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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47088049 No.47088049 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】
WACTOR is also known as:

"META-MUSIC" as a musical project
"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project
"noVas" as an English language project
"Starship Research" as a Chinese language project

Previous thread >>47042063

Babu's final days edition.


Nisha Nixyeva


Mireille Kuuma

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.47088301


>> No.47088563


>> No.47088927

What is that gay shit

>> No.47088953


>> No.47089551

Even Sezia lowkey accepts that the demand for male vtubers is very low, and almost non-existent among the ES audience.

>> No.47089558

why did you make another thread fagot? just let it die

>> No.47089561
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>> No.47089613

why tf these menheras want anon's attention?

>> No.47089638

Who the hell wants to listen to a man talking unless he's one of the best players in his niche (like watching Faker or something).

>> No.47089798

I believe tourists already left, or are in /esp/

>> No.47090182

Most male content creators I follow are gaming nerds that talk about autistic stuff and never interact with content creators of the opposite sex.

>> No.47090186

When will you understand that /Wactor/ is the shitter thread

>> No.47090289 [DELETED] 

theres one here

>> No.47090357

sezia owes me sex

>> No.47090523
File: 483 KB, 1187x664, nisha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nisha la mas mentirosisha

>> No.47090540
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Get in line fag.

>> No.47090814

She was ovulating today

>> No.47091043


>> No.47091190

So what's up with 4nOuy0?

>> No.47091218

stfu and get in

>> No.47091408

If Sezia show her cleavage on stream I'll cum buckets.

>> No.47091471

My libido is kill.
Thank you Akira.

>> No.47091496
File: 169 KB, 544x690, 1650575279455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flaquita manipulating sezia into showing her tits
i kneel, i postrate, i genuflect

>> No.47091699

Omega based.

>> No.47091898

Was she in chat?

>> No.47092096

Himea? she went missing more than 7 hours after her last post.
Sezia was talking about their discord talks.

>> No.47092098

they were talking to each other yesterday off stream

>> No.47092119

Fucking hate social media.
Dopamine burner shit.

>> No.47092443


>> No.47093192

This, the only guy I watch is Jenkins for his hilarious dota reviews and guides

>> No.47093334

I watch Buck Fernandez

>> No.47093730

Ageha is giving bj on stream

>> No.47094307


>> No.47094594

She was also showing her tits

>> No.47094746

ogey wactor apologist, such a nice whore

>> No.47094977

>T. Newfagg

>> No.47095984

t. Nico

>> No.47096062

Ageha wants to be sexually abused

>> No.47096161 [DELETED] 

I honestly don't give a shit I just found it because I was bored but then I realized how pathetic I looked doing it
it could still be his older brother or a cousin don't know but they are family that's for sure
If I found it, I'm sure her grommers and unicorns already know about it or it will be a matter of time before they find out
she should be honest and say it openly, maybe then the blow won't be so hard
They act tough but then go into denial, and they've always been pussies since the beginning
others may believe it or not, only time will tell

>> No.47096254 [DELETED] 

I honestly don't give a shit I just found it because I was bored but then I realized how pathetic I looked doing it
it could still be his older brother or a cousin don't know but they are family that's for sure
If I found it, I'm sure her grommers and unicorns already know about it or it will be a matter of time before they find out
she should be honest and say it openly, maybe then the blow won't be so hard
They act tough but then go into denial, and they've always been pussies since the beginning
others may believe it or not, only time will

>> No.47096263

The shitter got unbanned...

>> No.47096382

gn cucksopita

>> No.47096680

bruhcucksitos in denial again. . .

>> No.47096793 [DELETED] 

*her older brother or a cousin
sausage fingers i chose the wrong pronoun

>> No.47097179

> I just found it because I was bored
So you're not an insider.

>> No.47097326

meica schizo returned with more rrats kek

>> No.47097330

The insider said she lost all her progress work of a cover that why she went Menhera

>> No.47098674
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fucking shameless ceo, man...
hope the faggot don't dare to appear on Nisha's karaoke

>> No.47098685 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1040x565, 7700582578635998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me, coming here from time to time not really reading all the new shit
>decides to check misora's channel in order to compare their subscription numbers against her twitch.
>señoras y señores por favor escuchen esto
lmao, it probably isn't news to you anons but I still find it funny. La vampira is based.
>misora has a boyfriend
I remember back then Misora say something along the lines 'when I get a bf I will tell you all because I don't care about idol culture'. Hope we learn about it from her and not from rats.

>> No.47098722

her subscriptions numbers*

>> No.47098741

fuck off shitter.

