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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46412227 No.46412227 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.46412465

She's the upgrade

>> No.46412783

How are they similar? I tried watching one of Pippa's streams and it was boring garbage.

>> No.46412893

Rin managed to find success without showing her feet or pandering to 4chan.

>> No.46412917

>How are they similar?
>I tried watching one of Pippa's streams and it was boring garbage.
You answered your own question.

>> No.46412947

Idol has no need to respond to Pippa. She is irrelevant.

>> No.46412946

Nah Rin may have captured the algorithm but that doesn't make her a good streamer. It makes her a fraud more than anything since it's her management team that writes the scripts

>> No.46412971

to whom?

>> No.46413028

No, Rin has a personality of her own.

>> No.46413064

No, Pippa has a personality of her own.

>> No.46413090

rin is what amelia watson should have been

>> No.46413170

>copying a /vt/ post verbatim
Now that's the Pippa content I know and love.

>> No.46413294

Does she do conspiratard schizo stuff?

>> No.46413385

Imagining Amelia's model with Rin's voice and her actual british humor....

Now i'm sad. It would have been the perfect match.

>> No.46413407

Don't compare her to the trash that is Pippa<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46413421


>> No.46413537

You guys know you cant troll Rin's fanbase here, right? Theyre either too young to know 4chan exists or they think its a right wing terrorism cell
if you want to troll them you need to go on twitter and talk about dating a 20 year when youre 22

>> No.46413605

she’s unironically the most generic XD random/quirky tumblr girl i’ve ever seen, whether it’s the shark that she likes cause she’s just oh so random, or the weird quirky games she plays because she’s just so darn random XD

>> No.46413723


>> No.46413726

Yeah as an idol-en fan, we chased all of rins fans away because idol fans like idol culture and rin was talking about holostars and tweeting at them from day one, so us unicorn idol fans chased them off, so rin doesn’t have any fans left on here, you can post about rin in the official idol general and people will tell you to fuck off

>> No.46413790

>Kronii but british
No fucking thanks

>> No.46414310

They're nothing alike

>> No.46414383

Enjoy getting grifted

>> No.46414425


>> No.46414466

They both drool over tempus cock, and that’s really all the similarity they need for me to lose interest

>> No.46414512

both make their identity around self depreciating "humor", dogwhistling troons and wanting to be "one of the boyz"<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46414592

It was supposed to be Yuko kek
But now the Boochuds are seething it's the male collaber that's their most popular talent

>> No.46414636
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>> No.46414643

1.2k ccv by the end of April at best.

>> No.46414695

So why have catalogniggers latched onto IdolEN now? They run out of things to say about EIEN?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46414725

Who?I don't watch non holos.

>> No.46414777

so is this the new forced discord catalog drama

>> No.46415052

>sudden PENIS mention
Ok faggot

>> No.46415115

EIEN is a COOMER company

>> No.46415216

>leeching Gura
not even Pippa would dare to do something like that

>> No.46415274

I d like her and watch her (relaxing), but her
>jokes are pretty hit and miss and
>her "act" can get kind of tiring after a while

If anything I would have thought the ghost or the eel would be the "gura-killers"...

>> No.46415411

The cope from homobeggars is unreal, imagine unironically watching men pretend to be cute anime boys and accusing others of being gay… i think that’s called projecting or something, IDK

>> No.46415496

Yeah but that’s based cause they actually understand their audience, unlike hololive or nijisanji

>> No.46416513

Holy cope pippanigger

>> No.46416738

Please seek sunlight. You're embarrassing yourselves.

>> No.46416751

Okay that was funny

>> No.46416785
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This actually funny cuz the brit barely replies to her mates on twitter, yet the twitter rabbit lives 24/77 there + tries to bait 4chinks to her content.
You are telling us the bong is beating all the small corpos without fanbase here nor twitter?

>> No.46416931

ogey /blacked/ general
Kids still trying lol.

>> No.46417158

ok discord raiders enjoy sucking each others' feminine penises

>> No.46417372

Yuko is not the Gura killer after all. Millions must die.

>> No.46419130

She already leeches from Hololive enough, what’s stopping her from going for Goomba?
Realistically everyone would leech Hololive because where else do you grow after /here/pandering?

>> No.46419955

gura is top EN vtuber, stop deflecting

>> No.46420045

Pippa built her brand by pandering to the political right, which I'd say is no less fraudulent than doing scripted shorts.

