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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46920203 No.46920203 [Reply] [Original]


What does she know that we don't?

>> No.46920326

they're going to boo her at the concert bros...

>> No.46920352

>what does she know that we don’t
Everybody knows my guy… literally everyone hates L.A, especially the people who live there

>> No.46920421

Why do foreigners draw our flag like this

>> No.46920424

>What does she know that we don't?
Anon, not even Californians like Los Angeles. Absolutely nobody likes that place.

>> No.46920452

well theres a reason why california has the highest net emigration in the US

>> No.46920458

she played GTA

>> No.46920559

this is gonna turn into another /pol/ thread isn't it

>> No.46920585

There were some assblasted people from the holo thread when Mumei said that. Were they coping?

>> No.46920612

Bro have you ever BEEN to LA? You would also hate it

>> No.46920701

Why on god's green earth you'd wanna go to LA of all fucking places? At least NY for example has sight seeing locations that even the surface level of foreigners would know.

>> No.46920703

Only foreigners really like LA and that is only because they don't have to live in LA.

>> No.46920720

LA is the entertainment capital of the world. The beaches are beautiful, the food is fucking amazing, we have hollywood, there's always something to do.
The crime problem is way overstated. As long as you don't step into gang territory you'll be safe since the police are everywhere.

>> No.46920802

The police are everywhere until they shoot some gangbanger and the entire city erupts in protest over it because god forbid criminals get shot.

>> No.46920813

I wouldn't go in there even with a respirator.

>> No.46920908

As an American, I hope California falls into the fucking sea. If the refugees try to swim to shore I will push them back in. If Russia or China invaded Russia to do a Nanking on LA, I would join the invaders. It is a cursed land.

>> No.46920965

>If Russia or China invaded Russia
I mean if they invaded Cali. I'm typing too fast to proofread, sorry

>> No.46920973

LA is modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Everyone from there and lives there are trash and will sell you out like they sold themselves.

>> No.46920996
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The creator of CashApp and one of the big tech moguls just got stabbed the other day. California is a shithole and there's human excrement everywhere.

>> No.46920998
File: 181 KB, 800x600, Downtown LA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lived in the LA area all my life, and I can't really say I hate it. It has pretty much any restaurant or store you could want, and there's plenty of employment opportunities. However, your experience will vary a lot depending on what part of the region you live in. As a generally rule, you want to live in a neighborhood that is as rich as possible and as close to Downtown as possible. If you live way out in the suburbs or exurbs (like I have for most of my life), you lose out on a lot of the region's amenities.

Overall, the only real gripe I have with the LA area is the cost of living, particularly the housing costs. It does kind of suck that you pretty much need a 6 figure income or better to buy a house.

>> No.46921008

I've only been to LA once, but all my memories of it are of trash in the streets.

>> No.46921019

This. Everyone around the US no matter how far or close HATE Californians and New Yorkers and that's for a very good reason.

>> No.46921021

Mumei understands racial demographics and IQ and crime curves.

>> No.46921050

>comments section is literally a /pol/ thread
uhhh based?

>> No.46921065

Fun and games until a crackhead jogger breaks into your 200 sq ft apartment and shits on it with impunity as you have to pay $600 worth of cleaning fees on top of your $3k rent

>> No.46921134

>If Russia or China invaded Russia to do a Nanking on LA, I would join the invaders
jesus lmao

>> No.46921193

>pointing out obvious failures makes it pol
go away

>> No.46921231

And forgot to mention the most ironic part... He moved out to Florida to escape California, like any other sensible person, but had to go back for some business dealing or some shit and dude was murdered in just a matter of days. I think that was only his second day in San Francisco.

>> No.46921314

I went to LA for Anime Expo, it was great. I'm from the south but all my memories of cali are really good

Only terrible thing about LA is, prepare to be stuck in your car half the day if you want to do anything since all the fun stuff is spaced out and public transport is bad. I guess people hate LA because there's sketchy people everywhere, but around the convention center I didn't encounter any. Maybe I just got lucky

>> No.46921368

Is America even a country worth visiting anymore?

>> No.46921371

Those that make it (rich or successful) and go back to their old shitholes end up getting just that...killed. It's like a warning to never look back or go back.

>> No.46921388

Yeah I read the news, what a fucking worthless city. If you really love the west coast so much just move to Seattle
Also reminder that Austin is the new hot tech hub if you care about money

>> No.46921405

>As long as you don't step into gang territory
the fact that there even are "gang territory" no-go zones is a very bad sign of the poor social health of the city, anon

>> No.46921408

>If Russia or China invaded Russia to do a Nanking on LA, I would join the invaders.

>> No.46921469

That's because people that go to those conventions are from all over and have a good amount of money. If they don't fall in those categories well....

>> No.46921496

Physically? No lol. Just use google maps, you get all the sights and none of the bullshit.

>> No.46921574

As an American, former Marine, and patriot....no. Texas use to be worth it for that REAL MURICA experience. But these days? It isn't worth it. It's all going to hell in a hand basket.

>> No.46921581

maybe for the national parks

>> No.46921580

The best places are the Great Plains regions (Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma) and Tennessee. The entire west coast along with New York is just a pozzed shithole with crime and aids. The northeast is fine though, as the vast majority of people there are white (albeit super liberal)

>> No.46921617

>this thread
it's joever

>> No.46921688

>The northeast is fine though, as the vast majority of people there are white (albeit super liberal)
True but they aren't RABID like what you see in other places.

>> No.46921714

those can be full of chinese and indian tourists that was before cov though

>> No.46921736
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Yeah, but moom said the area around the convention center

Obviously just exploring the areas near the convention center is retarded, you should have someone guide you or look up good places to hang out online. But I suppose non-Americans wouldn't realize this and they'd just start exploring the whole area as some kind of tourism. Anyone who's ever seen a big city in America knows that's a terrible idea but I guess non-burgers have no clue

>> No.46921963

>15 current states
>16 original colonies

Sounds like SEA mischief to me.

