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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 15 KB, 160x222, ame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4653718 No.4653718 [Reply] [Original]

What a kind girl... Such admirable consideration for others... She cares about doggies and she's beautiful to boot... What a girl! She's captured my heart...

>> No.4653758

I want to lick ame's armpit

>> No.4654093

I want to suck ame's tits

>> No.4654133

I want to tickle ame’s pussy

>> No.4654170

I want to creampie ame's bum

>> No.4654211

I want ame to scat me up

>> No.4654221

I want to live a long and fulfilling life with ame as my loving wife

>> No.4654265

I want to fuck Ame's dog.

>> No.4654284 [DELETED] 

Like many women, she supports things purely on feeling after emotional manipulation is inflicted on her. The actual negative consequences never enter her mind. Save the poor innocent pitbulls or save the incoming refugees, same thing really.

>> No.4654322 [DELETED] 

>Not saving the pitbulls so they can go on to bite many refugee children

>> No.4654370

I want to cuddle ame

>> No.4654426

i want to smell Ame's sticky sweaty after shower armpits

>> No.4654555
File: 136 KB, 1000x1000, B50B0A30-8EF6-4F91-BD43-3B1AB38EC9E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in line, friend.

>> No.4654579

>white women and dogs

>> No.4654589
File: 206 KB, 382x475, 1618378769089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold hands with her while doing a mating press

>> No.4655366 [DELETED] 


>> No.4655391

I want to stir last nights haggis

>> No.4655694


>> No.4655754 [DELETED] 

you sounds like an actual incel

>> No.4655818 [DELETED] 

Or someone from /pol/

>> No.4655848 [DELETED] 

I 100% guarantee you that if you actually equate the pitbulls to refugees, you did that purely on an emotional basis and worked backwards same for everyone who claims logic for themselves and emotion for others.

>> No.4655966

Ame is such a sweetheart. Looking forward to this Planet Zoo part of the stream. She fuckin loves animals so much

>> No.4656056 [DELETED] 

Refugees are actually really based

>> No.4656139

her roommate would want you too as well

>> No.4656666

Hope I meet her

>> No.4656801 [DELETED] 

>not saving pitbulls so they can fuck more white women

>> No.4659253 [DELETED] 

your just gay

>> No.4659352 [DELETED] 

the simps hated him because he told them the blatantly obvious truth

>> No.4661098 [DELETED] 

Why are you replying to yourself?

>> No.4661179
File: 42 KB, 480x473, 1621978763343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pat. You only pat doggies.

>> No.4661371

Is it true she used music on stream without acknowledging the guy who made it?

>> No.4661942

no, ame is in no way at fault.

>> No.4662492 [DELETED] 

mf really replied to himself

>> No.4662746

Only in the same way it's true that you're the biggest thing your mother ever had inside her.

Technically, but in every moral/legal way: no

>> No.4663278

More holos should do charity streams.

>> No.4663334
File: 51 KB, 581x460, Screenshot_227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard had no ground to cry about it anyway. Everything belongs to Cover and Dr. Seuss

>> No.4664059 [DELETED] 

what the actual fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4664162

You mean playing a sample he made using her voice and a Dr Seuss book?

>> No.4664210

idolfags are literal mouthbreathing retards and are incapable of thinking objectively. He had a totally unwarranted breakdown and it was obvious what would happen to him, but yeah if I'm being honest ame only used the music part of his production which I don't think is related in any way to her own stream or dr seuss, so he kind of does have a point.

>> No.4664472

she cute and based

>> No.4664523 [DELETED] 

what's the difference

>> No.4664609

the thing is she played his track without her vocals, which he completely owns

he fucked up when he monetized songs made from the girls vocals

>> No.4664794

you just know

>> No.4664805
File: 152 KB, 308x308, elwatson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few thoughts regarding Holo bass:
1) "He is blaming this on Ame."
No. He specifically says Ame is not to blame and he holds no resentment for Ame or the charity stream.

2) "He was trying to take a cut or stop the charity."
No he wasn't. He said that would go against his conscience.

3) "The issue is that he tried to put the music on spotify."
He admits he was completely in the wrong there. But it is not the issue that led him to flip out to day. What happened is that he asked Cover for clarification: whether it was the dr seuss lyrics, or the character art, or Watson's voice etc. so he could address those concerns and hope to restore the tracks (by removing the offending elements, like changing the art). But Cover went completely silent.

4) "Cover is not legally required to respond to any of his inquiry. Their terms and guidelines are enough."
True. But by that logic, fans aren't legally required to continue their support either. Fans don't draw or compose due to legal requirements, but out of human passion. Cover left him on read, which made him realize he was always just some speck of dirt dependent on their mercy. Which is why he called it quits and wanted to go independent.

