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4656955 No.4656955 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone in the main branch ever did a charity stream? Why does EN the only ones doing something new? What is gokisei doing? What even is the point of them? I'm not even a gen 5 schizo but why are they so underwhelming in comparison to EN? Instead of simply leeching the brand, EN always comes up with something new like a talkshow, a podcast, plentiful of chart-topping music. One is even on her way to becoming the most subscribed and popular vtuber ever, surpassing the oyabun herself, which could offer more marketablity and brand power to hololive more than ever before.

>> No.4657060

Most other Holo members including Kiara and Mori would never do a charity stream. For them, the idea that their paypigs money is going to a charity and NOT them is horrifying.

>> No.4657167

Face it anon, the JPs were always underwhelming. They rode Nijisanji's coattails until lockdown and chink clippers like Hololive Moments caused a boom in popularity. It's only with EN that the company has really seen the potential of what they could be.

>> No.4657293

They exceeded expectations, too bad Cover still neglects them.
I mean, Gura might as well not exist to them

>> No.4657427

I'm willing to bet hard cash that Calli being the retard that she is and her generally not giving a fuck about hololive will attempt to do a charity stream for something super controversial like BLM or troons.
She said during her last talking stream that if Amelia's stream was successful she would do one.

>> No.4657537

Polka has her own show.

>> No.4657758

I watched Kiara a bit ago and she mentioned wanting to do an animal charity stream. Someone mentioned that Ame wanted to do one as well, and Kiara talked about wanting to collab with Ame. I'm not sure why that didn't end up working out though as Ame is doing it by herself.

>> No.4658763

Ame has been talking about the charity stream pretty much since she debuted. Though hearing Kiara try to take the idea isn't shocking

>> No.4658856

Because Kiara is fucking unsufferable to collab with and Ame knows it.

>> No.4658911

charities are literal scams. All the money gets pocketed. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4659006


>> No.4659078

I can just see it now - if Kiara ends up doing her own charity stream, you faggots will even stoop so low as to numberfag that as well. "kek, she couldn't even reach 200k!"
What's so great about what Ame's doing anyway? The charity is going to pocket 90% of the funds for themselves. They're a scam.

>> No.4659133

>Kiara ends up doing her own charity stream
>it's for BLM
Can you imagine the shitstorm?

>> No.4659333

You know I’m right

>> No.4659536

>take the idea
Yes anon, before thought, there was only Ame. She invented fire and wheel, gunpowder and the combustible engine
Kiara, who is an avid and very pronounced lover of all animals, deigned to try and STEAL this one and only iteration of an animal charity.
Chicken bad and whatnot

>> No.4659595

Wrong Oshi, that would be Mori or Ina
Kiara would do a pride themed one if anything, since animals is already tagged

>> No.4659964

Realistically speaking Anon When has Japan ever contributed to a charity? They don’t care.

>> No.4661024

kiara said it didn't work out since they live in different countries. she also want to do an animal related charity but probably one that is semi-local.

>> No.4661754

Japan doesn't give favorable tax status to charitable donations like the U.S. does.

So charity streams won't happen for hololiveJP.

>> No.4662121
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>I'm not even a en 5 schizo
Go back to jp you fuck

>> No.4663889 [DELETED] 

>Is EN
What has Gura done that's new? What has Mori no, it's just Ame.

>> No.4663906

>Is EN
no, it's just Ame

>> No.4664072


People sorta forgot the pokemon tournament on nnd is a charity event.

>> No.4664193

well..what would you expected from EOP fags and clipwatcher

They didn't even know that Hololive also exists in NicoNicoDouga too

>> No.4664426

this fags don't watch holojp and probably don't even know about blood donations held by gen5 either.

>> No.4664533

Nips don't have the same culture of charitable giving Anon. That's not say they don't have charities, but they're seen with alot more skepticism. Its a cultural thing. But EN can do some very good charitable work.

>> No.4664635

They're the experimental branch. For good and for bad.

>> No.4664659

5th gen just released goods to support the blood donation drive for thr corona virus in jp. Those that cant donate are asked to purchase the goods. The money is donated

>> No.4664790


Define uderwhelming anon?
These girls bring more money than any holoEN currently has. You were only looking at youtube and not outside.
But desu, non of them needs to work really hard at this point. Their name alone already contributed to the income.
Take ayame and shion for example. They rarely stream but their merch still sold like hot cakes, put them in bloom or holoalt and they'll still bring in money.

Heck even if gura kills someone tomorrow, all the holofag would stand up for her and sue the victim familly. That's how crazy their brand power is

>> No.4664842

Actually mori talked about it recently and back then that she loved to do a charity stream and how she loved the elders, because she used to volunteer for the elderly

Yeh and she thanked ame that she's the gateway of one of many charity streams that will about to come

>> No.4664848

Charities are for faggots anon

>> No.4664850

>ywn get a transfusion from Nene and gain some of her power
>ywn transform into Lamy after getting a transfusion from her

>> No.4664952
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>> No.4665085

The pokemon tournament in NND was a charity stream if noone knows. They donated 1MYen from the proceeds there to the corona virus effort. https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000418.000030268.html

>> No.4665135

this, but unironically.

