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4663772 No.4663772 [Reply] [Original]

what was shion's excuse for bailing on reddit dragon last minute? will there be retribution?

>> No.4663914

Getting dicked down. There will be no retribution. Shion is a whore and coco is just disappointed but expected this much. Hence the fast turn around.

>> No.4663979

She watched an archive in order to prepare for the stream and didn't think she could stomach 20 minutes of exposition of a shitty graph.

>> No.4663987

she's probably about too commit seppuku

>> No.4664049

must've watched the one with calli

>> No.4664052

She realized last minutes that reddit is cringe and bailed the fuck out

>> No.4664115

She's manic depressive and is currently at one of her lows and cannot drag her ass out of bed and even bother at all.

>> No.4664384

Aqua called her to avoid this one, to possibly get back at what Coco has done to her lovely Chinese fans. Aquaaaa

>> No.4664416

not a bad rrat

>> No.4664495

She had to be asleep so she canceled.

>> No.4664629

she posted on her roommate that she's super depressed, like worryingly so

>> No.4665744

they are finally realizing that Coco doesn't care about anybody

>> No.4665786

Maybe cutting hololive out of her life will help. I guess it is probably a clinical thing and not something sad happened to her or her loved ones.

>> No.4666806


Seeing what she wrote I..... don't think so... I think it would realize one of her fears if she did. What she needs is someone to talk to. Desperately. She is definitely not alone in some of the feelings she has and her coworkers would be the most able to understand it. Frankly she doesn't want us telling her what to do though, and its roommate so we can't mention work stuff.

At the least, she should continue to have someone to talk to. Even the way she goes about it. It might even be the best way to go about it, as that's where professionals are.

Also It sounds like she has some bad antis? Does she? Never heard about issues on that level with her (not that I was looking that hard granted...)

>> No.4666846

does japan even have good treatments for depression?

>> No.4666963

I assume not, think they don't care too much about mental health besides treating the people like they're defective

>> No.4667030
File: 214 KB, 850x1202, bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch love!

>> No.4667036

>mental healt care
Hahaha, good one

>> No.4667069

It's not like the US does either

>> No.4667110

Unironically a better treatment than what we do on the west

>> No.4667109

Depression is a meme, it isn't real

>> No.4667113

Too busy laying in bed masturbating and being depressed

>> No.4667206

just dont feel sad, you fucking autist. Just smile more

>> No.4667221

Her antis terrorized some poor girl they thought was her so that made her feel like shit. It's been a few months though.

If she did leave and no one bothered to like her again maybe she would feel better since she wouldn't have people who adore her without question and expectations to live up to.

>> No.4667252

Why do you think eastern asian countries has the highest suicidal rates ?

>> No.4667259

Nah if she watched the one with Calli, she'd know that Coco can do all the work if the guest goes dead fish.

>> No.4667306

What if Coco mogs her?

>> No.4667313

no anon, they are shit with any sort of mental health work, partly because of social stigma.

>> No.4667370

Nah. Then again, neither does any country. Psychiatrists are modern witch doctors.

>> No.4667415

Basically this. I only got out of my depression due to the drug given to me caused hallucinations in my sleep. They were bad enough I stopped being depressed.

>> No.4667426

I think you're mixing up Eastern European and Eastern Asian.

>> No.4667551

Interestingly I also had hallucinations at night trying to get to sleep and nightmares when I did sleep at the depth of my depression, although I refused to take meds.

>> No.4667609

There's no such a thing as good mental treatment. We dont know shit about brain and emotions, those mental practicioner are all frauds.
They are as good as ur tribalistic witch doctor who gave you weird herbal when u said you seeing ur grandpa's ghost

>> No.4667688

Huh, strange. I know the meds did it due to me not actually having those hallucinations prior to them. It kinda helped in a way, it made me sleep a lot less which was a symptom I had (we're talking 10 hrs+).

>> No.4667705

Depression isnt real doctors diagnose people just so they can sell the "medicine" and all that money is going to certain group of people literally everyone feels sad once in a while dont fall for the "im depressed" meme

>> No.4667741

She was getting fucked by an ugly bastard

>> No.4667758

Crying every day and not having the will to get out of bed is not normal.

>> No.4667784

You will never be a woman.

>> No.4667799

Anon, you can tell yourself that. I'll pray that you and anyone dear to you never goes through it. God willing you don't even realize with it, there's nothing worse than realizing what you almost did due to your brain being fucked.

>> No.4667813

This, but unironically

>> No.4667851
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, sleep shion 721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, that'd make sense if she wasn't just done recording something and made said decision in the middle of said work.

>> No.4667890

The only good modern depression treatment is the one being trialled right now that uses LSD, and another that uses magic mushrooms.
It's on the verge of being legalized.

