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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47088153 No.47088153 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>47065610

Current Stream - N/A
Birthday Merch (<2 Weeks Remain) - https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ceresfauna_bd2023

Schedule - TBA
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams (WIP)

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to hide, ignore, and do not interact with grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.47088210

uuuuuuuuuuu you're alive!

>> No.47088256


>> No.47088424
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I'm excited for dredge, it's a very good game

>> No.47088583

I'm pretty sure this is an illegal /uuu/..

>> No.47088597

Well I'm not gonna complain, /uuu/ is a nice and comfy thread after all.

>> No.47088792

oh god a fully off hours /uuu/ I'm sure this will end well

>> No.47088859

>Also if this is the homobeggar then hah
doubt it, but it is always nice to see him at the absolute bottom of the comments with no heart

>> No.47089001

It's a nicer thread because it doesn't exist when it doesn't need to

>> No.47089104
File: 250 KB, 325x288, 1674584109978537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always like the idea for permanent /uuu/ but there is almost nobody to bump outside of burger hours.

>> No.47089191

I-I'll try my best!

>> No.47089210

because it's nearly unanimously agreed to be a terrible idea. You saw how many deleted a legal /uuu/ had. Imagine that in an illegal /uuu/ without its regulars to report it. They're retarded and they always devolve into dox garbage or timelooping because there is nothing to actually discuss

>> No.47089257
File: 296 KB, 1000x1519, 1632166324693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Fauna Daki.

>> No.47089299

Thanks for your contribution but please avoid metashit, and don't worry you don't have to post in this thread if you don't want to

>> No.47089400


>> No.47089422
File: 400 KB, 1285x2000, 1666275024457114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really really really really love Fauna.

>> No.47089427

idk man, most people talk about what they liked about stream or their comment has some relevance to the content of the stream

>> No.47089507

No more Block Game from fauna

>> No.47089602

So do I, it would beat just hugging my pillow while listening to Fauna's asmr that's for sure.

>> No.47089642

I'm sure you're aware, but saplings aren't the boogieman you think they are. /uuu/ isn't a containment thread that makes every other thread better. bad actors are bad actors, and falseflaggers are falseflaggers. Sorry you fell for it. Isn't even the first time you've tried this

>> No.47089711

If it makes someone feel better she didn't heart my comment either, but it's fine because it doesn't hurt that much...

>> No.47089730
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I don't mind "rogue" /uuu/'s once in a while but they'll most likely die

>> No.47089749

I think we all do anon. She's a wonderful woman

>> No.47089775

It's just a heart anon...

>> No.47089793

I've had a body pillow for the last 15ish years, but only hololive can get me to buy an anime girl cover. Fauna, onigai...

>> No.47089796
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just tops

>> No.47089827
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>> No.47089901

Tatsumaki popped my anime girl cover cherry. I never even used it because it's too nice, ended up getting a bootleg for use.

>> No.47089902

Oof, yeah she must actually not like me. God, I hate when I end up being annoying. I always drive the people I like away

>> No.47089932

Same, I mean I always get Fauna's merch but if she released a daki I'd probably buy 3 or maybe even 4

>> No.47089996

okay even that comment has some small relevance to the actual content of the stream, that it was a chill stream

>> No.47090082

>there is nothing to actually discuss
so like all splits

>> No.47090172

Been thinking about buying one for a while. My job sells similar ones that are advertised for pregnant women so maybe I'll buy one.
I feel the same about anime covers as well, but a Fauna one I feel I could deal with the potential buyer's remorse or guilt.

>> No.47090208

cmon, that's a huge reach. Is it more likely my interactions in chat were bothersome and she has decided to not like my comments if possible or is it more likely that she hearts almsot all other comments with similar sentiments for a month on end?

I'm willing to take suggestions and write whatever, I don't care anymore, but I find it increasingly likely that I did something she didn't like

>> No.47090274

Whatever, it's just a heart. I'll get over it. I don't have to actually interact with Fauna as a human, just as an idealized version of herself presented as an anime girl

>> No.47090430

Body pillows are actually good for you!

