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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46390156 No.46390156 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.46390190

the cutest couple in vtubing

>> No.46390242

They're cute you have to admit

>> No.46390260

>just after april fools

>> No.46390537


>> No.46390649

Having to hear Kyo's voice is an affront to nature. They are evil people.

>> No.46390663

Aloupeeps are always getting cucked lmao

>> No.46390866

Would be funny if they switch cloth

>> No.46390875

And he's doing the lick vag sign on the thumbnail, cool

>> No.46390900

Collab sex with @EnnaAlouette when
I'd watch that

>> No.46390907


>> No.46391040
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This. Lmao.

>> No.46391099

oh shit. a fuck collab on stream. playing a pre recorded karaoke as they fuck in the background.

>> No.46391430

Would it be funny as an april fool, they fuck live on stream, r-right?

>> No.46391516

you go sisters *snap snap*

>> No.46391615

Horrible, horrible people

>> No.46391641

cuckchads keep winning, LFG

>> No.46391754

Tiny chink girl being filled by BWC

>> No.46391816

bold move to go for the NTR market, let's see if it works out for them
so far it hasn't, Enna's numbers have cratered and Kyo never really took off

>> No.46391859

Oh oh oh oh NTR live

>> No.46391868

What goes through the mind of an aloucuck? Their existence is disgusting.

>> No.46392565

Is it weird that it took me like 5 months to realize that this guy and aster were different people? All the apexvalo NPCs blend together in my mind

>> No.46392664

What's gonna be the CCV? Let's make some bets anons. It'll be bad but let's guess how bad

>> No.46392713


>> No.46392790

You have shit taste in couples.
You could try watching the ones that aren't spiteful nijis

>> No.46392891

their first collab got 15k and this has the karaoke buff. i'm guessing 20-25k

>> No.46393102

i actually think it will be less.

>> No.46393283

I thought he was gay?

>> No.46393315

>lick vagina sign
Can they be more subtle please

>> No.46393376

You are absolutely delusional if you think they're gonna get that CCV. Come back here in 9 hours so I can cyberbully you, retard.

>> No.46393441

No they did not, you lying tourist nigger

>> No.46393658

Damn, I just found Enna from her amazing song clips and then this...

>> No.46393812


>> No.46393912

>40+ year old canadian china woman
>20 year old american wigger

How does this work?

>> No.46394411
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>> No.46395520

ppl watching their collabs legit have a cuck fetish and should feel ashamed of themselves<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46395590

Pretty sure they fucked multiple times off screen..

>> No.46395789

don't forget this fucker is WHEELCHAIR BOUND and is KEKING HUNDREDS as we speak, aloupeeps... it's over...

>> No.46395911
File: 644 KB, 751x883, 1673890272972858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even joking when I say this but I believe there is substantial evidence that this is not even some random ratt, but actual truth.
She's been caught lying about going out on weekends with 'friends' and staying out till the next day and early hours of the morning.

>> No.46396406

or when they said that kyo went away but in reality stayed the night
and no I am not going to dig in the VODS or archive for you, you just need to take my word as an ex nijinigger

>> No.46397092

they should just fkn graduate and go on a honeymoon together instead, I dont want this cancer to spread

>> No.46397548

personally, i do its funny watching people get mad<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46398567

They will only be mad for so long, then you are left with this.
Do you truly enjoy it then?
If you are then thats fine but if you only like the drama-part then be ready to jump on the next one because they don't last forever.

>> No.46398818

Shut up bot

>> No.46399692

sasuga NTRsanji. at it again i see

>> No.46400247

Kyo is scum

>> No.46400828

I have no idea how he's not been graduated yet. Is he a nepotism hire?
Or is Niji just that fucking low to not care

>> No.46400837

Do these collabs have any sort of appeal to non-unicorns at all? Like, is there a legitimate reason you’d find them interesting other than trying to own the unicorns. Because if not, then that means Enna’s debuffing her channel with these sorts of streams, doesn’t it?

>> No.46400888

>Enna gets the highest views when shes with kyo
Right... debuffing

>> No.46400992

try to convince me that everyone who subscribes to these ship rrats isn't lowkey just ntr fags trying to fuel their fetish. i really beleive you guys are

>> No.46401024

Enna is trying to rebrand as a real life woman. Thing is, that's not interesting. She's executing her career. That wigger will probably be better off but Enna? She's literally deleting her own career. For what? Lmfao I hope she has to fuck for money. That's a just outcome.

>> No.46401189

"Heeeey.... buddy..."

