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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 904 KB, 1065x709, period pad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47584410 No.47584410 [Reply] [Original]

But does your oshi write your name on her period pad?

>> No.47584533

>what did she mean by this?

>> No.47584749

Thats so damn sex

>> No.47584814

Wth also bump

>> No.47585218

This is the most unhinged stream I've seen live.

>> No.47585295

what the fuck
no actually what the fuck this makes me want to throw up

>> No.47585374

On second thought, it is pretty hot.

>> No.47585394

did she post an after picture?

>> No.47585428

2views are shameless, and for that based.

>> No.47585458

So she can bleed her fertility on my name? hot

>> No.47585497

Why does she have so much rope?

>> No.47585523

She's live right now, ask her if she will use it.

>> No.47585527

my sides kek

>> No.47585589

What is she going to do with that massive spool of rope on her desk?

>> No.47585660

here's the chuuba

>> No.47585687

she got 50ft rope kek
she going to hang herself, yall need to see this

>> No.47585823

That's one of the heavy flow pads, so you know she bleeds a lot.

>> No.47585893

2 view for a reason

>> No.47585931
File: 17 KB, 538x537, 789cda0699b8199c85d97e6743936d25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and I want it to stay that way

>> No.47585989

Didn't Kson wax her vagina on air?

>> No.47586011

Bringing this up to my oshi would scar her

>> No.47586039

>the slight tremor in her hands
she's on something, isn't she?

>> No.47586061


>> No.47586084

she legit thinking of selling her menstrual blood

>> No.47586114

HOLY, she's crazy

>> No.47586124

What's she doing with the rope?

>> No.47586147

I wish my oshi was like this.

>> No.47586189

>6 oz in 12 hours

>> No.47586205

Twitch vtubers, amirite? Christ...

Also, toe thumb.

>> No.47586243

it really is a race to the bottom with these hoes

>> No.47586270

I have the same book! WE ARE

>> No.47586458

is she gonna period on it?

>> No.47586505
File: 33 KB, 431x512, FsVZUgOWYAEpCtF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47586553

Yeah, me

>> No.47586557
File: 170 KB, 285x347, 1665107507010235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is actually really cute...bubbly menhera girls are my weakness

>> No.47586732

I'm gonna get my name written in there.

>> No.47586824

she shaking a lot
menhera confirmed?

>> No.47586863
File: 17 KB, 374x184, 1671236232632589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47586977

That'll be me

>> No.47587244

Ewww this is gross. Women have no shame yuck

>> No.47587418

She's very clearly /here/ so I just want to tell you, please stop coming here. I know you're a menhera so you probably won't listen to me, but associating with this place will only bring you pain.

>> No.47587431


>> No.47587453
File: 976 KB, 1137x644, 1661184697355264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay bro she's a chumbud and is showing her rosary and angels now
>This whiplash

>> No.47587465

she is here, she posts sometimes in wvt

>> No.47587481

God, I love women.

>> No.47587717

this bitch is /here/ right?

>> No.47587721

>trannie flag in twitter bio

>> No.47587753

It's a tranny joke
That's why she's obsessed with ropes

>> No.47587820

go finish your pee bitch
don't use your phone in the bathroom

>> No.47587873

shut up, roastie

>> No.47587965

Is this used or unused? If used, I wanna put my face on it

>> No.47588144

at least is not a tampon, its very well known that if a woman use a tampon is a proven whore.

>> No.47588225

my sister use a tampon

>> No.47588244

This is some menhera shit but I appreciate the effort

>> No.47588324

Where do I find eccentric women like these? I want one to be my wife

>> No.47588419
File: 2.82 MB, 320x178, pomu magic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's nice, but can she do this?

>> No.47588463

WTF how does she do that?!?!

>> No.47588697


>> No.47588710

Imagine the handjobs...

>> No.47588751
File: 30 KB, 480x468, 1639108988487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so absurd yet endearing, 10/10 what a gal

>> No.47588906

Bros... her stream is tagged Cuckoldry and Menhera

>> No.47588931

Her left hand keeps shaking even when it isn’t doing anything

>> No.47588990

some people have shaky hands

>> No.47589013

she seems fun, i'd watch her if she was on youtube but twitch is a filter

>> No.47589050

apparently she gets off on people talking about their oshi in her chat

>> No.47589085

>I love you guys, I wanna marry you all
Is she a GFE streamer?