>> No.47090448

Do you send sc's? If not you should consider sending her a cute one (just being appreciative) and maybe she'll associate your name with the sc next time she reads the comments section
You should have an easy to recognize name too

>> No.47090551

She has hearted literally new people. You're thinking too much about it. Open the stream in a private browser and find your name. Are you flanked by hearts? If not, then you weren't skipped. Simply not reached. If you are, then write something more thoughtful than generic stuff. You can even cheat with chatgpt if you're that autistic for it.

>> No.47090553

Well do what I did. Find a small indie, not be an annoying tit in chat or just lurk and then post a nice comment after stream. I have gotten hearts on all my comments on her video's except for one I posted an hour ago because I forgot to do it yesterday when she ended her stream.
I would post on Fauna's videos more often but as a grey on her channel it doesn't seem worth her time, so I don't bother. Occasionally I chat and rarely post a comment so not getting hearts from Fauna doesn't affect me at all.

>> No.47090668

I have Mio's right now, it's not lewd so I don't feel back I never had buyer's remorse, the pillocase from hololive feels so much nicer than my cheaper ones

>> No.47090747

My comments are almost always something like
>thanks for stream fauna
>short sentence about something in the stream
>short sentence about something she mentioned in the stream that was interesting
And maybe once in awhile something unrelated that I think might be of interest to her. I get hearts pretty regularly

>> No.47090831

I'll try that next stream, but when I don't get a heart again I won't be surprised

>> No.47091076

Alright I just might buy one then. Who knows maybe I'll sleep slightly better after a while.

>> No.47091852
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still waiting for the soundpost from hitman

>> No.47092256

I wish you luck

>> No.47092539
File: 251 KB, 1364x1364, 1676664659900583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait why is /uuu/ up now?

which one?

>> No.47093153

i don't want to post timestamp again because people thinks is an anti thing, but search from the timestamper: Who is he What is he doing
i think is funny

>> No.47093163
File: 2.31 MB, 700x600, are-you-gay[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fq6qsb5.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask and you shall receive

>> No.47093174 [DELETED] 

I hope she dies irl

>> No.47093236 [DELETED] 

Rlly want fauna 2 die

>> No.47093287

Hate me my Fauna

>> No.47093341


>> No.47093939

Why not?

>> No.47093973

We agreed on this, no stream no /uuu/

>> No.47094459

just hide the thread if you don't want to be here

>> No.47095073

I miss her...

>> No.47095747
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>> No.47095833

Sometimes I wish she was more active in twitter

>> No.47096080

or with member posts

>> No.47096981

it's better this way, otherwise I could unironically fall in love with this woman

>> No.47096985
File: 57 KB, 339x471, squeeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn you, i was comfy in bed and had to get up to squeebpost

>> No.47097178

do not squeeb

>> No.47097581

this is probably an illegal /uuu/ so martial law applies. I’ll squeeb until i die

>> No.47098050

I don't like reading, can we go back to the watchalongs?

>> No.47098904
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>> No.47099226


>> No.47099474

Excellent framing and comedic timing

>> No.47099992

i'm scared...

>> No.47100429

she said okay

>> No.47100469
File: 36 KB, 294x477, nigger[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvtm34t.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like to pretend because it's fun

>> No.47100989

wait... did she just say...

>> No.47101959

does anyone know what is fauna doing on wednesday?

>> No.47101983
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>> No.47102022

yeah, clannad please

>> No.47102042


>> No.47102367

she's gonna post schedule "tomorrow" but it's probably >>47088303

>> No.47102537

Air, into Kanon, into Clannad for maximum suffering.
Did she ever confirm whether she'll BS2 or jump straight to Infinity?

>> No.47102639

BS2. She's not sure if she wants to play Infinite. Half the chat says not to when she talks about it, but I think she'd like it

>> No.47104431

lol, is this prediction based solely on the bald man?

>> No.47104468
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>> No.47105486

watch streams eggfag

>> No.47106060


>> No.47107401


>> No.47107562
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I need images of Fauna's armpits

>> No.47107771
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>> No.47108021
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needs some cleaning

>> No.47109124

I want to american history x the people that keep saying her tree needs to be taller when there is a height ceiling and she hasn't even done the canopy portion of the tree. If she made it taller the canopy would be cut off which would make it look retarded.