>> No.46922131

California is a shithole, but LA is the worst of the worst

>> No.46922227 [DELETED] 
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this cuck plays Donkey Kong in the new Mario movie

>> No.46922234

>asking this in a SEA thread
idk what answers you're expecting

>> No.46922267

based mooms. Hopefully no anons that go to the concert get assaulted by the homeless zombies

>> No.46922393
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Every city in America has the same issue
you have the white/asian areas that are nice and relatively safe
you have the latino areas which are like a caution sign that says "turn back, you're going the wrong way"
then you have the black areas, where you are liable to get mugged and die, especially if you're not black

>> No.46922413

>import new orleans into your state
>entice every woke soi tech company to come to your state
>they slowly turn it into california
only have yourselves to blame

>> No.46922456

meant for >>46921574

>> No.46922477
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>> No.46922516

I don't know anything about L.A other than this pissy Death Cab song, so I'm siding with them and the owl here


>> No.46922599

So fucking based

>> No.46922619

Mumei knows absolutely nothing that your average American doesn't about Los Angeles. Los Angeles is one of the worst places in the United States in terms of car dependency, and that's saying something. Being a tourist trying to get around without a car is a nightmare. Mumei has hinted before that she's a based Urbanist and that she likes trains and transit and walkable streets and Los Angeles as a city runs antithetical to that.

Not to mention all the retarded /pol/ shit that everyone is saying about how it's overrun with crime to the point that the city's existence inspired the Grand Theft Auto series. Los Angeles is a miserable place for someone to visit as their first American trip (or any trip). If I had to choose a west coast city for someone from Asia to visit, I'd say Seattle.

>> No.46922695

Before I really liked america as a country and culture, it was really a great country with great people
But now I dont see anything but retardation from there

>> No.46922736

>we hate LA now

>> No.46922801

Retard, we always have. Sorry you live under a rock.

>> No.46922803

take me back to early 2000s
the LA japanese think that is

>> No.46922837


>> No.46922846

Its not even a San Fran anon.

There's still very nice people and places in America anon. There are tons of major cities that have problems, but that isn't representative of the entire country either.

>> No.46922908

I can understand that logic. Whoever broke into his car was probably happier to steal his radio than he was sad to have it stolen. The total happiness in the world increased.

So, whatever

>> No.46922934


>> No.46922969

What is this robinhood inspired retarded idology?

>> No.46922985

No one has ever liked LA, but the /pol/ level "omg its literally Sodom" stuff is just SEA schizos coping.

>> No.46923006


>> No.46923034


>> No.46923051

Why is LA the most divisive city in the world? It seems that people either say it's one of the best places to visit in the world, or it's a shithole to avoid at all costs.

>> No.46923075

I am extensively familiar with California.

I used to hate LA like everyone else for most of my life, but now I kind of accept it for what it is.
It's kind of cozy in a way, with so many nooks and crannies all being used and lived it by all sorts of people.
Also LA has objectively good food.
Lastly, LA has huge potential to be redesigned as a human-oriented city rather than a car-oriented one, which would increase the quality of the city over ten-fold if they committed to it.

These are the only good things I can muster though and all things considered, I'm glad I don't live there.

>> No.46923144

The only time I visited America was New York in 2013 and it was relatively nice. But now I wouldn't go even if you gave me a ticket for free.

>> No.46923153

Visiting LA is like seeing a city of the future, but not a good kind of future
The whole place is one giant highway like something from a Dystopian movie
You can't really understand what I mean until you see it in person, it's weird

>> No.46923197

Every single girl with social media account that lives in LA has a link to their onlyfans or whorish cosplays. It's not even funny at this point.

>> No.46923198
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>> No.46923253

>Every single girl with social media account has a link to their onlyfans or whorish cosplays

>> No.46923257

>Lastly, LA has huge potential to be redesigned as a human-oriented
That will never happen
regardless, if it did happen it would take 50 years to redisighn the city (and with the non-regulation of relocating buinesses to other places policy of the city that is never gonna happen)
and 50% of your tax money that the upper middle class would not give away easily

>> No.46923280
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LA is one of the most egregious offenders, but most American inner cities have one or two highways slicing them in half and most American suburbs are just a suped up highway stop

>> No.46923325

Nobody likes LA
It's the land of woke shit, crine, junkies and communists

>> No.46923492

Lots of tax money already goes to expanding and upkeeping roads for cars. It's as simple as reallocating that money towards walkability.
More and more urban planners are waking up, so it's not an impossibility.

In 50 years, we'll also get our light-rail. It's not a bad thing to think of these things as long-term solutions.

>> No.46923693
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>> No.46923719

Hello, Mayor Bass. I didn't know you were a Vtuber fan.

>> No.46923758

It's decent if you're rich or part of some of the more close-knit communities. Many people who hate it moved there to get into the entertainment industry, didn't make it, never found real friends, and concluded that everyone was as shallow as them.

>> No.46923857

Its greate for buisness and inovation, the down part is that you have to go there to achive that, and possibly live there too which is the wrost outcome

>> No.46924049

Lmao what? Seattle is almost as bad as LA. Same with all big west coast cities. You shouldn't go to the U.S to "see it", you're always gonna be disappointed. You should have specific activities and destinations you're interested in. Go to Disneyland, experience the national parks, shoot some guns, smoke some weed.

>> No.46924139

Tool literally made a song about how much they hate LA. It's called Aenima.

>> No.46924193

LA is a third-world warzone. This is obvious to anyone who's ever seen it with their own eyes.

>> No.46924242
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LA is a nigger ridden crime infested shithole where they stab you if they think you got some meth they can rob. That is what mumei is saying and she is fucking right.

>> No.46924263

can i come visit you bro

>> No.46924271
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The great cleansing can't come soon enough.

>> No.46924301

what did wyoming do to you bro...

>> No.46924319

she also mentioned she is kinda a rage driver and got middle fingered for it.

