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47133583 No.47133583 [Reply] [Original]

Is GFE unethical?

>> No.47133672

it's literally prostitution

>> No.47133693

Neither GFE or BFE are unethical.
>B-but muh Vox—
If GFE isn’t unethical BFE isn’t either, faggot.

>> No.47133907

The sisters who shit on unicorns and celebrate tempiss collabs because “they make unichuds seethe” are the same bitches to cut their wrists for Hex and finger themselves to Vox’s rape asmr, while harassing the female that interrupted the said asmr stream
In other words, roastoids getting into this hobby was a mistake.

>> No.47133944

Considering she is my wife, yes.

>> No.47133960

No not at all

>> No.47134050

In Mio's case it's unethical on a viewer standpoint, we're taking advantage of an ugly bullied menhera who's in love with strangers on the internet.

>> No.47134077

are these “sisters” in the room with us now, anon?

>> No.47134120

It's not unethical as long as it's not taken too far to financially manipulate fans and the girl/boy doing the GFE/BFE isn't in a relationship. If there's some sort of an ""exchange"" between the streamer and audience going on it's fine. But if the girl is in a relationship it really, really puts a sour note on the GFE so it's totally fake and one-sided.
>implying gfe is ever real

>> No.47134203

Yes, being a prostitute is bad.

>> No.47134208

Yeah, you’re one of them. Now post tits or GTFO

>> No.47134213

If you commit to it, no.
But if you do it half assedly, or break the illusion, you are one of the worst people who have ever lived.


>> No.47134274

I'm fine with it if you are clear about it, I'm not into it but people enjoy it and I don't see any harm in it other then their hearts and wallets so what ever.

>> No.47134355

Not really. It's only harmful depending on who exactly is consuming it, no different from any other kind of media.
btw I loved Miori's last cover song.

>> No.47134567

Not inheritly, it is okay if and only if such content is clearly marked from the start and non GFE content does not leak outside such streams. Members only would probably make sense. Inadvertently goslinging people during normal streams into donating is manipulative and bad. Providing special content with informed consent is fine, doubly so if it's only available to those who already made the decision to donate without said content.

>> No.47134600

I think streaming is predatory in general.

>> No.47134934

no, money is money and people pay for weirder shit. can't complain about anything that isn't in the contract and there is no contract between fans and idols
I think it is fun niche content but I don't seek it out and I don't watch anyone who does it seriously.
I am a real GFE kind of person even if that means being a prisoner of crippling social anxiety
then again I recently remixed several GFE streams, layering the heartbeat sounds as kicks and Laplus mind break ASMR over top which was fun

>> No.47135040

Plenty of people do it in kind of a fucked way, but someone like Miori for example is fine. As long as they don't have to viciously lie and lead on your fanbase they're good

>> No.47135176

>is it unethical to buy a clown to make me happy?
>is it unethical if that clown took my money and then delivered a service I didn't ask for
Yes. Maybe dont be a whore. It's not that hard.

>> No.47135422

This. GFE *can* be unethical. It just depends on the situation. It could also be completely consensual. If the streamer does it because she genuinely loves her fans and commits to it then that's fine. If the fans coerce/groom her into doing it that's not fine.

>> No.47137167

On the subject of GFE, how do people feel about the idea that GFE can be just another type of stream? e.g. like how there are gaming streams and karaokes a streamer could have dedicated GFE streams which are loving, viewer focused and everything GFE should be, but when it's done so is the GFE and isn't part of other non-GFE streams

>> No.47137887

These two anons basically have it down pat. GFE or even BFE can be fine so long as both parties know what they're getting into and where to draw the line. Just don't be one of those kinds of people that leads people on or then shits on the audience that got you where you are when you suddenly realize you've had enough.

>> No.47138098

Calli used to try to distance herself from it so hard, playing up the dad persona.
Now she constantly uses that airy voice and the sleepwear outfit.

>> No.47138306

At it's core, yes and anyone who doesn't think so are part of the plagued masses who've poisoned society. People trying to justify it can only amend the "practice" itself of just being a "type of stream" or some neutral party bullshit but stop there. It's practically soft-core, hands-free prostitution for people too poor, broken and/or cowardly to get a regular prostitute or make actual connections. The people beating around the moral, logical, and emotional bushes to cope proves my point exactly. Don't be fooled just because someone doesn't initially feel "wronged" and doesn't mind pretending to have an actual tangible relationship 3 hours out of a day before going back to their basement to shitpost for another 8 hours while fantasizing, cognitive dissonance at its worse

>> No.47143462


>> No.47143533

GFE and BFE are both making people more isolated and weak.

>> No.47143578

>revealing yourself

>> No.47143693
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>> No.47145343

it's literally prostitution

>> No.47151701

it literally isn't you drooling retard, learn what the word literal means

>> No.47151724

Unethical for my dick

>> No.47157862


>> No.47159456

There's a social contract that comes with GFE:
- stay single IRL (or be *flawless* at hiding that you're not)
- don't collab with males
GFE on it's own is perfectly ethical, but the problem is 99.9% of GFE chuubas inevitibly violate the above contract.

>> No.47159643

Is BFE unethical?

Then GFE isn't either

>> No.47162265


>> No.47163275

>puts my ring onto her raised middle finger

>> No.47163415
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I love my girlfriend Mio!

>> No.47163466

Yes, but it doesn't matter cause she knows me bros fr fr

>> No.47163655

Bae is a good example of this theory at work, albeit only a few times a year

>> No.47163750


>> No.47165381

isnt Miori about to graduate in a couple months

>> No.47166194

depends on the amount of lies involved in the process

>> No.47166681
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Sadly she is unqualified for it due way too many interaction with homos, you are getting scammed by her

>> No.47166907

Yes it is. It is predatory and adds no value to society. The GFE/BFE practitioner is also inherently dishonest.

>> No.47166934

GFE is better if it's kept up continuously. Making a dedicated stream for it once in a while just violates the illusion of it while it happens.

>> No.47167536

Surely if you require kayfabe to be maintained at all times then either you ability to suspend disbelief is shot or you're far more dependent on it than is healthy
A streamer that has the GFE on permanently is selling a far more egregious lie than than the one who admits it's a fantasy

>> No.47167857

That's just another type of scenario stream.

>> No.47168780

No, but anyone who's a fan of GFE/BFE deserves to be made fun of

>> No.47169067

>Girlfriend leaves you
It's realistic

>> No.47170864

hiatus due to going back to college, should take one year, but no one knows what happens in one year, she might just never come back
