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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46324763 No.46324763 [Reply] [Original]

We have received numerous requests for assistance from established VTubers, including those who wish to retain their audiences and those who are experiencing mistreatment from their agencies. While our initial plan was to focus solely on debuting original talents through our official generation auditions, we are now open to considering unique projects between official generations. We invite established creators with over 20,000 subscribers/followers who are interested in exploring this possibility to reach out to us at <email>
source: https://blog.idol-company.com/idol-weekly-4#heading-a-successful-solo-vtuber-project

>> No.46324811

Buy some ad space already, heeb.

>> No.46325198

Phase INVADERS????

>> No.46325650

This just rubs me the wrong way. He's insinuating other companies mistreat their talents while implying everything is perfect at Idol. A real Jew tactic if I've ever seen one.

>> No.46325953

>Implying the talents wont need to do "favors" to be able to enter the company
>Implying Rin didn't have to go on a "vacation" with management where she would randomly go up to management room and come out with her makeup all messed up and her looking like shes been holding back tears and smelling weird
>implying Rin wasn't overheard telling management between tears "please not in the back, i dont like it, please" only to be slapped and then apologize for talking back.

>> No.46325972

Another day, another jewish trick

Didn't jews have a graduation speedrun of their Origin branch? They didn't even care to support them lmao

>> No.46326079

Man, Cover really fucking fumbled the goddamn football with going public and their disaster of a first week on the TSE

>> No.46326121

Origin was simply to scam money from the Israeli government. They sold their vtubers as being next-gen VR actors.

>> No.46326315

God that would be so hot, I am envious of Aviel or whatever his name is

>> No.46326371

riro really didn't do as well as expected

>> No.46326713

>Origin was simply to scam
jews are at it again

>> No.46327118

Origin graduated because they gave a chance to girls who never streamed in their life and they realized they don't like streaming or VTubing. They came with zero knowledge about VTubers or streaming, and they never managed to really get views or earn money from it so it was to be expected.

also stop with this government money rrat, they already said its private investors who invested and not "government" where did this rrat even start at

>> No.46331987

So basically all of Wactor is lined up to join?
IdolES when?

>> No.46332658

Holy shit, you might have a point. I'm almost certain Aviel plans on hiring Spanish-speaking girls at some point. Maybe he's trying to take WACTOR's place as the ES corpo.

>> No.46332785

>using make up
You have no idea how much of femcel rin is.

>> No.46332862

>plans on hiring spanish-speaking girls
Riro is literally living in spain

>> No.46333326

Living in =/= streams in that language.
Also, we're talking the ES audience in the Americas here.

>> No.46333589

I would apply to a corpo if they did that to me lol

>> No.46333957

Yuko appeared a lot in Luna's streams. Surely she's in touch with Nisha now, and Nisha can get into Meica's will like no one else.

>> No.46334208

>unique projects between official generations
What the fuck does that mean?

>> No.46334405

Hermanos... Hay esperanza.

>> No.46334464
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Great, so Aviel will get the Tsunderia girls before Fishman can. Poach friends are gonna be PISSED.

>> No.46334538

Why are you gay?

>> No.46334791


>> No.46334934

Stuff like Riro, or Phase Invaders.

>> No.46335485


>> No.46335673

Classic jewish tactics.

>> No.46335778

It means exactly what it says. There are full-on waves of new vtubers debuted at once, perhaps on a loose schedule so investors and fans know what kind of timeframe to expect, and then there are ones which may be debuted or externally recruited in between scheduled waves.

>> No.46335908

>moving from 1 black company to another

>> No.46336355

>Scams his government out of money
>Makes the girls beg for money monthly with some kind of -othon
>Openly says he'll gladly scrape money from you as long as you're already making money.
>Keeps saying they're doing much better than projections.
I do not trust this man or his company. The girls better be negotiating a better cut on contract renewal if they're doing as well as he claims.

>> No.46337004

>>Scams his government out of money
repeating a lie wont make it real

>> No.46337028

Supposedly they only turned a profit in February.

>> No.46337165

Repeating saying it isn't real won't hide the unlisted video on the main Idol account where they showed the government their talents being (fake) digitized into Unreal engine.

>> No.46337188

Oh look the kike is doing very kikey things, color me surprised. FUCK OFF YOU JEW.

>> No.46337744

This is the company that scammed israel in order to fund their vtuber company right? kek

>> No.46337844


>> No.46338001

>where they showed the government their talents being
that never happened, I watched the video, stop making up shit.

>> No.46338188

Catalog threads spreading misinformation, color me surprised

>> No.46338273

They really pulling an Idol Gen 0.
The rrat came from the fact they are jews and it’s not hard to believe. In America most cash advance companies are jewish and has ties to the bank. Idk how accurate it is but in my experience dealing with 3 of them all had a jew boss or co-owner.

>> No.46338402
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Crazy. I just went to grab the link and the video is now private. Real weird that. Shame for the company if somebody saved it.