>> No.4667923

>It's on the verge of being legalized.
Not in japan LOL

>> No.4667977

Those covers have been done for at least a month, the recording at least. She only released them now because it was her birthday.

>> No.4667978

its called being a fucking bitch, bitchchama

>> No.4668031

And they did well and were universally loved?

>> No.4668169


>> No.4668174

I think he got confused a bit mate

>> No.4668257

Now that's based. If you depressed just get high and got to sleep, or hire a prostitute and have one hardcore s&m session. Work everytime

>> No.4668530

I don't want Shion to graduate, let me make myself clear. I want her to be happy but I have yet to see evidence that being a part of hololive helps her outside of a solid paycheck.

>> No.4668598

Keep in mind Anon, she's from a cultural group that has even less mental healthcare support than Amerimutts. I doubt hololive itself is to blame, but her own issues. Either her brain literally being chemically out of whack or some trauma. Idk about roommate shit but probably both.
Source: Amerimutt

>> No.4668721

Wow, she's just like me!

>> No.4668736

Being in hololive puts pressure and a spotlight, where you can be loved or hated unconditionally. Not really good for a young, developing mind that has some issues. Graduation might not be the answer, I hope, but it could be.

>> No.4668777

ITT anons with mental issues who have personally accepted their friendship with the rope argue with anons who are angry and in denial about their friendship with the rope about the mental state of a hikki anime avatar streamer who is coming to terms with her friendship with the rope. Sasuga 4chan, never change. You were my home 15 years ago and you’ll be my home in 15 more years.

>> No.4668796

I mean as a medical treatment. Then again, it IS Japan, they are fucking retarded.

>> No.4668824

Well she's currently dealing with some antis, full-on that is. Legal case levels of dealing with antis.

>> No.4668876

At least dozens of people love her(playing an anime girl) and support her, but with strings attached. Why isn't she happy?

>> No.4668887 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 828x581, a11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, you can tell yourself that. I'll pray that you and anyone dear to you never goes through it. God willing you don't even realize with it, there's nothing worse than realizing what you almost did due to your brain being fucked.

>> No.4668913

I may have been born out of wedlock but I am NOT ugly!

>> No.4669201

your question is litteraly answerd by the post you are repying to anon

>> No.4669360

My rrat is Shion and Aqua are going out and too busy munching each other’s carpets right now to stream now.

>> No.4669374

Her feelings are pathologically I'm afraid, the anti thing is exacerbating it, not causing it. If antis are a problem graduation is the solution. If depression is the problem then there isn't an easy solution. Maybe a combination of meds and support from trusted friends and loved ones. That retarded onion seems to love her, start there.

>> No.4669757

>If antis are a problem graduation is the solution
what. no it isn't. people move on and calm down so you just have to wait it out. hell before like 2 days ago even the chinks barely bothered to do anything anymore

>> No.4669824

Asian countries don't fall for spooks like "depression". That's white person shit.

>> No.4669894

>If antis are a problem graduation is the solution.
Quite literally the opposite, if she graduates, the antis win. That's what they want. And they won't leave her alone afterwards either, they know her roommate account so unless she drops off the face of the internet and never pursues a career online ever again, it won't be over. All of the older girls in Hololive have had to deal with antis for years and years before Shion even started streaming. They had to learn to deal with it, and they never were forced to graduate. Shion can manage, but she needs to heal her emotional wounds first.

>> No.4669916

I get what you're saying but I think it's only a problem due to her brain being fucky mate. And that's coming from experience. If her head was fine, it'd be fine. Ironically, it's an easy job that's rewarding.
Once again, sucks for sure. But that's not the cause of her depression, it's most definitely something else. It's not a good thing, but she wasn't fine before the antis.

>> No.4669948

The biggest thing she needs is to talk about it. I think coworkers would be the best people to talk about it with as they would be the most familiar with her anti concerns, and have the most potential benefit for her, being a big part of her life, but we can't mention that because roommate, its frustrating.

>> No.4670009

>Legal case levels of dealing with anti
how does that work? Can you sue someone for trolling? Is she going to sue us for shitposting here?

>> No.4670026

I think they mean like, actual doxing and not the shcizo shitposting roommate shit here.

>> No.4670111

Murder-suicide with Aqua

>> No.4670184

Cover needs to stop hiring young girls since they are not mentally equipped to deal with stress and anti compared to their more experience coworkers. So far this year Haachama, Shion, and Aqua are all going through depression and mental episodes which Cover is obviously not ready to deal with.

>> No.4670233

Haato is just suffering from success.
She did godlike content and doesnt know what to do next

>> No.4670241

Well. That's mostly due to their culture not having good ways of dealing with mental health issues Anon. Granted I agree, more experienced and older staff is better (I love hags Unironically), but the root issue is their SOCIETY

>> No.4670258

Most of gen 5 were older women that have been around the block and Aloe. The average age of each new generation is getting older and older.

