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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46478350 No.46478350 [Reply] [Original]

You know, WACTOR might be shit, but the girls are pretty cute.

>> No.46479486

Always has been

>> No.46481270

Not watching

>> No.46482526

Wacturd HATE

>> No.46482541


>> No.46482609


>> No.46482699

all your fault akira

>> No.46482887

Mahiru is playing LOL, you better come and watch her feeding RIGHT NOW


>> No.46483204

I wonder if the manlet will keep his word and she'll get a new costume after the 3 months

>> No.46483501


>> No.46483763


>> No.46484340

Poor Mahiru
Probably that motherfucker just will tell her an excuse and give her nothing

>> No.46484748

poor girl trapped on this shithole of a company...
at least i hope she is having a good time with her regulars and enjoying the vtuber experience cause is obvious she isn't making money.

>> No.46485294

I like Lily
My lovely larper with acentito
I want her hafu ass to sit on me

>> No.46485510

I think Akira made a similar promise to Ito once...

>> No.46485757

so now she pretend to be half jap?

>> No.46485931


>> No.46486162

the QUEEN is streaming

>> No.46486298

Do you still seething Nico? kek

>> No.46487223 [DELETED] 
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she pretends to be barely legal when she's in her mid/late 20s

>> No.46487307

this tard must think that people is retarded or something.

>> No.46487451

her fans can't be called people, but yes, they are buttfucking retards
just watch the acentito video and check the comments section

>> No.46487546

still seething Nico???? gtfo
I love her acentito and how retarded she is

>> No.46487612

way more ccv than Sezia
you are trying too hard, Nico
Meica still hates you

>> No.46487743

learn to fucking read
she said the police made made the assumption she was underage
acentito never said she looks barely legal
the one who does that is Nisha

>> No.46487941
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Yucateca>>>>>>>retarded chilanga larping as a jap.

>> No.46488075

And she does look that way ToT

>> No.46488095

But Nisha does look barely legal

>> No.46488106
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Shitters eat a bag of dicks.

>> No.46488365


>> No.46488423

jesus fucking christ nigger, nobody is gonna believe a non japanese whore was mistaken for an underage girl by japanese police, it's just another one of her fucking lies
the acentito video is to check how utterly retarded her fanbase is, and by your lack of understanding skills I assume you're part of it

>> No.46488511 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46488574

retarded kid fuck off and go to do your tarea.

>> No.46488677
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I can't believe Netto doesn't even make it to the top 15, this shit must be wrong.
I have no idea what I'm doing. I used chatgpt to make the graphs for me, special thanks to Arturo for doing the actual scraping

>> No.46488751

who cares autist.

>> No.46488766

She's literally Mexican, dude. What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.46489286

the shitter is fucking pathetic.

>> No.46489790

Just like hina and meica, she was first japanese the a bit of philipines and paraguay then hafu and now pretends to not know spanish and that japanese is her first languague

>> No.46489841 [DELETED] 
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>that trans inclusive feminism feel
niji rejects.

>> No.46489876

She said she was hafu and had Paraguayan blood straight on her debut, pathetic shitter.

>> No.46489956

ignore the underage retard, don't you see his pathetic attempts to bait a reply

>> No.46490053

You are talking to a threadwatcher who never watched any stream so obviously he don't know about the many times that sopa talked about those things on stream
That pathetic shitter always out himself for free, it's not even funny

>> No.46490059


>> No.46490118

Oh no meicacuck is mad, kek

>> No.46490123

It's the same fag that failed at falseflag in both wactor and himea threads?

>> No.46490175

That same pathetic fag, he is always trying to bait and ends up crying, but it's not funny since he doesn't even make his job as a shitter, he outs himself that easy that is not even funny to reply to him

>> No.46490302

Don't forget that fag is the same person that every single time that he humilliates himself he start ranting and screaming stupid nonsense like muh esl anon or muh insertwordhere-fag

>> No.46490318

what’s with the sudden sezia and acentito comparisons?

>> No.46490322

Sopiputos are not even consistent with their narrative

>> No.46490456

Oh, i remember that dude, he lost an argument against me once and he started calling me liafag, even if i was shitting on lia preferential treatment but for some reason the very limited reading comprehension of that monkey made him believe that i was actually defending lia, shit was really funny. Then the fag starts larping as a fluent english speaker, that's even funnier

>> No.46490618

Yeah, it's kind of sad to see him replying to the thread but nobody replying to his shitty low quality bait, he isn't even replying to other people's posts, he is just leaving comments to the air expecting for somebody to pick his crap, imagine being this much pathetic, but it's better if we stop bullying him or he will get so butthurt that he will start reporting as we always does, this poor sore loser

>> No.46490667

Get a room, fags.

>> No.46490754

I don't even know what those schizos are talking about

>> No.46491009

Come on, where's the spirit.
/WACTOR/ is truly dead...