>> No.47098963

>'when I get a bf I will tell you all because I don't care about idol culture'
This is false, she said she won't tell about it because she's repulsed with people who talk about their relationships.
She said the most she would say is "¿Para que quieres saber?" when she gets one and chat asks her.

>> No.47099053

Phasekeks please explain this shit, is PC shitting a new failed gen?

>> No.47099282

It's hard to explain I just don't want to lose my source of information

>> No.47099425

Eileen collab:

>> No.47100067
File: 34 KB, 684x239, Numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Latest streams, Misora and Luna last streams for reference.
Well, it seems Sezia doesn't earn that much even if she doesn't get ARS monopoly money.

>> No.47100110
File: 388 KB, 661x645, delfin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, don't be an idiot. She has said multiple times that she hated idol culture because of this. In japan there is this thing called 'scandals' where idol's life can get ruined because some photographer saw her with a guy in a restaurant. If you 'hate' that it's because you think a person can be free to have a relationship openly, therefore, you, in the same position of an idol, can only rebel yourself against this idol culture by doing the opposite of what the traditional idols do, that is, having no problems in showing your boyfriend to your public.
If you do not do that then you are just a hypocrite.

>> No.47100173

I just quoted what she said, and she never said the words you originally quoted.
I don't give a fuck if she gets railed daily, she isn't my oshi.

>> No.47100623

Well true, I guess I didn't express myself well, but that's why I said 'something along the lines' she def said she hated idol culture and mentioned the boyfriend thing and I'm sure she say something like 'If it was me...' but I aint watching all the old streams just to win some argument on 4chan so let's just say I dreamed it.

>> No.47102703
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>> No.47102881

>Sezia: 626 USD
>Himea: 1517 USD
>Misora: 1702 USD
>Luna: 1846 USD
So even in the current state Himea is making almost as much as Misora or Luna before their retirement.
I went to check Miu and if not for her birthday stream she would have made 205 USD, 717 plus the birthday stream.

>> No.47103248
File: 108 KB, 1366x703, Himea SC_10MA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's after Akira's bullshit, she's now averaging between 100-150usd.
Before she was in the 150-200 bracket, you can see clearly the impact of the shitfest.

>> No.47103346

If I'm not wrong, the only reliable page that shows the SC is Playboard and Sezia still doesn't appear there, that would be the approximate earnings from ads

>> No.47103388

Sezia's numbers were scrapped locally Thanks to a friend

>> No.47103438

and Neon numbers?

>> No.47103671
File: 2 KB, 144x231, neon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last 11 streams
Not so great...
I guess even if she got the growth she didn't got enough time to consolidate gachis and paypigs.

>> No.47103753

uhg... well can i have the rest members, the takas and the boys please? i want to see the hole picture of this.

>> No.47103776

That'll take time and now I'm barely awake. Tomorrow will be.

>> No.47103801

ok thanks anon

>> No.47104940
File: 108 KB, 756x756, 1680461351678420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47105181

Wife Material

>> No.47105436

What is the problem with this retard

>> No.47105517

poor Eru her debut probably only will got between 900-1400 viewers and maybe I'm even being too optimistic

>> No.47106232

cute hag

>> No.47107329
File: 731 KB, 1080x1920, 1681212685833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47108656

She's waiting for a complete model, isn't she?
She should do a png debut asap and start her activities otherwise she's gonna lose even more steam

>> No.47109523

I didn't care about her when she was Neon, I don't care for Eru either.

>> No.47110381

I still don't get the obsession from Latamfags larping as unicorns ywnbj bro....

>> No.47110614

I never really cared about Meica or other chuuba being in a relationship, the only thing I ask is for them to have some decency and not do it with a fan.

>> No.47110715

Are you new in v-tubing? Fans and talents relatioships are more comon than you think, even in the idol sphere, it just take one ass motherfucker to talk nice and you're in. Also, expecting intelligence from v-tubers (Just like idols) is like expecting our goverments to solve our problems, too naive.

Why do you think grooming is so big in this community, even between fans?

>> No.47110723

you will never be jew?

>> No.47110878

who in the fuck want to be a jew?

>> No.47111063

Being common doesn't make it right.

>> No.47111225

calm down himea

>> No.47111319

Depends of the context, some tubas really appreciate it since they're menharas or real femcels, other just like the risk and others just want, as everyone, a normal relationship. It doesn't depends of what here, twitter or other sites think, but the lads involved, it's a complex web because isn't just fan seeking it, but also the v-tubers themselves, Cyberlive is the best example of that last one.

>> No.47111624

>a normal relationship
Only if you want to ruin not just your career and reputation, but also your life.