>> No.47589439

meatchuubas are something else.

>> No.47589477

The real question is when this chick will get picked up by phase connect

>> No.47589564

She either gets picked up by Phase Connect and become Pippa, or continues alone and becomes the Kiki.

>> No.47589620

fuck bros, she's making me lose control...


>> No.47589657

She gives off huge lia energy

>> No.47589669

it's like babies first meatchuuba i guess.. She's not self-harming enough though

>> No.47589786

she feels more like Kiki now

>> No.47589795

What are meatchuubas and where do I fund them

>> No.47589826

punching bag chuubas
and yea where i can find them

>> No.47589946

Okay so it's apparently not used yet but it seems to have some orange stuff on it? Anyone who knows about women can tell me why it's orange like that?

>> No.47589982

She said she's gonna wear the pad for 3 hours

I hope she does another stream where she shows her used pads...

>> No.47590015

Seasoning if so when she puts it on her coochie it will taste good

>> No.47590017

idk wtf is this but im liking this, i never watched a twitch chuuba before

>> No.47590074

Sometimes they make a thread here but it ends up in /trash/ I think they have a thread on gurochan?

Said she's ovulating earlier

>> No.47590185

Is it morally wrong to enable this femoid?

>> No.47590233

This is so weird, what she's doing is completely unhinged but her personality is actually really cute and pleasant but her hand shaking like that is also stressing me out.

>> No.47590278

I cant tell if it means she's nervous, insane, or on drugs

>> No.47590385

probably nervous

>> No.47590406

She's literally writing on menstrual pads on stream.

>> No.47590453

all of the above

>> No.47590526


>> No.47591154

something about her rubs me the wrong way, like actually going to end up in the news kind of crazy.

>> No.47591264

that even better

>> No.47591780

That was a nice stream, thanks for introducing me to her.

>> No.47591804

Too much "pick me" behavior, I assume she has no father.

>> No.47591850

>no past stream archive
I fucking HATE twitch so much I can't catch up on menhera lore...

>> No.47591956

i will try to groom her now, thanks lad

>> No.47592179

Isn't that chuba a tranny

>> No.47593571

I don't think my oshi even knows my username lol

>> No.47594111

oh so she's just a /vt/ pick-me. that makes it less fun, we already have pippa.

>> No.47594415

make a spreadsheet with the proofs if you are going to call someone a tranny.
otherwise youll just be the boy that screamed troon and no one will help you when you get raped by chris chan, no matter how much you scream.

>> No.47594625

H-hot... can I watch?

>> No.47594656

im certain that a documentary will be made about it when it happens

>> No.47594675

Anon she got a trans flag in her twitter bio. The burden of proof is on (you)

>> No.47594757

see >>47587753

>> No.47595012

That's not a proof, that's just a statement. You need to prove that statement

>> No.47595064

I watch Gumpai sometimes but I didn't know about this, curious. She's been trying to become less unhinged and now has a job so I hope for her success. Said herself that she's been ashamed of where she's been for the past little while (not number just her mentality).

>> No.47595113

I've never seen a Catholic trans, do they exist?

>> No.47595201

I've known a couple

>> No.47595257

Idfk, there are catholics that come out as gay, so why not?
Anyways tell your oshi to remove the flag from her bio. It's a retarded joke and it's not a good look. Until then I won't follow her because of the doubt

>> No.47595556

It's certainly possible
>And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean; you have been sanctified; you have been declared righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:11)
Now if you're not living that lifestyle anymore I guess you're not one anymore in a sense, but some of the effects of that lifestyle aren't reversible right now, so I was thinking of your question from that perspective. Similar to how there are those who have tattoos symbolizing stuff they no longer subscribe to, but someone may not have the means to remove it just yet.

