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47147273 No.47147273 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the new and improved HoloEN?

>> No.47148095


>> No.47149082
File: 458 KB, 354x986, nijikek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numbers numbers today

>> No.47149376

What does this have to do with Nijis? I want to know if anons are enjoying the forced homo direction of HoloEN.

>> No.47149491

>Dead Cells
Woah, if it was anyone but the blue homo I’ve would’ve clicked

>> No.47149553

i like how mori is using full hoe art shit now.
she is being the hoe she is meant to be.

>> No.47149575

>blue tranny
fuck him
i don't care about them
hell yeah
who cares
hell yeah
fuck him

>> No.47149674

it's the only deflection they can muster to cope, which pretty much sums up how views went down, fans are thinking about Nijisanji all the time instead of Hololive

>> No.47149731

But what was unironically stopping them from streaming regularly all those months.

>> No.47149890

>superchat reading Moom

>> No.47149926

Thoughts on Iroha gold yesterday?

>> No.47150067

1. Yes please
2. You will eventually
3. boring
4. cool
5. cool
6. seethe more, she's cool

>> No.47150137

I only like Flayon because of his fuckable design. The only ACTUALLY decent one there is Bae.

>> No.47150147

An actual improvement. You're welcome.

>> No.47150304

Seems like you aren't watching if you ended up here.

>> No.47150483

isnt this a cope? literally not much is different in Holo but you go for their numbers when its their lowest.
But when niji get really low numbers: "Uh nO itS nOrMAl, holOFaGs arE JusT cOpiNg"
make up your mind and worry about your selen going from 7k to 1k.

>> No.47150503

Kronii had jaw surgery. Mumei was out for medical treatment and is now back. Ame is back from Japan now.
Otherwise, the girls who were streaming are still streaming and the girls who weren't streaming, still aren't.

>> No.47150537

No shit. 4 out of 7 there suck but it's still and improvement from no streams

>> No.47150539

HoloEN and StarsEN. Or HoloproEN

>> No.47150545

Oh hey, I like Dead Cells but it's kinda hard to watch newbies.
Is this his first playthrough?

>> No.47150602

Literally posting reddit memes. Yes it is normal for niji to suck, phase connect is hot on their trail at this point much like you're crossposting between here and /r/cocksuckers. Lurk 10 years, newfag.

>> No.47150618

I literally just compared the numbers because you brought it up today even tho HoloEn aren't doing so bad.
I just showed you that even with those retarded homo collabs they still mog the shit out of NijiEN.
Kronii is literally at 10k rn, but no ofc you're not gonna post it, because she collabed with those homos.

>> No.47150718

Am literally here longer than you anon, but nice to be called a newfag.
I bet you came from twitter/reddit to say this shit.

>Yes it is normal for niji to suck, phase connect is hot on their trail
now we have something to agree on.

>> No.47150723

Honestly, I'm just happy they're streaming again.

>> No.47150748

I'm waiting to see where Kronii ends up at max and then comparing it with Fauna's.

>> No.47150780

the council + mori/kiara are carrying the EN so much with their streams.

>> No.47150808

Deflection comment. If you were, you'd be watching, not in some dogshit bait thread.

>> No.47150824

Fauna would probably higher, I think she was at like 12k at her last minecraft stream? not sure.

>> No.47150827


>> No.47150888

God damn I fucking hate vtubers now. When is the final yab going to come and destroy this fandom forever?

>> No.47150926

Yes but he is pretty experienced in roguelites so I think you will find it watchable. It's one of his specialty genres.

>> No.47150962

Altare x IRyS cohosting HoloEN's ringing in the New Year celebration this year.

>> No.47151080

It's a lot easier to catch Hololive streams all the time because there's so few of them.

>> No.47151426

tranny detected, i'd say we need to do something about it but statistically there's a decent chance that they will just kill themselves anyways

>> No.47151519

>Kronii gets the biggest numbers

>> No.47151526

wasn't minecraft literally kronii's whole bit? she used to get gura tier numbers on her minecraft streams... wtf happened?

>> No.47151770

Same. It's a shame none of the girls have the same based taste in streaming choices as the boys.
>just watch the boys
I don't enjoy watching any of them. not even hate like some anons, I just genuinely don't enjoy watching them, same way I don't like some foods and like other foods.

>> No.47151882

But people said Mori and Kronii are finished, how can they be topping the chart?

