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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46954150 No.46954150 [Reply] [Original]

I and some other Vtubers received Twitter DM's and emails from this Vtuber called Minerva Kross asking if she could sponsor us to do a watchalong of her debut.
This isn't unheard of for a corporate Vtuber company to do however this seems to be a nameless Vtuber with no corporate backing so I find it a bit odd. I won't divulge all of the information sent in the Twitter DM/email but she has stated the reason there are no streams/videos/shorts or tweets is because she wants to make sure she has everything ready and has a concrete debut date set.
I want to give the girl the benefit of the doubt but I personally feel a bit off put by an indie Vtuber trying to sponsor debut watchalong streams like corporate companies do.

>> No.46954298

hey, if you're gonna be this bad at shilling, just buy ad space.
at least contribute some money towards hiroshimoot for keeping this site alive.

>> No.46954390

Thanks for not answering the question.

>> No.46956656

No clue but she could be one of the Kawaii Production talents. 4 of them just left their company yesterday.

>> No.46956810

Why didn't I think of that?
At the same time I asked if she had any experience and she said she had none. Giving she has no following I feel like it's not likely since it wouldn't make sense for any of talents to give up a successful career to turn into a possible nobody.

>> No.46958021

>less than 5 twitter follows and yt subs
you need to do much more work than just randomly making a poorly made self shilling thread, people already seen couple of those here

>> No.46958228

Thanks for not even reading a single word of the post.

>> No.46958732

You posted during SEA hours; I don't know what you expected.

Anyway, I can't answer as to the identity of this chick but I wouldn't be put off by it from the word go. There's no magic difference between a small corpo and an indie with slightly deeper pockets that makes sponsoring her debut scummy when the latter one does it. So like, if you were to take the sponsorship just use common sense. Make sure you're paid in advance, assume it's a scam and bail if at any time there's excuses for no payment or god forbid a request for you to spend money.

Also >>46956656 is wrong. The girls who left Kawaii had alt accounts ready and are all streaming already or set to stream by next week. They had it all so planned out that their top donors already knew where to find them even for the girls who didn't have a PL and had to make a fresh account. Unless one of them is playing 5D Starcraft and is planning to leave their impromptu indie group for an even newer account and character, it's not one of them.

>> No.46958972

Oh, I'm an insomniac so while it's dead of night here I'm awake. Didn't realize this time would not be ideal for posting such a request for information. If I do end up going through with the sponsorship I will heed your advice, she doesn't have company money so she was mainly sending out messages to see prices and see if it's something she could afford.
Thanks for updating me regarding the girls.

>> No.46959101
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You're welcome. Best of luck as a chuuba.

>> No.46959277

As a Vtuber myself I'm pretty much set...been doing it for a few years now and it pays the bills and then some. Appreciate the well wishes though.

>> No.46965080

buy an ad

>> No.46965154

Learn to read.