My own thoughts: both sides could have handled it better. The dude could have used his holo fame and goodwill to promote his own original works instead of burning the bridge and flipping out like a sperg. Cover could have handled this better by explaining their actions, not out of legal requirements, but simply to treat a small artist as a human being. It is not the first time Cover has frustrated an artist to the point of quitting, with their complete disregard (e.g. Mizuryu Kei). Also one other thing: too many teamates completely mischaracterized his actions, and painted it in the worst light possible. Unfortunately, that's how the internet works.

>> No.4664822


She still played his track without permissions like a moron, and both corpo cocksuckers and COVER will let her get away with it because of Holobass's response. Some retards legit thought he was going to destroy the charity stream because of it.

>> No.4664876

He certainly would've gotten a lot more empathy if he didn't flip his shit literally during her charity live stream. Doesn't look too good, no matter if he isn't accusing her or is in the right

>> No.4664895

cover did nothing wrong to Kei or this retard.

>> No.4664981

Cover did nothing wrong, artist are fucking retarded bitches

>> No.4665038

he's an autist but the actual song he made, without any lyrics, is wholly owned by him.

>> No.4665058

Your JP copywrite reps
Your Cover fan-work TOS reps
Your mouthbreathing reps

>> No.4665122

cover TOS has no legal bearing and is entirely irrelevant, same with any company's TOS. It's like thinking a warranty void if removed sticker actually matters.

Also you didn't read my post carefully enough. His song is derivative, but Ame only played the music that he created from scratch. If Cover would copyright strike someone from playing music created by a holo then it would only make sense for him to be able to strike someone using his original works.

>> No.4665123

oh look halobass internet defense force. if you wanna sue ame for giving your shitty generic fruityloops beat exposure, go right ahead. though whining like a little bitch is all you have left because you're a pusy who caved under pressure. deep down, you know you dont deserve exposure like what ame kindly gave you. shes infinitely more well known than you are, you little bitch, and instead of tweeting about like a fag you should say thanks because i didnt know about your cliche edm fagbeat before ame gave you attention. i heard anotjer anon call you a troon, maybe you should be cliche one last time and fucking blow your troon head off like the rest of you mutants, you fucking faggot.

>> No.4665150

seppuku reps.

>> No.4665193

>if you wanna sue ame
Seems like you could not even read 2 sentences because that's not the issue.

>> No.4665199

>too many teamates completely mischaracterized his actions, and painted it in the worst light possible
he did that himself by posting an incredibly unsympathetic tweet chain. As soon as he even brought up the possibility of doing a copy claim he made himself look like a complete asshole.
>but he said that he wouldn't do that
He shouldn't have tweeted the possibility of doing it at all, even if he internally thought about it. You have to understand what optics are and what he did wasn't optical at fucking all. It comes across as a thuggish intimidation tactic and its easy for teammate, Hololive fans, and even uninformed observers too look at that and think, "This dude's a fucking asshole"

>> No.4665210

>he should be fine getting paid with exposure

>> No.4665220

kill yourself, faggot

>> No.4665257

This thread needs to be nuked

>> No.4665297

now you have nothing haha. enjoy it

>> No.4665316

This is more common than you think. People with a particular talent, but lacking in social awareness. Even the richest folks in the world aren't exempt from this, like Zuckerberg who can't make facial expressions which leads to people calling him a robot.

>> No.4665359

He made enough money from this to pay off his student loans and buy holo merchandise. He said this himself. The exposure DID pay him.

>> No.4665423

He already gave them permission to sing it with Mori's karaoke, and the stream wasn't monetized anyway.

>> No.4665425

holobass music is shit anyways, who cares

>> No.4665431

Holobass can strike ame for using his music track but cover can definitely sue him for profiting using their brand. You need to go to court for this but holobass damage is probably higher.

>> No.4665452

He already got enough exposure. You can't with exposure to something or someone already popular.

>> No.4665540

>like Zuckerberg who can't make facial expressions which leads to people calling him a robot.
He's a Jew. Their reptile brains are incapable of emotions or empathy. They are merely pretending to be human.

>> No.4666065

Must be nice being known as the guy who copyright striked a harmless charity stream. Even if he wins, his career would be over

>> No.4666157

He didn't do it because he was a pussy ass bitch.

>> No.4666169

Bro, sometimes I ask myself: how hard is it to simply not post tantrums on Twitter?

>> No.4667064

Your explanation?

>> No.4667281

ligma balls.

>> No.4667382

>Save the poor innocent pitbulls or save the incoming refugees, same thing really.
Right, insomuch as women react emotionally to whatever sad story is placed in front of them, without any rational consideration of what is best in any given situation. A single kid stuck in a well is equivalent to 5k men dying in a war.