>> No.46491182

does this take into account the "op's info" aka streams and schedules ?

>> No.46491285 [DELETED] 
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>Miu on the left
reminder that Akira is a scammer, and her mom and Miu are on it for too.

>> No.46491384

>the manchild is wasting your SC money on fucking airsoft

>> No.46491471

You just picked a girl and stated she's Miu but there is no evidence any of the girls is Miu. Or that the other one is Lia.

>> No.46491546

>he didn't watched that video

>> No.46491659

Post it or shut the fuck up. You're just like that retard who comes to shit up our thread with "the Japs are saying Lia is in a vegetative state. No, I can't link a tweet or anything just trust me bro".

>> No.46491693

Good afternon, I don't watch disgusting paraguayas liars and cringe

>> No.46491720

hilarious how Miu forgot about spics since the shit hit the fan

>> No.46491877

Shit, you're right. That may be why Miu is so fucking high all the time.

>> No.46491910

Miu is the most hipocrital FAKE cunt on the vtuber industry

>> No.46492175 [DELETED] 
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>copypasted content like other takas.
>mediocre cartonish voice.
>parroting the same spanish words like a cockatoo, watashi tacotaco wakaranai poii.
>manipulative (for example, the collabing with males question,).
>isolated from her viewers like a Holomem because she can't into espeingo.
>below average ASMRs.
>fake ass personality.
>constanly lies about caring about learning spanish and make shitty excuses.
>she lies on daily basis
>Shes married and Aki isn't a friend but her sister in law.
>preteend to be a senpai of other talents to the public yet is part of the staff
>she was the one that doxxed Misora since the midget is only the face of the agency, Miu controls all
>naisu Supaaa!.

>> No.46492238
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>> No.46492374


>> No.46492497


>> No.46492500

Pal confirmed that on her RM account, she was talking about her days on Wactor and how Miu was pushing shit to her, like demanding a % of views to her vods and a minimal amount CCVs or she will gert admonishment and Wactor get a extra % of her gains, yes she confirmed that Miu is part od the staff.

>> No.46492561


>> No.46492664

i'm the chink anon, and i'm not lying on this shit, yet i will not share that account /here/ i will not bring her problems with the midget, if you want to know it go to that chink forum.

>> No.46492675

Cucktomos in eternal denial

>> No.46492794

>demanding a % of views to her vods
How does this works? it must be a mistranslation.

>> No.46492830

Hi ozuni

>> No.46493111

my english is not good sorry, is amount of views, she hinted that Wactor demands a minimal number for VOD or they will consider that you were not doing your work properly, and too that number deppends on the subs number the talent have.

>> No.46493272

That requirement is completely ignorant to the fact that subs tend to naturally become dead subs.
WTF Akira.

>> No.46493273
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wtf scamers bros?!

>> No.46493357


>> No.46493386

Any news on Himari? Is she going to redebut?

>> No.46493566

I hope Akira exploits the new fags to death, they deserve it for signing up to him. Shameless groomers will be tortured by the manlet.

>> No.46493585

The best Taka

>> No.46493738

Thread full of underage retards. Stop replying to the obvious raiding shtiters and do the thingy.
Bilibili doesnt even have a way to know CCV and they didnt even had the obligation to stream on youtube.
Stupid people both making shit up to hurt some girl and the tourists swallowing everything without even a pic

>> No.46494092

Og chinck anon didn't gave a shit since he just posted Himari's Weibo account

>> No.46495755

Shitters went away, now I will discuss how I will solve China's population bomb with Yumi's help

>> No.46496118

I want to fuck Sezia
That's all i will say
Good afternoon

>> No.46496651

I can confirm this, Pal also said that Lia and Akira used to have sex all the time at the off collabs and 3Ds even if there were other girls in the room

>> No.46497050

I am akiras cat

>> No.46497123

Maybe so, but it's only a matter of time that your oshi gets terminated in regards of their track record.

>> No.46497928

No one said a thing about yesterday's Babu and Sezia collab...

>> No.46498012

It's funny that nobody talk about how the one who really had something with akira was Hana (Reyu)

>> No.46498362

Does it matter at this point?

>> No.46498418

They confused her with another girl

>> No.46498633

>Chinks in Yumi's chat
>Yumi talking about weight loss
>Yumi talking about Ramadan
>Yumi talking about chinese medicine
This is the girl is top kino

>> No.46498799

It's a shame she has such a disgusting voice

>> No.46498911

What are you?
A faggot?

>> No.46498996

>Yumi wants to gain more weight because she lost a bunch during the lockdowns
Gorditas chads keep winning

>> No.46499106

Yumi was talking about food poisoning and "natural" forced abortions during the Chinese empire

>> No.46499830

>half a hour of talking about poisoning

>> No.46500025

torture queen

>> No.46500647

I can confirm this, even pal also said that hina was annoyed and demanded akira to have a lot more sex with her because with the superchats she received he could buy many more condoms.

