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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 9 KB, 300x168, ITS VOER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46258387 No.46258387 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know why but she just doesn't feel the same anymore.
>hardly speaks
>hardly giggles
>lower energy all around
>seems to be less engaged in whatever she playing
What do i do about this?

>> No.46258426

Drop her shes clearly not the same person you cared about and now she hardly cares about you.

>> No.46258471

You leave and don’t come back??

Literally what unicorns do all the time when they label someone a whore. Literally just leave go find someone to make you happy

>> No.46258482

hasn't it always been this way?
she's only high energy in member streams and collabs with friends

>> No.46258538

Im sorry to say it chumbie but shes tired of both vtubing and her fanbase now all shes doing is what shes contractually obligated to do

>> No.46258579

take it easy on her, she's tired from how much she's streamed for us recently. she needs another break to recover and regain her energy.

>> No.46258732

She just dropped the whole cutesy caring act after realizing her fans will just blindly keep giving her money

>> No.46258787

Gura is being forced by investors to stream to save cover's stock price from falling further.
It's obvious she's not in the mood but that's what the board of directors want.

>> No.46258811

Have you tried suicide?

>> No.46258839

She did seem low energy the first two streams but the latest stream she's been getting back into it. Probably because there were other JP members on at the same time.

>> No.46258914

I half feel sorry for her, because realizing that your effort means nothing sucks. Even if it’s “we can’t tell the difference between stuff you worked hard on and stuff you phoned in, it’s all good!” rather than “we don’t care how hard you worked on it, it all sucks,” they both feel bad. Both mean that your fans didn’t notice your effort and don’t care.
…That said, the millions she’s made from this make me a lot less sympathetic to her. I’m sympathetic enough not to make threads complaining about her, but not enough to not join in every once in a while.

>> No.46258992

Bro you can just leave and go watch someone else without making a big scene about it.

>> No.46259117


>> No.46259240

Its time you let her go and find better chuubas worth your time and money

>> No.46259425

How is making a thread discussing about it = making a scene???

>> No.46259485

Getting eternally mogged by Cookie does wonders
Also IPO is literally forcing her to stream

>> No.46259525

It's called chemo therapy, anon.

>> No.46259540

Because certain fanbases are extremely fragile, and take any sort of honest criticism or harmless venting as a personal attack.

>> No.46259615

You dont like the new VA?

>> No.46259657

I don't want to play armchair psych too much here but is she depressed or something? Being in a bad place psychologically and needing to stream to an audience of 20k+ cannot be easy.

>> No.46259659

She just stopped liking her fans to the point of dropping keyfabe is all

>> No.46259871

>any kind of criticism about gura = a big scene
man chumbies are a sensitive bunch

>> No.46259948

She's not ovulating right now. Wait a couple weeks.

>> No.46259953

Copy paste replies.

>> No.46260024 [DELETED] 

Cry more chumkek

>> No.46260135

yeah im sure its the niji bots right man?

>> No.46260185

Completely ignorant of market trends and mandated restrictions that your precious Kiara has brought up multiple times before Cover went public over new restrictions and guidelines. This so happened to have affected Gura too.
She can't not stream anymore or else the new investors will pressure Yagoo to fire her. You should unironically want her to not stream anymore for her to be fired.

>> No.46260218
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>a coherent reasonable take
>on /vt/ of all places

>> No.46260274

She's under pressure by shady Japanese businessmen and Chinese investors in order to keep her job. She genuinely shouldn't be in Hololive anymore. It's for her own good.
>t. Day 1 Chumbud

>> No.46260290

>t. solipsist schizo

>> No.46260350 [DELETED] 

Chumgroids really are the lowest of the low, i can just image you crying as you massreplied, pathetic like your worthless ugly fattoid you call oshi.

>> No.46260364
File: 152 KB, 1446x1158, stanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this is why Gura is streaming more. Alas, to no avail.

>> No.46260369

Copy paste deflection.