>> No.46924344

South Bay LA is great though.

>> No.46924369

California is the place everything with an urge to go westward ends up if they didn't find anything they liked before they hit the ocean. It's home to the biggest bots you can imagine attempting to co-exist with the most eclectic individualists you can imagine, a place perpetually stuck between blind conformism and pointless hipsterism. Now throw a chaotic potpourri of ethnicity and cultures that refuse to integrate and a light seasoning of punk culture and skinheads into that environment. LA is a city of people who don't fit in anywhere, and not in a good way.

>> No.46924370

I HATE rectangles.

>> No.46924375

t. has never left Jakarta

>> No.46924405

so if one lived south of Denver they'd still be fine...? Asking for a friend.

>> No.46924430

NTA but I’d rather live in SEAniggerland than be within LA’s city limits

>> No.46924462

>poorfags that live in shitty areas bitching about homeless people

Sorry you're so unsuccessful that you can't afford to live in an area with private security or run some electrified concentrina wire

>> No.46924461

>/vt/ seethes when twitter wildly misinterprates soemthing a chuuba says and goes on a crusade against them
>/vt/ also concludes that Mumei is a racist /pol/tard because she doesn't like LA
why is this?

>> No.46924466

Sounds like late antiquity Rome.

>> No.46924481
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Florida can't stop winning

>> No.46924508


>> No.46924530

I've seen liberals hate LA too, albeit for different reasons than this thread. Everyone hates LA.

I never got why Floridians act like Miami isn't in the state.

>> No.46924532

>you have to be a racist /pol/tard to hate LA

>> No.46924621

And who the fuck are you quoting?

>> No.46924649

>you disagree with me chud-facist-nazi-racist-turd
why is this libtards?

>> No.46924684

Woah there sister! Isn’t “tard” an ableist and discriminatory word according to your kind?

>> No.46924704

A Shen Comix enjoyer I see

>> No.46924716

Yes but not to any of the tourist traps. The only tourist trap that might be worth it is Vegas if you want to gamble. LA, NYC, Miami, etc are all shitholes. You want to know the truth? The truth is that the areas somewhat near them are good. I'm using "near" lightly, but like the East/SouthEast coast of Florida is great, South Cali is pretty good, too. Pretty much every big American city is dogshit, with the most known ones being the biggest dogshit.
>I never got why Floridians act like Miami isn't in the state.
It's Florida's LA.

>> No.46924719

Because FL doesn't treat the city as a big deal and advertise it to the rest of the country like California does with LA and Hollywood or New York with NYC.

>> No.46924781

>so if one lived south of Denver they'd still be fine...?
Does 30-100 millimeters of volcanic glass dust sound fine?

>> No.46924782

Always have. Its not even controversial, its just common sense to hate LA.

>> No.46924838

I bet mumei posts in /pol/.

>> No.46924863

Many people in upstate NY hate NYC for the same reasons everyone hates LA.

>> No.46924885

Florida's selling point city is Orlando purely for the amusement parks.

>> No.46924897

Basically because Miami is the LA equivalent for FL, but honestly Jacksonville is much worse.

>> No.46924975 [DELETED] 
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>Thread seething about California is somehow on-topic while asking about Froot's donation isn't

>> No.46925023

>Jacksonville is much worse

>> No.46925075

Washington DC is made for tourists. Foreigners seem to like it since 80% of the tourists aren't American. Don't go to the National Mall if you don't like Chinese people.

>> No.46925113

One janny is unironically on vshojo's payroll.

>> No.46925127

Vshojo jannies protect their interests.

>> No.46925248

Orlando is also a selling point, yes, but Miami is much more known and shilled. Miami has tons of TV shows based off it as well as "summer break" shilling.

>> No.46925482

I always saw Daytona Beach as the big summer break shilling, but yea Miami does it too.

>> No.46925489


Explains everything.

>> No.46925541

Anon, there’s people on this board assblasted about Mumei’s existence who use any opportunity to complain about her. Don’t get the two mixed up.

>> No.46925682

>Sorry you're so unsuccessful that you can't afford to live in an area with private security or run some electrified concentrina wire
Living in fear of your neighbors is not a sign of success. You are a clear case of the npc who needs a boot over his neck to finally realize you are in trouble.

>> No.46925724

>LA is a shithole
wow hot take

>> No.46925962

They're like Jaime Lannister. They don't realize they're truly in trouble until some shifty thug doesn't give a shit what they have to say and chops their hand off. Or in modern ways, they get stabbed or shot.

>> No.46925965

Cost of living, a disregard for punishing crime, and rife with particularly crazy leftists matched only by Seattle. Not to mention its filthy.

Much like NYC it's way better to visit than live there.

>> No.46926293

LA hasn't been good since the Germans kicked out their jews and they parasiticaly attached themselves unto major US cities. Trust me I can literally go outside and take a screenshot on the "glamorous" Hollywood sign.

>> No.46926520

retord janitords, reddit 2.0

>> No.46926834
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LA (and California in general) suck, especially the traffic.

>> No.46926851

>Just trust me bro, I totally live in the US! I go to Jolib- I mean McDonalds every day!

>> No.46927160

Ack-shoe-allie, there might be a few of those in LA. Never gone there myself but I've seen at least one.

>> No.46927338

actually jolibee's has been the new thing for hipsters here lately lmao

>> No.46927397

what? i was born in california and i like LA and even i don't like LA.

>> No.46927510

No you wouldn't

>> No.46927584
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Not entirely sure how personal is her situation with LA but as an /o/tist I can do nothing but agree with her thoughts about the place.


>> No.46927636

I visited Wisconsin. I had fun but seems like politics wants to make it like any other ruined west coast city but without any of the good weather or variety of entertainment.

>> No.46927739

>state filled with druggies, commies, endless homeless, and the Mean Bean Machine
One can hate LA just on their costs alone, never mind anything more. Plus, the driving is a nightmare.

>> No.46927983

>i like LA and even i don't like LA.