>> No.46401313

As far as Enna’s channel is, I’m a complete tourist. Yes, I worded it in a way that was probably slightly baiting, but it was to placate the unicorns. If she gets more views because Kyo’s there, then of course it makes sense for her to spam collabs. I’m genuinely neutral over this.
Now, as to whether doing this will hurt her channel in the *long* run…

>> No.46401511

I wonder if Kyo ever thinks about the fact that there isnt a single woman mad about him collabing with women lol

>> No.46402327

First thing I noticed.

>> No.46402998

I don't think women get upset about that in the same way as men.

>> No.46403672

Vox says hi

>> No.46404211

her collabs with Kyo have been doing shit numbers recently anon. This one might do ok because music, but her kyo collabs have not been buff streams for a while. She's still doing them because she's literally fucking obsessed with Kyo and talks about him all the time nonstop. She introduce him to her parents, and even showed her baby brother pictures of Kyo to get his reaction. She is so obsessed with Kyo she copied the entire way he talks and now sounds like she's from the ghetto half the time.

Also your assessment is right, this is likely the reason Enna gets really low donations compared to the other girls and compared to her viewership. It's because her male fanbase is really low.

>> No.46404243

Enna loves BWC

>> No.46404446

In what way is kyo appealing to women. His voice is gross and his model is even uglier

>> No.46404865

are you a man or a women?

>> No.46404975

Then her only reason to keep collabing with this wigger is to make fags on /vt/ mad?

>> No.46405072

/vt/ is almost down for the count from all the jabs nijiEN have thrown at them recently...

>> No.46405644

aloupeeps know that best. its what they watch her for

>> No.46405761

So true Enna, it’s not as if you took part in a stream parodying /vt/ because you’re that obsessed with it

>> No.46406783

She owned you retards and you people still haven't recovered from it. Its so funny

>> No.46407032

Men will fuck anything.

>> No.46407078

What did she do?Also who?

>> No.46407423

>Australian voice
>Not ugly
I'd give her the best 5 mins she's had

>> No.46407599

Hi Enna

>> No.46407752

Anyone who watches these 2 are legitimate cucks and deserve to die, fucking weak losers

>> No.46407767

my favorite vtuber ship

>> No.46407785

Enna's audience is 90% bitter chinese femcels.

>> No.46407814

She wishes.

>> No.46408566

>Rolls with the pigs in shit
>Gets covered in shit
>Lmao you pigs are so fucking owned

>> No.46408677

He is male ironlung, pity grifting and all

>> No.46408743

I remember being one of her first fans... Suffice to say, I haven't stuck around.

>> No.46408922

nijifriends...are you alright?

>> No.46408962

Kyo always getting cucked with Luca lmao

>> No.46410236


>> No.46410638

At this point I genuinely believe Enna is trying to carve out an ntr niche.

>> No.46410731

She is genuinely the evil little psychopathic girl in every horror movie.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46411039

should told them to kys haha<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46411559

>They will only be mad for so long
people getting mad with Enna here have been going on for a long time
infinite seething entertainment on catalog

>> No.46411773

Poor Aloupeeps. I don't think of myself as a unicorn but I do think there are some boundaries that need to be established for fan/business sake, but Kyo and Enna don't have any boundaries.

>> No.46413949

what the fuck, does she just sant to ruin stuff wherever she goes?

>> No.46417316

is this an offcollab? how are they going to sync the vocals?

>> No.46417495

why would besties need boundaries? this isn't idolshit.

>> No.46418304

>Enna is trying to carve out an ntr niche

wouldn't put it past her. she's said on stream before she actively tries to filter her audience. makes it easier to do whatever you want when you only have yesmen around<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46419316

i bet she has a CBT fetish just like most of the female insects from her home's mainland. It's probably why she likes kyo, he probably lets her fuck with his unusable shit since he can't feel anything below his waist.

>> No.46420429

she's a hag???

>> No.46420910

Unicorns were right.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46421036

Nah, it is. OG Aloucreeps got filtered post-Luxiem, the hard core of Aloucreeps got filtered post-Iluna. It's all femcels and one or two of the greasiest of cucks.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46421226

mate cuckening arc is a few months old, what she did b4 that aint relevant to what im saying...<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46421354

lol you're insane if you think it's going to have bad CCV. Enna's solo karaoke gets over 12-15k viewers so that number will either go up or down a little depending on if people think Kyo will ruin Enna's singing or want to see their stupid banter

>> No.46421707

20k seems like a safe bet.

>> No.46425709

lol check /cbdct/

>> No.46425713


>> No.46427812

bot thread

>> No.46428130

you're getting cuck delusions by internet entertainers that don't know anything about you

take a moment to think how sad that is

>> No.46428340


>> No.46428827

so her dad was in a shitty situation living in a cramped space away from his family, she says she wouldn't blame him if he gets a divorce if he's unhappy. how exactly does looking out for her dad paint her in a bad light?

