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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4652690 No.4652690 [Reply] [Original]

Hello 4chan, i just got into vtuber's and find out this website has a virtual youtubers board. I have some questions to ask you guys real to better my experience here.
What's an ogey?
What's a rrat?
What's a narrative?
What's a gosling?
Why is orange woman bad?
Why is pink cat bad?
Who is the egg?

>> No.4652734
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this is an ogey rrat

>> No.4652815
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Lurk moar and find out yourself.

>> No.4652819

Egg is the reflection in your mirror.

>> No.4653042
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OP, get out of here, NOW!
Do it until it's too late

>> No.4653090

OP I think I love you.

>> No.4653094

>okay but said weird
>rumors about a vtuber
>someone who has actual unrequited love for a vtuber
>annoying, loud, self centered numberfag that wants to collab with vshitjo
>hypocrite and two faced whore
>meme that KFP use to deflect criticism of Kiara due to a doxxed ugly anti

>> No.4653138

Hi, welcome to 4chan. Please take time to read the rules and FAQ. Also people will not spoonfeed you these answers and will probably call you a faggot. Just a heads-up.

>> No.4653143

>What's an ogey?
>What's a rrat?
>What's a narrative?
>What's a gosling?
>Why is orange woman bad?
because of me
>Why is pink cat bad?
same as above
>Who is the egg?

>> No.4653153


>> No.4653155

RLurk Rmoar Aretard T
leaked go pro model for vtubers
>orange woman bad
tranny trump edit
>pink cat bad
pet gore/snuff porn
>the egg
eat it

lurk moar

>> No.4653436 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4653486

Why? What's the big deal

>> No.4653491

This is who you are, /vt/.

>> No.4653559
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Now just gotta wait

>> No.4653612
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Go back

>> No.4653631

Wow thanks for the positivity. Im assuming that the rest of this place is positive and welcoming

>> No.4653845

Do NOT listen to others here! Do NOT lurk more, it's trap made by the evil 4channers to get you use this 2003 old ass site.
Though you should probably lurk more if wanna know first three, your never gonna use them outside of /vt/.
But I will answer
>Why is orange woman bad?
"SJW cuck" or something I dunno.
>Why is pink cat bad?
She hates the lolis.

>> No.4653964

>What's an ogey?
You've misspelled okay, anon...
>What's a rrat?
A small rodent, pretty cute animals
>What's a narrative?
It's a spoken or written account of connected events; a story.
>What's a gosling?
Famous Canadian actor Ryan Gosling
>Why is orange woman bad?
Women can't be orange, anon...
>Why is pink cat bad?
And cats can't be pink
>Who is the egg?
Ask your local grocer

>> No.4654004

KFP detected

>> No.4654753

When ever there's a thread asking why people hate the chicken, you guys say it's because her roommate is a SJW. Don't get angry at me anon for making you sound stupid.

>> No.4654830


>> No.4655252

nice try manager-chan

>> No.4655674

>What's an ogey?
>What's a rrat?
"ogey rrat" is something pekora said in a stream and the phrase caught on in /jp/ (and now here) for no particular reason. rrat is commonly used as shorthand for narrative and ogey is used as a generic dismissive comment towards a rrat
>What's a narrative?
A theory
>What's a gosling?
This is a reference to Ryan gosling's role in blade runner where he lives a painful existence and is love with an AI girl. Anons that call themselves goslings allude to this as they too are in love with fake girls (a vtuber)
>Why is orange woman bad?
People don't like Kiara for a few reasons, with the most prominent ones as follows: she cares too much about numbers, her relationship with Mori seems forced, her voice is annoying, and she has made some comments anons feel were insensitive and self centered, such as congratulating shion for reaching 600k (don't remember the exact number) at the same time as herself, while ignoring how much longer shion had been a vtuber.
>Why is pink cat bad?
Nyanners got her start on 4chan making vocaroos and eventually short videos requested by anons. As you'd expect, these recordings were very racist/generally edgy and no content creator would want to be publicly associated with them. When nyanners was growing she denounced a song she had made for 4chan (about lolis) and essentially called everyone here a horrible pedophile. People are upset at her because of this as well as the fact that her apology seems fake as she has done many other lesser known things and has not apologized for them.
>Who is the egg?
Some bald discordfag that either doxxes or makes falseflag posts (not entirely sure desu) on /vt/

>> No.4657606
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>> No.4659294

He's already been spoonfed by newfriend.

>> No.4659398

please stop anon.

>> No.4659841

egg is a kiara anti who somehow got doxxed, so when you post one of many valid criticisms of her, retards go
because they have no arguments.

>> No.4659916

idk but you should find out why Brosnan is a chad

>> No.4665245
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everyone knows you have to lurk for atleast a year before posting anonchama...

>> No.4665728

Why does veetee love spoonfeeding so much? Is that why it's such a shithole?

>> No.4666343

When i made this thread i thought people would just tell to fuck off and I'll get a good laugh out of it.
I was surprised that people actually answered to the bait whether ironically or unironically, but i guess it doesn't matter since i still got a good laugh

>> No.4667032

>it's like okay
>a small rodent of sorts
>a short story
>a actor
>she was president of America at one point
>She burned our crops and poisoned our water supply
>a vtuber

>> No.4667918

>called everyone here a horrible pedophile
not just from here she threw everyone who liked the song under the bus
then went on doing the same type of shit as if nothing happened
she's the same as those ungrateful twitch goblins
she really hates her audience which is why anons shit on the idiots here that just see a "funny" pink cat

>> No.4669383

Whats a roomate?
Is it an actual roomate or just an alt?

>> No.4672409

Its me

>> No.4672850

Yeah this place fucking sucks lol.

>> No.4673093

I'm your oshis roommate and dick her whenever she's not live and sometimes een while she's live

>> No.4673905


>> No.4675894


>> No.4682074

Retarded newfag don't even try to lurk

>> No.4683357 [SPOILER] 
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I like these questions. Do you have more of them?