>> No.46501075

Guess Yumi's age, she was talking about indestructible Nokia memes

>> No.46501210

well her parents must have one of those chinese restaurants, it's normal to know about poison, and food poisoning

>> No.46501241

She has been a confirmed hag for quite some time

>> No.46501282

Not about food handling, straight up adding shit to food to kill people

>> No.46501480

>adding shit to food to kill people
>chinese restaurant

>> No.46501678

>already made her farewells
>Still 20 minutes to go

>> No.46501795

>She is writing her members names to thank them individually

>> No.46501906

When you have so few regulars you have to tie them down.

>> No.46502177

>6 hours and Reimu is still streaming
>her last stream was 9 hours
wtf her streams are always this long?

>> No.46502237

Why are you watching Reimu?
Have some self respect

>> No.46502488

i like her to bitch and shit on spanish speakers, and our countries and how much she love anglos

>> No.46502580

If you are that masochist just watch Meica, at least she entertaining

>> No.46502767

that isn't even masochism but plain retardation, why there are faggots like this? chicanos need to be gassed.

>> No.46504658

has 4chan search being broken for days for someone else?

>> No.46505078

yeah it's broken as shit but only like 0,1% of users know it exists so you donct hear about it

>> No.46506323


Jefaza is on

>> No.46506494

What could have been

>> No.46506518

JaniFukui would have been a better Jefaza.

>> No.46506836

When did Sezia become SEX incarnate?

>> No.46506937


>> No.46507043

sexing sexia

>> No.46508002

When we all lost Neon
Eru is just leeching hard on her friendship with Reimu

>> No.46508258 [DELETED] 

Lily is whatever the fuck she is and has been living in Japan for years
She has never hinted that she is a hafu
Unlike Meica that kept trying to gaslight her misopitos that she couldn’t understand spanish, then she could
And now she is an argie who sometimes forgets all of her Spanish

Must be hard to be a meicatard
Nishafags are the luckiest ones in this mess

>> No.46508399 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46508486

Very weak bait retard, better do something more useful with your sunday kiddo

>> No.46508721

She lived in Japan until 6 years ago, when she turned 18 she returned to Paraguay for a while, then she returned to Japan to her uncle's house to enter the university, but a year and a half later the pandemic began her mom and dad lost their jobs and couldn't keep sending money to her and her brother, she suffered a whole year like cinderella until she became a vtuber

>> No.46508945

She a actual succubus, she leeching your life force through the screen

>> No.46509036

Started with a Meicabait and finished with a tribalbait
Keep trying faggotcito

>> No.46510119

>first report and then trying to gaslighting

typical meicatard tactic

>> No.46510421

I don't even know why they bother, if you know how to search you can find the Japanese colony where she lived

>> No.46510529

Fucking leave this place Tamiel

>> No.46510538

I like Miu's model, it's cute

>> No.46510728
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Me too

>> No.46511454


>> No.46511479

Super scammer

>> No.46512571

Yes, She took away all my semen!!!

>> No.46512611

I have mixed feelings for Miu.

>> No.46512731

>cute models
This is true.
>godawful company
also true.
I refuse to watch and I hope Akira eats a bag of dicks in prison.

>> No.46512891

I lost all my respect for her

>> No.46513599


>> No.46514660


>> No.46514712

Can't watch her without thinking about the things my oshi had to endure.

>> No.46515344

i want to kiss her

>> No.46515701

I want to hug her

>> No.46515782

My enjoyment for vtubing has died.

>> No.46515919

Take the Hololive pill.

>> No.46516122


>> No.46516395

>/wactor/ thread
>No discussion at all and just blaming each other
can you guys take your meds for at least one day?

>> No.46516474

is there anything to discuss?

>> No.46516542


>> No.46516577

watch hololive or just date a girl, the 2nd is more efficient and get you actual pussy

>> No.46516774

don't worry anon, she will be back

>> No.46516825

anon.... she won't back...

>> No.46517001

i miss her...

>> No.46517024 [DELETED] 

Never comeback disgusting whore

>> No.46517185 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46517242 [DELETED] 


Geez. I'm absolutely done with Miu


i don't watch vegetative whores

>> No.46517279


>> No.46517384


>> No.46517398

Redebut when?

>> No.46517538

why would expose her again to the shitstorm? Are you high or something? Leave her alone faggot

>> No.46517696

in the middle of 2023 still watching hololive? where they only speak taka taka?

>> No.46517765

she's not coming back, anon. She's in heaven now and in a better place, god rest her soul.

>> No.46517817

...yes? get me a better place to actually enjoying v-tubing? Niji? PC? jewidols? that fucking company where the CEO and manager fucked her entire server for months?