>> No.46928011

>Mumei understands racial demographics and IQ and crime curves.
If not this, which is the truth, the other cope is usually
>Uhhhh, Democrats yeah, just Democrats.
But if you're a leftoid you can't even use this cope. So what is left?
>Uhhhh, poverty or something like that yeah.
Which is also bigoted against all the poor people who aren't criminals. They have no answer for this really.

>> No.46928082

NTA, but that sums it up.

>> No.46928090

sorry, that's the best i can put it.

>> No.46928233

I've never been outside of my own state but I got tickets for the concert.
Anything I should know about beforehand?

>> No.46928331

Singapore is in Southeast Asia and it mogs LA in literally every way possible. So yes I really would.

>> No.46928500

i've only spent a month in singapore, but the weather is oppressive. i agree that singapore is a way nicer place to visit, and probably a nicer place to live, but it is not strictly better in every way.

>> No.46928565

The only good thing about Singapore is the money

>> No.46928598

Ha ha hahaha, yeah two words of advice. Never relax. Be it around druggies, homeless, or nogs.

>> No.46928614

Yeah I'm sure you'd love the chink overlords boot down your throat
Singapore is a real shithole

>> No.46928647

pretty sure anime expo is going on at the same time, if you like that sort of thing and arent hurting on money id buy a ticket and fuck around there till the concert. I havent read up on if hololive is having any preconcert activities.

>> No.46928688
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LA is consistently one of the most overrated places in the entirety of the United States, and it's unfortunately also what a lot of foreigners are interested in because they hear so much about it. Seriously it's really amusing how many people who don't live in the US think LA is some sort of magical city.

I would say that the only thing nice about LA is the weather, but that's a pointless thing to say because the weather is nice nearly EVERYWHERE in California.

>> No.46928863

LA is a shithole. Anyone and everyone outside of LA County agrees with that position. San Franciscans who have to avoid stepping in piles of human shit every day can still manage to say "At least I don't live in LA". My hometown was destroyed by a wildfire and I can still say, "at least I don't live in LA". Stockton and Oakland may be the only metropolitan areas you can go to in California that are worse than LA and even then that's a real big maybe.

>> No.46928887

>Which is also bigoted against all the poor people who aren't criminals
No it's not. "Poor people are more likely to be criminals but that doesn't mean all poor people are criminals" ez

>> No.46929255


>> No.46929389

NTA, but I can recognize LA's faults but also feel compelled to defend it from the transplants who failed to make it in showbiz and now seethe about it on their podcasts.

>> No.46929452

>These people are more likely to be criminals but that doesn't mean these people are all criminals."
Leftoids get very irrationally angry when you say this though.

>> No.46929606

>Why on god's green earth you'd wanna go to LA of all fucking places?
its where the concert is, dumbass
also its where the ame is

>> No.46929699

You have to be legitimately retarded to even think about "defending" LA.

>> No.46929972

>literal human shit on the ground along with broken glass and HIV infected needles
LA : yes
Singapore : no
>drug addicted homeless everywhere even right next to the decent parts of town
LA : yes
Singapore : no
>more murders, robberies, assaults, rapes, and other violent crimes than most third world countries
LA : yes
Singapore : no
>disgusting slob fat people fucking everywhere along with low iq violent illegals, insane tranny communists, and other genetic detritus
LA : yes
Singapore : no
>if you take one wrong step onto the wrong road you will be kidnapped by the cartels and have your organs extracted or killed by mobs of black teenagers for fun
LA : yes
Singapore : no

Hmm a tough choice guys but I think I’m gonna go with Singapore

>> No.46930024
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reminder that the US is large as fuck with lots of different types of places, including cities and small towns, and no one single place is representative of all others and anyone saying otherwise is selling something
always do research before traveling to another country
good luck to non-US bros attending the concert

>> No.46930036

SoCal is good for nature since you have many aspects not far from you. Snowy mountains, desert hiking trails, the beach, it's great if you like the outdoors. Watch out what blocks you go to, because places can look nice and suddenly turn into tented sidewalks.

>> No.46930037

If you go to LA visit little tokyo, got lots of stuff for weebs

>> No.46930046

Asians are the competent authoritarians that maintain law and order that white people should be.

>> No.46930211

/pol/ has unironically made you retarded

>> No.46930355

Or , you know, you could go to a smaller country that just simply isn't a shithole whatsoever and doesn't requires tons of research to know this. A few of those actually exist in the world.

>> No.46930404

ngl I've lived in both and hyperbole notwithstanding, Singapore really is much more pleasant than LA

>> No.46930416

>as an american
kek good one

>> No.46930599

LA beaches are some of the most dogshit in the entire world. The only people who say they are beautiful haven't been to a good beach. Hollywood is also fucking dogshit. It's underwhelming, overcrowded, full of weirdos, and smells bad.

>> No.46930638

>As an American,

kek, nice joke.

>> No.46930732
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>As an American, I hope California falls into the fucking sea. If the refugees try to swim to shore I will push them back in. If Russia or China invaded Russia to do a Nanking on LA, I would join the invaders. It is a cursed land.

>> No.46930835

VERY subtle

>> No.46930898

LA sucks major ass, the western bordering cities are somewhat better, especially Santa Monica or Malibu.

>> No.46930931
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>> No.46930948

sorry fag but there's only one (You) in there

>> No.46931321

>Lastly, LA has huge potential to be redesigned as a human-oriented city rather than a car-oriented one,

Holy kek work on getting the shitty public transportation to actually come on time and on a schedule first.

