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47409699 No.47409699 [Reply] [Original]

How does an AI manages to be more funny than Kiara?

>> No.47409754

By not being bad orange woman

>> No.47409803

Pippa clears both

>> No.47409865

By technically not being a woman.

>> No.47409939

Not human. Humans are lame.

>> No.47409970

Pipkin is just a garbage react andy now.

>> No.47409984

because your humor has degraded into laughing at random phrases that barely make sense

>> No.47410059

Imagine hate watching

>> No.47410096

How did you survive your mother's attempts at post-natal abortion?

>> No.47410118

Nobody asked, phaseshill.

>> No.47410119
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This one is better

>> No.47410136

still better than kiara

>> No.47410149

turn 360 degrees and walk away from my oshi's stream. i won't warn you again.

>> No.47410218

not really a hard job to do that

>> No.47410224

Easily, that’s like asking how anyone can be less fat then mori, it’s not a very high bar to clear (not a doxx post, mori’s 3D debut revealed that she’s fat, i don’t need RM shit to prove it)

>> No.47410255

>turn 360 degrees
>walk away

>> No.47410291

Average Pippa fan

>> No.47410548
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>> No.47410728

It's literally impossible to be less funny than a woman.

>> No.47410855

ESL SEAfaggot

>> No.47411508

Kiara got by with honest hard work. Pippa got it by grifting and lies.

>> No.47411925

well why did you think they called it the xbox 360?

>> No.47412365

It's not hard to be funnier than Kiara. My dog is funnier than her.

>> No.47412554

I'm sorry you must have misread. Anon said funny not cringe. It's a common mistake. Just like you.

>> No.47412667

your dog gets beatings from a faggot

>> No.47412834

>from the biggest corpo in the world
>less entertaining with neuro than a small fish from phase connect

>> No.47419302

your dog sounds cool

>> No.47419675

Listen KFPcucks, i don’t think you wanna be scaring off the few viewers that kiara has, we both know she’s bothered by being a runt, the last thing she needs is you telling potential viewers to fuck off

>> No.47420581

STFU Kiaraschizos

>> No.47423792

Since Neuro-sama doesn't exist and is just an AI spouting out random nonsense, Kiara doing a collab with her is literally just "react content".

>> No.47423853

Because the AI isn’t a living, breathing, human woman. Everyone knows women aren’t funny.

>> No.47423889

Because a male writes everything she says

>> No.47423926

He is. He would probably be a great Vtuber if it wasn't for the fact he's a male

>> No.47424076

I came here to make fun of you

>> No.47424193
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>> No.47424921


>> No.47424971

And unholy black hole of “comedy”

>> No.47425053

Can't wait for another meltdown from her. Crossing my fingers for her finally admitting she hates the fanbase she's attracted and she has no one to blame but herself.

>> No.47425114

What was the last meltdown

>> No.47428341


>> No.47429005

you are a zoomer

>> No.47429129

she already did that

>> No.47429593

Funny (YOU) are the one who has a meltdown instead

>> No.47434784

feet bros...

>> No.47438023

meh, i dislike Kiara. But any react *tuber is lazy and the niggers of streamer

>> No.47443324

Because the AI is not a woman, and Kiara is.

Don't blame her, she can't help it. It's like being disabled.

>> No.47443874
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Just some sad-posting. Nothing that caused her any issues.
Weird people have been waiting for her to turn on her audience for the longest time now, I don't see it happening since appears to be very happy with her audience and her audience is very loyal/supportive in turn.

>> No.47445996

Women aren't funny. Simple as

>> No.47446586

based capipis with the bait for Pippa haters.

>> No.47447157
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Neuro-sama nailed the collab.

>> No.47449972


>> No.47450919

The AI is funnier than all of the EN branch combined. Only one that is midly close to being funny is Irys due to how autistic she is but even then she's doing the "say something with double meaning" bit way too much now when before it felt more natural

>> No.47453469
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>> No.47453553

I see the level of cope is already starting.

>> No.47453813

I don't find Neuro-sama funny at all, because the only thing you're supposed to laugh at is the absurdity of an AI being terrible at everything. It's like watching a kid having a stroke; literal "lol so randumb" humor.

>> No.47453828

reminder AI's humor is basically lol random humor, the equivalent of cleverbot sceenshots if they were a vtuber.
not saying its bad but dont act like its the best humor ever when the funny ai says the random shit that just happens to be jarring enough to be funny.

>> No.47454157


>> No.47454183

>turn 360 degrees and walk away
You’re only reinforcing my belief that the average KFP is literally retarded. This is elementary school level math dude…

>> No.47454682
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Like this you dumb faggots

>> No.47455669
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>the only thing you're supposed to laugh at is the absurdity
literally the basis of all comedy

>> No.47459583

You're right anon. What's truly sad though is op is still right despite that

>> No.47460775
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Threadly reminder orange woman literally had to talk with Vedal to get this collab started. She literally talked with a man.

>> No.47461234

The same way it manages to speak English better than (You) do.

>> No.47461284

What vtubers do you think are actually funny then?

>> No.47461406

>leaf fridge