Mods and jannies don't do shit unless you call their oshi fat(I've been banned 3 times for calling Okayu fat) or do something in global. As long as no one reports you you're fine.

>> No.4670260

Don't speak if you don't get the reference retard.

>> No.4670268

Fuck off. You want Japan to become as emasculated as the west?

>> No.4670298

yeah, you should probably stop posting now, retard

>> No.4670324

Anon, they're women. They're by definition emasculated retard. Holy shit.

>> No.4670352

So just change the entirety of Japanese society to pander to womens insecurities? That's why western nations are such a fucking cuckfest right now.

>> No.4670373

japan has already been emasculated, BY the west

>> No.4670421

I'm not sure someone like a Mio or a Korone walking up to her and trying to talk to her about it won't do anything but make her run back to her bunker. There is no easy fix, she either pursues meds herself or she works up the courage to not be flailing in the wind. Cover would be overextending their reach if they intervened. It sucks if this becomes a situation where a talent is getting mentally destroyed and no one does anything.

>> No.4670437

>banned for calling Okayu fat
You got what you deserved. Kek

>> No.4670471

A precedent is always made from a tragedy. Who knows what'll happen, but if it's not Shion doing neckrope then it'll be someone else doing it within two years.

>> No.4670488

>I've been banned 3 times for calling Okayu fat
big kusa

>> No.4670519

I would probably drop the hobby if a talent hung herself like that. That would be too devastating. I know we joke but life is still precious and such a young person doing it is very upsetting.

>> No.4670541

>Most of gen 5
not really? Nene and Aloe are young , last i heard there are still only theories on who Lamy is and Botan and Polka are old so its a bit of a tie

>> No.4670571

Their are japanese its bound to happen.

>> No.4670577

I'm not joking this time Anon, nor am I trying to make a rrat. Every piece of entertainment has to eventually deal with a death of a main entertainer. Not retirement, not a long absence, but death. It's gonna suck, but it'll help the industry itself grow and mature. Maybe not neckrope, but death in general is gonna happen sooner rather than later.

>> No.4670659

Death I can handle. It's sad, I know, but teenage suicide is on another level. I hope she doesn't egosa, what we think up are silly slap fights compared to the absolute vitriol that jap antis cook up.

>> No.4670724

Coco should forcefully move Shion into Holohouse. When you're depressed, living by yourself basically amplifies the issue by 10. Same with Aqua really. Okayu or Marine should take her in.

>> No.4670891

I get that. But what can we do other than pray? It's just one of those things.
Honestly a good step in the right direction. However forcing a depressed person isn't a good idea, and you can't really convince them either. Their brain gets all... warped. I know it first hand. >>4670421 puts it right, it's up to her to take those first few steps.

>> No.4671072

>treating mental health

>> No.4674425

trying too hard newfagchama

>> No.4674539

what do you think suicide forest are for

>> No.4674550

No country has

>> No.4675011

Probably saw the memes she'd have to pretend to give a fuck about and went "Fuck this".

>> No.4675026

As opposed to? You anti-Japan losers never shut up

>> No.4675142

lmao there is no "treatment" for depression. The meds are a meme they're just getting you addicted as "cure"

>> No.4676823

The only effective treatment is to stop being such an insufferable faggot

>> No.4676933

Why do you think it has one of the highest suicide ratios of any non third world country? (Hesitant to call it first world with how sociopathic it is)

>> No.4682499
File: 145 KB, 800x789, 1622322907109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The average age of each new generation is getting older and older.
Oh no!

>> No.4684436

mesugaki's are submissive they like being dominated

>> No.4686683

Real capital-D Depression is nowhere near as common as is diagnosed, but it's definitely real. Some people are just born with defective brains that don't uptake serotonin properly.

>> No.4687180

>(I've been banned 3 times for calling Okayu fat
i've been banned 5 times for telling Aquafags and Chumcuks the truth about their Oshis

>> No.4687281

You will never be japanese.

>> No.4687505

well, unlike other health conditions like the heart or kidney, that can be treated with meds, surgery or therapy, mental health is cured by the patient itself, in that case the therapist can help you how to think about it or show you the way and that's all, but it's up to the patient do everything to cure himself

>> No.4687533

Graduation is exactly what the antis want her to do, you fucking retard. And graduation can't guarantee that the herassments will stop.

>> No.4687710

Japan is emasculated as fuck, even more than some western countries LMAO.
What the fuck you're talking about ? Why do you think they aren't having children anymore ?

