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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46435776 No.46435776 [Reply] [Original]

Why is every VTuber from this country so fucking terrible?
Except for Ina. Ina is cool.

>> No.46435903

you mean person<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46436043 [DELETED] 

Silence amerimutt, don’t come running to us when Biden gets your shit nuked

>> No.46436100 [SPOILER] 
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Fuck off, major corpo faggot. She's a saint.

>> No.46436103
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>> No.46436118

>talking shit when you have Trudeau as your PM

>> No.46436203

>Ina is cool.

Idk I still can't memoryhole the Sana's thing, I mean I know she could be your friend but still...

>> No.46436283

At least he didn’t need millions of mail in ballots to get voted in

>> No.46436337

Trump lost and is now getting indicted. Seethe, MAGAfag

>> No.46436428

How do you get the Miko face on your post?

>> No.46436492

Tenma is alright

>> No.46436553

Why do trannies always type like this?

>> No.46436572

>implying i actually support zion don

>> No.46436635

And Enna*

>> No.46436655
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Is this part of the post not visible to you are you just blind?

>> No.46436699

why are every vtuber from USA a whore?

>> No.46436730

Have you ever seen a tranny call someone a faggot? Because I sure haven’t. They’d tremble after hearing such a word.

>> No.46436749

>he thinks it's real

>> No.46436861

You meant boring background noises. not cool

>> No.46436961

True. You would say MAGAchud if you were a tranny. The way that post was made is still dumb as fuck though. Anybody who posts like that is retarded.

>> No.46437008

are you extreme-right faggots so dumb that everyone else to you is left and tran? or are you just a projecting troon?

>> No.46437076

NTA but you why are you using that problematic and inflammatory term? Isn’t it offensive and discriminatory according to y’all troons?

>> No.46437084

Hating trannies is not extreme far right. That's normal human behavior.

>> No.46437135

Everyone on this board is retarded.

>> No.46437175

But you are especially so.

>> No.46437198

The only people on the left who hate trannies are TERFs. Hating trannies is definitely a conservative thing.

>> No.46437288

I go to Harvard. How can I be retarded?

>> No.46437425

according to you* only you twitter troon fags would say "problematic" and "inflammatory" in any context.
yes, but why are you guys keep on insisting sucking Trump's cock no matter what he do, do you like being a cuck?

>> No.46437440

Not true. Most people look at you with disgust. They just don't want to be canceled because a small minority will go ballistic over it and companies bend the knee to the small minority.
Considering you yourself said everyone on this board is retarded and now you're saying you're not retarded, I think you may be actually retarded.

>> No.46437525

I’m not a tranny, anon. I’m just saying that people on the left tend to be supportive of trannies and trans rights. The only reason why companies even promote trans rights is because it makes them a profit.

>> No.46437570

It's because a large portion of the population, especially in the urban centers, believe our propaganda and think they're hot shit. They're nice, friendly, morally just and open minded by just being a leaf. But as you aware, all of that is just bullshit. As you get push back from leafs, you will notice a common theme of "yea, but we're at least not like america" because leafs genuinely think they're better than and can exist without the US without admitting that they freeload and suckle from morally evil decisions of america.

tl;dr: leafs think they're morally better than everyone for being leafs. This makes them entitled cunts.

>t. leaf

>> No.46437575 [DELETED] 

kek is ina actually from calgary

>> No.46437687 [DELETED] 

iirc I think she might be from the Vancouver area<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46437707

Calling out people who post "Trump lost" and such is normal, as they are typically some of the worst of humanity. Like trannies or other such degenerates. Shitting on them is not sucking Trump's cock.

>> No.46437819
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>another completely unrelated thread turns into a circlejerk about trannies

>> No.46438030

so the extreme left, got it. sorry i am not well-versed in twittard since i don't use it.

>> No.46438091
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There are decent canucks in the sad girl company. And I know some indies from flappy head land who are alright.

>> No.46438165

Amiya isn't Canadian.