>> No.47109886
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>> No.47110203

>phasmo friday/saturday
is there something i missed? she doesn’t play it often so I can’t see it happening

>> No.47110412

It's with Kaela
Dunno if anyone else is involved

>> No.47110573

I got Calliope's way back then, and I loved it a ton for a while. But at this point it would feel weird to use it

>> No.47111753
File: 107 KB, 1200x800, 1681220125444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't overthink it, I use my Pippa daki every night, and eventually I'll have my Gura and Ami (not e) dakis
Doesn't change the fact that Fauna's my wife

>> No.47112584
File: 1.59 MB, 1786x2000, fauner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my daki now lives in my cupboard because i am ashamed that i own such a thing

>> No.47112726

the collab with kaela is not going to be at an eu friendly time is it

>> No.47115405

alright im gonna sound retarded asking this but what the hell.. what is the point of owning a daki?

>> No.47115550

you can tuck it in and it looks cute in your bed

>> No.47115620

It's cute
I like cute things

>> No.47115748

Something that looks cute and you get to cuddle it as you sleep, much like a plushie. Also fills the loneliness void
I just wish fauna got an official one, but I can't see it happening

>> No.47115806

but like, don't you get embarassed if someone else sees it? im genuinely curious, i get embarassed when someone catches me watching a vtuber, i couldnt imagine the embarassment if they saw i had a pillow like that. keep in mind i dont have any vidya or anime merch for that reason either, its not just a vtuber thing plus i dont watch anime

>> No.47115851

I see that the concept of otaku culture is more of a passing interest for you if you are asking questions like that.

>> No.47115857

just don't let anyone into your home? problem solved

>> No.47115965

If you regularly have people entering your bedroom you probably aren't the target demographic for daki

>> No.47115970

It's the closest I'll ever be to having a female in my bed. I guess it's one of those things you're born to either get or no.

>> No.47116024

Thats very dependent on the person, I know someone with a figurine collection and dakis etc and their parents couldn't care less. As for me there's no fucking way I'm getting caught with such merch. My daki cover is safely stored away and I'll use it once I'm independent, but for now it must be banished

>> No.47116028

no logical reason, its kinda give up on social life

>> No.47116064

Parents are a thing too

>> No.47116084

I guess so, I don't wear otaku status like a badge of honor for sure so i don't give a damn if you think im not one, cause yeah im not. But I'm not trying to insult anyone yet]/spoiler], i just dont see the point. i like vtubers and i like games but couldn't care less about anime/manga

true but not always possible

definitely true

>> No.47116182

It seems that you aren't the target demographic for a daki is all
I am, I wish I wasn't but this is how it is

>> No.47116259

Fauna so good she even attracts Chads, huh...

>> No.47116471
File: 232 KB, 2008x1676, 1653085907805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I will do nothing but wait for fauna stream

>> No.47116506
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Nope, couldn't care less
I like the things I like, if someone doesn't or finds it weird that's fine but it's of no mind to me
Plus it's not like anime stuff is even considered weird anymore, manga makes up entire halves of bookstores nowadays

>> No.47116826
File: 96 KB, 500x641, ceres_fauna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fauna playing sims

>> No.47116830

Over here its still in a small corner if the shop and thats pretty representative of the outside too. Not a single person has had any interest in even anime during my 5 years as a wagie

>> No.47117109

i'm a Chad for not watching anime/manga? I mean thanks but I've never even touched a girl before

>> No.47117130

outside streams fauna is pretty distant huh... I got a taste of another membership posts and she updates her members with things she does outside streams sometimes

>> No.47117199

>not a t3

>> No.47117216

wait you're actually right, she plays a virtual person for work then gets off work and plays a virtual person for relaxation

>> No.47117295

is there hidden stuff...

>> No.47117322

>missed out on a years worth of joi
youre in for a treat

>> No.47117402

Are there any HoloENs that aren't?
Idk how it is nowadays but Ame used to be the only one I knew of that used it outside of mandatory members streams, basically treated it like a second Twitter

>> No.47117549

Up your membership and find out. I didn't regret it when I did

>> No.47117727

I watched her 11 hours stream, and now I need more longplay

>> No.47118110

No. Only pay more if you just really want her to have it

>> No.47118198
File: 463 KB, 1024x1002, BA2EB53F-CF8B-406F-8F4E-640AFDB0E9FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not even a sapling and probably watched an hour total of her the last week, but I just had a dream of dating Fauna
We’d only had a few mostly casual dates but she got unexpectedly pregnant
She didn’t want to get rid of it so I did the right thing and made her my fiancée, had her start spending a lot of time with my family, moved in together etc
It felt wrong since I don’t really want a kid or to get married
When getting into bed for sleeping together the first time though she was so sweet and chill. Just her usual self
And she had a tin box of biscuits and things next to her bed that she keeps for emergency snacks if she’s super hungry
When I asked about it she started giving me the snack tour, all enthusiastic, and that’s when I realised that I could do this, we could work out after all