>> No.47595846

on her twitter, there's a post where she shows off the results of some online personality test that shows her being more masculine than feminine. I'm partially convinced the flag is just some joke alluding to that

>> No.47595924

I guess you'll just have to wait for the dirty pads. Then you can argue if the blood is fake or not.

>> No.47596064

ok guys, I dug through her official tumblr, and I can conclude that she's menhera

>> No.47596152

Does that mean more or less painful menstrual cramps?

>> No.47596158

Your loss, I'll follow her in your place. She doesn't need your money when she's got mine.

>> No.47596307

The whole writing fan names on her pad thing wasn't enough for you to know that?

>> No.47596925

Has she done things more menhera than this before? I discovered her from this thread and I can feel she is my next indie meat chuuba

>> No.47597344

Why are women so disgusting.

>> No.47597431

i hope not OP

>> No.47598998

oh god gumpai is gonna go viral doing dumb shit. welp time to unfollow

>> No.47599054

Hey! If you need to write something down and have no post its left you use anything you can
stop judging

>> No.47599153

I remember she had an incident in /wvt/ where she drew NSFW of the local schizo’s ex-girlfriend which made him seethe nonstop. That’s probably why she doesn’t post there as much anymore

>> No.47599228

id also like to mention she watches and raids the males there a lot so GFEsubhumans should probably stay away

>> No.47599259


>> No.47600190

Imagine the loads Luca shoots out after those hands go to work. Based cuckadachis making it possible.

>> No.47600647

Orange is just an ornament on paper protecting the sticky back side that you use to attach the pad.

>> No.47601178

I wish my oshi would bleed directly in my mouth

>> No.47601794

Fucking heretic piece of shit. Beheading needed

>> No.47602858

Whoa, hold up there buddy. Beheading is a very outdated form of punishment, we haven't had an execution by guillotine since the year of... 1977? What the fuck?

>> No.47602932


>> No.47603037

She has a vibe inside of her.

>> No.47603381

Okay but where is the Kson waxing video?

>> No.47603787

Yeah, I agree, she has a good vibe.

>> No.47604358

>i want the 4chang audience
instant drop

>> No.47605577

I hope she uses it.

>> No.47606123

those are not tranny hands

>> No.47606180

What the fuck? 1977 for real?
Everyday I learn something new

>> No.47607035

She's got programmer socks and books about assembly and Cobol on her Throne
if she's not a troon she at least wishes she was

>> No.47607237

Probably is a chaser

>> No.47608220

she wants the tranny aesthetic
its like those girls in jp sites that put socks in their panties to create bulges and attract people who like traps

>> No.47609090

She talked about being a bio trans girl once

>> No.47609211

damn i thought she was cool thats the saddest sentence i've ever heard

>> No.47609334

Look at this: >>47295880

>> No.47609655

why did you think i was interested in reading tranny cope disguised as science?

>> No.47609803

>complains about 4chan
>still post in here
stupid tourist, but you can't leave anymore

>> No.47610245

menhera alert

>> No.47610435
File: 322 KB, 2200x1500, 1665156891802639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my.

>> No.47610533

Why did she add symbols for "No" and "Maybe" if she was just gonna be ok with literally everything that exists.

>> No.47611093

How menhera is pic related?

>> No.47611628

/meat/ has a new queen

>> No.47612648

no they don't

>> No.47613946

What the fuck does "bio trans girl" even mean?

>> No.47614128

"Please dm me dickpics"

>> No.47614347

I still don't get it? Is she trans or not?

>> No.47614532

Just send the fucking dick pics, anon

>> No.47614561

she's cis but like to identify as/relates to being a trans girl

>> No.47614932

Why the fuck would you do that?
And you can just "identify" as trans while being cis? Isn't the point of being trans to identify as something else than the gender you were assigned at birth and therefore automatically making you trans? This makes no sense to me

>> No.47615165

The whole point is that people can be whatever they want. It doesnt need to make sense

>> No.47615182

She identifies as trans.