>> No.46517820

Cuuming soon

>> No.46517910


>> No.46517972

ah you're the shitter, welcome back fellow shitposter, i will guide you over 4channel.org

>> No.46518014

The funny thing is that they only watch Hololive for the clips and never the live streams to at least interact with them. No wait, they never will! not even with a red SC before several rainbows

>> No.46518250

I have the feeling that chuchumeica is coprophilic

>> No.46518275

Is very common for dramasisters to not watch any stream at all, i enjoy v-tubers, from corpos, to middle indies and literally 1views, thinking that a brand can ruin your enjoyment is just retarded, unless that brand self destroy like Wactor did.

>> No.46518316

How do we make the larpera con acentito quit?? I can't have her have more views than my oshis

>> No.46518407

based, keep making shitters seethe

>> No.46518496

>self replying
shitterchama.... come on...

>> No.46518507

Impregnate her

>> No.46518580

No thanks I only watch Himea, la larpera does not deserve my european genes

>> No.46518582
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This 2 won't give up so easy


>> No.46518673


>> No.46519076

I'm a bald frog hair away from making a fan art of them

>> No.46519635

There will never be an Holo ES and that's fine. Wactor apparently the only J vtubing attempt that failed and Niji and H already saw that. The day 3D for indies is perfected with accessible devices, the vtubing corpo will die

>> No.46520125

not really, the next event happening in the world will erase indie v-tubing and regulated corpos like Niji and Holo will dominate the scene once again, the fracture of the economic system is happening this year and zoomers and late millennials will be forced to mature, get a job and do something with their life or do whatever the must do to survive for a little of attention.

Remember, v-tuber boom occurred due to the pandemic and everyone being lock down, now everyone has to go out to work, study, etc and the decline was evident but not so much to hit hololive and nijisaji incomes, since they're the "Go to" for v-tuber media.

The indies tho took a big hit in the post-pandemic, and with the next economic collapse, no one will have the time to watch v-tubers or try to be a v-tuber, except for big corpos.

If Holo ESP is real or not, that's something that time will tell, i think the ESP market need rules instead of the disaster that wactor tried to do, only pandering isn't enough and putting ESP talking tubas isn't always effective in the long term, you need to get a system on how to capture an audience and keep them for a long time.

>> No.46520688

The method is to build a family illusion, the Holobox.
We have been screaming for in-house collabs (before the fags) like crazy, and never got a SINGLE big only girls collab.
WACTOR never had the brand feel, it was more a loose union of indies attached by a corpo name.
We never had the advantages of watching exclusively WACTOR. Like the Holodrones have watching exclusively Hololive.

>> No.46521024

that "holobox" brings money and play into a narrative that you can buy, and make a strong cohesion between branches and talents so make it real, even it's not real. that's something that Nijisaji EN tried and failed after their 4th gen where everything went to shit.

Now that "loose union of indie" is the same recipe that Nijisaji EN tried and without a "decent" management, you can see how with Wactor, the future of that union, hence, no "big only girls collab", because they're not together, they're farming gachis so they can fuck off after, and that's the n°1 objetive in being a corpo tuba in the middle or small ranks.

That's going to disappear in the next rescission tho.

>> No.46521038

You generalize too much, there will always be independent vtubers after this crisis. I burst the bubble and it is regulating

>> No.46521189

the bubble hasn't even bust yet, that's how much i will tell since i'm inside the finances waters in my job, but yes, big indies will survive, that's true, but middles indies will struggle and small ones will be wiped out.

>> No.46521326

>I burst the bubble

>> No.46521798

Burst the babu

>> No.46523068
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T o T

>> No.46523200

Good night, I don't watch disgusting paraguayas liars and cringe

>> No.46523548

What going to be Misopitas reaction if Holoes is actually announced?
Also what if she doesn't get in?

>> No.46523628


>> No.46524921

Disgusting 'porean whore

>> No.46526687


>> No.46528443

So Leo is dead too?
Who will be the next?

>> No.46528923


>> No.46530512

The winner of the Spanish study, Kaichou's nightmare, humble Kson and independent vtuber has returned !!


>> No.46530856


>> No.46531779

good night, I don't watch disgusting choripaneras who sign for another year in black companies

>> No.46531879


>> No.46532228

Disgusting fujo
She is the same or worse than Ofebald

>> No.46532376

I dont watch chuchumecas

>> No.46533762

I now what you feel...