>> No.46931423

LA is full of trash and poor people
having said that, probably she shouldn't have said that when the concert is in LA

>> No.46931436

Singapore is a real shithole unless you're in with the rich chinks that run it

>> No.46931616

NTA but singapore is literally the jewel of SEA. It's like an oasis in a desert of shit. And I'm a burger

>> No.46931673
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, real and true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know singapore sucks because i was watching jojo and they were hating on my man polnareff for leaving his bag on the ground and they thought he was littering

>> No.46931750

I'm not a burger and I know more about Singapore than you
It's really a shithole trying to be Tokyo or Shanghai by killing people who spit on the street

>> No.46931855

it's a fiscal paradise, lost of dirty money go to hide in there

>> No.46931965

That’s a weird comparison though it’s like saying worst niji girl Aia is the same as the worst holo Kiara. There is still a huge gap in quality

>> No.46931969

Lol no they don't. Conservatives do, because it's an eternal stick in their craw that liberal states like them are economic powerhouses while Conservative states (except Texas) do nothing but suck up welfare funds from federal dollars, while simultaneously having so many people that they also have to get voting welfare via the electoral college or Republicans would never win another national election.

>> No.46932020

I'd rather live in a city for rich people that punishes bad behavior than a shithole that caters to scum

>> No.46932045

Why is that retard walking in the middle of the road? There's a sidewalk on both sides. Just fucking run him over, he's too dumb to live.

>> No.46932065

lmao i remember the first day i stayed at SF, i went out with family to look around, came back and there was police cars outside my hotel. apparently there was a shooting that took place.

>> No.46932074
File: 35 KB, 770x486, 1577489875915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm yikes. She's must be one of those jealous, flyover philistines. LA is great haha! It's a progressive and diverse city, it even has the beach! It doesn't matter if it has a high cost of living, crime with no punishment, the worst traffic in the country, constant smog, or scores of homeless people who deficate in the open.

pic is me btw, not sure if it matters

>> No.46932087

>it's okay that I live in a shit hole because billionaires live closer to me

>> No.46932170

It's a city of rich people that punishes dissenters and wrong thinkers and strings up a hobo every month for drug charges while the drug money flows freely

>> No.46932175

im not reading all that, cletus

>> No.46932189

>muh blue states versus red states “argument”
Cool, now do blue counties versus red counties. Or even better, blue voters versus red voters.

>> No.46932195

never been, is it similar to toronto?

>> No.46932199


>> No.46932209

Anyone who wants to go visit Los Angeles should visit San Diego instead. You basically get the southern California experience with all of the bad aspects of Los Angeles reduced an order of magnitude.

>> No.46932234
File: 797 KB, 768x1024, 1678071133465469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large parts of LA sucks. Some are good and you can feel safe walking around: Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Westwood, Pasadena, basically where there's fewer blacks and poor people. But the rest of LA is a dump. Little Tokyo is right next to Skidrow, so if you wander 1 street off you're surrounded by homeless people with needles.

>> No.46932258

When you say that about "these" people, sure, but about poor people specifically? The reason that a random poor person is more likely to mug you than a random rich person is pretty obvious, and doesn't require you to assume much else about the person other than the fact that they're poor.
>Are they unintelligent?
Not necessarily.
>Are they naturally aggressive?
Not necessarily.
>Are they a bad person?
If you're willing to argue that the crime can be justified under the right circumstances, then not necessarily.
Leftoids are actually happy to argue that poor people are more likely to be criminals as long as it's due to their poverty and nothing else, because it makes their dream world where no people are poor sound even better.

>> No.46932264

>what are industries

>> No.46932279

That's wrong think
*deported to Indonesia*

>> No.46932301

Wew lad, absolute retard. Multi-national companies that just finance large manufacturing and outsource jobs to china, SEA monkey states or other sub-human habitats are incredibly important to the future of the US.

>> No.46932380

t. cuckservative living off on welfare
you will never be productive, let the big blue boys handle the country you fucking leeches. conservatives are the nijisanji of the US

>> No.46932382

Orange County is nice

>> No.46932430

Beverly Hills isn't what it used to be, it has drastically changed since china flu and the monkey mania of 2020

>> No.46932476

Too many difficult words for you ghetto scholar? Go back to school.

>> No.46932486

>t. cuckservative living off on welfare
Cope, Conservatives earn more and are richer than liberals. You lost.

>> No.46932575

How bad is the homeless problem in LA? I've never been but I got tickets for HoloENConnect and now I'm scared lol

>> No.46932585
File: 86 KB, 640x480, Union-Pacific-looting-Los-Angeles-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if LA or a garbage dump.
On-topically speaking Moom has the right idea, if you want to see the soul of a nation you have to get out of the cities. Based moom.

>> No.46932608

yeah that's why they hold so much power am i right, the only grasp of power you faggots have is your evangelical base. if you fags stop funding da jooz the magic jew on a stick will abandon you.

>> No.46932613

That’s wrong think
*cancelled, fired from job. Later shot by a negro after being evicted*

>> No.46932621

But people who spit on the street should be killed.

>> No.46932627

If that were the case good on them. Fuck blue cities make those basedboys pay for dgyour neetbux

>> No.46932634

Damn, that sucks then. Hope the Westwood area around UCLA is still comfy.

>> No.46932733

I’m not reading that shit
FACTUALLY speaking, red voters earn more than blue voters. Blue states are only more productive because of red voters funding them and making them work. You may now cope and seethe

>> No.46932757
File: 185 KB, 480x480, Smug Sana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to school
brother you didn't even spell defecate right

>> No.46932798

>San Diego
based knower

>> No.46932853

whats the tourist stuff like? i like museums and zoos and aquariums and shit

>> No.46932882

>i'm avoiding the truth
don't worry it's typical of you fags to avoid the truth, go rub some silver mayble it'll get the nanobots off of your retarded ass
I accept your concession.

>> No.46932903

bro...those were the days...

>> No.46932951

>White girl has to run errands
>Forced to interact with pavement apes
>Begins to hate them
>Also interacts with self absorbed retards as well and hates them too
>Disgusting crumbling infrastructure that will never be fixed because that money has to go to ukraine and other destructive US policies lol lmao because you know it just does fuck your safety and well being
Gee I wonder what she knows that any normal person knows about LA and the US as a whole.

>> No.46932954

like that pic but in many places. Stealing less than 900 will not get you jailed, so prepare to be robbed.

