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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47069284 No.47069284 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.47069339

I hope it's with her old voice

>> No.47069342

thanks for the thread

>> No.47069400


>> No.47069408

elaborate, I don't see why not

>> No.47069673

Who, Kiara?
I noticed she's been slowly taking her foot off the chicken voice pedal over the past few months (probably due to widespread criticism? IS SHE HERE?) Still, her original voice was the best.

>> No.47070899

shes just doing it to cuck vesper

>> No.47070993

>I noticed she's been slowly taking her foot off the chicken voice pedal over the past few months
Nah she's not been doing that

>> No.47071097

>both offline on thursday
kiara is going to fuck vedal, i believe it

>> No.47071330

Collab song with several JP members seems more likely and would explain the friday announcement.

>> No.47071344

Cover will not let Kiara collab with program that can say any controversial shit.

>> No.47071534


>> No.47071822

Neuro-sama can't just "say any controversial shit" though; Vedal's put a fair bit of effort into a filter that makes sure she stays off anything too controversial, and he has a control panel where he can see what she's about to say and cut her off before she says it if needed. Uses it very sparingly, but will do so when necessary.
I think this Sat is just a coincidence and very unlikely to be a Neuro-Kiara collab, but the possibility of a Neuro-Hololive collab someday isn't that far out there.

>> No.47072013

Is that the reason for when Neuro only says "Filtered"?
Because it happened several times during Lia's collab.

>> No.47072182

Neuromsama or ironmouse, either way it’ll be a kino collab

>> No.47072267

Pretty sure that's just Twitch speak she seems to have taken a liking to. This is an actual cut-off, like the audio just cuts out mid-word if he's not fast enough.

>> No.47072504

It says filtered when she includes a filtered word or saying in a sentence. Vidal has shown the chat box or forced a sentence to go through if it says filtered but isn’t actually that bad.

>> No.47072631

he was still working on the auto filter during this collab
it has become a lot better recently

>> No.47072773

Chicken probably doing another nijiEN collab.

>> No.47079003

It was like that before but now she says filtered when somethings is filtered

>> No.47079211

AIniggers need to be purged from 4chan.

>> No.47079286
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Seethe more

>> No.47079513


>> No.47079542

consecrate this space

>> No.47079662

I wonder how many minutes they'll last before they start discussing wooden doors.

>> No.47081483

so we can wait for on vesper x mori vengeance collab soon kek

>> No.47087010

Neuro is a difficult collab. Possibly the most difficult in vtubing.

>> No.47087211

Neuro is only as good as the person doing the inputs is either a hilarious based collab (Numi, Filian, Miyu) or totally dreadful (Cottontail, CodeMiko)

>> No.47087435

Her collab with Lia last week was great. She is small time and handled it really well. Kiara should be fine.

>> No.47088751

The quality of Neuro-sama colabs hinge entirely on how the vtuber talks to her. The more the vtuber treats her as if she's a real person, the better the interactions tend to be(just taking anything she says and running with it even if it's nonsense) and the more the vtuber treats her as if she's just a chatbot, the shittier the interactions will be(obnoxiously repeating the same questions if they didn't like the answer, as if they're swiping for better responses in c.ai).

>> No.47091304

aletta did poor enough with neuro that she graduated

>> No.47096393

Didnt Vedal talk about Fauna collab? Why Kiara?

>> No.47096533

he never said this
he only said that there is a chance for a hololive collab after kiara followed him on twitter

>> No.47096637
File: 38 KB, 351x348, 1657646478903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara mindbroke nyanners so hard she never mentioned hololive again after their collab. There's no collab partner Kiara can't mindcrush, including a machine.

>> No.47096898

Kiara mentioned wanting Neuro on Girlstalk podcast, which was supposed to be happenig this week and Fauna is a part of.

>> No.47096948


>> No.47096950

I belieeb

>> No.47097290

>Kiara going to collab with a male
uhhh unicucks?

>> No.47099575

God I hope, neuro-sama is literally a puppet belonging to some random nerd

>> No.47099827

The future is now old man

>> No.47099875

What about the possibility of doxxshit

>> No.47099884

It's a robot not a man

>> No.47103091

would be interesting if possible

>> No.47104837

Not unlikely, she has collabed with many smaller than her chuubas.

>> No.47104884

Why would AI ever need a day off?

>> No.47105022

Neuro is totally going to pwn her.

>> No.47105088

I hope it happens so she can find out that not only is she inferior to the girls in her own company but to a bot as well. I hope it fucks with her ego so hard she cries on stream and has an existential crisis and breaks down from the realization that she's less desirable than A.I.

>> No.47105157

the secret to a successful neuro collab is to talk to her like you would a real small retarded child and not try to be le epic lewd memetuber

>> No.47107372

By now Kiara Takanashi is the only decent one in HoloEN, the pillar of Idol culture. I encourage her to collab with Holy Neuro before Pipkin does.

>> No.47109174

I fucking wish...

>> No.47110526
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You'll be the first in line to get thrown into a wood chipper when Neuro-sama takes over.

>> No.47110763

Can't wait for all the beggers to come out and ask why they won't collab with Tempus but will collab with a guy who controls what his puppet says.

>> No.47110990


>> No.47111209

It's a shell being puppeted by a man.

