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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46402610 No.46402610 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine completely copying gura’s schtick and then being upset when people inevitably compare you to her, i like yuko but she couldn’t be a more blatant gura clone is she tried

>> No.46402668

why do the heebs keep trying to leech off of gura's name? first the two-tone troon and now the ghost.

>> No.46402710

Now that Gura started streaming again Yuko is fucked anyway
She'll be a 2view soon enough

>> No.46402857

>started streaming again
>already on break again

>> No.46403061

They just want the algorithm cheat that Fillian and Rin got. I don’t even doubt if it’s a jew corpo mandatory mention at this point

>> No.46403088

2 out, there's 3 jewbas left, who will leech next?

>> No.46403855

Wasn't this just an April Fools joke?

>> No.46404147

Are all these kikes gonna do these algorithm tricks now? In Rin's case you could argue it wasn't intentional but now they're just being disgustingly blatant about it. Juna's probably going to make a short called "why Gawr Gura doesn't stream anymore" and get like 100k more bot subs from it.

>> No.46404264

imitation is the most sincere form of flattery after all

>> No.46404523

>Jews trying to hit the algorithm again with Gura's name

It's all so tiresome

>> No.46404544

They found the cheat code, bois
Since Gura herself doesn't have any shorts, and any search result will show shorts, these chuubas can appear in Gura top results legally<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46404599

If Gura isn't using all that clout, somebody else might as well

>> No.46404719
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>> No.46404769

If it can help you get to the top of the algorithm and neither Cover or Gura or call you out on it, fuck it.
She will be neither the first or the last chuuba that does this, let alone makes Hololive part of their content.

>> No.46405185

t. jewshill

>> No.46405390

I mean this wasn't the first time this happened as if you remembered the 'Literally Who' trannyshark vtuber named Artemis that came out coincidentally the same during Gura's debut on Holomyth?

>> No.46405501

ITT: Coping & Seething

>> No.46406684

she isn't even like gura
you stupid fucks shilling her as gura are the problem

>> No.46406808
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The jews didnt start leeching off hololive. But yes, she is clearly dickriding Rin where she was leeching off Gura

>> No.46407195

She’s exactly like her bro, you’re in denial

>> No.46407232

t. doesn't watch her
she doesn't even sound like her

>> No.46407296

Because it worked.

>> No.46407508

Yuko has a potty mouth and a much more unhinged kind of deal than Gura. She was right to do that.

The rest is just the usual cacophony of trolls, discord shit, nonnas etc. I really wish there was a proper forum for vtubers so that trolls and similar trash can get filtered immediately.

>> No.46407632

in her debut stream she mentioned Gura multiple times.
but this is just trying sad version of what Rin did.

>> No.46407892

I swear you’ll stupid your fucking toe or miss a green light and blame us

>> No.46408091

Whatever you say, kike.

>> No.46408605

The only part of Gura’s schtick Yuko copies is being cunny. If you think at least part of Gura’s audience didn’t just pick her because Myth had first mover advantage and Gura was the only loli, then you’re deluding herself.
To the extent that Yuko has been trying to “leech” off Gura, it’s to emphasize that cunny enjoyers have options. Besides, I’m fairly sure Yuko is way more of a kusogaki than Gura was.
Yes, trying to pander to chumbuds probably backfired somewhat. But Yuko herself isn’t a Gura copy.

>> No.46408749

this post is bait/paid shill

>> No.46408800

Yuko is a Chumbud and became a Vtuber because of this. And inb4 she's not a real chumbud, Yuko is how I learned Gura was returning since her first return message was a members post.

>> No.46408830

I’m not being paid for this. I just like Jews.

>> No.46408961 [DELETED] 

Nta, but Yuko’s pl was also a loli. Short small girls see a loli become the most subscribed vtuber in the world and realize they could be a loli vtuber too and get enough views to make it a career.
It’s perfectly easy to explain why every loli vtuber seems to talk about Gura so much. Yeah, it could technically also count as leeching, but it’s not like there isn’t a really obvious reason loli tubers look up to her so much.

>> No.46409147 [DELETED] 

Her PL was great, and not full of the GFE baiting she does now, wish she'd go back to it.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46409519

bait then

>> No.46409655

Isn't gura Jewish?