>> No.4688394

The only thing that can get you out of depression is yourself. No psychologist, no meds, it's YOU.
There are two ways you can do it:
1- Stop being a pussy, start practicing sports and do more physical exercise, eat well and take more sunlight (yes, sunlight make a huge difference)
2- The easiest one and the one that's not worth it: neck yourself.

>> No.4689010

Got kidnapped by some oji-san.

>> No.4689990

gura btfos your oshi in ring fit, get the fuck outta here

>> No.4690022

>will there be retribution?

>> No.4690448

There's literally an erodoujin for this situation, its sequel even explains Aqua's absence

>> No.4692162

Aw fuck, first time I heard about it. I don't really follow her closely but she is nice, hope she is OK.

>> No.4692319

Just enjoy

>> No.4692945

Clearly marine and shion need to take a week long break to have sweaty sex until they forget their mental issues.

>> No.4693004


>> No.4693079
File: 320 KB, 556x640, Korone Life sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sees Thread
>Expects countless Ojisan and horny jokes
>actual discussion about depression

>> No.4693365

>good treatments for depression
There isn't a single country that cares about mental health

>> No.4693377

What would Shion do if she felt better and started streaming again and no one showed up?

>> No.4693414

>I've been banned 3 times for calling Okayu fat)

>> No.4693506

People will say nordic countries but they just hand out antidepressants like candy to try and keep the wheels on their economy turning.
I'd be depressed too with a 50% income tax rate

>> No.4693555

no, she's getting raided by antis basically

>> No.4693589

Okay, what if she started streaming but only antis showed up?

>> No.4693705

Why cant americans understand tax brackets

>> No.4693742

Why do you assume everyone against heavy taxation is American?

>> No.4693793

Just stop being depressed, bro!

>> No.4693916

ITT: non-fanbox peasents

>> No.4694055

I care about her but not to the extent of stalking her. Is it wrong to say that she probably needs a bit of help? I just want to watch the occasional stream but not really have her force it.

>> No.4694155

it's not stalking. her roommate's twitter is publicly open as is the fanbox. even the covers she put on youtube are public.

>> No.4694254

You have to put in a little extra effort to find it. I'm not doing that. It doesn't mean I don't care. Maybe she wants fans of her other shit to go down that route, if so I am doing her a favor by not.

>> No.4694638

ok have fun being out of the loop and not supporting her other work

>> No.4694727

>wanting to hurt coco
>who helped her out of one of her fits of depression
>whom purged a chink's art from her thumbnails after he hid a "your mother is dead" at coco in one of them
just fucking neck yourself.
of course not. the mental healther (menhera) subculture exists because jp society pretends that mental health doesn't exist and that anyone with problems (and thus not being a good little cog in the machine) is just selfish and to be shunned. which unfortunately brings in both people with issues and people who just suspect they have issues, and makes it all the easier for society as a whole to continue being stupid.
(you)'re a meme.
in the west it's actually acknowledged and some effort is made to help balance it out, even if society still automatically files you away as a failure because of it.
what do moogles have to do with anything?
brain chemistry is screwy and everyone needs different stuff to get similar results. shit like depression, bipolar, etc... are much harder to correct for than something like chronic muscle aches or whatever; I'm not sure there'll ever be something that works for everyone.
it wasn't godlike, but she indeed didn't know what to do next.
2 sounds like advice you should take yourself, fuckboy.

>> No.4694780

I'm sure if something major happens that cripples her ability to stream I will learn of it, like her injury and her throat. I do not support her other work as I am not a fan of covers. If she needs general support I will do my part but until then I will calmly wait.

>> No.4694956

>brain chemistry is screwy and everyone needs different stuff to get similar results.
And that's not even addressing how the gut microbiome can influence your mental state

>> No.4697336


>> No.4697764

There won't be any retribution, Coco will just type "Just hurt" in Shion's DM

>> No.4698139

Shion wants to graduate but lacks the will power to do so.

Would you be willing to help her?

>> No.4699837

Shion had an accident with her chair and bruised her head, she had to be sent to the hospital ASAP for treatment. It's obviously impossible to do meme review in these conditions
Here is the proof

>> No.4699989

Sorry I fucked her with my 20 inch dick that mader her little brat womb bulge out of her stomach a few days before, so she was too exhausted to come on

>> No.4704513

Committing sudoku

>> No.4704801

Even though Korea is more pozzed than any of their Asian neighbors, they are somehow more masculine than chinks and japs. I think it's the Christian cultural norms they've established over the past 60 years.

>> No.4704871

Everyone that's not sucking their government's teat for gibs is against excessive taxation.

>> No.4708845 [DELETED] 

It's actually kind of ironic that they have similar issues/problems and would likely be able to relate to each other and benefit from the consultation

>> No.4708938

Shion bailed before cringe kills her, based brat

>> No.4709141

I.... hope she is alright..

Is she going to be okay, guys?