>> No.46932957

>yeah that's why they hold so much power am i right
Leftoids manage to hold every position possible on every single issue at once. You whine that rightwingers have so much cultural power over the oppressed underdogs, the resistance (tm) that is leftist elitism and therefore requires violent activism to solve, while also smugly admitting that you have all the cultural power because rightwingers only care about making money and nothing else often enough. You just insincerely switch back and forth your arguments depending on what lets you abuse that power best of course.

>> No.46932956

The quality of an American city is not defined by how red or blue it is, but by how not-black it is.

>> No.46932960

A couple corrections, "Fuck blue cities make those faggots pay for your neetbux."

>> No.46932981

How does this make shitapore better?

>> No.46933004

>Lol no they don't.
I literally live in a blue state right next to NYC and we hate all the annoying fuckers that went running out of NYC to here. Car accidents damn near tripled since they came.

>> No.46933048

>word filter
how fucking new

>> No.46933058

Don’t forget how the biggest Republican presidential landslides were from California residents.

>> No.46933059

He's a redditor. Hit with an analogy.
>If women vanish from existance, society keeps functioning
>If men vanish from existance, society colapses
>If blue trash vanish from existance, society keeps running
>If red vanishes from existance, society colapses
That will teach him

>> No.46933061

>This. Everyone around the US no matter how far or close HATE Californians and New Yorkers and that's for a very good reason.
You still didn't name them, coward.

>> No.46933070

Sure is virtual youtubers in here

>> No.46933100

I left for 8 in 2015 and only came back due to gura.

>> No.46933114

blame mods for leaving obvious pol bait thread up
>"what does she know that we dont?"
like come on

>> No.46933123


>> No.46933149

((( )))

>> No.46933171

Dont worry ill protect you anon

>> No.46933213

Idk how retarded you have to be to think a society can survive instant 50% depopulation
This isn't a movie

>> No.46933274

You're confusing a shithole with an authoritarian state. One is clean, orderly, and only dangerous for degenerates who deserve to die, and other if filthy, hopeless, and dangerous for literally everyone. You're just anti civilization.

>> No.46933275

Cities can survive with most office jobs shutting down, they can't survive without food from farms. Think, retard.

>> No.46933278

>The creator of CashApp and one of the big tech moguls just got stabbed the other day.
dangerously based

>> No.46933298

The synagogue of satan aren't leaving NYC, the false hebrews stay where they are because they have money which means they have protection. All the trashy fucks that can't drive are. Hell they love to come to Florida too. Just like the Californians are flooding Texas. Just last year 700k people LEFT California ffs...

>> No.46933313

- san diego zoo, san diego wild animal park and sea world
- Balboa park has museums and usually other activities
- If you want like to see old stuff like missions and old western buildings take an Old Town tour

>> No.46933324
File: 75 KB, 203x203, 1662367491591723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QRD: There's a vtuber concert in LA and some people are flying there.

>> No.46933333

this analogy is retarded in the first place, without women society goes extinct.

>> No.46933352

Maybe not survive to the same extent by I'm pretty sure farmers are more important to a functioning state than social media influencers

>> No.46933413

Its not even in LA proper, its in fucking inglewood

>> No.46933482

America is living under anarcho-tyranny. That is, extremely authoritarian about its ideology and punishing law abiding people for not following it but allowing anarchy from criminals.

>> No.46933519

That's outside of the point. It was just about saying that women dont do the physical jobs that keep civilization running, food, electricity, oil, construction, plumbing, water supply, military, blablabla, they do office jobs mostly.
Of course if they die humanity couldnt reproduce but that's besides the point

>> No.46933524

ehhh inglewood isn't exactly much better. If it was in Santa Monica or something that would be safer.

>> No.46933542

It's OK anon you can just say you've never met a New Englander in your life.

>> No.46933606

Based owl

>> No.46933617

>Immigrant shill get's killed by an immigrant and is ignored by another immigrant when crying out for help
It's like pottery.

>> No.46933651

What are the odds of some holofan getting their ass beat and mugged? If i were travelling there i'd be going taxi everywhere.

>> No.46933661

It's nuts. I'm probably the 1st New Englander he's ever met.

>> No.46933750
File: 29 KB, 710x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the concert being in Inglewood of all places, I would be more concerned about getting shot than dealing with the homeless.

>> No.46933814

Pretty high, but you'd have to get a ride everywhere anyway because LA has absolute garbage public transport options and everything is absurdly far apart. Choosing to walk LA is a deathwish, but taking a cab to each destination isn't much better for avoiding crime

>> No.46933957

I cannot overstate how implausible it is that there won't be at least a dozen such cases

>> No.46933961

Probably not that high unless you're literally walking through neighborhoods where the locals live. Which is easy to avoid if you're just going to convention center from hotel and back. Just Uber. LA is not a walkable anyways.

>> No.46934032

Getting on a bus or train and you're just asking to get stabbed, robbed, and killed.

>> No.46934093
File: 36 KB, 1016x282, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46934105

There are absolutely going to be naive people travelling from places with safe public transit who are going to try taking the train.

>> No.46934108

Gigafucking based
She knows what sort of subhumans with strangely dark pigments live in LA

>> No.46934165

They come in all colors in America anon. Just not yellow.

>> No.46934250

there's plenty of asians in california

>> No.46934268


>> No.46934318

I've never seen them to be stab happy looters.

>> No.46934333

I fear most for the young nip girls, these animals would only knock them out that is if they're lucky. We all know how much nogs hate Asians.

>> No.46934437

They hop on rooftops to gun down looters or just blow their brains out over orange juice instead.

>> No.46934440

Massive farms with machines that can't have their parts replaced and no fuel for the combine or water for the crops is useless
Again you have to be a complete retard to think any society won't completely collapse from instant 50% depopulation. Everything stops working.