>> No.46535600

I love Yumi

>> No.46535677
File: 388 KB, 661x645, 1677463579433732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's worse
Akira being just retarded as a CEO, like not investing your profit into your main star like Misora (the girl should have been given a good PC with the first 2k in profits) but rather putting all that money into bullshit like the "SWORD" video or Lia's 3D model only for Lia's sake and that money is never going to come back because nobody gives a fuck about songs and nobody gives a fuck about Lia anyways.
Misora being just a bitch full of feminist/empowering-women ideas that thinks she can do whatever she wants and manage her own boss like Homelander pretended to do with Edgar Stan just because it just happened that her dumbness was seen as cute and funny and because she is a woman apparently and woman = strong so she saw herself as being oppressed. While there is nothing wrong with negotiating your contract, the lack of transparency from misora just tells me she also did wrong and that probably Akira was right in just getting rid of her.
Luna being just a womanchild, not being able to even take care of a simple discord server, or not being able to even make a decent new model not even when she was in Wactor (her second model was shit) and call anybody who criticizes her as just 'toxic person', totally throwing away her talent and also baiting virgins with her irl image.
All the fags here who share the same monkey latino brain who simp for any of these girls (Akira included) and pretend to engage here in honest discussions while is pretty obvious that they are trying to push narratives and ideas that benefits X or Y party because they are so pathetic that they feel fulfilled by making her party 'win'.

>> No.46536121

You talk way too much
You talk way too mUUUuuch

>> No.46536481

I need to hear Lia's sweet voice whispering to me

>> No.46538739

the first one

>> No.46539289

The last one is the sadest one imo

>> No.46539698

the first but the last is sad and true

>> No.46539749

>not being able to even take care of a simple discord
Fuck off failed groomer discord tranny, that's the one thing Nisha did right. Getting rid of you.

>> No.46539890

How could he abandon her like that?

>> No.46540053 [DELETED] 

Sadly, almost all of the mod/groomer/fans in the ES community are simple-minded mouthbreathers who put their own selfish desires ahead of what is best for the community at large.

You see a couple of power hungry DDs make a discord server not because they want to grow the community (and they will lie to your face that they do), but because they want the power and access to the girls that comes with being a mod or admin of that server. This same logic also applies to subreddits or facebook groups.

You also see clippers making clips not out of love, but for attention from the girl, for profit, or fame. The same also applies to artists or anyone else who is a creator of any kind.

And then you have an abusive mod, who sees these lowlife scums and decides to take advantage of their bad intentions and gives them power and access to the girls.

This is how a black company is born.

>> No.46540115

Sadly, almost all of the mod/groomer/fans in the ES community are simple-minded mouthbreathers who put their own selfish desires ahead of what is best for the community at large.

You see a couple of power hungry DDs make a discord server not because they want to grow the community (and they will lie to your face that they do), but because they want the power and access to the girls that comes with being a mod or admin of that server. This same logic also applies to subreddits or facebook groups.

You also see clippers making clips not out of love, but for attention from the girl, for profit, or for fame. The same also applies to artists or anyone else who is a creator of any kind.

And then you have an abusive CEO, who sees these lowlife scums and decides to take advantage of their bad intentions and gives them power and access to the girls.

This is how a black company is born.

>> No.46540534

It also saddens me a lot when I'm watching a pandering indie and chat is more interested in talking with fucking mods rather than actually watch and at least try to interact with the girl.
That's super disrespectful, like why the fuck are you even watching a vtuber if you don't care about them.

>> No.46541624

>You also see clippers making clips not out of love
I mean, nothing wrong with that IMO, everyone can have their own selfish desires, but girls shouldn't give special treatment to these lowlife and Misora def crossed that line. Akira was a retard for not preventing the situation to become worse.
>And then you have an abusive CEO, who sees these lowlife scums and decides to take advantage of their bad intentions and gives them power and access to the girls.
He probably saw himself as a genius for getting free labor. I don't really watch vtubers, Wactor was the first company I ever watched from but I'm sure you don't have this 'discord problem' in companies like Hololive. You should be very selective with the people who are going to interact with your idol, because at the very end, they are idols, whether they like it or not. Profits will always be tied to how much masculine interaction does the idol in question have irl. It is just how it works.

>> No.46542416

Everyone is free to have desires, but those desires need to be set aside the minute someone decides they want a position of power or gratitude from a chuuba. It's disgusting how many times you see a groomer try to take advantage of a girl by doing something for them then stopping the instant they are given a role.

I only see this in the ES community, if you have seen it in other places, share it.

>> No.46542668


>> No.46542726

no that happens in all communities, I remember a drama in jp about a nip who made 3d models "for free"
He took advantage of the girls that he made models for free and sexually harassed them.

>> No.46542902

It seems the other communities just hide it better, I don't know if that's good or bad.

These scums need to be punished wherever they appear, and not be allowed anywhere close to the girls when they are found out.

