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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 673 KB, 745x657, It's you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47199125 No.47199125 [Reply] [Original]

Who betrayed Moona?

>> No.47199205

I stabbed her in her backdoor with penis

>> No.47199304

>Mori makes a track dissing antis
>hundreds of threads shitting on her
>Moona makes a track dissing antis
>0 threads

>> No.47199584

i did when i impregnated yopi

>> No.47200942

It's really fucking rich for this cunt to make a song complaining about betrayal. Have some fucking self awareness, you stupid, lying bitch.

>> No.47201326

She outright says it's (You)

>> No.47201559 [DELETED] 

>anon finally realizing no one gives a shit about this grifting whore who betrayed her fans

>> No.47201665 [DELETED] 

>betrayed her fans

>> No.47201677

Mori's song was bad, this one isn't. Even if this was a song dissing antis, it at least sounds like a dumb fun song from the early 2000s. That alone is why nobody is going to seethe over it.

>> No.47201722

ironic considering she lies to her fans through her teeth with every moment she breathes

>> No.47201779

>Mori at the top of charts
>Moona not
>"Mori's song was bad"

>> No.47201925

Most marvel movies suck yet are some of the highest grossing films of all time, what's your point?

>> No.47201987

Song pushed a nerve huh? kek

>> No.47202404 [DELETED] 

You really haven't seen the photo yet? The strangest part is the bare feet. Indonesians are fucking weird.

>> No.47202492 [DELETED] 

What photo ?

>> No.47202609

The only thing that upsets me is that this disgusting liar is allowed to stay in Hololive and pretend to be an idol. Her being allowed to stay makes me question every single one of the other members because management doesn't seem to care if they're selling a scam or not

>> No.47202679 [DELETED] 

You're going to have to do your reps. Just search the archive for deleted posts that contain "Moona".

>> No.47202724

>pretend to be an idol
What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.47202814 [DELETED] 

>Indog shitposters giving one of their own a pass

>> No.47202838 [DELETED] 

If it's about the relationship status of her roommate then I have bad news about most of the vtubeing industry anon

>> No.47202854

is moonaschizo back? what the fuck is going on?

>> No.47202860 [DELETED] 

They got monkey feet

>> No.47202871

She doesn't deserve to call herself that because she doesn't meet the requirements.

>> No.47202960

>my oshi's a whore and lied to me so they must all be whores.
This is the most pathetic, spineless shit. If you enjoy being a cuck, then at least own it.

>> No.47202965

Literally the only traditional idol in holo is Sora and Azki lol

>> No.47203024

Nigger do you expect most women in there mid 20s to be single

>> No.47203139

Tards got mad at Moona's song because it hit a little to close to home (even though that probably wasn't her attention kek)

>> No.47203152

Lol if you really think that. Also Azki doesn't call herself an idol and never wanted to be part of Hololive proper. She had to join because innk music shut down. She has always been open about her status.

>> No.47203206 [DELETED] 

SEAape, do you even understand what an idol is?

>> No.47203261

I haven't even seen it. I'm just sick of you moonacucks flooding the catalog with shit threads.

>> No.47203303

Pot calling the kettle black

>> No.47203360
File: 499 KB, 969x969, 1652685884197068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47203717

The Moonaschizo is back? Another photoshop pics?

>> No.47203738

elitist fags thinks they are better for not liking popular things

>> No.47204042 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 700x525, 602c83cc-c1f9-42f7-b0e4-2618eaa19be3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This here is what considered simple wedding in Indonesia.
Notice how they don't ask their esteemed guest to take of footwears; and the bride wearing wedding dress instead of what my sister would wear for casual outing.

>> No.47204119

quadrillions of flies love shit, they must be right

>> No.47204153

Cover gave EN a concert instead of ID even though ID is the bigger branch.

>> No.47204489

And here we see the classic deflection every time argumentum ad populum gets called out

>> No.47204627

Anon, don't reply to bait. He is probably spectrum90 ( it's already morning in SEA)

>> No.47209519 [DELETED] 

>Got a warning for commenting about SEA feet
You're about to make me use the lords name in vain jannies/meidos. GROW. UP. I got to see people making monkey and n word jokes for 3 decades of my life and I don't give a shit.

>> No.47213739

>Mori makes a track dissing antis
>hundreds of threads shitting on her
What separate timeline did you live in? When Off With Their Heads came out we were still doing "Orange woman bad" and the occasional bug-men/black company threads. Off With Their Heads was mostly directed towards jealous EN-chubas who said holoEN were just luck with nothing special about them

>> No.47215134

Ah so this is the (you) she talked about.

>> No.47215573

>traditional idol
If AZKi is considered a traditional idol what's wrong with Moona?

>> No.47215632

probably 1 of her many wives

>> No.47216300

>Who betrayed Moona?
It's the other way around. Moona betrayed. Also, she's a woman. Of course she's the one playing victim.

>> No.47216415

Spoonfeed me

>> No.47216620

Coping is coping but holy shit, calling that photo "photoshopped" is coping beyond recognition. Or shall I say "like oshi like fans". They lie and lie to cover up previous lies.

>> No.47216694


>> No.47217101

Moonschizo take the L left and right, kek

>> No.47217358

Nta but it fun laughing at you schizo who stalking them on doxxsite, calling you guys a faggot, liar and seeing you sperg out is fun. Hope you get enough stroke to end yourself without blood in anyone hand.

>> No.47219105

her boyfriend

>> No.47219395

she's called herself an idol like 10 times this year while talking about random crap

>> No.47219579


>> No.47219903

>imagine believing a photoshopped image

>> No.47220221

What are fags so mad at Moona for now?

>> No.47221022

Her song hit them hard.

>> No.47223496

i'm sorry was she a lesbian?

>> No.47224273 [DELETED] 
File: 683 KB, 1352x1314, 1681358802621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“When the truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there, but it is still there.” by Moonafags

>> No.47224391

Iofi shouldn't you be in bed right now?

>> No.47225183
File: 114 KB, 362x359, moonakek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moonaschizo is the one being baited now
how the turntables

>> No.47229437 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 586x586, 1679500587906664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47232123

The moon itself

>> No.47233291


What the fuck is your fucking problem? Fucking tell the lies you fucking talking about or you've got fucking loose screws in the head, you fucking idiot.

>> No.47236593


>> No.47236620

Only one person can actually betray Moona

>> No.47236969

Mori makes a new diss track against antis every 3- 5 months. Moona doesn't.

>> No.47237024
File: 270 KB, 547x448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever told /vt/ that Moona has a 60kg belly is her Judas.

>> No.47237025

Let me fix that statement for you
>Mori makes a track dissing antis
>Mori makes a track dissing antis
>Mori makes a track dissing antis
>Mori makes a track dissing antis
>People tell Mori to make another fucking song already.

>> No.47237074
File: 107 KB, 1031x689, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori gets half the views Moona does RUMAO. Her new songs can't even beat Kiara's "DO U".

>> No.47237208

Technically true tho, it's not about the current partner

>> No.47237376

Her bra