>> No.46934483

I mean if you are you are retarded, so your pick.
Without California the US becomes a 2nd tier shithole as all its other problems come crashing down on it like a sack of bricks. much of the Aerospace industry gone, 2.7 trillion gone, strategic ports gone, Pacific essentially gone, debt no longer serviceable, major financial collapse leading to major political collapse. The only american welcoming that is a retarded one.

>> No.46934510

They just need to watch this video.

>> No.46934575

Unfortunately a lot of Americans are retarded but when Taiwan is invaded and the first missles hit Japan the nation will quickly become war ready.

>> No.46934585


>> No.46934599


>> No.46934619

Good. I hope it happens. Now fuck off back to commie site.

>> No.46934623

All of the majority Asian places here in SoCal aren't based. It's full of Viets, they're just as gang gang as Blacks/Mexicans

>> No.46934672

>They hop on rooftops to gun down looters
they need to get botan up there to provide security

>> No.46934747

I live out in the sticks, but Christian Vietnamese are some of the most awesome people I've met. Are city Viets that bad?

>> No.46934749

>It's full of Viets, they're just as gang gang as Blacks/Mexicans
>Grand Torino movie comes to mind

>> No.46934793

skid row

>> No.46934796

Westminster fucking sucks dude. So does Garden Grove.

>> No.46934800


>> No.46934809

I'm going to demoralize young men into hating all military branches, so even that won't work.

>> No.46934893

Nobody hates LA more than people who live there. This clip is the clearest signal I've seen so far that she's at least lived on the west coast for some period of her life.

>> No.46934939

I believe that's not the case anymore as it was in the 90s. The Mexican cartel affiliated gangs have BTFO the black/viet/other gangs and they have a much smaller presence.

>> No.46934978

You can try but the second a holo has to stop stream to go to the bomb shelter, this country is going WW2 mode

>> No.46934984

LA has a handful of incredibly talented people because it's one of the biggest places of the entertainment industry, but this fact attracts so much utter asshole trash people, narcissists that don't care about making art and just want to get famous and have attention on them. the average quality of both film, games and animation coming out of there has plummeted because of those vapid people.

>> No.46935245

If the US weren't such a shithole, I would agree. Unfortunately the US is a shithole, we must first fix this country before we even think of going to war against another.

>> No.46935254

Bae outed her timezone in their first collab. Also, Mumei has talked about her family having moved around a lot, but specifically mentioned a field trip to Alcatraz during the Room Review with Gura.

>> No.46935426

Nope, kill yourself
We will protect our allies and the free world
We will string your kind up if you try this dialog during wartime

>> No.46935427

Conservative politicians, pundits, and donators are rich. The voterbase are largely less educated and poorer than democrats. Not that this means anything, don't get your panties in a twist over it, just correcting the record.

>> No.46935590 [DELETED] 

>yes because trannies and niggers make me mad It's only fair we let chinks rape Japanese women
I can't wait to kill you cowards

>> No.46935783

I went to high school with a shitton of ghetto Viets that's just me

>> No.46935947

I feel both sides have the same amount of wealth
All this military tough talk is bullshit, the loudest fags will be behind their phone/laptop talkin shit while people die. War is awful.

>> No.46936058

Why don't you tell that to China? I'm fine with dying to stop chinks from fucking up billions of lives.
The writings on the wall. You can either prepare mentally or act like peace is still an option when chinks are massing missles and boats for a first strike

>> No.46936195

hope they wipe out the west coast

>> No.46936246

Pfft, wouldn't make me go on both counts.

>> No.46936297

Yeah they never will touch the mainland only innocent people dying and being raped all across Asia you edgy loser. Hope you grow some balls and a heart by the time it starts or you'll end up dead, here.

>> No.46936371

>I feel both sides have the same amount of wealth
Factually untrue when you look at constituents/voterbase. Even if you look at the bigger picture, like GDP, blue states generate more wealth than red states (exceptions go to Texas and Florida). Again, not making a political argument, I just read someone saying something wrong and corrected him. When teenagers from Iowa talk about California sinking into the ocean, it's hard to resist the urge to try correcting their childish views.

>> No.46936410

She, along with every other person in America, knows that LA is a dirty overpriced drug-infested shithole that nobody in their right mind should ever go to.

>> No.46936432

Sure, just not by yourself. You'll need one person who is used to the daily city shit. If you're visiting a location that's not an actual inner city, you have a better chance with judgement alone

>> No.46936598

dont care bro, eat a dick im not going to war for anyone

>> No.46936644

We'll force you or kill you "bro."
The draft WILL happen

>> No.46936679

kek goodluck im prepared to shoot back :^)

>> No.46936726
File: 3.12 MB, 3840x2160, Resident Evil 4 California.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the misfortune of living in California and don't have anything to contribute to this thread that hasn't already been said, but I finally have a thread relevant reason to use this pic I made in Photoshop.

>> No.46936743

Go ask daddy how he'd feel about that
You're in for a rude awakening :^)

>> No.46936997

Anon the last time I was in LA I watched a man get off his electric scooter, shit on the street, and then ride off without cleaning himself, all about 30 seconds before a woman got hit by a car on the cross walk in front of me. I would turn a corner and see homless camps for blocks bordering like four megabanks. You live in Dredd/Brazil.

>> No.46937138

If that was brazil you'd have gotten shot at least 2 times and the guy would've have an electric scooter, and that lady would be a kid running in the middle of a 8 lane highway

>> No.46937225

And on top of that California's ruined a good portion of Oregon and Washington with their exports. Fuck California and fuck LA.

>> No.46937320

Lmao fair.

>> No.46937610
File: 251 KB, 512x512, 1662405022424546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, there's literally nothing worst than Portland. Not even SF, but a close second. LA and Seattle are tied in my opinion.

>> No.46938044

Portland is a fucking shithole. I ain't disagreeing.

>> No.46938197

lets just say anon that the media made the country look too good.

>> No.46938323

really baffled how he thought that mindset would fly

>> No.46938551

Depends what you want to see. We got nature out the ass. Cozy Medium size artsy fartsy towns are still around and nice. But city experience? Nah, go to Japan or Scandinavia, all of ours are shit.