>> No.46438242


>> No.46438329

ina is the most boring one

>> No.46438822

anon, do you hate the random guy who plays the female character in an MMO just because theyre pretending to be a girl?
because normal human behavior would to not give a shit about someone playing a different gender than what they are unless you were taught it to see it as bad.
you only give a shit because of religions and the USA own history of needing "An Other" to get people to act in fear, trannys just being the new Other, previously being natives, Italians, blacks, gays, commies and muslims.
while i do agree, us leafs got our heads up our ass and are smug about being better then the US, thats because the US is our neighboor and is the one with the most influence in the west, ribbing the big guys in charges' faults is normal human behavior.
but that attitude is part of what allows us to agree on a common ground with each other and actually meet half way on something instead of getting stuck thinking were 2 different alien species that can never get along.

>> No.46438964

>Miko face
Lurk for ten thousand years

>> No.46439105

Lumi revealed it in a collab

>> No.46439361

dif anon here, do normal human behavior mean ignoring reason, logic and basic biology and then demand everyone else to be as dumb as you in your pretend game? stfu tranny.

>> No.46439459

im Canadian lmfao. this country sucks

>> No.46439562

let me guess, you were with the freedom convoy. first world countries always find something to complain about not knowing how good they got.

>> No.46439629

no, i just want guns

>> No.46439854

considering history of the usa alone, yes anon.
remember when they wouldnt teach sex ed or how one of the states recently banned teachers from talking about periods with the girls even when said girls were having said periods?
the biggest anti-trans group right now ignores biology just as much as if not more than trannys do.

>> No.46439890

you can get one, but they don't allow you to carry it, have to be in a lockbox, and can only transport from home and gun range. So only use is self defense at home or as store owner, but by the time you unlock gun you be dead.

>> No.46440234

you seem to misunderstand, i am not american, i am not extreme right or extreme left, your example and the tranny one are one and the same and both deserve hate. Just because the extreme right are as stupid as you are doesn't excuse trans's nonsense.

>> No.46440257 [DELETED] 

Isnt Canadas government encouraging its doctors to kill their patients while also wanting to import 2 million "immigrants" to "help" the country. Why would they do that?

>> No.46440262 [DELETED] 

Selen is from vancouver
ina is in a graduating class video from UofC

>> No.46440786

I hate this pozzed shithole as well desu but only us ourselves are allowed to make fun of it

>> No.46440841

smooth brain, those are fucking memes, you need to meet a lot of requirements before you are allow to kill yourself. And Canada is literally make up of immigrants, it's not free for all like Germany, need a number of them to keep population from declining, there is only 38 millions here, 1.4 birth rate, without some immigrants, we kinda fucked.

>> No.46441317

to be fair anon, if you cant have open access to a gun, its less likely for a robber to have one too and most robbers would prefer to not kill those theyre robbing for either practical or moral reasons.
though this is something that really doesnt work in a country thats had free access to guns for as long as the US has, im just saying the logic that our government goes with.
fair enough anon.
assisted suicide isnt encouraged, its just allowed, and sadly our government doesnt pay the disabled enough to live so some of them are taking the allowance to die with dignity, rather then shoot themselves or jump off something like in other places.
also canadas always imported immigrants, we imported around 17000 chinese to help build the transcontinental railway in the 1880s as an example.
>without some immigrants, we kinda fucked.
i feel like thats the case for a lot of the world honestly, even china now lmao

>> No.46445683

Personally, I dislike specifically Korean-canadians for some reason.

>> No.46446171

ina fucking sucks

>> No.46449023

Yeah, me.

>> No.46449362

fpbp, canuks suck

>> No.46449510


>> No.46449728

>canadian professor in american university laughed at by students for telling them there is no difference between male and female skeletons
The memes are actually real, most of the problems you experience would go away if canadians were deported, walled off from the world and cut off from the internet.

>> No.46449901

What always got me is that sanner apparently didn't do a trial run as an indie to see if she liked it, she was just an artist and then got a free ticket to ride and was like "fuck your luxury cruise".

>> No.46451926
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I love Selen!

>> No.46458930
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>> No.46459430

Selen is cool too<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46460647

>anon, do you hate the random guy who plays the female character in an MMO just because theyre pretending to be a girl?
I've done this and it was never about being a tranny. It was about getting free shit from orbiters. Completely different dynamic, and it's fine to hate someone for this if you're a "victim" since it's essentially a form of catfishing. Though personally I was infamous and hated for different reasons.