>> No.47152074

>you should like this chick because of nooombers
>her content is dogshit, she’s actively tried to filter you from her audience, she took a shit on your breakfast cereal, but look at her noooombers

What is the cure for such disorders?

>> No.47152086

>hating something because of the people who like it
>contrarian af
>hating the normie thing that (You) liked when it edgy and underground
How does it feel being a hipster?

>> No.47152149

I really can't believe this is the timeline we're on.

>> No.47152189
File: 327 KB, 467x374, 1647007865533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoloEN becoming Niji tier view after Holofes buff

>> No.47152298

Fauna peaked on an empty timeslot so HoloEN viewers have only her stream to watch. Kronii's current MC has been overlapping 2-3 other streams (Mumei, Kronii and Bae)

>> No.47152323

Kronii is now the lowest earner in Holo EN and her sub growth has stopped dead in it's tracks.

>> No.47152332

It's just sad no-life virgin SEAmonkey who rabidly hates Niji and takes personal whenever someone insults Hololive in the slightest.

>> No.47152488

When someone is discussing Hololive and you bring Nijisanji with "but they are doing worst" IS COPE, cause regarless if Nijisanji is doing better or worst won't change the numbers on the image, you try to deflect instead of admitting the problem

>> No.47152509
File: 467 KB, 1262x822, NijiEN_20230411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji tier view
There has been a grand total of 0 (zero) NijiEN stream breaking 3k viewers mark today so far, anon.
All streams in OP's pic have peaked above 4k as of right now

>> No.47152519
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>> No.47152697

You "not so bad" copefags piss me off so much..are you new? These are shit numbers for Hololive no matter how you try to spin it.

>> No.47152766
File: 409 KB, 1227x689, 2023041123204605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but OP image was intentionally misleading because most Holo streams tend to grow way beyond the 30 minutes mark. They are peaking just fine now

>> No.47157137

expect more males

>> No.47157411

>intentionally misleading
I couldn't intentionally speed up the passage of time, could I? Still stands that these aren't great numbers relative to what they were.

>> No.47157471

Get back in your containment thread you pathetic subhumans >>47155914

>> No.47157502

Shut the fuck up the catalogue is utter garbage today.

>> No.47157540
File: 398 KB, 640x640, 1678187928589345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked for it, why the bitching?

>> No.47157550

If you faggots wouldn't make it unsuable, we would. So blame yourselves.

>> No.47158421

hahahaha so fucking funny how many numberfags seethed cause of this

>> No.47158705

>took the time to compile threads
>get told to kick rocks
>uuuu numberfag seething

>> No.47158742


>> No.47158808

i didn't compile them faggot, but you must be coping really hard to give me a (you)

>> No.47158921
File: 444 KB, 1316x864, 1681276617217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47158973

>Relative to what they were
Do you want another global quarantine, because of a virus?

>> No.47158979

Did numbertrannies get bullied out of their own thread? Least influential thread lmao

>> No.47159122

Yheap, apparently this rrat >>47139626 broke them >>47155914

>> No.47159138

Doesn't seem to be affecting the JP numbers. What's HoloEN's excuse?

>> No.47159190

>nooooooo you can't notice how forced homo collabs is destroying the entire branch

>> No.47159279

better than a sneeding 2 view like you kek

>> No.47160276

Isn't a big portion of NijiEN's fanbase from SEA?

>> No.47160696

I wouldn’t know. Out of all of the people you posted I only watch Mumei. Homocollabers and the homos themselves can get the rope. They’re off the viewer radar for me now.

>> No.47160829

Kroni is a spiteful bitch who threw away a lot of her Minecraft popularity far before she decided to be a homocollaber. Friendly reminder she decided to just not stream while playing on the MC server for hours on hours a day because she hates her “fans”

>> No.47160861

Not gonna lie, I was one of the doomsayers who fully expected EN to collapse, but with this lineup I think it's finally on the road to recovery.

>> No.47161007

October 19, 2023, 15:42 JST

>> No.47161083
File: 524 KB, 2039x2894, __yukihana_lamy_hololive_drawn_by_pom_illust1561__157692054746d00c2d71a42c4e8e7ca7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't know, I don't watch EN.

>> No.47161162

Timezone is a thing.

>> No.47162144
File: 3.61 MB, 2274x1127, Screenshot 2023-04-12 083700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf why is hololive full of cocks now?