>> No.47111901

Trust me, in sentimental shit or hornyness, carrers, reputation or goals doesn't mean a shit, for all genders. For Meica, her parents issues is just the perfect targets for groomers or make poor decision makings in love, if she's in a good relationship (Normal one), good for her tho, as a personal experience, i agree with you, but the times for people below 25yo is just horrible, hence, the rise in groomers, especially in vtubers where mostly socially akward women do whatever to connect with people.

>> No.47113033


>> No.47113208

No supas during karaoke? But i saw many and soniku seems to like those too

>> No.47113547

Why so eager to justify yourself, gonza?

>> No.47113612

Spoke like a true groomer who doesn't give a fuck about the girl's dreams.

>> No.47113653

It was edited so no chat available.

>> No.47113655

Gonza is a fag and retarded, he's more an attention whore than a groomer, he's probably rejected every single time lmao

>> No.47113780

Taking a fan as your bf is the ultimate betrayal to the other fans, both from the vtuber and the groomer himself.
Specially if you pretend to be gfe.

>> No.47114097

But i'm a groomer, and support the girls dream, i'm just there in case something go wrong and need emotional support
Oh the horror, you can't even support your girls without monopoly money and you think you have the right to talk about what is important to other people, you can be in the line and wait for your fake gfe or you can actually do something and get laid.

>> No.47114152

Imagine if we had let Meica to be groomed with no restrictions back in 2021, and let her and her groomers to destroy her career so early. Where would that girl had been right now?
Most likely in an even worse situation than right now.
Ruining lifes is morally wrong.
Destroying dreams is morally wrong.
Grooming chuubas is morally wrong.
Just look to what happened to Nateyo, all a consequence from grooming.

>> No.47114376

>and support the girls dream
Doesn't matter what you believe you're doing when your actions jeopardize her dream completely.
>you can't even support your girls without monopoly money
>implying I'm an argie
>>you can be in the line and wait for your fake gfe or you can actually do something and get laid.
Again demonstrating you only care for your own desires and "getting laid" and you don't really give a fuck about the consequences of your actions in the girl's dream.

>> No.47114457

those fag wanted to groom at expenses of the girls, that's stupid, and i never support that, because you're, at the end of the day, damaging the girls, if you're going to groom, do it as a support and now because you want sex or nudes, and be stupid with that content. Of course that's bad, i'm grooming just to emotionally support the girls and give them the jump to her dreams. If you get laid, that's even better tho, i'm honest.

>> No.47114627

Doesn't matter what your intentions are, all grooming leads to one place and that is the ruin to the girl's career.

>> No.47114742

Everyone has desires on their own, you know what you can do if you're not autistic enough? Working together for those desires and dreams, and why are you crying about "muh selfish" shit? Fuck off faggot, you're free to compete in the market, i guess being still for years has shown you many results with the opposite sex, amirite?

>> No.47114813


>> No.47114864

>Working together for those desires and dreams
Can you replace the combined earnings of all her gachis?
If not you're only hurting her.

>> No.47114877

Intentions is everything in this world, your "thoughts" are worthless, also, i find this view interesting in this thread where it's mostly shitting on the girls and having her "under control", so now that's a lie and you fags can't even control what you type here.

Or you tried to groom and failed because you're too autistic?

>> No.47114943

>you're free to compete in the market
And like so I'll do everything I can to destroy groomers.
And be thankful I'm not deranged like other who seek to punish the girl herself.

>> No.47114967

someone post that spanish speaking vtuber taking a photo of herself with a fan cucking her entire fanbase.

>> No.47115068

>Monetary support
>Emotional support
>Fueling her self-steem to grab her dreams
What do you think fag? Why many Meica or Nisha groomers? Because they though more content or money equals some authority from the girls to you, which is retarded. They played the short-term game, and look at them now going schizo here

>> No.47115070

>Intentions is everything in this world
Stalin had good intentions, Mao had good intentions, Marx had good intentions, Hitler had good intentions, Pol Pot had good intentions.
Road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Your intentions don't matter, the consequences of your actions do.

>> No.47115161 [DELETED] 

Dont mix my boy hitler with the other ones. He was a good man

>> No.47115179

Oh, so you really can replace Lordhalf + Villa + her combined little donors economic power?
Who're you, mister oil baron?

>> No.47115232

His economic policy was unsustainable bullshit.

>> No.47115350


>> No.47115447

Oh my dude, you're too far late for that, that's literally destroying the girls now, since groomers/v-tubers now are in a symbiotic life support. Good luck trying tho
They never had good intentions, maybe Marx but he never though that a bunch of sociopaths would be leading his ideals, my actions and intentions aline together so don't worry about me

>> No.47115449

Sorry friend, but I hate all socialism equally. I believe his Nationalistic pride was based but all power given to the state over the economy leads to ruin.