>> No.46460798 [SPOILER] 
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He's gonna graduate soon...

>> No.46460881


>> No.46461473

Imagine not hating Canadians<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46465354
File: 90 KB, 465x593, 1641110604803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moment of silence for Canada, to counterthrow their NWO.
Only you can stop and heal Canadian anal.
Without you, they're lobotonormies.

>> No.46466123

Get out of my country and never come back

>> No.46466324

asian canadians are the worst people in canada. they all act like wiggers or have a stick shoved so far up their ass they have no personality.

>> No.46466434
File: 3.13 MB, 465x548, SmartSelect_20220213-211107_Twitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she cute...

>> No.46470465

Everything from Canada is terrible

>> No.46470758


>> No.46471070

Elira is great

>> No.46471446
File: 275 KB, 353x384, 1638103179065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professor is (sort of) right in that there are no black and white differences between skeletons, just certain characteristics in combination with each other can be used to make an educated guess as to the sex of a skeleton.

>> No.46471522

>the queen bee of NijiEN is great

>> No.46474176


>> No.46474905

Please leaf

>> No.46474953

if our shit gets nuked the fallout is all blowing up into canada

>> No.46474998

>thread saying leafs are shit
>bb...bbb.b.but trump
>bbbbbbut trannies
really seams like leafs are shit

>> No.46475008

Fuck these goddamn snow mexicans.

>> No.46475078

Korean canucks are the fucking worst. Wipe them off the planet.

>> No.46475474

It doesn't seem like canadians are the problem, It's the westernized asian women in canada. They are born/move there and then become annoying cunts. It happens to a lot of immigrants, but it's cranked up to 11 with asian women specifically. Why? Wh

>> No.46475566

the leaf menace has been a problem a long time

>> No.46476658

how does her ass of all people become queen bee of anything?

>> No.46476729

Enna is fucking trash. There's nothing good about her.

>> No.46476882

Same reasons why everything from France is fucking awful. It's not rocket science to see reasons, most of them are right in front of your nose.

>> No.46476971

almost all NijiEN are from Canada right?

>> No.46477103

The whole "queen bee" thing is just a shitpost. But she has pretty much always been "the face" of NijiEN females from a company perspective since being the centre/leader of the first wave of girls. Although she would never accept that position, whenever anyone tries to make her out to be that she reinforces that she doesn't see herself that way and that lines up with her actions and general demeanour. Same with when people started trying to call her and the other lazulight girls "daisenpai" which started as a joke and she told her chat to stop saying that because its disrespectful to actual "daisenpai" members of Nijisanji like Mito or whatever.

>> No.46477250

Only leafs in NijiEN are:
probably Uki and Alban

The rest are americans or bumfuck middle nowhere

>> No.46477398
File: 2.95 MB, 648x657, ewiwa3dkissu[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgf4pwu.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like JRPGs and lots of long as fuck cute and comfy solo streams you really can't go wrong with her.

>> No.46478421

>Except for Ina. Ina is cool.

Taking breaks cuz literally too fat to stay healthy is cool? OK.

>> No.46480487
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>> No.46482896

>biting obvious bait
Lurk for ten thousand years

>> No.46483298

dumbass thinks america fucking shit up and getting nukes won't result in more nukes being launched and killing them too
> nuh uh! there's a safety line here! i'm in the safe zone so the nuclear apocalypse can't cross over it!

>> No.46486648


>> No.46486727

Elira is great she's so cute.

>> No.46490447

woke sjw country etc

>> No.46492227

wrong they're all trash

>> No.46495203

a lot of the early tubers didn't start as indies though
and i think there's flaws exclusively hiring like that too, look what happened to nijiEN, /vt/ accuses it of being cliquey

>> No.46495848

where did you get this picture of me?

>> No.46496019

>Except for Ina. Ina is cool
she streams less than Gura.

>> No.46496091


>> No.46496157

based Don poster

>> No.46499057

best post

>> No.46499206

Based Famelira

>> No.46500005

oh were well aware were in nuke range, we dont care since were not the ones who fucked up the world enough for nukes to be launched.