>> No.46260413

I'm at least detoxifying. But yeah. /ggg/ should be deleted. /vt/ would improve tenfold.

>> No.46260425

Literally the only right answer

>> No.46260465

Get the rope stupid shitposters. Jenny as always doesn't care if it's a Gura topic.

>> No.46260482

Maybe she was also like this? It's just been so long that you forgot how she is and in your memory she was cute and fuzzy, She turned into brat a long time ago.

>> No.46260514

Just wait for her to play something that is not Minecraft

>> No.46260658

Mass reply AI post

>> No.46260713

Stop ban evading

>> No.46260729 [DELETED] 

Same exact posts.

>> No.46260731

Discordniggers kill yourselves

>> No.46260761

Already calling your discord troon friends holofag?

>> No.46260776

You never watched a single minute of a Gura stream.

>> No.46260812

Copy pasting replies

>> No.46260833 [DELETED] 

Uh oh chumcuck is malfunctioning

>> No.46260855 [DELETED] 

She was raped, dude.

>> No.46260856

Every time I see this thread I chuckled at
>Not the "same" anymore

>> No.46260866 [DELETED] 

>Say bad thing about Gura
>Post Deleted
You can delete my posts janny but that won’t stop her from being ugly as sin and fat

>> No.46260892

She realized vtubing is for fucking losers.

>> No.46260911

Still going.

>> No.46260970

Stop being assblasted chumbie and learn how to take a bit of criticism instead of seething at people you think are bots

>> No.46260981

She's just boring

>> No.46261003

give it up my dude, I was the anon that suggested that she might be depressed: that's not even shitting on her, it's one of the more charitable explanations if you feel like she's been phoning it in lately. you're just being a complete fucking schizo at this point

>> No.46261019

Keep seething

>> No.46261025 [DELETED] 

Looking forward to her graduation, chumgroids are never going to be able to return to this board

>> No.46261026

Yeah, by me.

>> No.46261057

oh boy he's mad

>> No.46261083

Listen, if you don't love her anymore, you can leave.

>> No.46261088

What does you call this?

>> No.46261140

Who cares stop making an entire thread about every fucking passing thought you have in your pea brain.

>> No.46261331

Gura has always had her highs and lows.
And its long been clear her relationship with her position as THE face of vtubing and the weird nature of her fans has been difficult for a long time.
She would have been happier in Kiaras spot.

>> No.46261370

I left because she doesn't love me anymore

>> No.46261499

Its what they’re known for they are perhaps the most insecure fanbase in all of hololive

>> No.46261619 [DELETED] 

why are chumkeks such cruybabies?

>> No.46261749

Its a good thing i stopped watching her and switched to actually good chuubas instead

>> No.46261751

she's a performer and you're the audience, if it doesn't entertain you just do something else or watch something else, or give her time until she can adapt to streaming again, why do you want people to act as your consciousness or take decision for you or validate your thinking? grow a spine and take your own decisions you are your own person or are you an NPC expecting a dialog option to start acting?

>> No.46261799


>> No.46261944

its not a complaint retard the dude is just worried somethings happening to his oshi

>> No.46261974

I’m not sure Gura made millions, since she went through plenty of hiatuses and she’ll might burn through money depending on her lifestyle or whatever projects she wants to do. But she’s still still set for life.

>> No.46262064

You switch oshis im sorry dude but shes already given up on her fans

>> No.46262154

you can do something about it?
She said she had some health issues before the hiatus, what can we actually do about it?
you already have the answer. Nothing.
If you're religious you can pray for her health and recovery, if she's down emotionally, then good luck with that.

>> No.46262300

why do you care to reply to said thread retard?

