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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46476480 No.46476480 [Reply] [Original]

>so called "phase shill"
>tries to defend Lumi
>ends up looking like a complete massive tourist
>admits to barely knowing Lumi
>admits to barely knowing about CyberLive which is Lumi's past
Nice "shill" you have there /pcg/

>> No.46476525

>Phasefags making Phase Connect look bad by association
Many such cases

>> No.46476558

That's why /pcg/ themselves doesn't like him

>> No.46476592

>shooting themselves in the foot
The absolute state of phasefags

>> No.46476616

>Phasefags admits to not watching Phase
And water is wet. The so called phasefags only know Pippa and Tenma

>> No.46476651

>>admits to barely knowing Lumi
>>admits to barely knowing about CyberLive which is Lumi's past
he knows everything about Lumi, but when people pointed out his retarded obvious shilling, he went for the "dur I'm retarded and don't know" route.

>> No.46476678

Every time I read this guy's tweets I secondhand cringe so hard. I know not all phasefags are like this but jesus he gives you guys a bad name.

>> No.46476688

/PDF/ - Phase Defense Force

>> No.46476777

He has a melty every time people call out his blatant phase cocksucking

>> No.46476805
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kek the catalog proving you right

>> No.46476814

>gimmick account getting super personal
Hey, niggerfaggots, delete your Twitter account or learn your place. Take your faggot ass screenshots and tweet them or whatever and do your shitty little faggot quips. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

>> No.46476824

>I know not all phasefags are like this
That used to be true, but now it genuinely seems like the majority of them are this way. The mentality of Pippa's fanbase has infected the fanbase of the company as a whole.

>> No.46476844

I don't think thats the case this time. Him acting retarded on a Pippa drama? Sure that's believable but Lumi. I don't think he even know she exists or was part of CyberLive

>> No.46476875

You can smell the stink of this thread. If you fags want to kvetch like men, be open about your intentions and keep making Pippa numberfag threads, not this underhanded shit,

>> No.46476899

Any retard who > outside of 4chan needs to be ignored or attacked like they deserve.

>> No.46476903

When is he getting banned? We managed to take down /vt/ takes. We need this faggot gone too.

>> No.46476911

Twitter Screencap thread. Clean this up Janny

>> No.46476973

Pippa's responsible for making that guy relevant. /pcg/ getting what they deserve. That's what happens if you make a tourist holofag get into leech connect

>> No.46476996

This is the fate of all gimmick accounts, unfortunately. Either that or getting super political for no reason or spam RT'ing onlyfans accounts. Twitter is complete dogshit.

>> No.46477023

What happens if you give them numbers

>> No.46477026

Go back to your admin discord faggot

>> No.46477059

The guy is clearly a poster from here who is too much of a bitch to argue with anyone directly here and instead whines at us from his twitter where his fans will happily suck him off.

>> No.46477088 [DELETED] 

I anti Panko because of this nigger.

>> No.46477135

how new

>> No.46477183

to be fair, Tenma is the only one that's worth watching

>> No.46477207

You and dramatubers got paid off in sponsorships and gift cards, you are one to talk with the accusations kek.

>> No.46477255

Why'd you let her get so big, then? Should've gatekept poltards

>> No.46477274
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>defends Lumi
>pathetic and spaghetti all over
I honestly don't know how they managed to fuck up defending Lumi. Even I can make a better drama summary to make the ex-CyberLive girls look bad and post about defending Lumi while all my knowledge about her and her drama are only from two threads.
Hire me as your shill instead phase connect

>> No.46477295
File: 42 KB, 480x473, 16211235613343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resorting to spamming the catalogue
These cunts are begging to trigger a schizo so much that he just bites on to them and never lets go.

>> No.46477301

true, I enjoy watching her solo streams

>> No.46477335

My sympathies towards the handful of decent phasefags (surely there are a few) for attracting some of the more schizo 2020tards

>> No.46477372

It’s funny how people are trying to force this “drama” beyond 3 threads
Not even pcg gives a fuck about it. They would rather talk about Pippas teeth and Lia being locked out of twitter

>> No.46477431

Elon taking over twitter was a mistake. This account should have been dead a long time ago when it started breaking gimmick

>> No.46477522

You know, I think that pathetic dumpsterfire of a tweet was actually made by Lumi. She's retarded enough to do something like this.

>> No.46477523

Even if that retard was right
>Person A does bad thing to Person B
>gets blamed for it
>Person B does bad thing to Person A
>uuhhh you cant blame Person B for it because Person A did it first!!
Complete underage troon nigger faggot mentality

>> No.46477546

>mentality of Pippa's fanbase
Lumi's fans are way worse

>> No.46477552

I would feel bad for the phasefags if not for Pippa bringing in the worst kind of people in the board. Even worse than cumbuds

>> No.46477607

>Not even pcg gives a fuck about it
Which is why they show up in droves to any thread about it and proceed to slide it into oblivion?

>> No.46477694

Keep poking the goys and you sometimes get a response, does that prove anything really?

>> No.46477818

Why is a paid shill account openly shitting on Nijisanji and Hololive?

>> No.46477860
File: 130 KB, 359x514, 1675557972012898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazing at how the shill fail doing what they should have been great at isn't it? they're so fast to attack holos during a drama but defending even one talent they should have been shilling from a simple drama? took them literally hours to come up with something and that something being this garbage >>46476480

>> No.46477887

I’m confused Hylo isn’t in any of the screenshots so why do they keep saying it’s her?

>> No.46477914

>basement-dwelling spic dedicates his life to scraping memes from /vt/
>twittards being the bottom-feeders they are actually opt in to read the shit he scrapes daily
>he forgets he's a basement-dwelling spic who scrapes memes from /vt/
>it inevitably goes to his head, causing him to start speaking like an authority
why are twittards like this?

>> No.46477933

Hes not a paid shill account. He openly and blatantly anti’s certain Phase talents.

>> No.46477945

Fishman really needs to tell the girls to block that account and to see which company will they try to get close to next

>> No.46477995

>Phasefags are all twittertrannies

>> No.46478075

idol and eien probably, those three corpos have the same fanbase

>> No.46478084

>He openly and blatantly anti’s certain Phase talents.
That's pretty standard Phasefag behaviour

>> No.46478154

Eien hates phasefags because they've been raiding the general since predebut. They're the reason why there are no threads in dead hours

>> No.46478197

is there any good gimmick account out there for vtubers?

>> No.46478223

Why do you need a gimmick account?

>> No.46478241

and discordfags

>> No.46478244


>> No.46478249

can we get this fucking retard banned already?

>> No.46478381
File: 466 KB, 498x498, 1680066731064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full effort post for holo and niji dramas
>no effort post for phase to minimize damage
>forgot to put effort at defending the talent
>follows up another post saying he doesn't know the involved party and lumi
>tried appear neutral after being branded as phase shill
this account is dumpsterfire

>> No.46478392