>> No.46502929
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>also Canadian

I love whores!

>> No.46504981


>> No.46507264

they both ghosted their fans for months

>> No.46507586

Ina did a full break with announcement; Ayame stayed active on Twitter, in mengenposts and in 3D events+official streams. Neither of those things is "ghosting"

>> No.46508925


>> No.46512740

t. leaf

>> No.46513136
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my canadian wife taught us about bagged milk

>> No.46514338

Canada is a failed state.

The middle class got wiped out here in under one decade. Home prices are in the millions for every kind of detached home in large and mid sized cities, even tiny towns too. Rent is off the charts. Wages have dropped in all professions except M.D's and even with them, if they make 300k in one year (of the highest earners) the government takes off 150k (yes really).

Birth rate is practically zero and our population is only propped up with unsustainable levels of immigration. Of course people dislike immigrants because they're usually the pesky ''brown people'' and white's in Canada (and other countries) aren't thrilled over their cities and towns becoming immigrant majority as with culture changes among other things. But the thing is, I fear due to the rapidly declining quality of life in Canada over the things I mentioned I don't even think will be able to get ''Them'' in the coming years. Immigrants who have come to Canada seeking a better life have quickly realized this is not the type country where hard work will get you ahead. Many have left Canada to go to the United States or back home. So what does that mean for Canada's population growth? it's not hard to figure out. They have to get ''temporary foreign workers'' to fill those ''9 dollar an hour'' hard labour jobs as there's not enough people around to do them.

You top that all off with an era of the most corrupt politicians we've ever had and you have a sinking ship.

>> No.46514574

It's only the south east of Canada that's the problem, the further north west you go the better the people are.

>> No.46514807

William Shatner is based though

>> No.46517501

>be canadian
>100% of this is true.
I also literally work for the vtuber and socialVR industry, and since I don't go outside very often due to that the culture shock is extremely real.
The 10-15 times a year I have to interact with the city and everyone around me now is literally fucking speaking Syrian or hindi or urdu. They're fucking everywhere.
I would have been fine with Ukraians but my city is a dumping ground for the refugee crisis and it's a fucking nightmare here.
My Japanese coworkers want me to move there since I'm "like a japanese person already " and they don't see me as canadian anymore.

>> No.46518065
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Came here to rep Elira, based comfy dragon appreciators

>> No.46521364

What if EN3 contained Canadians

>> No.46522157


that makes me wonder how much money these girls make if they can rent/buy in the desirable parts

>> No.46525379

They do. They think they're reclaiming the word which is extra funny and embarrassing.

>> No.46525609

A yes the girl that is so woke that she has no opinions, maybe still a nice whore so

>> No.46526681

Same thing in germany this refugee bulshit will detonate really soon the leftis have found shelter in upper class areas ant the right has left the citys, means the city centers are full of them it is a lawles violent mess wit a lot of drug consumption sprinkelt on top

>> No.46527710


>> No.46530193

want me a cute vuntut gwitchin chuuba from yukon territory

>> No.46530580

They aren't in the desirable parts. Nina's in the Canadian version of rural Texas, Elira/Millie/Enna live in a suburb of a suburb of an actual city, and Rosemi's in Quebec which is still fairly affordable but has its own set of problems.

>> No.46530701


>> No.46533169

fpbp. leaf HATE.

>> No.46533848

Everything here is too fucking expensive.
I work two jobs and make more then my japanese ceo takes home and I live in a fucking apartment because taxes take 50% of that income or more.
There's not enough write offs in the world.
I give this country 4 years tops before the money runs out and the only viable place to live is Alberta.
Then of course that place will get flooded too and they'll run out of money and the country will be basically run by Indians and Syrians who vote in their buddies.
Trudope is unironically the last canadian prime minister who wishes he was from somewhere else.

It's no wonder the overachiever techbros like me in their late 30's and early 40's are trying to escape to japan, since it's the only affordable first world country with sensible laws, and it's no wonder after the pandemic we all found ourselves doing vr stuff or helping or becoming vtubers.

