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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47502489 No.47502489 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they still unpopular?

>> No.47502777


>> No.47503780

explain kuzuha

>> No.47504298

The better question is How will Yagoo execute the plan to Dissolve the entire girl branch and so that he can push the Resources all to the boys? lol

>> No.47504529

Dogshit models that appeal to nobody. Dogshit marketing that appeals to nobody. Dogshit perms courtesy of Cover. Limited collabs with females.

>> No.47504612

kuzuha is the exception, not the norm

>> No.47504750

Their fans do not shill them enough.

>> No.47504854

>merch is the stars strong point, they sell an insane amount
of fucking course.

>> No.47504866

They aren't the ones that made holopro popular so people will never be around to watch them

>> No.47505084


you're just blinded by hatred

>> No.47505127

If you think Holostar models being butt-ugly is debatable, you're ngmi.

>> No.47505275

Wdym roberu is popular

>> No.47505357

Agreed. I love my nigga Astel but he might as well use a fanart PNG at all times, his rigging and base model is so atrociously bad.

>> No.47505436


>> No.47505639

Are they? People compare them to the girls but they get a lot of love by people who aren't misandrists.

>> No.47506109

Is he though? He's singing to 800 people rn. That's clearly not as succesful as the rest on your list. Also, Astel's in his chat if any of you Star simps wanna say hi.

>> No.47506389

De facto gender segregation still in effect, relegating them to second-class talent status. For now.

>> No.47506857

>merch is the stars strong point, they sell an insane amount
Rikka confirmed that they're moving towards generic merch for Stars and will only get their bday merch (no anniversary) run going forward.

>> No.47506982

Based. Shitters should try pulling numbers and actually being worthwhile before they’re worth more merch. Whales will swallow their standardized merch anyway.

>> No.47507180

That's for everyone in Cover anon. Including the girls. Do people only remember half of that announcement?

>> No.47507258

It's a skill issue. They have enjoyed nothing but coddled behavior, privileges, and unearned opportunities for years at this point. If you can't be successful with the entire deck stacked in your favor, it's your fault

>> No.47507412

Incorrect. Post timestamp (you can't) (because you're wrong)

>> No.47507653
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>Cdgct dominated company that never had or will have a lock on rabid fujos because nijishit already did that
it's just a no brainer, virtually no one in the holo fanbase outside of women and homos want to watch a grown man larp as an anime gayboy.

>> No.47507711
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They are getting legit nijitier merch

>> No.47508125

He basically said that his "next" milestone for getting one piece of custom merch is at 300k subs.

>> No.47509019
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>New subscribers since the 16th of January: 5000.
Oof. They might as well have said "never again". I think Playboard removed the subs projection tab, but it's gonna take an absurd amount of time before he gets there.

>> No.47510649

I think the point was to kick Stars in the ass into growing their channel. Yagoo seemed embarrassed when investors brought up his male vtubers and asked why they aren’t doing as well as Anycolor’s.

>> No.47512547

It's only "de facto" if you think them not playing on the same MC server as the girls or not being on HoloFes, when they have their own concert, is a bad thing.

>> No.47512696

I don't have any interest in watching Holostars.

>> No.47512999

The Hololive audience gives zero shits about Holostars and shoving them into Hololive's big new years concert in front of 100k+ people did absolutely nothing for them. Astel and Izuru even got to share the stage with Suisei and it did nothing. Astel only grew because he's known for being an FPS gremlin by non-Holo fans.

>> No.47513140

>Males in a cgdct enviromnent
You tell me

>> No.47513334

This. Roberu and Astel proved that the way for the Stars to actually grow is to push their names outside of the Holo sphere. They barely gain anything from Hololive and definitely won't gain anything from each other so they need to attract outsiders, and both of them manage to get results doing this and now they're the biggest members of their branch and are often bigger than the best performing StarsEN members as well.

>> No.47515646

Yagoo should be embarrassed desu. He half assed his pet project in a company that, to the public eye, is all about the girls. Now his Stars feel like afterthoughts, or intrusive annoyances, to many, many fans. He could’ve kept the same mixed culture from early on but he dropped it and left them hanging. It’s partially his fault, and partially the fault of the guys for just being shit.

>> No.47515734

800 on a non-horny stream is above the curve, streamlet

>> No.47515794

they are not

>> No.47515935

Because incels won't give DA BOIZ a chance

>> No.47516178

Tell them sister!