>> No.47115480


>> No.47115511

>my actions and intentions aline together
Yet your actions only hurt the girl.

>> No.47115682

That's just your opinion, my job is doing good results now on the girls being happy while streaming Not the Wactors remmants, they're already groomed to the bone with people with evil intentions

>> No.47115772

>groomers/v-tubers now are in a symbiotic life support
You mean vtubers and their gachis.
Successfully grooming a chuuba only takes the rest of the gachis away.
(You), the groomer, are the one destroying that balance and taking a lot of monetary supporters away from her.

>> No.47115774

the ones that left wactor are being groomed way harder, what are you saying?

>> No.47115846

Hina was groomed while in Wactor, Eru and Merun are groomers

>> No.47115915

Are you stupid or something? She got hard groomed while in Wactor thank to the translator, artists and mods.

>> No.47115944

I'm glad Nisha has her family to keep groomers at bay, her future is bright.
I'm not so optimistic about Meica.

>> No.47115980

How's Poli doing?

>> No.47116034

And now its way worse. Dont call other people stupid when you are a retard yourself.
Nisha going menhera recently because of that rings a bell?

>> No.47116056

I'm not speaking of Meica tho, i go to 2views or 1views to groom.

>> No.47116099

Nice job keeping them forever 2views

>> No.47116154

Stalin did nothing wrong

>> No.47116183

I really hope he's baiting, because he's acting like a selfish retard with no self awareness.

>> No.47116188

Who gives a fuck about your 2views? We're talking about medium chuubas with a stablished following. Groomers only mean the ruin to them.

>> No.47116190

you don't watch her anyway since they are "whores" from this thread perspective, so your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.47116239

if she allows herself to get groomed by a fan and keeps hiding it for the simp bux might as well be

>> No.47116280

>they're already groomed to the bone with people with evil intentions
Maybe Himea with la caca real, but what proof do you have of the remaining ones being groomed?

>> No.47116300

Good morning, I don't watch choripaneras™

>> No.47116342

Yeah, don't worry then, i'm getting laid and the girl is ok with me, you can keep larping as unicorns and "gachis" when you will jump at the first thing that attack your fragile pov.

>> No.47116396


>> No.47116486

>He doesn't know about Yumi

>> No.47116498

Why is this an actual drama?

>> No.47116538

I successfully groomed Sezia.
Woof woof

>> No.47116550

Retards in the comments

>> No.47116556

I know she's kinda obsessed with nico. Is that what you mean?

>> No.47116632

It's pretty obvious that Nico is Groomitus Prime, he alone made a network of girls and offering his help to made them "professional and going corpo".

>> No.47116648

Anons "grooming" the talents doesn't count, because that always end up benefiting the whole community.

>> No.47117501

I'm going to groom Mahiru
Good luck with Ageha, she may groom you instead, especially if you are a shota

>> No.47117630

Mahiru is singing

>> No.47117770

That one is pre-recorded, I having sex with her right now

>> No.47117783
File: 4 KB, 352x103, 2023-04-11_09-51-54_firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> average brotecito

>> No.47117919

why are you taking your own screenshots, dramasister?

>> No.47118048

Paru is hard carrying her team

>> No.47118117


>> No.47118167

My wife

>> No.47118435

I’ll miss Sezia today…

>> No.47118461

Who's going to take them for me?

>> No.47118527

TIme for your daily minoxidil dose baldie

>> No.47118696
File: 243 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Es cierto que si vas al cine puedes ver el 3D sin lentes?

Ok, this dumb joke made me laugh...

>> No.47118733


>> No.47118910
File: 15 KB, 439x217, 2023-04-11_11-13-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's mad

>> No.47118931

I don't get it...

>> No.47119040
File: 12 KB, 512x299, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow Anon...

>> No.47119044
File: 172 KB, 1061x1061, FsU5R02WIA4pp3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, are you...?

>> No.47119335

I forgot those things exist, lol

>> No.47119598

I can't blame you, specially if you are a zoomer because anaglyph 3D glasses are vintage af and where replaced with other technologies.

>> No.47120305

>Nisha is a holodron

Eewwww, fucking dropped

>> No.47120439

thanks, i feel like a grandpa now...

>> No.47120932
File: 140 KB, 916x1200, FsSv7OPWYAEyV5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so Sezia isn't doing bad? how much is the cut from yt and Wactor?

>> No.47121123

yt 30%
wacturd 50%

>> No.47121160

what the fuck

>> No.47121208


>> No.47121212

Same as Idol Corp btw, I believe Akira takes more, maybe 60% from the remaining after YT cut.