Thanks for coming to my TED talk, I’m not sure if it’s a sign for me to watch her more or less

>> No.47118260

I feel like that's the only reason she is can be so consistently cheery on stream. Nothing is free I suppose.

>> No.47118570

Nature woman sickness claims another... Only two-ish more weeks before some poor chuuba out there gets oshihened...

>> No.47119350

I knew your little bitch ass would complain, you just can't help it

>> No.47119523 [DELETED] 

That's just to farm goslings. Fauna doesn't want that. You're supposed to be here for the streams, not stalking her RM activities. (Shoutout to the schizo who posts "mommy up" every day.)

>> No.47120920

>farm goslings
How? As a gosling/gachikoi, I really don't care about RM stuff. I even find it annoying sometimes.
But I'm into this kinda stuff

>> No.47121045

ASMR is disgusting but i only watch melonhead if i think fauna is watching too..

>> No.47121224
File: 245 KB, 1516x2048, E9kA2XCWYAgdQ50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are disgusting

>> No.47121244
File: 165 KB, 1462x1029, D13FA391-BC05-4DF1-A192-94CA17509D07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, do you have a license and registration for this /uuu/? Parking is strictly forbidden here after hours.

>> No.47123535

Woke up missing Fauna...

>> No.47125075

4 months after https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iICu7NcUK4o
and only 4 months left to the next anniversary...
A bit sad she doesn't do more videos/shorts

>> No.47125583

Sadly they've to be approved by fucking management, so it's not surprising that not many holoEN girls do them frequently

>> No.47125923

Seriously?? I thought that was just in regards to her ghost story. That's so sad and constrained

>> No.47126834
File: 576 KB, 1895x2591, 1661237974837299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicks with guns are hot af

>> No.47127259

Its tuesday

>> No.47127569 [DELETED] 

Anyone got that video of faufau getting killed by Towa?

>> No.47127609 [DELETED] 

Fauna is watching her oshi play the pizza game that she said she's going to get perms for

>> No.47127639

yea it sucks

>> No.47128322

Wait if I've had sex before and take care of myslef but am incredibly depressed and convinced no woman will ever love me, am I a chad too?

>> No.47128705
File: 2.74 MB, 942x1080, LonelyB1a[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvqswmo.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you're just a

>> No.47128719

hope you already saw the girls with gun trilogy made by bee train

>> No.47128907 [DELETED] 

Is this real?

>> No.47128977

don't have the plug in to be able to hear that, but gonna assume that's her saying maniac

>> No.47129030

no, lonely bitch

>> No.47129065


>> No.47129215

Why do these threads exists?

>> No.47129513


>> No.47129532

because retards can't help but posting in them on page ten just so they have a permanently up thread despite not using it for 9 whole pages. 54 people fell for some grasshoppers bait thread.

>> No.47129542

it was unironically made by an anti. stop bumping

>> No.47129708

Because we love Fauna!

>> No.47129763

>[YouTube] mommy? #shorts (embed)
i-is this what she actually thinks about us

>> No.47129797

What kind of autism is this?

>> No.47129804

That mommyfags are annoying and retarded? yes

>> No.47129807

Fauna is the regular baker. Bumping illegal threads is antithetical to Fauna's wishes

>> No.47129863

I think it was the guy bitching about Saplings posting and biting bait on catalog because there's no /uuu/. I kinda get that, but I don't think it's going to stop them.

>> No.47129883


>> No.47129921

The giggle at the end makes it cute
For the love of Fauna!!
>Reminder to hide, ignore, and do not interact with grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.47129941

stop bumping this thread you retarded """SAPLINGS"""

>> No.47129948

believe it or not, aside from the mommy larpers and faggots there are saplings who are regular viewers posting in bait threads because they have nothing else to do

>> No.47129991

I mean that's what we're all doing here isn't it? This is literally a bait thread

>> No.47130001
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x1024, 1677812039965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just leave and hide the thread if you don't want to be here

>> No.47130031

what's the bait?