>> No.47516207

Just attract more women? It’s on the Stars to garner a fanbase. If the girls fans don’t watch them, that’s on the boys for not being entertaining enough to stick around for. At the end of the day the Stars have to stand on their own two feet. It can’t all be the girl’s fan’s fault that they don’t want to watch the guys.

>> No.47516221


>> No.47520620

Because most of them aren't that interesting and/or motivated enough to actually put high effort on their content and projects, get out of their comfort zone, network and reach new audiences, so they end up not really getting much eyes on them or failing at keeping what eyes they do get around.

>> No.47521558

I wouldn't blame them if they're scared of rocking the boat though since apparently people hate them just for existing.

>> No.47522987


>> No.47523118

cause hololive is a female idol company,that's what their fans want, this was a retarded idea from the start

>> No.47523149

It’s true. If I see a Holostar on the same screen as a Hololive member I will anti him for life. Unless it’s Roberu.

>> No.47523600

They aren’t very entertaining

>> No.47524263

you could just say you're dekinai

>> No.47524468

Keyed as fuck

>> No.47525329

Fair, but that's mostly from holofags, which they can avoid really easily by going outside the Holobubble and finding other people to collab and interact with more.
Astel and Roberu have both showed that going out of the Holobubble and leaving Stars by the side to involve hemselves with outsiders more can yield really good results.

>> No.47525444

They need to grow outside the holo bubble anyway. It's what actually worked for the most popular ones, hololive fans won't watch more at this point.

>> No.47527515

And then you have Aruran who is overdosing on hopium that his collabs with a few low-tier Holos will help his growth. At some point not even trying is a better choice than continuing to do the wrong thing.

>> No.47527803

How do you know if you don't even watch them?

>> No.47527827

>At the end of the day the Stars have to stand on their own two feet.
>It can’t all be the girl’s fan’s fault that they don’t want to watch the guys.
But I don't see anyone blaming the girls though.

>> No.47528154

the one who watch male vtuber hate hololilve
the one that watch hololive hate males
it's that simple

>> No.47528196

>It can't all be the girls' fans fault
>girls' fans fault

>> No.47528199
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>the one who watch male vtuber hate hololilve
>the one that watch hololive hate males
>it's that simple

>> No.47528242
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reminder that cover fast-tracked this guy's 3D debut

>> No.47528286

Imagine coming all the way to /vt/ to ask this dumb shit. Fuck off

>> No.47528294

Robe often said that a lot of people do not know that he's a holostars. Meanwhile Astel erased holostars from his twitter. Those are their top talents

>> No.47528498
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>Meanwhile Astel erased holostars from his twitter
You're making it sound like he's disassociation with the brand all together.

>> No.47528541
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>He half assed his pet project in a company that, to the public eye, is all about the girls.
>Now his Stars feel like afterthoughts, or intrusive annoyances, to many, many fans
I'm sure he really cares about what you "experts" have to say.

>> No.47528553

I'm not wrong about his twitter though

>> No.47528649

Every single StarsJP member has either ホロスターズ (Holostars) or Uproar in their twitter names except Astel. Even Rikka who's shilling his birthday stuff still has Holostars at the end of his name. Astel is not disassociating with the brand but he understand that being related to it isn't helping his growth, likely due to the relationship with Hololive. This always comes back to Cover being absolutely retarded for using the suffix "Holo-" to the male branch when they should've named them something else.

>> No.47529104

People can come up with whatever explanations they want but the stars are just not that good. I can't really think of any holostars talent who I think is super entertaining and fun as just good as a vtuber but isn't getting the success he deserves because people just aren't giving him a chance. The ones who are consistently making entertaining content are inclining, the problem is that there's like two of them so they don't have the critical mass to build a proper box for the homos. Life half the girls in Hololive (looking at JP specifically) are completely unremarkable as vtubers IMO but it doesn't really matter because they can draw from the holobox which was built up mostly by a relatively small numbers of exceptionally talented vtubers. The homos can't draw from the holobox no matter how hard they (or management) try and they can't build a proper box of their own because most of them are closer to Mel or Roboco than Fubuki or Pekora in terms of quality and so there's no clear way for them to grow as a group.

>> No.47529273
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>Astel is not disassociating with the brand but he understand that being related to it isn't helping his growth, likely due to the relationship with Hololive
The fact you're basing this all on his twitter description is something to behold.