>> No.47121292

We don't know the exact percentage o what Akira gets, but Sezia didn't seem to complain about it and suggested it was "fair".

>> No.47121398

i mean a fucking 60% or a 50%? fucking Wactor? they have nothing to offer only their models, that % is ridiculous.

>> No.47121477

so a 20% so its the same % that twitch jew their streamers there, that could make sense

>> No.47121774

Sezia's mouth goes a bit loose often, so you might get her to tell you the exact percentage if you know how to ask.

>> No.47122101

She knows what she doing

>> No.47122284

>anon my eggs will not get fertilized on their own
>*leg locks you*

>> No.47122315

That's better that having the money that you made with your hardwork going to fund akira's gf new outfits and original songs

>> No.47122411

Mind is a 50% from the 70% (30% is YouTube)
So from the total is 35%.
>Youtube 30%
>Akira 35%
>Chuuba 35%

>> No.47122412

That money is now going to pay for Lia's hospital bills.

>> No.47123234
File: 30 KB, 699x352, Capture_proc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insukuribete inmediatamente...

>> No.47123254


>> No.47123382


>> No.47123390
File: 207 KB, 1080x1236, 1679898366492022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47123662

Good call when I decided to unfollow anything Nisha, there's entertaining menhera and then there's whatever she's doing in her socials. Hope her fans can stand doubling as therapists
this too, she wants all of the restrictions with none of the benefits. Hololive has done irreparable damage to streaming

>> No.47123748

>Not seeing the superior content form that is the Hololive formula.
Go watch your latina twitch streamers.

>> No.47123801

You know where the shitter comes from

>> No.47123810

>he keeps trying

>> No.47123819


>> No.47123921

Anyway talk about how cute is Karuna
>She payed for verification

>> No.47124062

every single time i open that link my image of Miu breaks a little...
fucking faggots stop doing that, fuck.

>> No.47124098

seethe Hololive invented Vtubing and they set the standard of what a vtuber should be
it's kson's fault and all those whores like her who want to Vtubing being fleshtubers if they can't stand being vtubers, they should go to Twitch to show tits

>> No.47124160

is that true?

>> No.47124162

Mister Yagoo invented streaming too btw

>> No.47124212

Hag power

>> No.47124243

Go watch Nimu then retard.

>> No.47124293

Nisha is not japanese. She betrayed me. Dropped

>> No.47124351

Lol holodrones you can stop licking that Yagoo cock he's not gonna pay you

>> No.47124412

fuck off to the other thread shitter.

>> No.47124434

No... japanisha... owarida

>> No.47124903

Seethe, OG /here/ anons held WACTOR to Holo standards.

>> No.47124921
File: 18 KB, 474x474, th-2666377138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47125031

wait are you implying that maybe Himea is actually not japanese too?

>> No.47126629


>> No.47126754

too thin

>> No.47126760

Oh no no no
You can't... I mean you CAN'T be serious.

>> No.47126793

Masaka.... Yada!

>> No.47127048
File: 81 KB, 1262x521, nisha mucho texto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy wall of text

>> No.47127109


>> No.47127154

Imagine watching something for almost a year and half and dropping her because you're deaf enough to not realize that she isn't japanese
Dungeon correction is due

>> No.47127174

>chat makes a joke

>> No.47127302


>> No.47127433

In what clipper channel did she left that message?

>> No.47127437

it's so funny imagining her furiously typing all this.

>> No.47127497

scroll up

>> No.47127551

menhera arc so early?

>> No.47127642

Based Nisha spitting on Meica's twitchwhore

>> No.47127659

I love when my menheras have schizo meltdowns like this one ranting here

>> No.47127760

>Chat makes a joke electric bogaloo ft dante from devil my cry series

>> No.47127761

wait, she isn't japanese!!??????!!!!???

>> No.47127779

Keep cocksucking Yagoo, HoloES will never be a thing, seethe

>> No.47127806

kek putiglota unfollow her explicador BASED BASED BASED

>> No.47127889

Everybody /here/ was expecting meica to go full menhera now that she is indie, yet she has been stable for more than a month
Meanwhile, la mas envidiosita just debuted this week and she is already going full schizo mode, i think we all know what train we have to catch to not miss the fun

>> No.47127891

Fuck off Nijisister, holochads rules all this board

>> No.47127934

>I'm not mentally ill
>He is portraying him at poli's side in his pfp

the absolute state

>> No.47127936

Nisha is based for shitting on twitch whores and hispanic streaming culture

>> No.47127951

Somebody please needs to update this meme

>> No.47127986
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>> No.47128026