>> No.47130037

i used to post in the "i miss /uuu/" threads back when those were a thing. I still think though /uuu/ shouldn't exist outside of streams. It's part of what makes /uuu/ special and good.

>> No.47130066

Just fuck off if you don't want to be here holy shit

>> No.47130135

Will she continue Hitman kino or should I off myself?

>> No.47130145

both grasshoppers and saplings are being weird today

>> No.47130187

just dont make threads when fauna is not streaming, if you wanna circlejerk there are plenty of discord and irc channels out there and if you dont like them you can make your own. having 24/7 generals always ends up a bad decision

>> No.47130202

she finished it no? personally I hope she tries blood money

>> No.47130208


>> No.47130219

I'm sure you already know grasshopper, but let me spell it out. /uuu/ doesn't exist during off hours because they're always terrible threads. The OP knows that. Regulars know that. They always devolve into off topic posting, doxbait, what have you. Absolutely zero discussion of on-topic Fauna. The OP (possibly you yourself) made this thread because they think that people trashing up their poor catalogue are saplings and not falseflaggers whose oshi is /hlgg/ and drama.

>> No.47130278

Which reminds me. There hasn't by chance been any announcement of a figma or nendo I may have missed?

>> No.47130286

She didn't even play story. Let alone Hardcore Campaign.
I thhink she only did the story for 1

>> No.47130329

I'm not the OP but I'll bite.
>off topic posting, doxbait, what have you
these happen even during streams
>Absolutely zero discussion of on-topic Fauna

>> No.47130339

Nothing for councilRyS yet
But someday! Right?

>> No.47130355

I don't think Fauna has enough patience for a master mode run...

>> No.47130358

She said that she might play campaign if there's no other games to play

>> No.47130445

Now you are making this thread terrible.

>> No.47130493

Hope so. I would get 10 just to have as cute charms in the garden.

>> No.47130541

Because they exist in regular threads justifies illegal threads? That's silly. Just like how someone said because other generals are up 24/7 and talk about nothing that /uuu/ should too. Have you no sense of quality control? or do you just need some rock in your life and you want an anonymous imageboard to be that place?
This thread was terrible since its inception. The third post is some completely unrelated crosspost. There is even frogposting. Don't act like it's the same quality as normal /uuu/s even before the meta trash

>> No.47130647

I recently got recommended some Fubuki nendo stop motion videos on YouTube
I think I'd definitely give that a shot if (when) Mumei and Fauna nendos become a thing

>> No.47130723
File: 515 KB, 2500x1882, 1681121233761223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever threadschizo

>> No.47130755

Yea whatever. Congrats on your win grasshopper

>> No.47130763

>60 ips when she isn't streaming today
we're getting railed hard. just stop giving them attention at this point and they will get bored and leave

>> No.47130764

For those who maybe haven't watched Fauna for a long a time, back then there weren't enough saplings here to keep /uuu/ alive (same with other splits like /rrat/ and /nasa/), but that clearly isn't the case anymore
Personally I welcome a permanent /uuu/

>> No.47130820

>60 ips
>we're getting railed hard
? You can literally see for yourself. It's the same guy phoneposting and complaining about the thread existing

>> No.47131094

Had to look it up and it looks super smooth! Certainly gets the heart burning to try it out. Hopefully we'll get both sapling and Nemu as sidekicks
>60 ips
That's not much given that the thread has touched upon every timezone

>> No.47131916

We had like 5 days without an /uuu/ before yesterday so having a slightly extralegal /uuu/ is fine
It'll die tonight when EST goes to bed anyway

>> No.47131923
File: 150 KB, 2048x1254, 1653204283780251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47132090

Kiara mentioned on stream a bit that she wasn't aware of how much of a sweaty gamer Fauna can get.

>> No.47132295
File: 2.14 MB, 1497x1994, 7672EF6C-0B19-415C-8A64-2FBA6BAF835B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but if somebody tries to make 24/7 /uuu/ a thing, I will absolutely actively try and make these threads terrible. I’m letting this one offense slide however.