>> No.47529683

I still feel like the fans are somewhat in fault in this. The way starsfans gatekeep their "comfy and chill" fandom is fucking insane

>> No.47529788

nta, but astel said he won't initiate holostars collab anymore. he'd still come if he's invited tho

>> No.47529813


>> No.47529851

They failed to create a proper box for themselves, and a huge part of it is because they had 3 graduations / terminations in 2020. When Kaoru was still around, the stars were constantly in each other chats and were mentioning each other all the time. They kept trying to a lesser extent when Kaoru got axed, but you could really feel their motivation drop when Kira graduated, which they never recovered from
Holostars went from a group of friends proud of doing their own thing to a corporate group that has no confidence in itself and that needs to leech off Hololive to stay afloat, ignoring their own fans in the process. And that's a shame, because they're good performers and I really believe they could have made it if they didn't lose 3 members and if management had tried to take them in a different direction

>> No.47529853
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Imagine if they added a male cast for this anime.
Everyone would hate it and for good reason.

>> No.47529883

>because they're good performers
Are they really?

>> No.47529941

The only true popular one are kuzuha and kenmochi. The other literal who doesn't even have a dedicated fan and when i say dedicate i mean when kuzuha playing lol and he still get 20k as well as apex, 2 different game genre. When i see vox, only his asmr could barely break 10k while his gaming suck ass that could go as low as 3k ccv

>> No.47529989

>using a collab that wasn't even hosted by Astel as a counterproof
Not very smart from your part either.

Leeching off from Hololive never helped them. At most they can get a few hundred subs but they never transition into a real part of their audience. Also management can only do so much when at that time more than half of them were treating it as a part time job and preferred to remain insular while Roberu and Astel were doing their reps. The only other one that was trying something was Aruran who had a decent success interacting with the increasing western audience back then, but he completely failed to retain them and nowadays he acts like he doesn't really know what to do and is trying literally anything to see what works.

>> No.47530028

On stage? 100%, no doubt about it. They have all made streams I found really entertaining in the past, and I'm still really disappointed some of them dropped these to do whatever they do now

>> No.47530031

Aruran's problem is that he sucks. Anyone can attract tourists with special pandering streams but you need good regular content to keep them around.

>> No.47530143

What streams were those? Pre tempiss I spent years seeing people talk about how the jp homos were all based and underrated but almost every time I check them out I find them lame as shit.

>> No.47530189

Holostar doesn't leech as much as tempus, the people who goes out of their box truly the one incline, like roberu and astel. The other are mostly comfortable in their small box without much fuss or need to change. The only person who constantly shoot himself in the foot are aruran, changing his avatar from lovable pizza papa to a fuckboi, just push aways his small fanbase. Also his constant leeching behaviour on hololive just make his dwindling fanbse lower. What he need is to explore outside of hololife and attached himself to small corpo and find a partner who capable of banter with him like roberu.

>> No.47530246

>changing his avatar from lovable pizza papa to a fuckboi
He was the least successful holostar before uproar, I know people here loved to post about le based old man but no one was watching him, I don't blame him for trying to change things up out of desperation since all the other guys with the normal anime ikemen models were doing better than him.

>> No.47530247

Nta, but yes he suck, he seriously need to go outside of hololive and holostar box, find another partner like roberu and mea. It hard but i don't see him inclining with the way he doing now outside of minecraft.

>> No.47530304
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What are you even talking about?

>> No.47530346

that doesn’t even include the regional streamers like plave and dacapo kek. homostars are failures because they don’t understand their audience

>> No.47530367

He tried with Ange, Lack family, Meika, Kuku, etc. All of them failed

>> No.47530418
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Here you go

>> No.47530437

I don't see the problem here.

>> No.47530443

They all failed because he's just not good.

>> No.47530468

You hate cgdct then.
Forget i said anything

>> No.47530504

Not by much, and Uyu has a peak ikemen design and is doing worse, while the others were doing better regardless of their models. If we take the two most popular members, Astel and Roberu, the former has jaundice and the latter's model was one of the most unique looking visually speaking before IRyS, and they are doing better than him because they aren't trying and horribly failing to leech off Hololive thinking the people who were only interested in watching girls would waste time of their lives watching a bunch of dudes. The redesign only made part of his already small audience mad at him, and even if I don't blame him for wanting it considering how his original one had issues regarding the live2D that multiple riggers weren't able to fix going the opposite way with the fuckboy design wasn't a smart choice.

>> No.47530542

No one is forcing you to watch collab m8. Close the tab if you don't like it.

>> No.47530546

Aruran as an entertainer, he lacking charisma and his new avatar just bringing it to a negative. I dunno what other solution for him anymore other than playing boke, but that just for collab, is he even good at that?