>> No.46338564

yeah because the ky0resu debut went so fucking well lol

>> No.46338691
File: 267 KB, 640x607, 3212132121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I remember the nintendo shit near the debut that was so funny since they were hinting and vagueposting about being partnered with nintendo but turned out they were just giving away nintendo stuff
Its like that digital coin who implied that they had secured a partnership with mcdonalds only for mcdonalds to come out and say that their company only ordered take out from them.

>> No.46338723


>> No.46338736

I want them to save my WACTOR girls

>> No.46338857

Despite idol shills trying to hide it, the guy is the scammer outside of this whole vtubing thing.

>> No.46338970

Yeah, now where exactly does it say anything about government, also you're screenshotting a thread that used youtube captions for translation and all of their claims ended up being false including them never planning to debut talents kek

>> No.46338985

the small corpo isn't an easy game to play and you gotta make your moves to win

>> No.46338994

Wait... Wait... I might have to actually watch Rin now!

>> No.46339076

>Here's a list of shit he's done
Does it really matter at this point? Private investors or the government, he scams.

>> No.46339167

They debuted some throw away whores for Hebrew branch which is mostly gone by this point?

>> No.46339189

so you double down and admit to spreading misinformation after being called out. Nice

>> No.46339248

are we going to ignore idolEN existence? if you wonder why they debuted idolHE the CEO explains it well in the weekly, it has nothing to do with the retarded "They stole money from the government" rrat that I called out

>> No.46339273

Lol, lmao

>> No.46339552

HE was just the scam in order to get funding for his real goal which was EN
probably needed it to trick the gov that he was trying to nurture and promote the jewish culture worldwide or something

>> No.46339596


>> No.46339626

Idol shill, yes he debuted EN after HE, but the point about his shady practices still fucking stands.

>> No.46339674


>> No.46339776

>Oh boy, a pointless video went private, time to make up some conspiracy shit to get some (you)s
You are so funny anon

>> No.46339777

>about his shady practices still fucking stands
which to this day none was able to prove.

other than "trust me bro, he scammed, look this other 4chan thread said the same" there has been nothing. In reality, they provide the most to their talents and all their talents keep talking about how good they're being treated on streams.

>> No.46339838

Imagine defending a jew. Pathetic.

>> No.46339857

You provide nothing besides that you're really, really information in calling it misinformation.

>> No.46339934

Nobody defends a company this hard on fucking 4chan.

>> No.46340012

you sound called out

>> No.46341068

>he scammed the Israeli government
Wait, is this supposed to make me not like him?

>> No.46341341

>stop with this government money
Anon they literally streamed speaking Hebrew.
It was for the gibs.

>> No.46341448

I'm not aware of what they're referring to, but dishonesty is dishonesty, even if perpetrated against someone you consider an enemy. Also, the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. Having a common enemy/goal doesn't necessarily mean that you share common values.

>> No.46345038

Is one of the moderators for their discord still that anon from /pol/ or have they fired him yet?

>> No.46346636

Assuming I am not dishonest myself

>> No.46346935


>> No.46347112

Everything IS perfect at Idol though.
If someone gets to say that kind of shit it's aviel.

>> No.46347324

Yo, are they accepting managers? My nose is kinda big.

>> No.46347334

The Mossad is here.

>> No.46352012

>ITT: poachers connect seething

>> No.46354987

>He's insinuating other companies mistreat their talents
and they do.

>> No.46355002

Nah, there is no way that jews would lie and mislead as falseflaggers. They never done any propaganda schemes ever

>> No.46356277

As if his NFT garbage wasnt enough of a hint

>> No.46356487

>3 graduations in under a year
In what universe? That is unheard of for a startup company. Not even WACTOR managed to do that

>> No.46356751

They thought there was a market for jew vtubers, but there wasn't, and being a low 2view is depressing, so it is understandable they just quit.

>> No.46356816

Phaseshills are absolutely trembling at this post

>> No.46357439

I hope they get Zaion and pay for her former artist and rigger. I don't think any of the stuff she "did" at Niji would be a problem at Idol. Plus imagine trying to call her antisemitic when her boss is a jew. The sisters would be seething

>> No.46357536


>> No.46357566

>watched the failures of Iluna and Xsoleil in real time
>still took no notes as to why it happened
how sad do you have to be to be a jew who can't even game the economy

>> No.46357569

I have never seen a vtuber corp get astroturfed this fucking hard before.

>> No.46358505


>> No.46358718
File: 122 KB, 1106x971, 1678068773791859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phase and Idol are friends.
Fuck off.
Pippa x Yuko was great and Panko x Fuyo was kino.

>> No.46358726

despite some skepticism about their many self-serving public statements about their management style, my opinion is that idol is having a positive impact on the industry.
t. phaseshill

>> No.46358839

Phase and Idol may be friends but poachersconnect and jews are not

>> No.46358890

I believe in cunnity.

>> No.46359730

>leave your old black company
>join a jew black company