>> No.47615229

fucking cringe dude

>> No.47615357

You can't though. If a white girl says I identify as an asian girl, that's retarded and should be make fun of. Same with that "bio trans" bs. At some point it's just mental illness

>> No.47615582

Ok chud

>> No.47615619

>no experience with drugs

>> No.47615688

Nah I'm pretty left leaning but this is just retarded

>> No.47615805

The hands are female but I've been duped by that before too.
I'll check voice tomorrow since I can't be assed to open my PC now. 99% of the time you can tell when someone is using a voice changer or speaking trannylike.

>> No.47615949

The truth is, 90% of trans internet subculture is just autistic traits. So she's autistic and identifies with autistic people who try to pin their autistic traits on their transgender identity

>> No.47615982

Ok chud

>> No.47616016
File: 151 KB, 2048x1152, No sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degenerate twitch camwhore

>> No.47616175

Will she write it on a tampon instead if I donate extra?

>> No.47616266

She might’ve been or Is an alcoholic. My uncle used to be one and when he quite drinking one of the side affects is his hands shake even though he hasn’t drank in 10 years.

>> No.47616405

Come on man I didn't even call her a tranny

>> No.47616503

That's projection. My own projection is she might be a nervous shaker. My hands shake pretty hard when I'm under pressure

>> No.47616863
File: 290 KB, 1078x920, IMG_3029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47618804
File: 7 KB, 236x234, d73b851a577b2770849f29f4b254efc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be a depressed loser who will most likely die alone, but at least I don't need to resort to this to get attention.

>> No.47618947

So she's autistic.

>> No.47619223

I don't need my oshi to do this, however, having a random 2view do it is good since it is kinda hot

>> No.47619460

If you identify as trans, you are trans. End of the story.

>> No.47619537

>implying some corporate pretend gf who plays minecraft for a living and occasionally does a cover of some popular vocaloid song is any better

>> No.47619952

nah, she just give it to granny

>> No.47619959


>> No.47620461

Could be

>> No.47620627

Yes. But if you say I'm cis but I identify as trans, you're retarded and mentally ill

>> No.47620814

Her model is really cute

>> No.47621316

>But if you say I'm cis but I identify as trans, you're retarded and mentally ill
That's just transphobic

>> No.47621784

That sounds good damn

>> No.47622969

it is

>> No.47624126
File: 1.03 MB, 1081x731, 1663024100503378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your menstrual pad chuuba and raise you a ESL phrenology chuuba reviewing harlequin fetuses

>> No.47624765

sounds greato anon but
ill pass

>> No.47624845
File: 1.07 MB, 1077x607, 1680178594500760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's her beef with fauna?

>> No.47625394

Cant say she does, I guess I'll kneel

>> No.47626221
File: 24 KB, 706x339, gum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reblogged this, but then she says she doesn't have a dick. So who can say.

>> No.47626949

She can be trans femme and have a vagina, anon.

>> No.47627086

and this is why you don't enable mental illness

>> No.47627691

and this is why you enable mental illness

>> No.47627767

and this is why you maybe enable mental illness

>> No.47628488

No, she's a menhera chuuba.

>> No.47628648

This board makes me feel so normal.

>> No.47632392

Bumb because menhera

>> No.47634602

Even worse, /wvt/ vtubers.

>> No.47634918

>phrenology chuuba reviewing harlequin fetuses
what does these mean? I'm esl

>> No.47635474

Phrenology is an outdated medical diagnosis method that involved measuring the bumps on a persons skull to determine mental traits or sickness.
Harlequin fetus is used to describe an extremely severe form of skin disease in which affected infants have thick, plate-like scales all over their bodies.

>what does this mean?
She's a weird chuuba reviewing weird shit

>> No.47635755

So she practices phrenology or .. ?

>> No.47636076

>draw me decapitated

Damn my Guro fetish……

>> No.47636135

i will now watch your retard

>> No.47636898

So is she a tranny or do I draw her with her guts out getting fucked to death?

>> No.47636905

No, she was just shitposting reading phrenology books for fun. She called it racist (it is) so I don't think she practices it.

>> No.47637190

She does cursed cooking streams where she cooks complete monstrosities and seems to avoid taking showers, but as far as personality goes she's pretty stable.