>> No.47530584

Yea I'm not saying it was the right decision, just that I understand why he may have blamed his design. The fundamental problem is that he's a boring, uncharismatic loser who tries to make up for it with overly loud fake enthusiasm and energy that makes everything he's in feel forced and awkward.

>> No.47530592

as far as i heard of uyu, is he a bfe? I could be wrong, but i never seen him in other collab except for holostar and kobo once.

>> No.47530614

Still ruined the entire feel of Holo EN for me. Dropped Ame in the process too.
Pretty much the same as most who watch Hololive. We just want to watch cute girls, not males.
Which is the question OP asked, "why are holostars so unpopular?" That's the reason, it ruins cgdct.

>> No.47530740

>Still ruined the entire feel of Holo EN for me. Dropped Ame in the process too.
Well aren't you a shallow fuck? So much for being a fan.
>We just want to watch cute girls, not males.
>it ruins cgdct.
Is it really their fault for not meeting your unfounded expectations? Not like it matters, I'm sure they are missing your presence.

>> No.47530768

t. Homobeggar

>> No.47530778

Yeah, it does feel like Aruran is trying to play a character that's wildly different from his real personality and it makes him come off as unauthentic. Honestly he should look back at both times he had decent viewership, which were the morning streams for the western fanbase and the blue axolotl breeding arc, and try to understand what made people want to watch him during those streams.

Somewhat? He likes to stalk his fans on twitter talking about him without his tags, but he also streams during ungodly hours due to his job and his game selection is garbage vtuber core like Apex, Valorant, DbD and most recently League.

>> No.47530834

I'm not a yes man, i'm not going to stick with an oshi whose content became something i dislike and started being condescending to her fans.

>> No.47530954

>Honestly he should look back at both times he had decent viewership, which were the morning streams for the western fanbase and the blue axolotl breeding arc, and try to understand what made people want to watch him during those streams.
Unfortunately both of those were just temporary events that he benefitted from. The EN boom has come and gone and also there's Tempus now, I don't think EN pandering will work in 2023. And the Minecraft axolotl farming craze isn't something you can replicate at will. I don't know what lessons he's supposed to take away from his most successful moments coming down to him being in the right place at the right time to benefit from external circumstances.

>> No.47531055

Even if it was a "right place, right time" thing the fact that he got absolutely fuck all from these circumstances shows that he took it for granted and didn't even try to extend the period. Everyone retains something from growing due to popular trends, but in his case it's almost like he came out worse.

>> No.47531140

Again, I'm sure they're crying at night because you tards aren't around.
>started being condescending to her fans.
You know some people are into that right?

>> No.47531264

They just suck anyway,if they are actually entertaining people will watch, even nipple nan rebounds from big drama and becomes even more popular, this man is the perfect example for this case https://www.youtube.com/live/D753mVYsCsg?feature=share

>> No.47531276

It's a mixture of most of them being too comfortable in their bubble and the Stars brand being associated with Hololive making it a debuff for them. There's a reason Astel dropped the "Holostars" from his name. They'd be more successful if Stars was a completely separate thing from Hololive, possibly also dropping the idol shtick.

>> No.47531303


>> No.47531312

>Some people are into condescending vtubers
Yea, the niji EN viewers. Look how dogshit their viewership is.

>> No.47531324
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>It ruins cgdct
Except it's no strange for these type of shows to have recurring male characters. Pic very much related.

>> No.47531362
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mogged by garbage bin Yasuo lmao

>> No.47532533

>Using a pervert as an example.

>> No.47532576

That's the joke

>> No.47532950
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My b

>> No.47533114
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But Holostars isn't adding males to an all girls anime, it's a completely different show.

>> No.47533243


Huge FF14 player and big JRPG fan in general. I think he'd have found an audience for them had he tried to do raids with other vtubers. Big otaku who can talk about seiyuu and anime endlessly with fans
Great singer that can play both the guitar and the piano. He knows a lot of obscure vocaloid songs, I discovered many through him. Second best FPS player in the group. His DS games streams were fun
Minecraft autism and the willingness to do huge creations on the stars server. However he just mindlessly grinds material on survival so anyone who'd have checked him out after his ao upa streams would have gotten bored easily. He has sense for video editing. Learned how to play drums for Izuru on their last concert, the dedication he shows for Holostars makes his fans dedicated as well, even if they disagree with the holopro shit
Same as Izuru, he's a talented singer that plays the guitar. He also had a series called RiTunes Labo where he'd call other vtubers to sing with him, but he has severely neglected it these past two years
Best FPS player in the group. Soul singer in a good way and entertaining in outside collabs because he's watched other vtubers for years and has a good grasp of their personalities
Excellent collab organizer, and he knows what stars fans like about their oshis more than any other stars. He gets sweaty while playing games until he becomes really good at them
Has fun doing pretty much anything and he has pretty much created his own box, linked with Tamaki's
Loves otome and gacha games, anyone can easily see his passion. He's got talent for TRPG and voice acting as well
His FF1 to FF6 streams were incredibly fun as a retro game fan. He, Shien and Rikka are decent at fighting games. He's got arguably the best voice in the group and knows how to do fanservice with it