>> No.47132321

That's really gay

>> No.47132370


>> No.47132472

I hope Kiara exploits this for everyone's advantage and puts her in sweaty gamer situations

>> No.47132525

So you know it’s not just an empty threat.

>> No.47132582


Saka I said it was fun but fun for /here/ or discords, I don't think it's a good idea for a public clip

>> No.47132612

lmao no one cares you filthy sperg

>> No.47132714

Its councilschizo, he does the same shit to us
t. Hooman

>> No.47132725

Why do I feel like Fauna wrote this post?

>> No.47132941

There's no way Fauna is here... right?

>> No.47133098

Sapling mental health degrades fast in the absence of streams

>> No.47133104
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>> No.47133128


>> No.47133150


>> No.47133194

>No Councilrys fangame

Dang, are they waiting on perms?

>> No.47133205

Late night spooks with Kaela
That is going to be very comfy

>> No.47133235

maybe, she'll definitely play it though

>> No.47133263


why is it just two of them?

>> No.47133400

Fauna and Kaela are a blast together but fuck me that is a late stream start

Unknown, possible she just had this week decided already. The dev has retweeted indies streaming it so it's not like he's against the idea of it being streamed.

>> No.47133591

>kalimba and kaela phasmo at 2pm jst
this woman is gonna rip me kicking and screaming back into a daytime sleep schedule when I just got back into my preferred nocturnal sleep schedule fuggg

>> No.47133623
File: 427 KB, 2400x3200, F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to miss the antics >>47133104
Kaela date at 07:00! Thanks Fauna!
Sapling...I'm neither a kirin nor a cute girl

>> No.47133627

Perms always require some paperwork. The dev can literally announce on twitter that Fauna is allowed to play it but it won't matter. Gotta go through the right channels for Cover to be okay with it.

>> No.47133658

My actual worry is that Cover blocks it because it mentions Sana a bunch.

>> No.47133731

late night stream on some Fridays are ok, but on thursday?... I still say that the solution is not later, it is earlier in office hours. at the most you "could" hear transit. also the dates, Thursdays are like a "mini weekend" and there may be a party, Wednesday is a safer day. I hope someone brave can tell her this in a comment or supa.

>> No.47133755

Have you ever watched Fauna? Or even visited her Twitter?

>> No.47133918

why would that even be a concern, sana is like the least taboo former member, she's not even a taboo topic at all actually

>> No.47133980

>phasmo with kaela and only kaela
THANK FUCKING GOD. Every time fauna has played phasmo it's been with people who dick around in the lobby half the time and then the other half dick around in the van, now they can actually play the goddamn game. I love watching Kaela play Phasmo and I love Fauna so I'll definitely love Kaela and Fauna playing Phasmo

>> No.47134013

Probably not this guy but we do have a Sana schizo here who loses his shit every time Fauna brings her up

>> No.47134097

Isn't it difficult with just two people? I wish they had someone else too

>> No.47134166

No, it's about the same difficulty. Sanity drops slower than with four people.

>> No.47134295

They should go on a fishing date in the future

>> No.47134378

>no membership stream this week

>> No.47134459

>>47134378 (me)
I guess she's really serious about making this kalimba ASMR work

>> No.47136025

yeah, I was there for the stream. It was super cute

>> No.47136105

I love that picture lol

>> No.47136284

Look at this cute schedule. How can everything about her be so cute?

>> No.47136365

my crazy rrat:
The reason Fauna and shondo both almost never stream tuesdays, is because they have a D&D campaign they all play together

>> No.47136458

I can almost guarantee that the same person will do the same exact thing as the last thread with just
>Move on.
once this thread hits bump limit. They won't even wait for a proper stream link, and they'll not even give it an adequate subject. And people will post there all the same

>> No.47136466

>my two oshis collabing

>> No.47136554
File: 280 KB, 128x128, 1625040537657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fuckers I didn't like her at all in the first days of debut but now i can't go on without her and moom, the heck is this spell, I didn't even like vtubers, I just came here to laugh at you, but now I can't go without FAUNA

>> No.47136606
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>> No.47137030
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>> No.47137069

El Slugo

>> No.47137088
File: 188 KB, 1048x929, swag4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to enjoy the hell out of that Phasmo stream. Never get streams that late in EST so it will be a treat!

>> No.47137119
File: 1.98 MB, 1416x2120, 107098117_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even her rrats are cuute!