And people said that was meica the one who would start menherating after debut? Funnily ironic

>> No.47128059

*go full Mike over a comment*

>> No.47128082

Typing with her tiny hands in her tiny keyboard then angrily sipping from her tiny cup of chocolate milk

>> No.47128095

>she has been stable
Do you even read her JP only account? She's as menhera as ever (Not rm btw)

>> No.47128098

HOLY MOTHER OF RENT FREE, nijiniggers you truly mindbroke holodrones

>> No.47128146

Meica already went menhera a few days ago

>> No.47128151

Sorry, you will get another talent graduating next week, sorry lesser company or attemp of corpo

>> No.47128204
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>> No.47128206

I mean, they literally doxxed her in that comment section

>> No.47128216
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Pancho Pantera 2077

>> No.47128221

>another menhera attack for nonsense

nisha... why?

>> No.47128222

Nijitrannies, holodrones please... you have over 10 bait threads on the catalog for your tribalfagging

>> No.47128242

Just as Mike

>> No.47128246

Oh, that explains a lot, she has contained herself in an alt account
Maybe lu-nisha should do something similar, writing a diary of something like that

>> No.47128248

cutest ratita

>> No.47128259

Explicadores are cringe and the worst twitter trend in existence.
Fuck off with you offtopic garbage btw.

>> No.47128280

Cry more fag, get a better company to waste your time next time, loser

>> No.47128293
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Meh, lily's one remins as the cringiest one

>> No.47128365

Meica has the D of her groomer to keep her hysteria at bay.

>> No.47128382

>T. Newfagg

>> No.47128391

>t. failed groomer

>> No.47128429

>seething this hard
rumao schizo

>> No.47128437

Nix has failed us, his d can't keep nisha on check

>> No.47128507

He hasn't failed me, lunisha is funnier when she is being la mas menherita, she doesn't need any fix

>> No.47128592
File: 53 KB, 679x435, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check comments section
>see these 2 together
how can people like these function on a normal socie... oh, wait

>> No.47128593

Fuck off to /esp/ putifag, she has noting to do with Wactor.

>> No.47128595

Do you think that nisha was a toxic internet user back when she was young? Fighting people in social media, writing long walls of text ranting about trivial shit and stuff like that?

>> No.47128655

Why are they like this?

>> No.47128686

Yes, and I love her for that

>> No.47128702

It was that or a shitposter, but considering her glass roof i don't think that shitpost is something that she could handle

>> No.47128779

I will really miss Himea and la mas envidiosita catfight for /us/.
I need that back somehow...

>> No.47128847

>he doesn't know

>> No.47128931

>she's probably /here/ to fight us from time to time
>(you) probably insulted her and made her do a menhera rant on twitter

>> No.47128973

What is that shit ahahhaahaaaaa

>> No.47128978

Holy mother of Yellow fever elitism, all holodrones fault

>> No.47128985

Nisha, delete one hand if you think anons are cute.

>> No.47129039

And we are the subhumans?

>> No.47129082

Look at that dude's other comments, he's an obvious shitter.

>> No.47129366

>deleted account

>> No.47129423


>> No.47129507 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.47129553
File: 291 KB, 474x365, 1679956693804537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desperately need Sezia to sit her big brown ass on my face and BRAAAAAAP

>> No.47129631

the bad thing about this is that she should have done this from the beginning, now that faggot will probably become her worst anti

>> No.47129680
File: 585 KB, 649x998, newest_angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It the best i could do with my limited skills

>> No.47129730

Why did you stop posting that video of Sezia sitting on someone's face?

>> No.47129786

I don't know what are you talking about but i want to watch it...

>> No.47129853

Oh god that fucking stream, 2000 people in the waiting room waiting for luna then the first thing she says when she starts the stream is that she wasn't graduating and then her ccv dropped to 600 kek

>> No.47129886

I'm tired of you making trouble over such little things. Nisha, your grandmother already told you to stop being such a crybaby

>> No.47129947

because they think the janitor job is gonna get them pussy

>> No.47130154

>Puras viejas chismosas
Meica had like 8k viewers in her debut? Everybody was waiting for her to reveal "the truth" and start shitting on akira in livestream, but she just did her thing and her viewership dropped to 3k. I don't know how much she has been getting lately but the same goes for nisha, she goes over 1k but after the first month her viewership will go back to her 400 regulars

>> No.47130189

That's a big defect she had even when she was Luna.
She used to seethe about literal kids leaving comments on tiktok even tough she's a grown ass woman.
I don't know how she will manage it, but if she really wants peace, she will have to learn how to ignore and stop worrying about petty stuff.