I won't go over Uproar in detail because I haven't watched them much: Fuma reached the highest Splatoon rank and is a big stars otaku, Uyu is good at zatsudan, Rio loves JRPG and is a collab beast, and Gamma is willing to put himself out there and asks to draw any vtuber he collabs with. A lot of these streams happened over a year ago, most of the stars' content is seasonal games

>> No.47533391

Gamma currently capitalizing on his third place ranking from vasikyou by doing a drawing stream of his team and got 4K. He’s trying at least, hopefully for him he can retain some of that audience.

>> No.47533524

Hopefully he can also incline by branching out like this, maybe if enough homos do it the others will take the hint

>> No.47533794

His first youtube short after vsaikyo was him joking about the vtuber's workplace. At least he's staying humble even after a big win.

>> No.47533953

Gamma seems cool after watching him on dekani9. Powerful youkya energy helped lift the teams mood.

>> No.47533955

If someone has it in them to be Roberu 2 it's probably Gan-chan. Hopefully he pulls it off, I have a soft spot for the JP homos.

>> No.47534157

Then how do you explain >>47530418 ?

>> No.47534252

Crossover episode

>> No.47534279
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>> No.47534391

I hate crossovers

>> No.47534975
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>200k celebration
>can't hit 3k
And this is the "popular" branch

>> No.47535276

pizza papa is not papa anymore...

>> No.47535279

It's funny because this anime flopped so bad the manga just abruptly ended. And the mangaka went on to do several touhou/kancolle doujin after.

>> No.47535613

What's with so many holostars bait threads lately?

>> No.47535638


>> No.47535738

just an overall dumb business decision, and we've had all of holostarsjp and niji-equivalent to prove that no unicorns want to watch a whore and no yumejo wants to watch a whipped maletuber. cover needs to give up on the market or at least make a truly separate company for the men altogether

>> No.47536724

>no yumejo wants to watch a whipped maletuber.
w r o n g
why are men so scorned by people

>> No.47536945

They're good idols though.
Yes, the first thing they should do is come up with unit names. They started with Uproar and continued with Tempus, but they didn't commit hard enough.
Just look at ROFMAO. It can be done but I'm not sure the will is there.

>> No.47537112

Elevens having shit taste in anime is nothing new

>> No.47539649

whats the middle one hiding? a gun?

>> No.47541077

explain why the rest of them are girls.

>> No.47541427

Nobody wanted them to start with and then cover has tried its hardest to evaporate any good faith they had by shoving them into events no one wanted to see them in

>> No.47543266

She doesn't have panties

>> No.47543348
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>> No.47545440

How would (You) boost their popularity

>> No.47547019

This is a big part of it and Starfags don't want to admit it out loud but most of then prefer things they way they aren't and don't actually want "numbers". They care more about their own comfort that their oshi's futures.

>> No.47547290
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>> No.47547353

Next time anon post "No Holofags" f you ask a similar question again, because they don't want to give actual answers, just bait and lazy culture war bullshit. Holofags shouldn't talk about anything other than their oshis because they honestly don't know shit about the industry at large and its not worth asking them. Roberu and Astel grew because they made moves and put themselves out there, made friends with indies and such. Holostars are not part of the "Holobox" and their own "Starsbox" isn't popular enough to boost them, so they need to collab more and make friends more often with people outside the company to grow. This has worked for everyone except Aruran because Aruran doesn't do it consistently enough and makes other questionable decisions that get in the way.

>> No.47547624
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I could even provide a comprehensive list to you
>Izuru: Get him to join tournaments again and do more music based collabs, get past his autism
>Rikka: Same as Izuru
>Miyabi: Play Final Fantasy with some other buddies outside the company
>Temma: Get him to do rpgs with others, if he really is learning English make him do collabs with English speakers (maybe Tempus)
>Aruran: Try to make consistent friends with some of the outsiders he collabs with, not just one off visits
>Shien: More seiyuu friends
>Oga: More artist and fighting game friends
>Fuma: More tournament and rapper friends
>Uyu: Literally just more friends outside of Uproar
There, you can ignore basically anything posted after this post since most of the other posts before this one are bait and most of the posts after this one will also be bait. /thread

>> No.47547758

The fans definitely share a significant portion od the blame for the Stars' current situation, they can be really gatekeep-y and insular, as well as really coddling of the boys and autistic about a lot of shit that could really benefit the boys (like using tags and the names of the talents, actually leaving and considering criticism instead of dismissing it as anti shit or "not loving your oshi enough", etc).