>> No.46542949

icemega5 isn't japanese

>> No.46543177

Oh, really? Well, it was a drama in the jp community. hitomi chris is another drama that comes to mind


Nobody here knows about the Japanese indie scene so I'm not surprised that we don't know much and by the way if you want to know about the gringo scene there's the case of Henry and Phase Connection

>> No.46543879

Laila and Misora were Wactor's golden gooses (if you don't count the chink market), so the first 2 go hand by hand
And I'm not talking just about revenue, Laila and Misora were the face of Wactor EN/ES, the ones that did collabs with indiegentes and nijinegros, the ones that made the name Wactor go actually international, but the the Laila dox happened and it was a downhill from there
Funny how both Laila and Misora ended being doxed due to the manlet's mental retardation
Nobody outside Wactor "fans" cared about the rest of the ES talents

>> No.46543880

I know that guy became the biggest Pippa anti.
What happened?

>> No.46544678


>> No.46545019

dude did a lot of shill other shit behind the scenes that i don't know.
then pippa's boyfriend got leaked and henry considered it betrayal and the rest of the story you already know

>> No.46545221

gtfo Akira

>> No.46545671

Wait, who enters in a chat to talk with mods... I mean... Why??

>> No.46545956

why not? people like nico are mods of several vtubers, joining these groups means being in direct contact with several vtubers according to the logic of those idiots

>> No.46547951


>> No.46548407

premarital unprotected sex with Aisu while Akami watches us bump

>> No.46548964

>You see a couple of power hungry DDs make a discord server not because they want to grow the community
Sadly that's exactly what happening with Himea and la caca real. Those fags don't give a shit about her vtuber career or the rest of the fans (they wouldn't be doing a separatist group like that if that was the case) theses fags are a bunch of attention hungry fags that make gifts for her in an attempt to groom her and get noticed.
And who the fuck they think they are to proclaim themselves as "royal" something? There you can see they are trying to get themself more importance that what they really have.

>> No.46549134

Idol is better

>> No.46550133 [DELETED] 

Who gives a fuck about choripaneras, go back to your containment thread. We're discussing real talented vtubers here.

>> No.46550369
File: 156 KB, 328x330, 01222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep seething, kid.
She's a talent related to Wactor unlike your offtopic garbage.

>> No.46550681

Speaking of secret gifts, Sopa groomers made the same thing for her 6 months stream. And we never knew where was that server located.

>> No.46551131

>And we never knew where was that server located.
Really? wasn't it the translators server?
>Sopa groomers made the same thing
My fear is that she might do the same mistakes as her if she's not careful and build up some distance.

>> No.46551718
File: 80 KB, 720x647, Screenshot_20230403-090740~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you feel excluded you can blame no one but yourself.
I'm not in that place either by my own choice, and I'm not complaining all the time about them like a bitch.
>if she's not careful and build up some distance
She doesn't give them attention as a group, she treats her fans as la horda when interacting.
You're giving them more importance than what they deserve.
What do you want? That she ignores them completely? That's impossible since they're the biggest donors.

>> No.46551925

Fuck off Caca real member

>> No.46552206

I'm not, but sometimes you make me want to leave this place and stop being associated with (You)

>> No.46552974

I'm not complaining about not being part about that cringe groomer group. I'm not joining those retards either. Whatever I make something for her it would be anonymously, or in regard of la horda, I'm not trying to monopolize the attention by making a separate group to feel special like them.
>That's impossible since they're the biggest donors
Even BOB anon gave her more red supas, and he gave those without any selfish intentions, unlike those retards that send supas just to get her attention.

>> No.46553379

There are other frequent donors who do not belong to the guard and I do not see any complaints from them.

>> No.46553561

there are so many cases of shit chuuba companies lucking into good talent

>> No.46553987

You're talking to BOB btw Steady blue supas gives her more money than a few reds here and there, they're still big donors you can't ask her to ignore them

>> No.46554136

hmmm let me guess, you are also the AI fag?

>> No.46554237

Send her a blue supa next time. I want to see how she reacts to your presence.

>> No.46554314

Any news on Lia?

>> No.46554448

you are replying to a larper

>> No.46554917 [DELETED] 

Do you even donate to her tho?
Or are you just a broke ass nigga trying to hang over BOB anon's dick?

>> No.46555264

Ill receive a lot of money soon. What should I do wizard?

>> No.46555337

Never go to /biz/

>> No.46555848

Im just sad and I need answers....

>> No.46556687

you're so cute, the fact you were talking about shit companies and drama, and no one mentioned Cyberlive speak volumes on how new you're here, and no, being in the same place for 2 years isn't a sign of being old, that mean you're in a hugbox ignoring reality, but if you're curious, Cyberlive is the closest in term of reputation for Wactor, but instead of doxxing the talents, the CEO and other talents made some of their fans to anti-post other girls and even between talents they were acting like dramasters and even come here to shitpost.

The end of Cyberlive was one of the finest examples about fan-talent interaction going too far, as the talent in charge for the company decided to rebrand Cyberlive with a new group of indies only then get disclossed how she fucked her entire groomer server, EVEN TRAVELING AROUND THE WORLD to do it, even when she had a bf.