>> No.4667506

I hope you're a musky husky, furfriend, because Bubba's doggy asshole and surrounding butt fuzz is never not encrusted with shit, and he will blast rancid dog braps in your face between every thrust thanks to Ame feeding him the same radioactive gristle she feeds herself.

>> No.4667949

Are you fine with just designating a huge category of people and calling them irrational, indiscriminately? Doesn't an alarm come up in your head like "Warning! I just put myself above billions of people, Self awareness alert! I may be giving my awareness of myself and others' too much credit!!!"
You're just fine with sitting there like "all these people are irrational, not me though"?

>> No.4668016

Check out


>> No.4668286

I wonder this too anon

>> No.4668291

>Are you fine with just designating a huge category of people and calling them irrational, indiscriminately?
I was partly trolling with that comment. It’s a very true thing in general, and happens to both men and women. Whatever people become familiar with, they can easily become emotionally attached too. It’s obviously not all rational. And I’m sure this relates to Ame as well, and likely more to women more than men. But whatever. Also don’t take everything seriously.

>> No.4668319

Babe, you're having an emotional reaction again. Here, watch some Master and Commander with me, it'll put you right out.

>> No.4671290

>too many teamates completely mischaracterized his actions, and painted it in the worst light possible
Anon, both sides are retarded. The thing is Ame has nothing to do with it. It's a charity stream, she gets minus profit from it & holobass even suggesting he can claim the video JUST TO GET COVER'S ATTENTION is way out of line. The worse part is Ame will know about this & it will sour her mood, even if holobass never intended to harm Ame.
For now, Ame & teamates are actually very calm about the whole situation, just look at a total shitshow with Rushia & her fans if you want a comparison.

>> No.4671364

>The worse part is Ame will know about this & it will sour her mood
And this is bad why? She knew what she did. She should feel something for causing this mess.

>> No.4671546

What mess? Singing a song in a non-profit event? Not even Disney can strike a charity event.
That guy is just being salty of Cover for never give him attention. Ame has nothing to do with it.

>> No.4671559

>Not even Disney can strike a charity event.
Do you honestly believe this?

>> No.4671563

I want to dog fuck Ame

>> No.4671688

Anon, Disney's songs are already been used for charity events, especially for kids.

>> No.4671693

Well, it would actually be good for Cover if they did. Every time someone brings up Disney's copyright shenanigans they will bring up Cover and Holos in a good light for decades to come as an emotional, illustrative point, even if they know nothing about them.

>> No.4671811

That's not the point. Do you really think that they CANNOT strike a charity event? Nothing to do about if they will or won't strike a charity event.

>> No.4672155

Of course you can. But whether your cover is copyright infringement or not is decided either automatically by the YT algorithm or if you want, by the judge in the court.
Guess which side they will most likely defend? The poor kids & dogs, or the ones that want to take the poor kids & dogs' chance of life?

>> No.4672306

Money can smooth that shit out easily. That's how they kept extending the stupid copyright duration. You are delusional if you think Disney cannot strike a charity event and win.

>> No.4672468

Alright, sure they can, but they never did as far as I know & I won't hold my breath waiting for holobass to do the same, or even has any chance to win.

>> No.4672537

I don't care about that fag. I'm just pointing out how stupid of you to think that Disney cannot do that.

>> No.4672538

It's just a shame she doesn't care one lick about sharks..

>> No.4673778

but shark is her favorite food

>> No.4673792

It's probably the Ame antis looking to fan the flames. They kept trying to do that during the charity stream.

>> No.4673879 [DELETED] 

Remember that this retard has another channel called Spikey Wikey if you want to write a nice message to him

>> No.4674046

I fully support Holo Bass in this situation. Ame is a selfish whore, she doesnt care about others even they make something that she should be grateful for. AME HATE.

>> No.4674067

hi holobass, when's your next mlp ep dropping?

>> No.4674089

based objective take. I still think he made a dumb decision to nuke everything. Imagine the potential, someone brought up the Living Tombstone as someone who grew famous through fandom (mlp) songs to later produce more independent music.

>> No.4674114

Hi ame, when's your next cock sucking session?

>> No.4674159

even if cover was being an ass, his sense of entitlement over his fan songs kills it for me and most. like have some humility ffs

>> No.4674163

Disney would never risk doing something like that because they'll lose in the court of public opinion extremely hard.

>> No.4674182

thieving whore

>> No.4674200

Right after your oshi dates you.

>> No.4674241

No, all your doing is moving the goalpost because you didn't want to look like a sperg that hates Amelia.

>> No.4674287

Your petty "rationality" is just as grounded in emotion.

>> No.4674376

I hate how EN bitches always create drama every single day. I want to punch the fuck out of those little shits.

>> No.4674434

Oh I do hate Amelia but not for this shit. I hate her for starting the legs on table trend very disgusting.

>> No.4675229

EN branch was a mistake, proven yet again