>> No.47547890

This is also a fair point and the fans are too fucking insular and private which directly hurts growth. If StarsJPfags acted like Holofags and Tempusfags and skilled their oshis to everyone and their dogs they probably would have a bigger fanbase than the secret society they currently have.

>> No.47548063

this isn't just true of holostars but also true of people who follow smaller chuubas in general, they are hipsters who prefer quiet and "cOzY" fanbases and they leave as soon as too many people show up and "ruin the vibe" for them.

>> No.47550979

They getting more popular.

>> No.47551373

On a rate so slow that Cover is tired of coddling them and are starting to cut the budget for their anniversary merch.

>> No.47553155


>> No.47554843
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They never had a chance and it's all Yagoo's fault. Think about it. Cover launched a male branch during the era where male collabs happened and were tolerated but did so with a total ban on any interactions between the two. Holo girls were still leeching off Nijis and a situation where Homos were invited to too would have benefited them immensely since they would be exposed to the only audience that cares about males (Nijifags).
By the time the ban was lifted, .LIVE had started its collapse with its unicorns flocking to Holo while Holo started its idol pivot between SSS and NSS which created an atmosphere that gave even less of a fuck about males.

>> No.47555192

Yagoo said it was always one of his regrets.
I think the only way to mend it all is for them to be invited to the same variety events so they can separately prove their own merit as entertainers while simultaneously representing Cover so tribalfags can still feel pride when they perform. Similar to the male and female idol schism in meatspace. Things like Vsaikyo are a step in the right direction but they need more.

>> No.47555289

You seriously forgot how Miyabi was harassed before his debut and had more dislikes than views? He debuted 10 days before Pekora who was the first member of Sankisei to debut and SSS would only be released 3 months later. The audience might've endured collabs with Nijiguys at the time but they were not at all enthused to see Cover pushing a male branch, and even if they didn't had the collab ban at most only Matsuri and Fubuki would've thrown them a bone while the rest was already getting comfortable inside the Holobox.

>> No.47555313

I think Shien has real potential, the guy is goofy as fuck.

>> No.47556361

I'd say him, Roberu, and Astel are the three with the most potential to "break out" (i.e. clear the 2k avg), but even Astel is suspect since he's such a menhera. The rest of the HoloStars have some really nice skills (Rio/Rikka are good singers, Oga is good at zatsudan with a great voice) but just don't have the charisma to pull in new viewers. It's especially sad to see Temma's roommate has more viewers watching him than Temma himself. Even Suzaku chose to retire because he's more popular just streaming normally instead of as a Holostar.
Also the simple fact of having "Holostars" attached to your name is a huge debuff. If you're a new viewer, you'd most likely check out Hololive for the girls, and Nijisanji for the boys simply based on Youtube clips. Not to mention male Vtubers have to compete against male flesh streamers which thins down the audience even more.
Short of a complete re-branding and some huge hires, i.e. great gamers or a boy-band style like Strawberry Prince, there is not a chance in hell Holostars will ever be successful. I'm saying this as a casual Holostars watcher (mostly Gamma).

>> No.47556469

You wish

>> No.47556831

He doesn’t have to care, he’s failed his Stars, sister. Time and time again.

>> No.47557826

If they manage to break out and manage to build a good box it would be great, honestly hope they could do a variety event with indie/other corpo vtubers

>> No.47560861

maybe rising prices in japan will kick them in gear to expand their audience...

>> No.47561016


>> No.47561151

This is why Axel was so desperate to leech of Selen.

>> No.47561452

>Yagoo seemed embarrassed when investors brought up his male vtubers and asked why they aren’t doing as well as Anycolor’s.
Wait they streamed meetings?

>> No.47561898

>Mel or Roboco than Fubuki or Pekora in terms of quality and so there's no clear way for them to grow as a group.
I'm not into Mel's content but it seems unfair when you consider that she got hit with the bans and youtube cracked down on ASMR content. Even then some girls may not be that big now, but they still helped build the hololive brand up to give the name some power.