All this drama with groomers, talents and CEO being retarded is the norm in the v-tuber space, the fact that Hololive didn't self destroy yet after 5 years is a miracle, and you can see how that is starting to happen in Niji EN and PC too, i'm worried that something will happen to Tsunderia during this year, since that place is full of nepotism.

>> No.46556856

Don't buy dollars and get gold, not futures contracts of golds, but physical gold. And don't trust /biz/

>> No.46556972

>im worried that something will happen to tsunderia
who is gonna tell him

>> No.46557168

oh fuck, what now?

>> No.46557252

Internet explorer anon, tsunderia is over

>> No.46557311

Sorry, i meant Prism lmao

>> No.46557408

If something happens to prism im gonna kms. I love them.

>> No.46557457

Same, i love Shiki, she's the best

>> No.46557704

>Another fucking bootleg thread

Also, the only worth watching there is Sezia

>> No.46558097

I want to fuck Sezia
That's all i will say
Good morning

>> No.46558225
File: 291 KB, 474x365, 1679956693804537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desperately need Sezia to sit on my face and BRAAAAAAAPPP

>> No.46558505

You have the shitiest taste in the universe.
You should just go to twitch and you'll find thousand of boring twitch thots like her, at least most of those don't collab with males.

>> No.46558612

Good morning, I don't watch unprofessional brown choripaneras ™

>> No.46558774

sorry bro, but PRISM is dying
I don't think they'll make it to 2024

>> No.46558876

they have sony support, don't worry about ityet

>> No.46559089

Enough with your shitty narrative, she doesn’t act like twitch whores at all

>> No.46559224

You right, twitch thots are thousand times more entertaining, and they don't shove male collabs down your throat when you just want to interact with a cute girl.

>> No.46559292

Seethe, wfags are cooler than (You)

>> No.46559295

>Finally a thread with some interesting discussion
>A shitter come in
man, you can't live without a shitty fanbase drama, don't you?

>> No.46559360
File: 2.56 MB, 2326x2150, LunaSOVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46559502

I love it when spics think mindless screaming and loudness is entertainment

>> No.46559556

Wactor is all about drama

>> No.46559621

Yeah? But does that has to do with anything I said?

>> No.46559714

Even the most generic anon is more interesting than that dumb ignorant ayato creep and that boring fag vyce.

>> No.46559780

>offtopic garbage
Get fucked.

>> No.46559845

your dramaposting is off topic too fag

>> No.46560022

Yeah, people tend to think Sezia’s boring because she’s not screaming all the time, even if now you claim it’s not your case, then it’s safe to assume you don’t watch her at all because she’s very fun to talk to

>> No.46560040

Dramaposting? I'm giving a serious opinion over a Wactor members issue, retard.

>> No.46560077 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 359x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayato and Haka Bazoin are the same fucking shit, the only difference is that one is branded with a fucking blue dorito so everyone (including /here/ holodrones) wets their panties only or it, hypocrital faggots

>> No.46560166


>> No.46560178

man, this guy is pathetic kek

>> No.46560211

Sezia is for breeding.

>> No.46560231

>Ayato's property

>> No.46560277

/WACTOR/ may outlive /Prism/ and /Voms/

>> No.46560324

>it’s safe to assume you don’t watch her
Oh boy, if you knew how many times I gave her another chance, and was willing to tolerate her soporific content and obscene behavior, but the bitch bringing up that retard out of the blue in every funking stream was way too tiresome.

>> No.46560348

>/WACTOR/ may outlive
>3 days without a proper thread

>> No.46560397

now this is coping

>> No.46560423


>> No.46560535


>> No.46560588


>> No.46560618

kek based mod

>> No.46560661

>janie is a holodron

no fucking way...

>> No.46560739

>He keeps going

>> No.46560763

>Bringing up Ayato
It’s her chat though, and she usually ignores it as much as she can, even has stopped reading midsentence when it’s about him, but I guess if a fag’s casual presence is all it takes for you to go anti then there’s nothing to be expected of you

>> No.46561329

get in here

>> No.46561567

>They payed for her

>> No.46561653

weekly cope thread, go shit there

>> No.46561796

>weekly self-hating thread

>> No.46562167

>The virgin subtitles reader vs the chad spanish content enjoyer

Spic holodrones re pathetic

>> No.46562277

>he can't listen to english, japanese and spanish at the same time

>> No.46562322


>> No.46562377

who are you quoting?

>> No.46562472

>No me importa si los argentinos dicen frutilla, yo seguiré diciendo fresa

kek, based Meica

>> No.46562693

>She doesn't give them attention as a group
Now she doesn't, those fags where having constant offtopic conversation during the streams on chat, adverstising their server through superchats, constantly telling her "watch this shit i made on twitter, show it on streams right now" like they own the place.
Haven't see that shit happened lately tho

>> No.46563220

discorfag here, seems like things like that are over for now, the server is most chill than i tough it was going to be.