>> No.46262355

I’ve read a few posts estimating how much she’s earned, and they seemed to converge around roughly a million or so in 2022. The thing about the hiatuses is that the passive income from memberships and merch sales is enough that even if her income went down, it went down a lot less than most vtubers’ would.
But yeah, I think Gura’s fairly set for a long time, at least. I have no idea whether she’s smart enough with her money to not fuck it up, though. On the one hand, she’s a socially anxious weeb so she’s not gonna blow it on the kind of things normalfags who go bankrupt after winning the lottery do. On the other hand, socially anxious weebs often waste their money in other ways.

>> No.46262469

This is why you dont support greedy lazy whores

>> No.46262569

Gura actually lost subs this year believe it or not. Granted it's probably just /vt/ shitters but still, pretty bad look

>> No.46262575

>hes falling for the manipulation

>> No.46262585

calm your tits, sis

>> No.46262637

Youd honnestly find better streamers in nijisanji since they are actually passionate about their work unlike hololive

>> No.46262642

I'm a day 0 chumbud and Gura is very neurotic and emotional
just accept her in whatever state shes in
she goes through waves

>> No.46262909

Don't worry, sis, I will stay with her even on a rainy day.

>> No.46263065 [DELETED] 

>"stays" with her during her 3 month vacation to sweden

>> No.46263262

>Waves = tired of her fans

>> No.46263300

that could be the case
that is just how gura is. most chumbuds have accepted that.

>> No.46263312

>whatever she playing
Errrrm.. Minecraft and Minecraft?

>> No.46263357


>> No.46263431

Chumkeks just need to throw more money her way until she’s at a comfortable amount to quit

>> No.46263466
File: 466 KB, 1080x1080, _DTNYPb3I4O_gwP3qKXgDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niji beggars

>> No.46263612
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1679227573927109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is best girl and chumbies best fans!

>> No.46263740

I didn't think I would see actual unironic falseflagging but this is just pathetic

>> No.46263878

>said by the people on their knees wishing for Pomu and Selen to magically transfer to hololive
KEKW cumbud

>> No.46263919

yes, what about it?

>> No.46263925

THIS real chumbuds who care about guras health would wish she would graduate

>> No.46264035

>Holochads want two 3views niji whores transfer to hololive
Maybe in your dream
Delusional nijikeks

>> No.46264130

NijiEN is nigh impossible to recommend to people anon, and I say this as a person that supported early on. Beyond the barrier of having too many talents that new people wont know where to start, there’s too much of a crash of personality types, with people that just want to entertain and play vidya, and actually sub Vshojo types. Like people below the standards of what you get from Vshojo. And you can’t always tune them out because sometimes they appear in inpromptu collabs.
And even then, the humor or qualities/personalities are barely similar to what most Hololive fans would want. NijiEN is like 80% for the Twitter crowd, and that’s it these days.

>> No.46264218

It means shes gotten so resentful of her fans that she refuses to keep the mask on

>> No.46264484

Its just not the same anymore, at least for me

>> No.46264547

mental illness thread

>> No.46264729
File: 199 KB, 1080x1376, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking retard lmao
Suck my dick chumcuck

>> No.46264851
File: 2.32 MB, 1440x1776, fs8g2vesdcc61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years since debut. She's an older mature woman now.

>> No.46265008

niji falsefags sure are schizos
They have no life

>> No.46265009

I stopped watching after it was clear she hated me as a supporting fan

>> No.46265074

>thinking gurafags here care about anyone that collabs with males
you're insane

>> No.46265154

Bad cope as usual. Holofags aren't sending their best today.

>> No.46265214

literally not an argument

>> No.46265277

also gj outing yourself as a nijifag, or at least non-holo fan doing the threadshitting about gura

>> No.46265350
File: 107 KB, 865x433, 1679170824681874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man Gura antis are really grasping now that she's back full force and streaming a lot
You can't even think of anything to attack her over anymore so you just go "uhh she.. uh.. feels weird"

>> No.46265395

Holofags always bring their problems, they send unicorns, schizos, shitposters and falseflaggers. They don't send their good people. It's time to build a wall and keep them out.