What I don't understand is why some of the guys don't exploit the fuck of the fact that there are multiple girls in hololive who will collab with them. Specifically if they have no problem talking to you on camera, they would probably have no problem talking to you off camera about how they try to be good vtubers. Sure it's easier for girls, but some of them are actually entertaining beyond just being cute, if it were just a cute avatar then they would be interchangable with other members of hololive. Talking to them about what girls actually liked would also be a bonus since it gives you an idea of how to pander to Japanese girls without pretending to suck cock for fujobucks.

>> No.47563278


>> No.47563311

I keep seeing this stuff too and I’m too retarded to find the source. I choose to believe it though because Yagoo should be embarrassed

>> No.47563361

They don't grow up because they are confined to the Holostars. Unlike Niji-sanji, they can't collaborate with popular holo-live members, so they don't get carries.

And most importantly, Hololive fans don't see the Holostars and attack them when they collaborate with Hololive, so the Holostars have either gone into a shell or sought outside collaboration.

>> No.47563808

I leave disparaging comments on every HomoEN collab and I will never stop. I am only following in the footsteps of my JP forefathers.

>> No.47563989

Horosta lost the opportunity to grow further when Hololive inherited the .live fans.

And since male idols already had Sutopuri (now with 2.03 million channel subscribers) and the demand for streamer male vtubers had already been met by NijiSanji, they had no chance from the start.

Furthermore, Hololive fans attacked them.

Now they are indifferent if they don't get involved with Osi, but at the time it was terrible.

>> No.47564067

their designs are fucking dogshit
I have yet to see a male vtuber that doesn't have the most genetic fucking face and model

>> No.47564136

>Compared to its competitor ANYCOLOR <5032>, the number of male VTuber subscribers is not as impactful, but is the world of male VTubers different from that of female VTubers? If so, how do you plan to expand the number of male VTubers?
>President Tanigo: To begin with, we are a production company with a strong female VTuber presence, and ANYCOLOR is a production company with a strong male VTuber presence, and the number of channel subscriptions is proportional to the strengths of each. I can't answer any more than that.

>> No.47564352
File: 204 KB, 1840x1035, E0683D96-9084-44BD-B2DF-E96696F9EF43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the spoon feed. I couldn’t find it not just because I am retarded, but because I am a retarded EOP. Ty for the spoonfeed.

>> No.47564744

He's not really wrong though, hololive has cgdct locked down, while anycolor got the fujos.

>> No.47564832

>Furthermore, Hololive fans attacked them.
I'm so sad, man. They didn't deserve it just for existing.

>> No.47564889
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I want to rape Izuru.

>> No.47564964

He's not wrong at all but the investors are asking "So, what are your plans to make your male vtubers more popular" and Yagoo's response was a reassuring "I don't know"

>> No.47565009

>Cover: has a huge share of the female vtuber market with Hololive
>Also Cover: let's not debut the third gen of the branch that gave us our first real win over our competitors and copy them by releasing a bunch of guys who barely compete with their dudes.
I'm impressed by their complete lack of intelligence.

>> No.47565013

they are boring

>> No.47565096

At this point NijiEN and Tempus are in a race to the bottom. HoloEN is stagnant but since Gura is back (for the 4th time this year) it might help the HoloEN branch.

>> No.47565266

>so your strength lies in your female entertainers?
>so you debuted 8 males in your EN branch even though you yourself know that the girls are your self admitted strongpoint?
>and you don’t know how to make them popular?
>and you simultaneously decided not to debut another generation of girls in this same region?
>It’s been over 600 days since you debuted a female generation in your EN branch? The men you debuted at that time struggle to touch the worst female entertainers you have in the region?
Grim? Grim.

>> No.47565455

If people aren't talking about you you need to make better content.

>> No.47565547

Oh yeah, it took Luxiem to lose popularity for Tempus to be able to compete with them.

Absurdly grim. There's also a really interesting fact about Holostars that makes Tempus unique: they're the only Stars group to not debut close to another Hololive gen. Gen 1 debut close together with Sankisei, Gen 2 on the same month as HoloJP4, Gen 3 a few weeks after ID1 and Uproar around a week after ID3. Both Tempus gens were the first to debut on their own without an "accompanying" Hololive gen, and it's obviously because Cover REALLY wanted the HoloEN audience to give a fuck about them when they were the only new thing for the branch for the foreseeable future. Turns out it didn't fucking work at all, which is something anyone with half a brain cell would be able to predict and have countermeasures for it, but I guess the people in charge of EN lack the bare minimum of intelligence.

