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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 917 KB, 1016x1016, FiL7UHGUYAAO91P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46574563 No.46574563 [Reply] [Original]

Okay tell me, what's her appeal?
Or is it just muh big numbers?

>> No.46574654

Makes Pippiggers/Boochuds seethe

>> No.46574765

I like her accent. That’s it.

>> No.46574776

she's a blahajschizo, just like me

>> No.46574787

Stop flooding the catalog with this shit and buy some ads already.

>> No.46574800

Shill thread pretending to be a question thread, many such cases.

>> No.46574898


>> No.46574948

Literally who?

>> No.46574969

Autistic hyper brit. Not for me, but I can see the appeal.

>> No.46575125

She will overtake Pipkin and prove that Jews are far better managers than League addled zhangs.

>> No.46575195

She overtook Pipkin yesterday.

>> No.46575328

She's a silly little dude

>> No.46575457
File: 574 KB, 496x1403, Frollo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never throw away your biggest simps.

>> No.46575499

What are you trying to prove now Henry

>> No.46576050

One of the most entertaining and funniest ENtubers, and amazing gap moe.

>> No.46576190

hey, i saw your doujin yesterday on exhentai

>> No.46577103

She's funny and kind of autistic. The pretentious holier-than-thou "how to be a vtuber" shorts videos turned me off from her though, I don't really know why. Maybe I'm also kind of autistic.

>> No.46577569

Gawr gura tag

>> No.46577783

i generally see those shorts as being more of an 'intro to vtubers' kind of thing, something made to capture new viewers rather than preach to current fans, which is probably a good tactic as the vtuber market is so saturated that unless the audience grows it's going to stagnate and die

>> No.46577842

I am once again asking for you to buy a fucking ad space instead of making shill threads

>> No.46580503

keep bumping by asking

>> No.46580614

Funny, cute voice, good bants, not a whore, flat chest, makes chumbkeks seeth

>> No.46580924

Pippa-level ability to sustain a stream of zoomer-comprehensible and sometimes funny verbal diarrhea.

>> No.46581550
File: 490 KB, 1174x639, 1677862975158087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be honest, I really needed a truly girly teenager like her. Her actual age does not matter, what does matter is the character.
Not just pink, unicorns and sweets level, but actual, ACTUAL tumblr-core level. She's the living 2012-2018 internet with a few recent additions.
It's the teenage female autism and it's charming.
With an addition of Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural or The Walking Dead the list would be basically complete. And that's before I get into the real girlcore.
I'm not going to act like it's strong nostalgia bait because that would only apply to zoomers, but i'm just going to be very honest, she reminds me of my former classmates and that's how she caught me.

>> No.46581907

>Hot model
>Zoomer humor
>Machine gun speech
>Doesn't pander to unicorns
>Doesn't pander to /pol/tards
>Doesn't spam "reaction" content
Based based based!!

>> No.46582179

I just want to have sex with her.

>> No.46582190

based and primalpilled

>> No.46582277

Why doesn't hololive have to buy space for millions of hololive threads?

>> No.46582285

Trash design

>> No.46582335

I want to fuck her, therefore she panders to all those things.

>> No.46582355

something something hololive board

>> No.46582399

>With an addition of Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural or The Walking Dead the list would be basically complete. And that's before I get into the real girlcore.
>I'm not going to act like it's strong nostalgia bait because that would only apply to zoomers, but i'm just going to be very honest, she reminds me of my former classmates and that's how she caught me.
>Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural or The Walking Dead
>only to zoomers
The only thing that appeals to zoomers is thinking things that literally everyone else watched is 'zoomercore', having the most generic mainstream tastes that do not differ from your 44yo mother.

>> No.46582575

No, no. Let him cook.

I'll have a great laugh if this rivalry pushed by /vt/ convinces him that he should become a simp for Rin.

>> No.46582673

I want to see her rape the other Idol EN talents.

>> No.46582936
File: 365 KB, 768x767, 1672369838195018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh Phase sisters, are we just going to let this slut get away with it? It's all out war now.

>> No.46582939
File: 1.47 MB, 1431x1120, 1661507879161653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who's older than 20 has in fact watched at least one of those. And that's the issue - ask zoomers and most will have no idea what these are. Or they know but they just don't care.
It's not that it's fundamentally tied to a period like, idk, Baywatch, Power Rangers or Total Drama. Early 10s were much more flexible, if that's what I can say. The best you'll get from zoomers is that TWD game or Harry Potter because it's impossible to avoid the franchise, but it used to be much easier to find Potterheads in literally any place in the world.
With each day I'm struggling to find people who have followed Game of Thrones in any way.
It's easier to say when the tumblr era has ended but it's much harder to say when it started. It just sort of existed in everyone's consciousness for a long time.

>> No.46582991

This is a Rin board now.

>> No.46583534

dont you like troons anon? you're required to.

>> No.46583551

I approve of our new autistic overlord

>> No.46583561

It's always funny to see anons yearn for tumblrinas, like the two are siblings or childhood friends

>> No.46583634


>> No.46583700

we all did dumb shit in the past, be it calling others niggers in mw2 lobbies or raiding justin bieber fandom websites
not that i regret it but it still was dumb

>> No.46583810

I prefer women of my age, and women of my age were almost certainly tumblrinas at some point.
Can't help it.

>> No.46584088

Good thing, if I was a woman I wouldn't be able to put my cock in her ass when she wasn't expecting it!

>> No.46586216

>Daily threads asking the same fucking question
You're running the laziest shill campaign i've ever seen.

>> No.46587261

It works tho

>> No.46589670

So, i should not expect her to be affectionate?

>> No.46594571

Everything people complain about EN VTubers doesn't apply to her. She's not a whore, she doesn't fail to play a character, and at least so far, she's not gotten herself into pointless drama.
Rin isn't a slut, she seems clearly and openly disgusted by any sexual topic.
She has one of the best matches between character and person I've ever seen in the English space. You might not like the character but she does it better than most.
The biggest criticism I've seen is that she doesn't interact with people, largely because she doesn't know how to use social media. But I'm a VOD watcher, so I don't really consider interactivity to be an important part of the VTuber experience. She interacts with chat, and that's good enough for me.

>> No.46594835

I want to shove my cock in her British pussy and fuck her brains out for months on end. It's usually only Asians that have this affect on me, I don't know what her secret it is but it's something powerful.

>> No.46595371

She's the vtuber version of The Spiffing Brit. Just another funny posh Brit gaming the youtube algorithm in front of our faces.

>> No.46596213

the next callioppai. minus the rap/singing

>> No.46596588

So strictly better?

>> No.46598499

Yes, is more than this.
The way she acts with you WILL groom you into being affectionate with her, not kidding. She is very likeable, but definitively not a GFE chuuba. She feels more like a very professional entertainer.

>> No.46599403

Honestly I fell for the “bong accent is a debuff>>46574776
” but realized it depends on the girl and it’s actually a buff most of the time.

>> No.46600421

Autism and this https://files.catbox.moe/zfecdq.mp4

>> No.46600432

I don't get how anyone gets a sanctimonious vibe from her but then again I have seen her debut live where she made light of her image before she even spoke.

>> No.46603154

it depends really if she becomes a collaber with males i will avoid her.

>> No.46604288


>> No.46605837

Rin hasn't done anything to deserve it.
Leave him in the AI gulag, he can't harm anyone there

>> No.46606746

>She's the living 2012-2018 internet with a few recent additions
I'm sold. Living under a rock is a mark of innocence in the modern world.

>> No.46610429

Maybe it's because I'm an ESL but I really like the way she speaks