>> No.46534158

Okay but this is happening everywhere on the globe except parts of Africa. This is an urban/industrialization problem, not specifically a Canadian one.

>> No.46534854

No it absolutely is not.
I don't think you realize how many fucking immigration we have.
5 million people in less than 8 years. And they all just had like 3 kids.
We have more migration here than most countries populations in total, and we didn't have the infrastructure to support it at all.
At allllll.
Our hospitals are fucked the city budgets are fucked, everyone is fucked.

>> No.46536131

What do you mean you don't have the infrastructure to support it? Isn't that what the immigrants are being brought in to prop up? Also, Canada's birth rate is 1.5 per woman which isn't at replacement level but I guess from your perspective that's a good thing, since apparently you think Canada is so pre-modern that if more native Canadians were having 3 kids then they'd have to get all one-child-policy'd.

Yes, the low birthrates, high immigration thing is playing out everywhere that isn't living in mud huts. Your neighbor the U.S.A. is at 1.7 fertility. It's worse in Europe and you don't even want to know how low Asian countries are scraping.

Also, Canada has a total pop of about 38 million, so a sizable chunk is immigration but not near as overwhelming as, say, Great Britain. You'll be fine, just teach 'em English and they'll naturalize on their own.

>> No.46536641

the funny thing is the only people who never naturalized to canada are the french-only regions in quebec where theres people who straight up refuse to know any english and theyve been here since the country was founded.

>> No.46536765

All of that is literally "lies lies and statistics". If there's a difference, there's a difference. It's not "oh the hips and skull shape are totally different but the rest is the same so it's the same :)". Faggot leaf tranny scum.

>> No.46536802

>Though personally I was infamous and hated for different reasons.

>> No.46536817
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Wait? You're counting French speakers as people? I hadn't factored that in. Make them all speak English then.

>> No.46536833

It's not a muh industrialization problem. It's a cultural issue.

>> No.46536858 [DELETED] 

Probably because they were there before the english came and ruined it.

A guy literally got stabbed by an illegal immigrant in vancouver over a disagreement over smoking in a starbucks you mentally ill retard. Shut up. Stop having opinions when you are clearly retarded.

>> No.46536978

males and females do indeed have black-and-white differences between skeletons. The easiest way to tell is if there is a pelvis big pelvis, or small pelvis.

>> No.46536994

>nina moves to alberta because vancouver is unaffordable because of the people she supported
>has not learned, will not admit her ideas are bad, will just ruin more things
I dislike her 'type' immensely.

>> No.46537650

theyre not monkeys anon, they may be less then human but people is just the easiest word to use.
they were only there for a few years before the english
the natives were also there before and we forced them to naturalize through less then moral means.
>A guy literally got stabbed by an illegal immigrant in vancouver over a disagreement
are you the type of faggot who takes one bad example and apply it to everyone of that group?
correct that tends to be the case, but everyone arguing about this only use the differences for superficial bullshit to support their beliefs and anti-trans use it to justify their shit despite also being ignorant to basic biology in general.
what does having a big or small pelvis matter in day to day life?

>> No.46537652

>le emotional outburst because 1 murder.
This'll blow your mind but here we go. Every society on earth has murderers. Shocking, I know. It's not all just that one guy. The only reason this one sticks out to you is because the propagandists got to your brain first. Don't be a sheep. Fight the programming!

>> No.46538045

Having a big pelvis translates to everyday life as it determines you are female.
Having a small pelvis translates to everyday life as it determines you are male.

>> No.46538969

what about the poor souls who were born with the other size despite being the gender they were assigned?
wouldnt you be forcing a guy to be a girl just because his pelvis developed bigger?
gender is just part of the reproduction cycle, but were no longer bound by the cycle like other species are, we dont HAVE to be male or female anymore outside of having kids, we only still have the system because of a long history

>> No.46542507


>> No.46542649
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Stealth /pol/ thread?
Never forget that the poster face of /vt/ is Canadian.

>> No.46542716

>leafs think they're morally better than everyone for being leafs
That literally describes every american ever, what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.46542770

fellow leaf detected

>> No.46542860

Based Don Cherry. Bring him back.