>> No.46431061

she also says she hates his new wife (who's in the room next door as she's saying this) and insults her new baby brother

>> No.46431275

Aloupeeps status?

>> No.46434891

You wanted crazy women, there's your women

>> No.46435172

How the fuck can a person find that stupid fucker kyo cute. He is a fucking asshole who kneels to the woke culture that betrayed zaion, nijisanji. And then played victim.

>> No.46435251

Enna is a great singer none of what she does matters other than singing.

>> No.46435269

cuck buff seems to be wearing off<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46435436

If you don't hold any emotional attachment it's like watching porn. In fact, they should do porn.

>> No.46435486

>The only NijiEN stream that wasn't an April Fools jokes is the hetship flirting collab
This fucking branch man it's so bad it's funny

>> No.46435651

And descending. The guy who said 25 k must be aloupeep or just stupid

>> No.46436149

>i-i-i-ii-it'll get 20k
LMAO<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46436157

I never watch kyo. So i thought you guys were shitting on him for his terrible voice because he's kyo.

Turns out his voice really is terrible and gross. Why would anyone want to listen to this faggot.

>> No.46436261

Karma exists?

>> No.46436672

is this unironically a prank or did kyo just not listen to his own singing or practice at all? This is so awful I can't listen for more than a few seconds without wanting to stab my own eardrums out

>> No.46437071

>peaked at 6.7k

>> No.46437252

This bitch still mad at her newborn brother?

>> No.46438248

NTA but I'm not surprised. I peeked in a couple times and the stream seemed to be enna trying to teach kyo how to sing and was barely karaoke. If I was someone who was an avid fan of enna's singing, I would have left immediately after hearing kyo's awful voice. Also unrelated but what the fuck was up with her comment about "misogynistic song choice"? Like stfu enna.

>> No.46438361

It was an april fools thing where they started to sing then cut all the songs short. One of the songs was supposedly "too misogynistic" to be sung on stream.

>> No.46442599

almost as epic as enna's hilarious march 31st karaoke that actually just ended in like 3 minutes<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46443070

Man I'm starting to hate april fool's day

>> No.46447585

poor aloucreeps always getting cucked

>> No.46454440

pregnancy when

>> No.46459285

based bot
dont give a fuck about nijis but watching shcizos seethe in the catalog will always be funny

>> No.46460559

>too misogynistic
What the song again?

>> No.46460879

It's cool that they made some original songs for this. Some of them were lowkey good

>> No.46461023

See setting fire to a wooden house gets you a big flame. Trying to light up the pile of ashes, not so much.

>> No.46461647

Doesn't this guy suck massive cocks daily?

>> No.46466471

They love it.

>> No.46467475

Be real with me, dawgs.
They fucked, right?
Enna was my oshi :(

>> No.46469912
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>> No.46471682

>One of the songs was supposedly "too misogynistic" to be sung on stream.
i hate nijisanji so much.

>> No.46471901

lmao you probably thought that was actually clever and not a clusterfuck didn't you?

>> No.46472104

Given how they’re all /here/, maybe one day NijiEN will finally realize that this is the real issue. There are plenty of people who aren’t unicorns, they’re just the loudest.
When you plan collabs to just own the haters, all you’re gonna do is fill up the schedule with collabs that don’t actually work and aren’t good content on their own.
If you’re going to do karaoke with a male for April Fool’s at least get someone who can sing. Even if Enna pulled an Ame, at least normalfags who like dunking on chuds or whatever wouldn’t be filtered.
But no, it has to be Kyo, because that’s who /vt/ seethes over.

>> No.46474711 [DELETED] 


>> No.46476085


>> No.46476141

Its her boyfriend and she wants to help her boyfriend to grow.
>but she is hurting her numbers
she doesnt care, she is a woman, they love to be self sacrificing for the men they love

>> No.46476144

I hate Kyo so fucking much. He is the ultimate leech. Even worse than Nina.

>> No.46476317

Sister you need to move on...

>> No.46476363

Sister...Nina is literally female Kyo. The ultimate backstabber. They are both snakes that abuses the users to get higher numbers.

If you cant even see these simple social interactions, you should go outside and touch some grass.

>> No.46476578

>Hate Kyo for being a leech
Fuck off. There are far better reasons to hate Kyo you bandwagonning dramafaggot
>Still having a hate boner for Nina in 2023
Get with the times grandpa.

>> No.46476791

This is actual mental illness

>> No.46478358

> Niji racing to find who will break contracts the soonest
Anycolor probably itching to pick the hammer, but until then, it's all fun and games. And yes, I love it.

>> No.46479936


Clearly the worst voice of Vtuber history

>> No.46481785