>> No.46409773

Doesn't she still interact with her fans from her past life? I saw some boo bros complaining about how they're the side piece

>> No.46409785

I’ve literally watched every stream from both of them, yuko is a gura clone, even has a similar design to gura with the hood

>> No.46409946

Gura invented vtubing so every vtuber is copying her.

>> No.46410102

Kill yourself like

>> No.46410581


>> No.46410893

She was the first big loli vtuber
That much is undeniable

>> No.46411750

>gets compared to Gura just because she's also a blue loli
>makes a short saying she's not Gura
>people get upset and continue comparing her to Gura
You're a huge fucking retard, aren't you

>> No.46412365

>nooo Im not Gura Im a genuine human bean!
lol I watched some of her shit - she is the fakest, most pandering chuuba ive ever seen so its kinda amusing that being compared to someone that put vtubing on the map in the west is where she draws the line. anons are right she is trying to catch the YT wave

>> No.46414664

>but gura

>> No.46415755

Look at her design retard, how are you gonna look at her with the ghost hood on and say it’s not directly based on gura and her shark hood, yuko even talked about gura being her oshi in her debut and she was the one who designed her model…

>> No.46416244

This just in, Gura invented lolis

>> No.46417227

Loli vtubers?
Yeah pretty much

>> No.46419053

It's almost as if trying to be your oshi while stealing your oshi's disgruntled fans isn't the winning formula after all.

Boochuds WILL cope otherwise but it's the truth. People like authenticity, not a carbon copy.

>> No.46419149

>copies gura
>gets crushed by le accent ikea shark girl


>> No.46419229

>he dropped Gura for Yuko
>now he's pretending to like her again when it suits his anti-Rin agenda
What is this mental illness called?

>> No.46419381

Thats actually correct. Before Gura there were basically 0 EN lolitubers

>> No.46419708

You need to be 18 or older to post here<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46420065
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why don't gura just make her own shorts?

>> No.46421238

When's the last time Gura did a karaoke?

>> No.46421413

Name 3 that werent 2views.
1.Kamiko Kana
2. Uhhhh

>> No.46421425
File: 193 KB, 512x512, 1666091997742571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46422823

Yes, OP is just being a faggot again. Gura is Yuko's oshi, she probably gets off on being compared to her

>> No.46423013

>banned Gura from my chat
>hateful Gura fan comments
>Gura Bad

“Btw did I mention Gura is my oshi?!”

Fucking low tier western leeches, when they can’t succeed on their own they’ll resort to this huh

>> No.46423148

this the same girl I saw in Gura’s pre-chat trying to larp as a Gura fan Kek

>> No.46423433

So Gura invented not only lolis, but also hoodies
I kneel
I wonder if she invented blue too

>> No.46423842

What makes someone a Gura clone?

>> No.46423961

I feel like people say this most of the time out of exaggeration, but this girl in particular literally tries to be an exact replica to the best of her ability.

It’s rather creepy, not only in mannerisms but even with her assigned model the likeness of her design itself is literally Gura

>> No.46424749

So much of the EN scene were 2view that it's tough to name any, but here's three with views at least in the triple digits.

>> No.46425798

What is Gura's "schtick"? Other than not streaming of course.

>> No.46425867

They have polar opposite personalities and sound nothing alike, wtf you on?
The only similarity is that they both supposedly grew up in the country.

>> No.46426384

Just a bunch of irrelevant nobodies riding Gura's coattails

>> No.46427362

The model really what makes her a clone of Gura, in fact you can argue that's just a ((((coincidence))). That said, while you can argue that her mannerisms are just being a kusogaki, her screams and voice definitely have an uncanny resemblance.

>> No.46427558

Gura also invented brats, it's even patented under her name. She also invented being American

>> No.46427686

Posts like this are why I'm glad Rin is mogging the fuck out of the knockoff version of Gura

>> No.46427869

>no answer
Gura didn't invent being a bratty cunny. Cumsharts are fucking delusional.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46427933

Chumkeks are delusional.

>> No.46436127

She probably won’t because it didn’t work for Yuko. The difference between Yuko and Rin is you could tell it was organic with Rin