>> No.46265439

she's not UUOOOHHHHH anymore ToT

>> No.46265454

How is stating "uhh she.. uh.. feels weird" attacking? It's an opinion. Do opinions offend you now?

>> No.46265481

>building a wall for people who don't want to enter
lol, maybe you should support your own streamers so they don't become 3views

>> No.46265520

How is this an anti thread? its literally your own comrade being worried about your oshi are you folks really this insecure? jesas....

>> No.46265663
File: 1.36 MB, 1000x1193, 1671171469479610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lives rent-free in Discordniggers's heads

>> No.46265694

>she's back full force and streaming a lot
roru! lemao even!

>> No.46265703

It’s insane how NijiEN managed to mishandle their branding and achieve the exact opposite of what branding’s supposed to do.
You’re supposed to use your brand as an umbrella to bring together different IPs together and unite fanbases of different vtubers into unityfagging. Except different fans of NijiEN vtubers don’t want anything to do with each other and would specifically prefer not having to interact. It’s as retarded as Cover trying to make HoloPro a thing, but at least Cover seem to have eased off from that strategy.
NijiEN’s entire brand identity is literally just being the anti-HoloEN. And that’s me being charitable because their alternative brand identity (“Manjisanji”) is presumably something they don’t want. The problem with that is, literally anyone who’s not HoloEN can build a brand off being the anti-HoloEN. The only other appeal that Nijisanji organically has is a lot of vtubers to choose from. Which you can also get by watching indies…and which Nijisanji constantly sabotages by forcing its viewers to put up with vtubers they can’t stand.

>> No.46265813

>Literal worried about gura
>Must be an anti thread
damn thats pretty fucked up perception chumbies

>> No.46265831

The bots wont let this rrat die huh

>> No.46265942

>""""""your own comrade"""""""
good one

>> No.46266000


>> No.46266151

>hate her fan
>resentful of her fan
Still don't understand where did that come from.

>> No.46266162

>everyone person who criticizes my oshi is a bot
Jesus chumkek….

>> No.46266323

This "gura is not the same" rrat has been hard spammed for the past week
It came out of nowhere and doesnt subside

>> No.46266375

if it came out of nowhere the thread would have died a long time ago and yet look at all the replies and IP,s retard

>> No.46266396


>> No.46266547

Yeah i noticed it too im not really into the depressed change shes going through so i switched oshis and cancelled my membership

>> No.46266590

>gura is not a sjw
>accidentally says spic and deletes the evidence

>> No.46266803

Nta, but you read what anon posted. Are you going to keep pretending that everyone who’s been talking about this is an anti larping as a chumbud, or are you going to keep up this “no true chumbud” cope?
Believe it or not, assuming that everyone who criticizes a vtuber is an anti, regardless of the context, content, and tone of their posts, is reddit behavior.

>> No.46266815

>cancelled my membership
proof? false flag

>> No.46267004

I might just have to fully this advice I would finally be free from guras lies and manipulation.

>> No.46267031

Im saying this is a bot post
Like all the no stream spam before it

>> No.46267176

that argument stops working after 1000 spam threads

>> No.46267336

What are you talking about? do you pay attention to every thread that mentions gura? kinda weird dude

>> No.46267377


>> No.46267490

>hes been stalking every gura anti thread
Kek what a loser

>> No.46267609

you kind of make it difficult not to do with all the sad shark catalog spam

>> No.46267795

The graduation of one of the Heavenly Kings of chinks does work wonders so far. As the transfer of power keeps going, the antiposting becomes more and more agonizing and desperate.

>> No.46268022

>he looks at the catalog

>> No.46268088

69 whole bots in the thread no ways

>> No.46268203

The OP is a bot you braindead fucking troglodyte
>bait thread gets responses
oh no

>> No.46268230

>Chumbuds unironically think gura antis must only be bots

>> No.46268624


>> No.46269244

Truly the schizo fanbase

>> No.46269547

yeah, we are just basic normal gura schizo.