>> No.46938556

>human-oriented city
Where you gonna get the humans?

>> No.46939063

Worst part about Portland is that it infects literally everything near it.

>> No.46939239

It was good 20+ years ago. Now if you want to visit the states pick any that doesn't border a large body of water. Except Maine and only if you're white.

>> No.46939245

>bus homeless en mass
>west coasters complain but everyone busy being retarded
>20 years later massive homeless population from across the country settles on the west coast
>idiots think it's just a lot of poor lefties with no irony, ignoring how they went from 7% to 1% homeless in the last 2 decades
South Park even did an episode about it lol

>> No.46939331


>> No.46939583

My dad dodged the draft in his native country and came here retard. Do you really think immigrants like me give a shit about this country? We're only here because we can get money, the second war breaks out and the plantation SOIciety tells me to die for it I'm going back to home where I'm safe. You're in for a rude awakening yourself if you think that I'm some small minority or that the millions of other brownoids like me give a shit either. This isn't our country, why should we die for it? But hey have fun fighting alone against Russia, and China, and Iran, and most of the Eurasian continent. I'm sure the few dying delusional patriotic boomers and the nafo-tranny worshipping whitoids will surely make up an effective fighting force

>> No.46939690

You're talking to an immigrant you dumb chink lover
Stooped reading there
Go back or get strung up we don't care

>> No.46939803

Oof you tried

>> No.46939850

Jesus christ fed, turn your high beams off.

>> No.46940017


>> No.46940256

All you need to do is mention Covid and Indian, Korean and black Americans will start calling for nukes on Beijing lmao

>> No.46940743

yes that's because they hate Chinese not because they like or have any loyalty to you
also, lets be real in any war with China Korean Americans will be also thrown under the bus especially if North Korea gets involved, do you think the average neocon whitoid magaboomer cares about the difference between chinks and gooks? no, they will be sent to the concentration camps just the same, like in ww2 with the Japanese. America is unironically extremely racist towards Asians and the "anti racist" stuff is just a facade look what happened with Russia, the same libs that worship BLM immediately turned into nazi tier racists that call an entire race subhuman barbarian orcs, what do you think will happen in a hot war with China where the US mainland is actually threatened? anyone with slanted eyes who comes from east of the Himalayas will be thrown into concentration camps and that's if they're lucky

>> No.46940870

jap managers couldnt possibly have known why this was a bad idea, purizu undasutando

>> No.46940989

>stealth /v/ thread a day ago about the shitty portal problem, but pretending to be about chuubas
>newfags and esls took the bait
>now a stealth /pol/ "my state is better than your state" thread but pretending to be about chuubas
>newfags and esls again took the bait
Nuke this fucking containment board please

>> No.46941025

Blah blah blah I'm going to laugh at you repeating this infront of a firing squad in a few years if you are actually American
Yes, we immigrants like the country that doesn't kill us for being the wrong type of muslim or hindu. Sorry you have so much brain rot you fall for propaganda of a "dying west."

>> No.46941226

I don't think I need to shit on this. It shits on itself so perfectly...

>> No.46941484

so you admit that dissenters are going to be killed by the empire's death squads, you're just delusional enough to believe that you won't be the one being fired at. you know what? I don't even care anymore, there's no point trying to convince someone high on propaganda like you. one day as the white man rounds you and your family up, you'll beg him with tears in your eyes to stop, that you were one of the good ones, that you were a obedient useful little collaborator, that you're happy to know your place, but that won't matter, and he won't care, and it won't get him to stop the bullet going between your eyes. enjoy your delusional reality while it lasts

>> No.46941505

>muh culture war
Real war is a lot more serious, and adults understand this little LARPer.

>> No.46941722

cope zogbot recruiter
this country's young men revolted and rioted in violence and anger when you tried to draft them 60 years ago in Vietnam, when you were far more unified and far more competent
do you really think a draft will work now? do you think that an entire generation of men betrayed by the plantation will go quietly? there will be no draft, you won't do shit

>> No.46942446

An actual chink... with a chink world view that thinks everyone is a secret CCP sympathizer

>> No.46942674

I don't support russia/china or america/nato
I simply will not get drafted because I don't want to die
nothing political about it just self preservation, if I was on the titanic id shove women and children out of the way to get on a lifeboat and if I was under some tyranny I'd sell other people out to get more food for myself
that's all it is simple as

>> No.46942957

That's good for you, just don't curse anyone but yourself when the rest of humanity decides its time to cut the fat
For self preservation

>> No.46943413

aww that's cute, little baby thinks the world is fair. nope. while you're being a good person and getting blown to bits bad guys like me get away with it and stay comfy. does that make you mad? sad? uncomfortable maybe? don't worry buddy maybe your god will make sure justice - oh WAIT I can just "confess" right before I die and everything's all better. hey don't curse anyone but yourself, you chose to be a nice guy right? good for you

>> No.46943785

Nice meltdown
You're just a kid, you'll grow and learn what real "bad guys" are.

>> No.46944168

ok cool
I didn't read any of that
I will dodge the draft
and you can do nothing to stop it
it doesn't really matter what I or you say but that is the truth

>> No.46944272

also imagine typing this cringy garbage >>46942957 out and calling other people kids
obviously this post >>46943413 is also cringe but still learn some self awareness

>> No.46944338
File: 1.11 MB, 3240x2380, Legoland Carlsbad CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, also visit Carlsbad for the Lego

>> No.46944772

I didn't call myself a bad guy you delusional retard, you were the one larping about "cutting the fat of humanity"
I would like to have a mature conversation but when talking to children like yourself you have to use simple terms or they'll get confused

>> No.46945053
File: 121 KB, 1826x170, Screen Shot 2023-04-08 at 10.38.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw if you are asian - this is what white people really think about you. this is what they really think you are. do not fight or die for these people, ever