>> No.47130294
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>400 regulars

>> No.47130473

She has the mentality of a 8 years old
>We hope you understand

>> No.47130674
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T o T

>> No.47130711

Wasn't the mentality of a 12 yo girl?

>> No.47130754

I know she has a messed up paraphilia with brocon and larping as a loli, but that's going too far.

>> No.47130829

That was like a year ago, but with every retarded thing she does we have to recalculate her mental age, so nowadays it's 8. She is like those kids that you call ugly and they say "NO U", then you reply to them with the same and you can get fun for hours

>> No.47130908

>she has a messed up paraphilia with brocon Doloroso pero muy lindo todo?

>> No.47130940

That's Meica

>> No.47130982

Speaking of this, are all girls this degen?

>> No.47131002

What are you doing wasting your time in this thread then? What a low iq monkey

>> No.47131034

>eru leaving comments on puti's tweets
>she doesn't even respond back

>> No.47131069

It reminds me of that stream where she mentioned her half brother and people started to ship her and call her norteña
I have never seen her so angry

>> No.47131095


>> No.47131100

If they work on the internet you can be 100% sure.
Internet attract weirdos, and the stuff they see around here increases their latent degeneracy.

>> No.47131155

>Lia and Ageha: rape fantasies
>Mahiru and Charo: groped fantasies
>Miu and Himea: Domination
>Yumi: all of them
Yeah maybe

>> No.47131239
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Now seriously, Neon and putis never had a collab to begin with..., so this is expected

>> No.47131246

Eru is isolated from everybody

>> No.47131284

After the ask thing I understood why saying "onii-chan" was so difficult for her. In fact I will get PTSD if I ever hear he say that word again.

>> No.47131347


>> No.47131367

But lunisha is a fine lady, she doesn't act like a whore with everybody out there, she only shows her degen self to her most precious person
I'm so fucking jealous of that nix fag

>> No.47131415

thats not bad tho
it's a decent amount of viewers for a indie debut

>> No.47131441

>t. threadwatcher

Just yesterday Nisha said she is still talking with Eru

>> No.47131524


>> No.47131548

I have had this doubt since i discovered that she was a brocon, she roleplayed as a non related by blood little sister or she goes all the way down for incest?

>> No.47131550

Carete is stubborn and he won't get tired of asking her to say it.

>> No.47131677

I don't know, but referring to your partner as "oniichan" when you got blood related brothers is creepy af.

>> No.47131689

>fags just take every single irrelevant litle shit to throw feces
the idiot just tell clipper to close comments cause tards are act like tards, big deal.

>> No.47131739


>> No.47131763

Not really, there can be a line between real brothers and platonic anime oniichans. It's like saying that all people into lolicon are pedos

>> No.47131901

it's the same 3 chronical shitposters

>> No.47131907

Makes sense

>> No.47131995


>> No.47132054

God, ex-lomitos are the biggest crybabies in this general.
Now I remember why I enjoyed bullying them so much even tough I have nothing against Luna.

>> No.47132217

why bothering replying? as you can see fag just want a juicy (You), is the same tard trying to say that people will ignore Eru, when she debut she will get a similar numbers than the rest.

>> No.47132257

Crybabies are the ones who decide to create their own thread separate from /WACTOR/ because they can't stand reading a single bad thing.

>> No.47132282

retards believe that discussing anything is bullying. weak cunts

>> No.47132345

Nothing good has came our of these threads in months. It's time to leave.

>> No.47132436

Just leave, no need to be an atention whore as always Ofeb

>> No.47132533

is the same shit day after day, i belive that the /esp/ would be a nice change but as you see is another discount /ñ/ shitter thread

>> No.47132540

you meant dracucklones anon that even create their own thread KEK

>> No.47132547

She's trying her best to make friends... My poor socially awkward wife is doing her best

>> No.47132602

>socially awkward

>> No.47132754

dont you get tired of posting the same shit every day?
>its time to leave
please do, i know you are one of the shitters

>> No.47132788

Socially awkward culombiana with a really social ass

>> No.47132804

they at least talk about their oshi unlike you coward

>> No.47132828

she said that herself, it's hard for her
she's just doing her best

>> No.47132892

Sounds like a hentai prompt

>> No.47132957

You misspelled choripaneros

>> No.47133010

See you in 20 minutes

>> No.47133106 [DELETED] 

she had a big group of friends
also have friend on internet, some of them vtuber
you know dude, her i'm "socially awkward" is just the cute act

>> No.47133175

>she had

>> No.47133358

please dont bully her ok???

>> No.47133363 [DELETED] 

dunno if still they are still arround her, Eru moved countries recently?