>> No.46269566

His proof is that he made it up

>> No.46269640

She has to be quiet while streaming from her hospital bed.

>> No.46269795

It's not, but couldn't you post this in the general or one of the already existing threads.

>> No.46270120

She simply lost the will to keep pretending to care

>> No.46270408

>wants shitposters to ruin a general
kinda cringe

>> No.46270541

19k, and shes getting away with it. lmao

>> No.46270667 [DELETED] 

Have chumpedophiles considered maybe it’s her personal life that’s fucked? Like maybe some schizophrenic tried to Perfect Blue her and wear her skin, of course she’d hate the job after that.

>> No.46270848

>What do i do about this?
Drop her and look for an oshi who actually cares about you

>> No.46271106
File: 1.18 MB, 1475x822, gura loves it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She loves it! she is clearly being told by management she really has to stream around this time as Cover is finding investors to invest in their company, that was the entire reason they let her just fuck off for 5 months and mostly do zilcho, also she only really enjoys horror games which is why she's most active in september/october during halloween season, her fans should spam her with horror games that are very obscure if they want her to keep streaming

>> No.46271115

glad people are starting to realize she stopped giving a fuck

>> No.46271160

Every single stream she apologizes her voice sounds weird it's either a manager who is using a special Gura voice changer with well studied guralike mannerisms or Mumei isn't streaming because she is literally voicing Gura now.

>> No.46271406

Did you know how much Suisei makes in her birthday merchandise? Almost $1M
I'm sure she doesn't hate her job.

>> No.46271643

Lol lots of chumcope in this thread

>> No.46271901

yeah, they are coping what can you do about it?
no, nothing?

>> No.46271945

who cares about this washed up reddit shark anymore?

>> No.46272331

Of course shes not shes been replaced by an AI (whos probably gonna be way better than the original gura)

>> No.46272622

Based if true

>> No.46272692

I'm just disappointed she only streams minecraft

>> No.46273012

Im just disappointed it wasn’t a rhythm game

>> No.46273271

I unironically switched from gura to neuro sama i find her way more entertaining despite having no human touch

>> No.46273588

Based nuero enjoyer

>> No.46274113

doesn't excuse not doing her job

>> No.46274228

Her first minecraft stream back was really rough with the low energy, oh and I'm sick and also I have to go back to Japan soon in like the first half an hour. I actually felt like doomsaying but she has been more entertaining each subsequent stream. I can't deny she overall seems less engaged with streaming but I think she is still capable of putting on a good show.

If you really think about it can you even blame her for being burnt out? She has been at it for a long time now dealing with utterly retarded perms issues for 2 and half years she is skipping out on games like RE4 she clearly would have been right on top of just because she can't be fucked to deal with it anymore. Not to mention cover has neglected the EN branch in all sorts of other ways and not given her new girls to bounce off of in 584 days. There is a reason she talked about needing holofes to feel reinvigorated, it is pretty obvious the fan facing events are the only thing she still does under cover that still have any sort of novelty for her at this point. Hopefully stuff like the NA concert is a motivating factor too but we really need some new blood for her to bounce off of soon to make her care about streaming again, it happened with Council and it will happen with EN3.

>> No.46274602

I guess but she definitely needs to have more professionalism instead of just running from her problems

>> No.46274753

19k isn't a win when she used to have 30k-50k easy for minecraft especially during a return stream.

>> No.46274899

Based Based Based take the AI pill

>> No.46274919

any day now

>> No.46275023
File: 425 KB, 294x1632, 1678548168104770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's a fall from grace

>> No.46275225

Sounds like you need a new oshi

>> No.46275389


>> No.46275692

Get the rope, you fucking raiders, you can be seen a mile away. Jenny as always doesn't care about the Gur anti shit..

