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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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464623 No.464623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We all get frustrated or pissed off at one holo or another, so i made this thread so we could all vent a little bit :D

Be as mean as you want as long as you don't break any of 4channel's rules.

>> No.464685

Fuck off

>> No.464686
File: 44 KB, 300x225, 981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I absolutely cannot stand thing, but other people like it. I must make a thread so my likeminded brethren can join together and seethe in harmony!

>> No.464712

I'm pretty mad Subaru isn't sitting on my face RIGHT NOW

>> No.464741
File: 594 KB, 615x495, chrome_IgS5oJbEvH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, she's coming for you next.

>> No.464823

The appearance of this thread is finally a sign we are maturing in the same direction 5chan is. suge

>> No.464856
File: 35 KB, 719x455, IMG_20210203_082129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking hate hololive agency?
These incompetent faggots can't even manage to smugle my oshi to Japan for her 3d debut.
Fuck yagew, man

>> No.464962
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i WILL punish this brat

>> No.465020

Subaru is amazing and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
fuck you for thinking this was something contrary to that

>> No.465022
File: 962 KB, 1920x2880, rizky-suwoto-suisei2final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.465058

i want to rape marine's armpits :)

>> No.465127

This is what happens when Chinese cross the firewall

>> No.465286


>> No.465301

go back

>> No.465314

delusional cocofag. hololive anti threads are the main threads on 5chan as well, do you think they are all Chinese spies too? No. In fact there are many reasons to dislike hololive.

>> No.465366
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How should each holo be bullied?

>> No.465418

>In fact there are many reasons to dislike hololive
this honestly. they still haven't released onaholes modelled after marine

>> No.465448
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We are not all chinese. Many from japan and the west as well. But we hate coco the most for what she did

>> No.465499

We can't all have what we want at the same time.

>> No.465512

Unironically want to stab all the GFE’s

>> No.465533

I want to bully Mio with loving marriage and children

>> No.465559

Who would you say are GFE? I hadn't really thought about it too much, but I guess some of them are kind of portraying themselves that way.

>> No.465571

eat her flesh

>> No.465612
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off yourself immediately

>> No.465649

Hololive Anti thread? Ok here's a mandatory Kiara post. For some reason Antis fucking HATE kiara. even more so than redditdragon

>> No.465770

Lurk for two years before posting, but also kill yourself.

>> No.465892

I don't see the point of this thread. I already shit on reddit dragon in the other threads and it's not like I will get less CHINK replies if I post here.

>> No.465967

Kiara is the most insufferable holo. Much more than Coco

>> No.466056

So everyone?

>> No.466060

Coco is kinda cringe, but at least she's not constantly reminding us about how much she wants to fuck Calli.

>> No.466116

So this is the niji thread

>> No.466164

Fuck coco man. The fucking reddit chuuba. Her and gura are the worst things made by mankind. I would rather watch a fucking twitch streamer than those two

>> No.466180
File: 254 KB, 850x1226, 1590225472017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one I truly hate is Kiara, that fucking bitch. The moment she opens her cunt mouth I can hear the Eurotrash woman pouting and going "this is bad mnn'kay?" and the suppressed inner feeling of punching something around me becomes unbearable to be retained inside. Everything she does pisses the shit out of me, it's incredible.
Just the sight of her orangeness is enough to instill unrestricted hatred through my heart. I'm boiling right now just thinking about it.

>> No.466202

>and gura
It's okay, we understand that you're a hipster and only hate her because she has the most followers on youtube.

>> No.466237

Nah man it's not that at all. It's just how she talks and acts, it drives me insane and I can't stand it for even a second

>> No.466259

Imagine having an ID for your oshi kekw

>> No.466280

I don't hate any of them, but I fucking hate the Hololive management. Yagoo and his staffs are a bunch of incompetent bastards, except for the one in charge of talent scouting. In general, they're just very lucky to hit the jackpot.

>> No.466283

So you don't like her character, or is it more than that? I could see people disliking Calli's character for example even though I don't mind it.

>> No.466295

Almost yes

>> No.466342

Gura is pretty insufferable. This is not a "hipster" opinion

>> No.466347

Be careful anon one of the jannys is a massive Kiarafag

>> No.466352

That's exactly the idea you fucking tard. Would you rather they go and shit in the hololive threads? Would that be a better idea?

>> No.466361

That and her voice, I hate it

>> No.466444

She didn't do anything wrong. Taiwan is the true Chinese government and the CCP can eat shit.

>> No.466486

>for what she did
Call Taiwan an independent country?
Would you also hate her for calling the Earth round and the sky blue?

>> No.466506

>Not a twitch whore
>Not an NND whore
Yeah, imagine...

>> No.466546

>for what she did
>we are not all chinese
Sure thing chink

>> No.466592


you cocofags are so easy to bait lmao

>> No.466621

>acts retarded
>gets called retarded
B-but it was bait!

>> No.466628

>as long as you don't break any of 4channel's rules.
Who in the fuck says this. This guy is from reddit. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.466637

Is just the fake anime voice, just waiting the day she realices the voice doesn't help. Most holos dropped they exagerated voice after a while.

>> No.466666

Poe's law

>> No.466711

They're going to do it anyway faggot and you know it. All these shitty threads do is breed further negativity and kill others.

>> No.466735

So you want a hugbox? Are you a chickenfag?

>> No.466740

based fucking thread

>> No.466799

If antis would ever say anything that isn't screeching autism from their schizoid brains, then I'd be more receptive to hearing them out. But they don't. It's always rrat after rrat or absolute SEETHE because their oshi is getting mogged by someone more popular.

>> No.466825
File: 17 KB, 360x185, goyim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna tell you a secret kid, when you "bait" you don't really say later "lol I le baited le you lelelelelele", you laugh to yourself, and make another bait post. Telling people you are le ebin baiter sheman puts you in the special needs category and invalidates your "bait".

>> No.466830

Has anyone here forgiven Mori? I know I didn't.

>> No.466832

calm down chicken no need to seeth that hard