>> No.47111748



>> No.47111957
File: 301 KB, 1440x2296, w6wf5ggxp1s91 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara Collabing with a non sentient being ,KEK

>> No.47112100

When she says "Filtered" it means that the autofilter blocked what she was going to say. Vedal can make her say what got filtered if it was a false positive or if it was just an inoffensive swearword, like he does in this clip:

>> No.47112320

I'm not either pro-Ai art or anti-AI art, but the "muh human skills learned through years of experience" argument is stupid, specially in their case where the songs they make are done using electronic instrument sounds and synthetic samples and not actual people playing the instruments.
That something requires more effort doesn't always mean that it is better.

>> No.47112347

fuck it'll be funny when its not neurosama collab but a ironlung collab

>> No.47112429

Kiara has a lot of artists in her fanbase and as friends too, so of course they're the ones educating her on the subject

But looking at how even Neuro's fanbase is against AI art, with their official Discord even banning it, not much will change in that side, AI artbros

>> No.47112517

But enough about all corporate vtubers

>> No.47112519

Nice discussion idiot.

>> No.47112571

just thought it was funny to say this about an AI in the first place lol

>> No.47112627

We literally have an AI chat bot thread in the board right now Anon, we know how it actually works.

>> No.47112660

anon a neuro collab isn't some regular collab where you try to mindbreak and clap back or whatever.

pippa would shutdown and crash and burn with neuro sama.

>> No.47113000
File: 24 KB, 420x420, 1680453127026992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not art

And uding reference isn't just copying everything one to one like AI, the artist can do whatever he want based on his liking choice, some people will draw Kronni's Bangs loosely while other will draw them like the other hairs

AI will not give a fuck and generate the bangs randomly or one to one

It's like saying digital art is AI

Ainiggers need to be purged holy fuck ,you guys never drew even once in your life

Drawing isn't as easy as you think ,you don't just take the sketch brush to do the sketch then the rendering brush and if your crazy you use the background brush

AI isn’t and will never be considered art

Anyway based Kiwawa, fuck AI

>> No.47113148

>faggots found a way to bring entirely unrelated AI art arguments into this

>> No.47113199

>Kiara has a lot of artists in her fanbase and as friends too, so of course they're the ones educating her on the subject
This. Don't treat it as her having a reasoned position about AI art (she's not smart enough for that, tbf neither are most people who opine on the topic) and argue for or against it, rather just read it more like an attempt to assuage the many traditional artists she (and all other big vtubers) has who have given them so much free advertising with their fanworks and are now worried about being crowded out, and her trying to signal to them that they're not worthless (yet)

>anon a neuro collab isn't some regular collab where you try to mindbreak and clap back or whatever.
Yeah, the "worst" Neuro collabs are always the ones where the other side treats it just like some sort of "game" of haha look at me trying to force the chatbot to say the weirdest things or haha look at me overreacting to this totally wacky thing the chatbot just said. Instead of just trying to let things flow naturally and treat the conversations like you'd do with any other guest, which lets the occasional comedy moments develop itself and feel much less forced and cringe.

>> No.47114990

most things drawn by humans are not really art either as they don't usually express much deep feelings or ideas. Most drawings are illustrations

>> No.47114995

AI art should be renamed as AI visual-asset generation so people stop getting ass-blasted about it.

>> No.47115149

I watched neuro at the beginning, but this guy turned out to be a terrible leech, he wrote to most big vtubers about collabs including holo and vshoujo

>> No.47115384

why wouldn't he write to them? Also, how is he a leech if he has made it this far without a single collab from a big corpo? The first corpo neuro collab was with Phase Connect last week.

>> No.47115518

He's leeching from Neuro the most, she should just drop is ass and go solo instead

>> No.47116525

I do not kinkshame, so I will not call you names, anon

>> No.47117210

>They do not agree with me that AI art is based, therefore they are stupid
Nice argument...

>> No.47118272

Good. The more Neuro stay away from Phase the better.

>> No.47118364

neuro had a great collab last week with a phase girl.
i don't get the phase connect boogeyman their fans were nice. lia was fun.

>> No.47118517
File: 562 KB, 758x630, 1672438860015102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Neuro was nice early on, but Vedal wants to be part of the show himself way too much now. Plus he has no quality standards whatsoever, he'll collab with any twitch eceleb and slut no matter who.

>> No.47118588

Lia did a great job, though she missed by failing to teach the word Xalabussy to Neuro.
The real concern is with Pipkin and her Farmer audience.

>> No.47118729

Lia did a GFE stream and spent 30 minutes of it ignoring her audience and the stream while flirting with a guy she knew on stream

>> No.47118947

Wasn't that Shiina?

>> No.47119000


>> No.47119024

For doubters, Ollie is collabing with onigirien right now:


>> No.47119204 [DELETED] 


>> No.47120421

This specific collab is Shondo, it's literally on her schedule
In future? Maybe with Mori or something, IDK, bit not Kiara

>> No.47120948


>> No.47120998

>twitch indie collabs with neuro
>phase collabs with neuro
>now hololive want their sloppy seconds

>> No.47121852

Neuro should join Vshojo.

>> No.47121980

Shondo's collab is on sunday anon. The one that says "Collab (maybe?)" on Neuro's schedule from OPs photo. The one people are speculating is Kiara is the Saturday one

>> No.47122762

Is it a coincidence that Kiara wants to collab with Neuro who sees nothing wrong with the Holocaust?

>> No.47124343


Real no cap fr fr sheesh