>> No.46275736

>needs to have more professionalism instead of just running from her problems
It's not like she can fix most of the problems by sticking around though, she has talked about the constant struggle with perms, how she has requested games and been made fun of by management in front of other talents for asking for too much. Or how her birthday project was nixed last minute leaving Kanauru to cobble something together. If "not running away" looks like sucking it up and playing the next kusoge every other talent is playing that cover got perms for this month (because they have to ask every month) then I would argue she did do that for a long while and that is what killed her spark for streaming.

I realise I am putting most of the blame on management and other talents make do with the situation but I think streaming under the kind of restrictions cover has is soul sucking, especially for a westerner who can look around and see all of that """talent freedom""" of people not under a corpo to play what they want when they want and it must chafe. Dealing with all that whilst cover lets their branch wither on the vine with no new members in SO long must be incredibly demotivating, she is definitely checked out but I understand why. I just hope we get EN3 and have one last good year of Gura excited to get to know her new kouhai like she was with council.

>> No.46275826

they don't, which is why we have to deal with catalog shitting now
never let evil take root

>> No.46275856

What are you talking about?

>> No.46275863

Which EN girl will schizos switch to next?

>> No.46275900

And it's still with a breakaway the biggest En vtuber.

>> No.46277245

Nice essay

>> No.46277455

I guess the only common sense thing to do would be to keep watching her until you hate yourself enough to kill yourself

>> No.46277561


>> No.46279953

Damn bruh chill

>> No.46281361

No I see his point, I could try to watch a EN member for example but at some point it almost feels like a guarantee that one stream will have for example Luca and his stupid ass Twitch humor.

>> No.46281445

it's some ESL trying to say "janny" I guess.

>> No.46281596

Feels like she got emotionally abused by friends addicted to tiktok and cringe culture and lost herself

>> No.46281770

dropped her since the pizza bath incident she was no longer a vtuber since then, became really cringe and tries to incorporate her real persona/life over her character.

>> No.46282626


>> No.46284218

Interesting theory

>> No.46284774

she needs more money to feed her kid bro.

>> No.46284957

so everychumbuddie eventully

>> No.46286167

she's being forced to stream because Cover stocks are dropping fast

>> No.46287063

That kid? Mine

>> No.46287744

Why do people make threads about Vtubers they dont like or used to like. If there's a vtuber I don't like then I just ignore them completely and never talk about them. Oh thats right, you just want to shitpost

>> No.46288046

You literally answered your own question retard

>> No.46288511

She is now being voiced by Mumei purease undastando

>> No.46289903
File: 988 KB, 628x628, Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 20-58-59 HOLOSTARS English -TEMPUS- Acrylic Stand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no new members in SO long must be incredibly demotivating
she still had options
>ackchyually it's a different branch
still new kouhai
>b-but collabing with males is fround upon
So? If she really wanted to reignite that spark of passion, she wouldn't care about video performance or unicorns.
What I'm saying here is she's been checked out longer than you realize

>> No.46290640

Why do you care about threads that dont affect you

>> No.46291477

I'm not really interested in male collabs but I have got to admit given covers refusal to give us new girls it would have certainly shaken things up, one way or another. It would also have made hololive pretty unrecognisable if they interacted as often as they would have done with a new gen of girls. Doesn't matter though because she is clearly not interested in going that direction, matter of fact neither are any of the holoEN girls even the ones that do collab as it is still rare as fuck.
>If she really wanted to reignite that spark of passion, she wouldn't care about video performance
>or unicorns
You can pick your reason, money, avoiding drama or actually cares about her fans expectations but not wanting to collab with the guys isn't actually an indicator she is checked out.

>> No.46291791


>> No.46292413 [SPOILER] 
File: 282 KB, 1831x730, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally organic posts
at least make your shitpost apply to the streams/VODs you can watch right now

>> No.46292437

I dropped into the stream yesterday and it was depressing and left. Fauna streamed over her and then Bae. Bae made a lot of great noises in her stream. Gura? Well, it was good while it lasted. Leader of EN on a trajectory to Sora numbers/"love".