>> No.47637365

This is embarassing, my oshi could get 200 views before hololive just by doing holo like shit

>> No.47637408

buhhh, guhh, that's s-s-soulless and not heckin based like my /here/tubers

>> No.47637625

Why? I don't understand your reactions.

>> No.47637654

internet clowns can do whatever they want as long as there's an audience I don't see how it's embarrassing

>> No.47637990

>Fuck Fauna/10
Would I

>> No.47638308

It still pains me that having a Guro fetish is such a red flag I can never bring it up in real life, but then to know there’s girls out there that would understand……

>> No.47639574

>draw me decapitated
>organs = very good
>cut up, burned, torture is ok

>> No.47641795

seems like she's just a girl doing some attention whoring, or possibly some /here/ pandering if the rope jokes explanation is true.

>> No.47642029

god, that's so fucking hot

>> No.47642313

>fanart rules

Gayest lamest shit ever

>> No.47642868

This is a trannie fyi

>> No.47643162

she was assigned woman at birth (so she has a vagina), but identifies as trans.

>> No.47643473

Is she a trans man?

>> No.47643559

No, she identifies as trans femme

>> No.47644015

So, anon was right? She is a tranny? I don't see how that makes her not one, if she says she is one.

>> No.47644332
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1888775767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like she's just muddying the waters and giving herself a pass to make fun of trannies, which isn't something she really needs to do given that she's a /here/chuuba

>> No.47644454

it could also be a joke
the whole concept certainly sounds like one

>> No.47645769

> calls herself tranny
> rope on her neck

>> No.47646408

holy FUCK is that real?!

>> No.47647849

Yeah it’s fuckin real and she’s gross. Nasty degen women

>> No.47649958

Then the correct pronoun is he, obviously. What's wrong with you?

>> No.47650132

I have to add new filters all the time because people keep coming up with new words. I wonder if they realize that people have just started filtering them and they're not getting as many responses as they used to, or if they're just trying to come up with new words so they don't get banned on Twitter and Reddit, and so they use those words here too out of habit.

>> No.47651168

any askers?

>> No.47651210

You're just autistic. Only you and some other retard would go to such lengths

>> No.47651278

She totally is.
That's why she is obsessed with ropes.

>> No.47651437

sounds female to me, but i've been fooled before

>> No.47653007
File: 47 KB, 184x178, 1658596540085372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream again and show me that dirty rag you disgusting pekopekopeko

>> No.47653164

Didn't tempiss all post pics of their underwear?

>> No.47653759

>She gained 100 followers from this thread
She won.

>> No.47653992

That’s not a lot, anyway she’ll be stuck at 20ccv since she’s boring

>> No.47654328

Now that I think about it, I remember her posting /here/ about how she wished she had a tiny penis so others could make fun of it.

>> No.47654425

yeah but who wouldnt want that
if only my penis wasn't so big

>> No.47654502

lmao, anon has a big, vulgar barbarian penis. How disgusting!

>> No.47654600

>twitch only
why do they do this? At least have a clips or vods channel

>> No.47654619

Twitch is for western e-thots, youtube is for idol chuubas.

>> No.47654821

gumpai is pretty clearly a cis baeddel. pretty simple, the rope theory was a nice cope tho.

>> No.47655085

Oh I just came up with an even better idea. Writing your name WITH her period blood. Just like, use a finger or something. Any women reading this? Please do this idea.

>> No.47655169

I dont think thats related

>> No.47655249

So...she doesnt want to grow then?
That shit is disgusting and most people dont want to see that. Also what the fuck is that, blood coming out of her nose?
Its cool if she doesnt care about numbers, but that shit only appeals to a few retards.

>> No.47655310

The most successful women on twitch are charisma voids that show their ass or literal camwhores
As long as it screams "I'm female" it will make her grow

>> No.47655516

I only watch free bleeders.

>> No.47655654

she'd probably rather have a dedicated audience of pigs who will watch her smear menstrual blood on her toes. This is just a side gig for her to vent her freakiness.

>> No.47655832
File: 100 KB, 339x311, 1679924077929968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a fag

>> No.47656921

i also call many things racist, but thats usually an endorsement

>> No.47656929