>> No.47137121

/uuu/ on a Tuesday? I don't mind, I'm just surprised.

>> No.47137296

Anon, clean the hairs from your screen before you do screenshots

>> No.47137493

I'm fucking spooked, I didn't see those when I took it. Oh no...

>> No.47138006
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>> No.47138122

if /become/ ever makes a comeback it better include fauna

>> No.47138231
File: 250 KB, 1427x2026, 1676520766048869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47138284

She says she still plays D&D.
I wonder who she plays with.

>> No.47138522

..Long as my heart's beatin' in my comments
This green kirin ain't about to forget..

>> No.47138785

IIRC she were going to have the tree be split into seasons, no?
Would be cute if she could have a collab with Lamy for the winter part and Koyori for the spring part and Mumei for the autumn

>> No.47138931

God tier schedule. This week is packed with Fauna. I love this kirin so much.

>> No.47139672

darling darjeeling

>> No.47139893 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.83 MB, 2866x3880, darling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47142670

I can't escape...

>> No.47144571

Mumei is drawing Fauna right now!

>> No.47144646
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>> No.47144681


>> No.47144725

>she glows

>> No.47146413

[Fauna mention] Mumei was talking about her desire to do more ASMR streams and complimented Fauna's scripts and her knowledge of what to say. Mumei really likes the Fauna noises.

>> No.47147858
File: 764 KB, 2831x1799, 1681264884682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them

>> No.47150885

me too

>> No.47152222

Almost every EN played Q remastered,do you think she'll play?

>> No.47152483

I hope she does, it's a fun game to watch

>> No.47152777

Mooms is playing the CouncilRyS RPG tomorrow so looks like they do have perms sorted out

>> No.47154412

Is it good?

>> No.47155177
File: 224 KB, 487x407, 1681167576216427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder; you all had a girl like Fauna you passed up in high school for whatever reason.

>> No.47155398


>> No.47156159

Sorry I was in love with one of the popular normie girls

>> No.47156637

Same. Had a drunken fling at a couple of parties though so it wasn't the worst. She's unemployed with 3 kids now though so fairly sure I dodged a bullet...

>> No.47158137

Her head is shiny!

>> No.47159137
File: 30 KB, 720x720, 1659935453553801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have sex with Fauna so much its unreal

>> No.47160105

lol, the girls at my school weren't even worth putting cigs out on

>> No.47160165

I just want cuddles...

>> No.47161076
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>>47144571 >>47144646
I see Moom too misses Agent Fauna7

>> No.47161980 [DELETED] 

same desu

>> No.47163391

Is dredge fun?

>> No.47164095

watame love uuu

>> No.47164426 [DELETED] 


>> No.47164986

wrong, on two accounts, I didn't pass her up, I was in a relationship with for two years before she broke up with me and no not everyone had a girl like that in high school, in fact the one I was with didn't even go to the same school as me, they are incredibly rare

>> No.47165084
File: 3.56 MB, 2481x3508, 102846878_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saplings, I miss my /rrat/, but I learned that Fauna's ASMR streams are very good. Can you tell me more about them? How often does she do them publicly, how often for members only? What does she do in the members only streams?
t. brat

>> No.47165087

kek, she thought Gura's note was a love letter?

>> No.47165174

It's in the OP, you can read the rentries. She hasn't done members ASMR in almost a year, and she was planning to do one every week but neighbors' noises are always a problem. We get one every 2 weeks now

>> No.47165322

chat tricked her

>> No.47165363

ASMR is subjective. If you like no talking / a variety of triggers you may not like them as much. Most people like her ASMR for her voice / positive affirmations. They are 99% public.

Members streams are usually watchalongs / zatsus / comfy gaming and she does open up slightly more during them. She doesn't do members posts like other chuubas but she probably does the most members streams in EN right now so good value for money.

>> No.47167236

they're comfy, but I think a lot of the appeal lies on liking Fauna a lot

>> No.47169824
File: 508 KB, 1920x2598, __nanashi_mumei_uzumaki_naruto_hakos_baelz_uchiha_sasuke_ceres_fauna_and_1_more_hololive_and_3_more_drawn_by_bingsardina__f1888d424561fe49d8459b4cb5dbc6d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I'm gonna look through it. Good to know that most of them are public.
Also thank you. I'm fine with a lot of content. I like the chill and lovely ambience. No need to mess around with "my" ears all the time. Some treats are nice but no must.
I was neutral towards her almost all the time. She's definitely not going to going to reach my favorites but she made it to the positive category. IAt first, her quiet voice annoyed me a bit, but lately she's caught my attention again and I'm curious to see how her content has evolved.