>> No.46292501

I would like to request that Gura complaining threads be limited to one at a time because they’re fucking annoying and take too much room on the board

>> No.46292573

For me it has been.
One of the reasons she always filtered me was her low energy.

>> No.46294147

Well sorry these threads get you so assblasted il be sure to make more soon

>> No.46294547

>It would also have made hololive pretty unrecognisable if they interacted as often as they would have done with a new gen of girls
I'm not saying they should interact with the guys as much as the girls, not at all. But, Gura takes the lack of interaction with Tempus to an unnecessary level. Not collabing with them, sure, she has her reasons for that, but she outright refuses to even acknowledge them. I mean, when Tempus gen 1 released, it was huge, so you'd think she would at least say something, anything to possibly throw them a bone to maybe boost their audiences or something, but no. The closest we'd get to Gura saying anything even relating to en stars or just stars in general would be if either management pressured her to, or if chat pressured her to.
>not wanting to collab with the guys isn't actually an indicator she is checked out.
I'd say that's to be determined when En 3 releases, because we'd be sure that she's been checked out if she has minimal interaction with them

>> No.46294695

>so you'd think she would at least say something
no, I we did not actually

>> No.46296102

>you'd think she would at least say something, anything to possibly throw them a bone to maybe boost their audiences or something
I was posting about reasons she was burnt out, you replied suggesting collabing with the males would have been an option, rather than dismiss you as a homobeggar I gave you an actual answer but this just reads like seethe that she didn't shill your boys. It isn't her responsibility to "boost" them, especially if she made the decision (presumably with her management) prior to their announcement that she was not going to interact, there is a reason Gura hardly has any collab begging in her chat or supas and if she gave them a shoutout or followed them on twitter I can guarantee that wouldn't be the case.
She treats them like most of the JP do, like a different branch serving a different audience. No acknowledgement is "necessary" and choosing not to do so doesn't make her a bad person.
>I'd say that's to be determined when En 3 releases, because we'd be sure that she's been checked out if she has minimal interaction with them
Well yeah I agree with that, if she doesn't care about the new girls it really is over but I highly doubt that will be the case.

>> No.46296212

That’s neat anon but uhh I’m currently in your walls

>> No.46297413

She's too smart to, she learns from the best (holoJP). And holoJP do it for a reason, there's no point. They have a great product/environment and changing it up is meaningless and stupid.
And you're an idiot if you think it'll boost their numbers. Actually I think it did the reverse, I think collabs hurt everyone. If you remember, before collabs people here were actually rooting for Tempus. At the very least they were tolerated, and there was no fanbase infighting. Everyone was happy because their audiences were cleanly separated, and nobody's toes were being stepped on. But as soon as they collabed things went to shit from the constant fights and drama, if twitter tourists are drawn into it you know things have gone to shit. If nothing else, the conflict within the fanbase burned people out. Personally I watched almost all of Tempus' streams before the collabs. But there's a reason I'm watching holo and not niji, because I think there's something great there that shouldn't be sacrificed to become like everything else.

>> No.46297787

You guys can't do anything, it's not your fault she isnt interested in the job anymore so don't feel like you need to change yourself, she's the one that this falls on.

>> No.46298724

Makes sense

>> No.46298950

Need a eulogy and funeral art for her career.

>> No.46298989

IPO mandated stream.

>> No.46299135

She was only ever a casual streamer and joined hololive not even expecting she would get in. She lucked out and her model was a huge hit and she does have some natural charm points going BUT she doesn't LOVE streaming. She clearly is in it for the money at this point and now that the goobers made her have retirement-at-any-moment money shes only streaming out of contract or obligation of some kind.

>> No.46299197


>> No.46299220

...b-b-but she says she loves us

>> No.46299294

for me, it's more that the harder she works on it, the less i like it.