>> No.46564596
File: 250 KB, 1337x2048, 20230403_105005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so dumb?

>> No.46565221

Not as dumb as (You) tho

>> No.46565237

Give her some food

>> No.46565274


>> No.46565373



>> No.46565491
File: 342 KB, 584x678, Choripan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choripaneros can't stop winning

>> No.46565748

not brown enough

>> No.46566832

Still don't understand why you are so obsessed with that word.

>> No.46567042

Go back to /ck/

>> No.46567203 [DELETED] 

probably he confused /ck/ with /cucks/ (this thread)

>> No.46568533


>> No.46568649


>> No.46568827 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x2600, Fsw9AeZWIAAM-oW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trans rights <3

>> No.46568873

Who?, and I'm not asking about Eru

>> No.46568904

well thats why she only reply to Yof

>> No.46568979

it's YOFina you fucking bigot

>> No.46569061

you are using this board and don't know who pika is? fuck off back to FB

>> No.46569118

I don't watch non panderers, fuck off

>> No.46569148 [DELETED] 


>> No.46569217

kek the shitters being retarded, my fav part of the /wactor/ thread

>> No.46569218

>he waste his time with mediocre jap cunts that are using you as a stepping stone
let me guess your oshi is la Kaichou

>> No.46569324

This is not /wactor/ tho... just a shitty bootleg thread

>> No.46569365

wait, chorizos counts as hot-dogs?

>> No.46569412

/wacturd/ is dead faggot, even akira killed that name.

>> No.46569420

wish I could fuck her ngl

>> No.46569434

You'll never be a school shooting native, fuck off self hating fag

>> No.46569486

By broad definition a chorizo is a kind of sausage

>> No.46569514

Wactor and /Wactor/ are complete separete entities retard

>> No.46569530

you're not fooling anyone nigga

>> No.46569600

it's time to move on fag, all that name represented is dead.

>> No.46569649

are you this stupid everyday?

>> No.46569685

>t. superNewfag

>> No.46569896

now he's moving on his usual thing of calling everyone newfag or other things, you're too obvious fella

>> No.46569944

Fuck off Akira, Wactor will remain to remind everybody your sins

>> No.46569959


>> No.46570005


>> No.46570031

xD epic, back to twitter tranny.

>> No.46570047

Look, I don't give a fuck about the thread name, it can b /ñ/, /spics/, /midget/ or whatever it suits this enviroment around the midget's girls and honoraries (except for the choripaneros thread, that's a containment thread for those insufferable faggots)

I'm just asking for you retards to create proper thread ffs

>> No.46570225

sheethe /E-Stella/ is the only decent option, als choripaneros are on this shit too, the must stop the retarded slpit.

>> No.46570269

Trust me, a shitter will try to make it wactor at the end, he's on full retardation about it

>> No.46570320

>nooo i dont want my oshi to be under the wactor name xdddddd
create your own thread retards and stop seething over the same thing again and again.
Nobody is forcing you to be here

>> No.46570328

Go back facetard

>> No.46570390

Do it yourself

>> No.46570391

kek he's mad

>> No.46570472

OP is a faggot

>> No.46570496

Yeah, you don't care about the vtubers. You just care about shitposting and socializing.
This not better than a discord server.

>> No.46570534

worse, this looks like a faceberg post from some shitty ES v-tuber group

>> No.46570556

New Thread dokoooo???

>> No.46570587


>> No.46570621

come home, ignore the underage retards that use this useless "general" as a toilet:

>> No.46570655

fuck off splitnigger, you are cancer too coming here to shit up the thread so people go there to your dead general

>> No.46570678

Stop shilling your shit here choripanero none cares about your brown whore

>> No.46570684

There is always the choripaneros thread


No one forces you to come to /WACTOR/ faggots if you don't like it then don't come retardsd but /WACTOR/ will stay

>> No.46570696

>t. shitter

>> No.46570789

>takataka threads
imagespammer being the cancerous misopita that was the main op of that general
half the ips yet most the known schizos
>your general
the one shitting on the jps is there, dont play dumb.

>> No.46570847

>my crusty brown ass say so

>> No.46570914


>> No.46571000

not to mention the other imagespamming underage who cant into bots

>> No.46571085



>> No.46571116

u mad bro?

>> No.46571153

>/ñ/ fuck off shill i don't cxare about Natamoputas.
fuck off.

>> No.46571155

>sezia streaming viva piñata tonight

>> No.46571483


>> No.46571552

tribalfags are the same cancer as splitniggers

>> No.46571706

>tribalfagging this hard
holy schizo