>> No.47565693

. Live fans were an elite group of unicorns at the time and were treated as a nuisance. These fans moved to the holo-live. And they started attacking men just for being near oshi.
The price of having an idol policy.

>> No.47565925

if an xqc-esque stars motherfucker debuted in the future, then its ez game.

>> No.47566069

so someone who just thrives off react content and being a recognizable face? that's what gura wanted to do btw

>> No.47566175

I wonder about that. XQC doesn’t have to worry about permissions. He can react, he can gamble, he can say whatever he wants, etc. someone like X would get gimped by corporate bureaucracy and would wilt from it.

>> No.47566232

>worse game perms then Cover because for some fucking reason Cover desided to get them their own even worse perms department sperate from HoloEN, HoloID, and HoloJP. (Tempus has the same perms as HoloEN)
>Cheaper models
Don't know any more then that because I'm EOP, but I like Rikka and Rio's singing so I'm subbed to them and listen to their music.

>> No.47566400

XQC can basically do what ever he wants because he's working under the US copyright system, which is really loose when it comes to transformative content like reviews, react videos, and let's plays. Cover meanwhile is super paranoid so every branch follows JP copyright law where you basically got to ask permission from the creator for every little thing.

>> No.47566753

It makes me a little sad. Over a whole year EN put their eggs in the Tempiss basket…. Twice. If this is the kind of top tier decision making going on at Cover then I have trouble getting excited for any potential EN3. Just feels like a mess.

>> No.47566778

They tried the rebranding with UPROAR. Completely new branding, separated from the old HoloStars, massive advertising campaign where they announced them at HoloFes and had buses advertising them and look at the result.

>> No.47566842

I gave them a shot and then I stopped because they weren’t very entertaining

>> No.47566969

Roberu is really popular with every girl he collabs though, chad among chads.

>> No.47567966

>Our boys suck, Niji's boys don't.
But in corporate terms.

>> No.47569818

While I still hope for an EN3 whenever the fuck that drops Cover's "plan" made them lose a bunch of great hires to other agencies and I wonder who the hell they get because I don't remember any relatively big indie or former corpo who recently graduated/entered a hiatus and is likely to end on HoloEN.

That wasn't a rebranding, it was Cover using male idol group clichés as a new way to advertised them. They're still under the Holostars branch but aren't part of the OG9, and whenever a new StarsJP drops (if that ever happens) they have the same treatment.

>> No.47574958

Simply put, the branding, and the way Cover marketing the boys simply just doesn't work. The first thing they need to do is to yeeted the holo- brand from them and rebrand it as Team Stars or anything idc. Personally they probably going to works better as the male variant of vspo instead of hololive

>> No.47575517

cool, so why are you seething about a bunch of fags? should've kept them in the dark
a thread died for this

>> No.47576316
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>audience is entirely MTF troons
They lose 41% of their viewers every day.

>> No.47578296

The holostars brand is poison and needs rebuilding. As pointed out above, UPROAR were heavily promoted by their unit name and the references to holostars were kept quiet, like they were being said under the promoter's breath. The same happened with Tempus, /here/schizos thought they were trying to blur the lines between the male and female branches by not explicitly calling them holostars EN but I think it was just management trying to distance their new project from the poisoned holostars brand. It seems to have somewhat worked too, since I've seen some absolute dipshit EOPs refer to the JP boys as "Tempus JP."

I think the Holostars brand can be salvaged, but it'll take time and effort. I think Holostars EN would have to do the heavy lifting since they have more energy than the JP boys who seem to be languishing in their low confidence.

>> No.47578636

unironically the lack of collabs has left them no chances of inclining. roberu is a collab monster and everyone jumps into his stream since he bounces off other's banters so well.

>> No.47578820

>Translated with DeepL

>> No.47578934

you know, he won't have this problem if he just fired them all.

>> No.47579365

If you can’t stand on your own you don’t deserve to live. Homostars are subsidized welfare parasites.

>> No.47579805

I really wish they would have EN operate under US copyright rules. Maybe one day

>> No.47580647

Late reply but that anon is not making assumptions. Astel himself explained why he took the name out of his twitter bio, because people won't watch if it's Holostars. He's not doing it out of resentment or anything though, he loves Holostars and wants to work hard so he can put the name back one day.

>> No.47583680

gen 3 actually debuted with a unit name TriNero but it wasn't used again after one member left. gen 2 got an official unit name SunTempo around 6 months after their debut but they barely collab. only gen 1 doesn't have a unit name. there's also various unofficial units like yurustars or shadowgear.