>> No.4665211

No, they are just bringing the usual Twitch shenanigans, for better or worse, over to Youtube and to Hololive by extension. JPs barely use Twitch so all this is new to them. And by "they" it's mostly Ame an experienced ex-Twitch streamer.

>> No.4665227

Problem is they want events, but cover can't give it due to the whole different country thing and permissions hell.

>> No.4665229

>People sorta forgot the pokemon tournament
Yes, yes they did

>> No.4665263

main event was on nnd, its no wonder they'd forget about it when the platform is cancer to navigate, and I know enough Japanese to do so.

>> No.4665313

holos participated here too.

>> No.4665357

It's a charity for their Japanese viewers to help their fellow Japanese people. So is it really that bad to imagine that they will use NND? We also have permissions to contend with. They were probably only allowed to use NND for it

>> No.4665454

I mean, if YT cuts 30% off whatever is given then it defeats the purpose as well. They might have some arrangement with NND for these kind of situations.

>> No.4665499
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That's what happens the tournament is only shown on NND. I would have loved to see Aki get the Battle Frontier experience live.

>> No.4665592

There was a link in a thread I thought Aki was going to win she was beating everyone then the Oni took it.

>> No.4665693

Who was it that got punked by OHKO moves then? Roboco?

>> No.4666138

I don't know got there late thread was freaking out about Aki.

>> No.4666145


A charity stream in which no one of the audience actually donated anything. From DeepL:

"The campaign was launched on Twitter. In this campaign, Cover and Dwango jointly donated the "Number of Retweets + Number of Likes x 10 yen" collected from campaign tweets to the "Red Feather National Campaign to Support Welfare Activities under New Corona Infection.

As a result, the campaign tweets posted on the day of the broadcast received a total of 49,846 support (total retweets: 30,420 + total likes: 19,426), and to express our gratitude, we doubled the amount to 1 million yen"

This is basically a donation from COVER which is really nice but it doesn't qualify as a charity stream.

>> No.4666218

Also the amount donated by COVER was around 9132 dollars, which is 25 less from what Amelia got by herself.

>> No.4666307

*25 times less. And i quoted the wrong first post lol

>> No.4666362

How many times must this be proven? This board is LITERALLY 98 percent holoEN shitters with maybe 5 percent branching out to korone, haachama, or pekora.

>> No.4667046

I think that is better wouldn't you think? Because they are technically spreading awareness to which people can give money to while also donating money to the said cause. Not to mention how many talents they have to shelve for this event that isn't making money because of this

>> No.4670912

yeah fuck that australian whore

>> No.4671060

And? Not EN fault if JP is so bland.

>> No.4671189

All Ame is doing is taking stuff twitch already does and forcing cover into modern streaming conventions
Kiara wanted to do a charity but wanted one that wasn't just USA only

>> No.4671314
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>> No.4675211

Wouldn't get approved anyway due to the political nature of it all...

>> No.4675368

>cheat-code level voice, S tier singer, inhaled the zoomer humor zeitgeist to become the biggest vtuber on the planet
>Musical artist producing multi-million views banger after multi-million views banger, can draw, sing well, and speak Japanese
>Hyper-competent JP speaker, capable of consecutive interpreting, idol experience, photographic memory
>S tier artist, can speak Japanese, can sing, physically incapable of being controversial

There will never be another gen as talented as HoloMyth

>> No.4675397

Debidebi debiru did a charity stream once to donate for Australian Koalas

>> No.4675573

I dunno, Ina can be pretty degenerate, she's just good at hiding her power level.

>> No.4676313

Considering saying "Happy Pride Month" gets your comment deleted on Mori's stream I doubt that.

>> No.4677579

Is LGBT/pride even that controversial any more? Even in Japan it's become fairly normalised, though not quite so as over here obviously.

>> No.4678309

Being degenerate doesn't make you controversial.

>> No.4678391

>Mori likes older men
New rrat.

>> No.4678856

Ame the Wildcard

>> No.4682869

It's only controversial in US because it's forced down their throat throat barely legal means

>> No.4689288

Charity streams don't make money for Cover.

Not like Ame's subs got boosted either.

>> No.4689901

Yeah they accidentally used a 'U' instead of an 'I'. Definitely ESL anon you're so right.

>> No.4697186

They're newer so they should be, logically speaking.

>> No.4697609

>Ina does charity stream
>It's for comfort women of WW2
Would you donate?

>> No.4698645

>That's how crazy brand power is
I wish this was more understood.

>> No.4698785

> all of holoen comes together for a charity stream
> its a forced feminization charity
> they raise 100 million dollars and now we're all girls

>> No.4704518

yh they are not as bad as the jp schizos try to make it look like
