionalism given the brand's worth and reputation.

>> No.4783587

Touch grass incel freak

>> No.4783680

>>Played Lethal League with deadbeats while Ina literally stood there and watched, in what was supposed to be a Mori Ina collab
Kek, wheres the documentation of this?

>> No.4783946

It does not bother me very much if a girl interacts with, or even flirts with a guy on stream. I'll cancel my membership and stop donos, but whatever, I know that every Holo is getting at least 5 nakadashis a day.

Mori is does not care about Hololive unlike Ollie. She is a snake and is trying to use Hololive for her own selfish gain, while throwing the company under the bus. CUT HER OUT NOW.

>> No.4784552

connor, gigicuck, cr1tikal, ssniperwolf, butfuck whoever I simply do not care I dislike every single one of them. Keep E-celebs out of this. Simple as. Vtubers should only react with other vtubers

>> No.4784795

Connor is a groomer and it's way too obvious. It's why most people can actually tolerate his interactions with Ironmouse; he is leeching but the endgame is not filling her like a turkey.

>> No.4784877
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>> No.4785107

Ollie crossed the line and got quite a bit of hate for it, Mori does not even bother to do the bare minimum expected of her, at first it was cute but its not acceptable behavior anymore, the hate started after the Gura collab, not the CCG collab.
Also Mori is En so we care more about her than Ollie.

>> No.4785207

I would compleatly agree with all that if it wasn't for that "my oushi is gura" at the end.

>> No.4785422

I have seen
>my oushi is gura
added on many shitposts recently, feels like someone is false flagging or its just one egg shaped guy.

>> No.4790433

Sounds like a meme desu

>> No.4792474

>fellow deadcucks
Falseflagging deadbeat fags are the worst fanbase

>> No.4792843

Your oshi will collab with Lando Norris and you’ll like it

>> No.4794874


>> No.4798072

Vtubers are literally e celebs

>> No.4798934

True, but people here will never admit it

>> No.4799850

That it's no excuse for being a shit person to your genmates.

>> No.4802290


No. The whole point in the 'celeb' bit is that you are recognized by the public

>> No.4802389

Did Ollie really got fingered by someone on stream? That's a thing that happened? I'm newfag. Read that here yesterday.

>> No.4804038

Ollie feels like she's living the dream and is trying to help other indie vtubers, Mori is just being a cunt cause cover said she can't go on criticals podcast and talk about hololive.

>> No.4804467


>> No.4804502

Connor jumped on the vtuber bandwagon not by becoming one, but by trying to collab with some of the noteworthy ones. He basically either is, or comes off as a massive leech.

>> No.4804819

It's fake.

>> No.4804858

>it did not rile us to this extent
are you retarded? people made rrats about that for over a month and she didnt even collab with the faggot

>> No.4805068

I'd say they've reached that point at least in Japan.

>> No.4805188

Ollie was always a poggers spamming western whore who feels like she got lost on he way to Vshojo auditions and somehow ended up in Hololive
Meanwhile Mori started her career giving way more of a shit than she does now, or at least pretending to, compare her early days of crying on stream and being "grateful" to the 5% remarks

>> No.4805219

>How the fuck can you say this like you were here when you clearly wern't?
I know this is going to blow your mind anon but most people leave their room to live their lifes
Unironically touch grass

>> No.4805776
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>everyone that disagrees with me is a chink!

>> No.4806164
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>not even subscribed
>somehow with such deep insight that puts cuckbraps to shame
woah, how could this possible be

>> No.4810767

I keep seeing this Connor grooming schizoposting every now and then. but I can't find any clips in the archives.

>> No.4811306

lmao dude you do not belong here, deadbeats are weird

>> No.4811518

this makes the 5% bros seethe

>> No.4812059

>Extremely and inexplicably rude to Kiara during the Takamori Q&A, nearly brought her to tears
nvm, all is forgiven.

>> No.4816646

>Extremely and inexplicably rude to Kiara during the Takamori Q&A, nearly brought her to tears

>> No.4817517

You're trying to hard to fit in
