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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 102 KB, 828x1724, Ari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
469366 No.469366 [Reply] [Original]

Why you dislike her so much anon?

>> No.469386

she's gay

>> No.469438

She make my daughter collab with the homos

>> No.469519

You haven't even had sex, let alone have a daughter

>> No.469601
File: 34 KB, 717x380, 1612409051404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu, you don't know me

>> No.469646

Her views are really low, yes, but just because she's under the hololive brand doesn't mean she has to put thousands of viewers every streams, she's doing fine

>> No.469726
File: 547 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's friends with /ourgirl/ how could I dislike her?

>> No.469761

I like watching her play Bandori.

>> No.469801

I like her hair down version.

>> No.469888

You always post this same image, i love risu but by allah post some fucking variation

>> No.469965

Everyone always call her an annoying zoomer, i don't get it, shes literally like every other high energy holo

>> No.469997
File: 55 KB, 680x588, 1586224911262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like her Iotits

>> No.470151

Shes cute but she mostly speaks indonesian 90% of the time

>> No.470163

She's living the dream of being able to interact with her oshi while the rest of the board lurkers are here.

>> No.470226

I like her, but I don't have time for her

>> No.470293

She is literally ID manager

>> No.470327

Cute loli fucking speaks alien language


>> No.470598

I don't dislike lofi, but I do forget about her sometimes.

>> No.470617

he's trying to be an avatarfag

>> No.470645

something about her design debuff her hard, idk but the head looks strange

>> No.472131

She do be looking like someone who has lazy eyes which makes her look even more like a retard, but i love her anyway <3

>> No.472241


>> No.472462

Iofi does art which is already pretty niche and then decides to only play like a gacha rhythm game which makes her more niche. She does collab but they mostly do games that has been played for over 20x already and then would only really talk in full jp or Indonesian. If she's targeting a very very very specific small group of audience... There you go.

>> No.473929

It's like she actively wants to filter people and is "fine" being at the bottom.

>> No.473970

Iofi, please, just make a new opening this year...

>> No.474225

I love Sora's imouto

>> No.474345
File: 424 KB, 1019x1066, Screenshot_20210210-232157~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.474599

not interesting, skip

>> No.474870

I don't know if her name is supposed to be Iofi or lofi

>> No.474924

what does obisa mean

>> No.474929

It's short for lofifteen, pronounced Ten-Fifteen

>> No.474974

>"I did it!"
Referring to how she was able to wink

>> No.475048
File: 564 KB, 1920x1080, obisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.475196

I don't have enough time for her but I enjoy her collabs with Ina.

>> No.476837

I like her PSO2 streams, her laugh is pretty

>> No.476861

I dislike Indogs.

>> No.482176

Kenapa kamu benci Indo anon?

>> No.482215

the weird way her face slides around her head

>> No.482224 [DELETED] 

There's no reason to dislike her unlike Kiara. It's just that people tend to forget her

>> No.483029

I hear she likes to draw and takes it easy. Is she like Ina without the HoloEN buff?

>> No.483087

But i dont
Shes my fav member of holoid

>> No.483246

I like her but I don't watch her streams

>> No.484745


>> No.484755

she likes 12 year olds
or 9 year olds
can't remember

>> No.484804

Sucks homodicks too much. Can ask her JP senpai for this mongus collab but she chose the gays.

>> No.484883

Nice leeches mentality you got there.

>> No.484918

She's smug and I like it

>> No.485145

No Ina's very entertaining, meanwhile Iofi is boring outside of collabs because she has no personality.

>> No.486506

Speak English you stupid monkey

>> No.486697

Best design in Hololive

>> No.487897


>> No.488197


>> No.488437

That's exactly what I like about Iofi's streams. It's so orderly. None of those chaotic kids or manchilds plaguing her streams like Moona's or Ollie's.

>> No.488886

it is so hard to validate something without shitting on others

>> No.488940

why are you such a fuck

>> No.488953

she's a numberfag and i hate numberfag by default

>> No.488987

is he wrong tho?

>> No.489051

i hate english people

>> No.489151

So he's right. gotcha.

>> No.489168

I don't dislike her. I just don't like her. I'm ambivalent towards her. I don't know, it's the obvious comparison but Ina just pulls off the "comfy exchange student art dork chatting with you while drawing weebshit" thing better. I like the concept in general, Iofi just doesn't do it in a way I enjoy as much.

>> No.489727

This. With all the gacha, Indonesian talk and her collab choices, her niche just doesn't intersect much with what I'm looking for. It does seem like a comfy place though.
I'm just thankful she introduced me (and a lot of other people) to Pochi-sensei.

>> No.489822

Idolfags seethe her for this sole reason.

>> No.490366

Have other branch beside ID interacted with males?

>> No.490589

yeah she like a supportive wingman in dating sims

but not in interesting way like A-chan

>> No.490990

I hate fujoshi, that mean i will hate her too

>> No.491019

I wish she continued Phantasy Star Online 2. Dropping it after one episode was lame, even if it was a shill stream. Hanna kept playing it.

>> No.491139

Fubuki has done holostar collab before because she cares more about others than herself.

>> No.491322


Congratulations for getting there before the turkey I guess. "I DID IT" indeed

>> No.491336
File: 93 KB, 1920x1080, neverland face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres something off about her face, i feel like she desperately needs an upgraded look

>> No.491855

Yeah, the way her face is constantly turning and shifting around makes it look like she's on drugs. And her face's about to melt off to reveal the alien within.
I guess a certain amount of derp can be part of the charm (just look at the previous Miko models), but her rigging and/or camera setup could use a little work.

>> No.493282

At first I did dislike her and thought Risu was going to lead HoloID.
I was wrong.

>> No.493353

They don't even know she exists.

>> No.493381

I like her but I just can catch her stream when she speaks english most of the time.

>> No.497675

To be fair, you need some kind of measurements to know how orderly a livechat is because it's kinda subjective, that's when we need to compare to her colleague's streams.

>> No.497713

she doesn't interest me but there's nothing about her I dislike except how low spec her live2d looks compared to her two genmates
that has nothing to do with her though