>> No.46420054
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>> No.46420102
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>> No.46420215

Then why do you make anti threads on the catalog about her?

>> No.46420244

What's actually going to happen is they're going to join forces. One brings in normies via rehearsed shorts, and the other turns normies into autists with their react streaming. They are all equally important components of the vtube pipeline.

>> No.46420300

show me some good highlights of her content. what's her best video?

>> No.46420376

The new Pippa is actually Shondo.

>> No.46420403

They're very much alike, Rin is just funnier. Lovely speaking voice, but absolute cunt personality that wastes it. Le quirky depressed 'I hate everything, kill me now' doomer girls who can't just play their characters, they have to constantly make snide 'lol I'm an anime girl it's so dumb' meta bs comments. On and on.

>> No.46420510

For whatever reason YouTube started shilling her shorts like a motherfucker, she won the algorithm lottery. She used to be well behind Yuko, and just barely ahead of the other girls til recently.

>> No.46420755

It's because she mentioned Gura in her shorts.

>> No.46420842

She was closer to Yuko than she was to the rest, comfortably #2 in Idol.

>> No.46420886

Lots of people mention Gura, they don't get 150k subs overnight. It takes more than leeching, something fishy going on.

>> No.46420968

Eventually, but not for the first few months.

>> No.46421027

Response to Pippa in the fact that you fags are going to spam the catalog with her?

>> No.46421968

>in 2023

>> No.46422767

What the fuck it's real, I've never heard of her

>> No.46423182

She's just some toddler kiddy content shill, she didn't even have an actual model doing 'vtubing' until recently. Just a bandwagon jumping poser.

>> No.46423441

She's everything /hlg/ wanted in a vtuber back in 2020
>doesn't actually stream
>just posts shorts and some 20 minute long videos
>no drama
>no collabs
>no males

>> No.46423667

Go back to tumblr faggot

>> No.46423875

Which is why she has tons of people leeching from her, because she’s guaranteed views when people make her the subject of a video/short.
And why if Pippa already leeches Hololive as it is, it’s just as likely she’d go for Gura.

>> No.46424678

Why are you lying? You can literally check the Idol thread and everyone was talking about her when she streamed.

>> No.46424734

>why is a shitposter shitposting?

>> No.46424909

King... Your belt buckle.

>> No.46425120
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Stop making so many goddamn rhreads you hooknosed fucks, I swear to yahweh.

>> No.46425258

Nobody who has any clue what her best video is would be old enough to post here, or even feed themselves properly.
She does content for the 5yo market. Which is a huge and under-served market, so good on her.

>> No.46425275

you're the fucking delusional one. This is like saying everyone that watches something like gundam wing or plays devil may cry is a homosexual because it has anime boys that woman coom too. Also imagine getting so booty blasted that some chick likes and talks to males, this is fucking bizarre behavior and on any board not /vt/ the collective mass of anons would call you a pathetic beta bitch faggot scared of your own gender because you're a failure that needs to cling to an anime girl that doesn't even want to perpetuate your autistic larp.

>> No.46425612

It's not bandwagon jumping if she still targets the same audience. It's just a smart business move to have a face that those kids will still recognize when they get older.
Vtubers have completely missed the child audience so far and that's pants-on-head stupid in the long run.

>> No.46425774


I mean if you want to get technical she was already a PNGtuber since day one basically. This isn't like a case where some facefag fleshstreamer shows off a rig for a bit, but rather a natural extension of what she was already doing. It's like a timecapsule to old youtube.

>> No.46425859

There's already 4 posts of her up at the same time right now.
I wonder how many of these bongshills actually watch Rin regularly and not just flex post her numbers to dunk on others like Pippa.

>> No.46426170

So this will be the new catalogbait until the next niji yab huh?

>> No.46426403

Twitter tourists sure are mad at the pink rabbit

>> No.46426741

any sauce to the image ?
cant find it on any booru or original twitter link

>> No.46430078

Not even close

>> No.46436072

Rin isn't like Pippa. I don't like her because she is clearly carried by the British buff (like Vox) but she does deserve to win by at least not being a hypocrite. Pipkin deserves to lose after what she'd done by being a backstabbing grifter trying to emulate Nyanners.

>> No.46436616

No. Idol had no idea which of them was going to be popular, but they tried a bunch of things and bet on one of them eventually blowing up.

>> No.46436804

That would unironically be good enough. We didn’t expect better
t. Rincel