>> No.47170062

How do we mass produce and distribute Faunas for consumption?

>> No.47170275

Gonna need a DNA sample.

>> No.47170852
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>> No.47172162

cap, I was just ugly in high school and depressed

>> No.47172478

yeah she had a fat ass and big tits too, but during highschool I was a goon preoccupied with going home as fast as I can and playing vidya. I think she even did a ted the caver reading on her horror themed youtube a few years ago

>> No.47173462
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>> No.47173472
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>> No.47173530
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>> No.47173577
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>> No.47173602
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>> No.47173636
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>> No.47173832
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>> No.47173867
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>> No.47173885
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>> No.47173942
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>> No.47173984
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>> No.47174025
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>> No.47174080

stop please

>> No.47174140
File: 948 KB, 4096x2876, FtNbW2aaUAUFud-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a lack of fauna so I'm posting fauna

>> No.47174193
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me btw

>> No.47174229
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>> No.47174301
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ty guy who mentioned searching by ship tags

>> No.47174360
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>> No.47174421
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>> No.47174481
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I know what you're doing.

>> No.47174513
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>> No.47174579
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>> No.47174612
File: 123 KB, 927x715, __nanashi_mumei_and_ceres_fauna_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_eus_ing__c015874e7d7fc8fe0b4864161b99b288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is doing good. I like her slight clumsiness. I could get the impression that I'm actually listening to Mumei's ASMR content.

>> No.47174651
File: 402 KB, 1280x720, FtU4nriaYAES1lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kyun is going to be added to Fauna's onomatopoeia repertoire because of mooms

>> No.47174753
File: 1.73 MB, 2480x3507, FtUhZAYaAAMo4gu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember it was Irys who *snifffff*'d Kronii's daki, not Fauna. Fauna is a normal person who just hugged it

>> No.47174829
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>> No.47174880

I think Fauna and IRyS should do a stream where they sniff various parts of each other and explain the aromas in detail

>> No.47174956
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>> No.47174960
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>> No.47175004
File: 485 KB, 2048x1530, FtH796uaAAAhpeC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think irys would last long with so much stimulation

>> No.47175033
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>> No.47175134
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>> No.47175184
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>> No.47175191

God I fucking hate ships. I'm glad we don't have much shipfags.

>> No.47175218
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>> No.47175228
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Is that new? Never seen that one before
I'll never understand the krofau. It's like iname tier of interaction

>> No.47175498
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One day

>> No.47175866

A lot of people say there is a huge tako sapling overlap. Ina was my third favorite pre council, but it never felt like I migrated from her

>> No.47175888

Is it wrong that watching Fauna play so much Minecraft is making me want to play the game and build the world tree?

>> No.47175950

I've wanted to do one just to see how hard it is, but I don't have the desire to farm a million logs for the sake of it

>> No.47176024

Unlike her, you could actually set up that TNT farmer or whatever to expedite the process

>> No.47176087

Never watched Ina, always found her really boring (nothing against her before I get sperged at for an opinion). I didn't watch any of myth to be fair though, none of them 'clicked' with me.
At the very least I'm not an overlapper.

>> No.47176313

Yea but at that point I could also just play in creative. I don't think it would have been a terrible thing if she took the offer for infinite chests of wood. She could have tested them out too and see which was most appealing that way. Still think spruce would have been the best though because a giant lightly colored tree might look odd

>> No.47176513

You two could join yubicraft, saplings are pretty active there and would definitely help a lot with gathering material and then building.

>> No.47176687

Is that a server?

>> No.47176904

It's a here server, people tag as their oshi and play around, generally with their tagmates. It's pretty shill if you don't act like a tard


>> No.47177486
File: 1.70 MB, 1928x1080, 1681308818202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on IRyS' stream

>> No.47178604

I really appreciate that the dev seems to watch Fauna. Mentioning morphogenetic fields and Granny's hot butter ice cream

>> No.47178954


>> No.47179143