>> No.47133376 [DELETED] 

How old is nisha? i want to join the groomer race

>> No.47133448

How hold is too old for you?

>> No.47133566

fuck off with pl shit fucking faggot.

>> No.47133684

I don't know, i'm 23, maybe 26-27 is my limit?

>> No.47133767

I guess you born too late, kid.

>> No.47133865

She is as autistic as we are, anon, but she's good at masking it. She's a bubble pink version of Himea

>> No.47133968


>> No.47134015

Does she likes nazi stuff like Himea?

>> No.47134038

Talk for yourself, I'm a chad.

>> No.47134060

i wish

>> No.47134084

Why the fuck she had to said it like that AAAAA

>> No.47134130

This threads gets unbelievably worse each day, congratulations

>> No.47134140

I don't think so, but she likes Kpop, almost the same to me

>> No.47134153

She fucking knew what she was doing.

>> No.47134172

so you werent here during january-march? april was pretty tame in comparison

>> No.47134226

Himea doesn't really know nazi stuff, she just likes the aesthetic, she just bought Mein Kampf and read it, probably to please those anons who were calling her a larper. She gives me more of an libertarian type image who larps as a nazi to annoy zurditos.

>> No.47134234

>it is in the containment thread
sure sure anon

>> No.47134284

>T, Newfagg

>> No.47134289

>she just bought Mein Kampf and read it, probably to please those anons who were calling her a larper.

>> No.47134334

Nisha la mas apretadisha

>> No.47134379

Anon, you're talking to someone that saw the nazi account before it went private, and you have no idea what you're saying

>> No.47134430

>t. newfag

>> No.47134469

>thread on a board to talk about vtubers
>faggots use it as to talk about pl shit
fucking cancerous chispatards.

>> No.47134501

Huh, I hope she isn't an economic terraplanist then. Everything else is irrelevant.

>> No.47134508

>who larps as a nazi to annoy zurditos
oh no no no Fer don't look!

>> No.47134536

Nothing wrong with pl as long is also a vtuber. The word you are looking for is rm

>> No.47134584

don't make another thread let it die

>> No.47134601


>> No.47134651


>> No.47134686

fuck off chispacuck

>> No.47134720

>Another choripanera on OP

Kill yourself

>> No.47134877

I'll support any argie chuuba just to make the schizo seethe.

>> No.47134986

What a bunch of crybabies..., this thread is kindergarden compared whit what /here/ has done in the past...

>> No.47135074

go nimu go

>> No.47135094

Thing is I lived everything, and I'm tired, anon. I'm tired.

>> No.47135106

Fuck off facetard

>> No.47135156

Ok, except that one.

>> No.47135166

Based. Flaquita love

>> No.47135177

autist not argie

>> No.47135238


>> No.47135291

>Not even page 10
I hate newfags, they ruined the general.

>> No.47135294

Last message. Choripacuties LOVE

>> No.47135348

not to mention that she is beautiful as fuck

>> No.47135440

Really, when was the last time /here/ did something creative? A year ago?

>> No.47135469

Meh, I don't see her appeal.

>> No.47135531

Did /here/ ever do something creative?

>> No.47135617

she's pretty in a cute kind of way

>> No.47135633

5/10. Ass isn't even that big too.

>> No.47135642

>What are greentexts
>What' anon chama
>What are pixel anons
>What is OC

>> No.47135654

fags think running a bot to place autistic pixels is creative

>> No.47135663

Come and watch Sezia's biggest rival


>> No.47135720

Fuck off explicador de Lily Endou

>> No.47135723

All portraits placement procedure were recorded as proof of them being done by hand.

>> No.47135777

Better than being a shitter who only knows to start fights.

>> No.47135787

Last message MEICA LOVE

>> No.47135795

to be fair i'm burned of /wactor/ and wactor girls, i don't even want to post anymore, maybe is time to join the /esp/ thread unironically...

>> No.47135816

we even btfo nico and forsen anon from placing their pixels near ours

>> No.47135854


>> No.47135921


>> No.47135934

stop shilling your shit retard

>> No.47135936

Breeding Sezia while anon watches.

>> No.47135963


>> No.47135973

I miss Ito...

>> No.47136003

sezia has been very horny these days

>> No.47136033

Like your mom

>> No.47136038

A juicy ripe fruit ready to be eaten...

>> No.47136058

the yaoi threads are in the other section, fags.

>> No.47136086

calm down sezia

>> No.47136102


>> No.47136120

There you have


>> No.47136145 [DELETED] 

>that op
kill yourself

>> No.47136174

Fuck off meicacatard

>> No.47136310


>> No.47136332 [SPOILER] 

Nisha LOVE !