>> No.46299653

>I'm not saying they should interact with the guys as much as the girls, not at all.
Yes, you are.
>But, Gura takes the lack of interaction with Tempus to an unnecessary level. Not collabing with them, sure, she has her reasons for that, but she outright refuses to even acknowledge them.
Acknowledging them won't change anything for her.
>I mean, when Tempus gen 1 released, it was huge,
>so you'd think she would at least say something, anything to possibly throw them a bone to maybe boost their audiences or something, but no.

>> No.46299655
File: 26 KB, 357x304, 56713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better streamers

>> No.46299700

That's the problem. She's lost the spark and she can't just 'work harder' to get it back. Maybe if she perseveres she'll find a new 'thing' people like in her streams.

>> No.46299840

she's tired of streaming, you can't really do shit anymore
the money motivator ran out

>> No.46299879

I wonder how much of the OG girls’ revenue that SEA faggot is responsible for annihilating. Probably a shocking number.

But yeah that is the crux of the problem. Nijisanji was supposed to be pick and choose, NijiEN ended up being pick and then whatever you pick doesn’t matter, here’s a million interactions with people you wouldn’t go near without insect repellent. Also your oshi’s Minecraft server got nuked and now she’s crying.

It’s interesting to me because I was never a big holofan and never really had a problem with the co-ed model, and yet the branch from Iluna onwards managed to piss me off enough to unsubscribe and unmember from everybody I was following. So it’s like… if you managed to make me leave, what the hell kind of market are you targeting? (rhetorical question I know it’s Chinese yumes and Kpop money)

It’s also interesting to me that /vt/ tribalfaggots who shit up the catalog tend to be psychotic antis for the original girls, see the Pomu schizo and the Rose schizo, whereas the Chinese money clique gets very little traction outside of Enna, despite the latter giving tribalfags a ton of fuel and repeatedly interacting with antis.

>> No.46299893

shrimps do have the thinnest skin

>> No.46299938

The discord is testing their bots/AI's in this thread huh? Mods needs to go ahead and mass ban everyone who posted here.

>> No.46300105

cry me a river, she has a wide array of games to play still but gets pissy because of some restrictions while reaping all the benefits of being in a big corpo

>> No.46300199

even setting all that aside she still hasn't done a collab with irys
forget new girls

>> No.46300374

any critique of gura = bot
man chumbuds really have no defense huh?

>> No.46300504

Why does the AI hate Gura so much

>> No.46300984

you okay?

>> No.46301237


>> No.46301688

What are you doing here? It's way past your bedtime

>> No.46301992


>> No.46303002

She knows it will overtake her career soon

>> No.46303222


>> No.46303576

That she started streaming regulary again really broke you schizos huh? lmao

>> No.46303633


>> No.46303761

>used to have 30k-50k easy for minecraft
that has not been the case for over 2 years now
>return stream
it wasn't

>> No.46304725

see >>46275023

>> No.46304728

Isn't this just a rrat thread? None of the schizos (or bot) here actually watch her...

>> No.46304807

>finding someone that used to be entertaining is now significantly less so is somehow being schizo or a rrat
you chumtourists need to stop throwing around buzzwords

>> No.46304908

Yeah that why I said you've never watch her before because she's literally the same, nothing change

>> No.46305019

She regressed back to her previous state...

>> No.46305037

that's cope anon, hundreds of people aren't hallucinating this shit. you can blame it on anti shit but it's never been brought up before so why now? it's clear that something is different

>> No.46305104

with less dwunk yeah

>> No.46305144

>hundreds of people aren't hallucinating this shit.
on 4chan?

>> No.46305223

>hundreds of people

>> No.46305293

Show the whole list of minecraft streams, not a crop out image the from schizo post.

>> No.46305548

I think you fags just made up an ideal Gura in your head when she's absent and then realize she's not that Gura. If that isn't schizophrenia idk what is.

>> No.46305636

I'm mostly mad she doesn't talk to me when she streams anymore... why is she ignoring me? She isn't even leaving me cute messages in her thumbnails/stream titles.

>> No.46305739

"regularly", we're not quite there yet.

>> No.46305768

compare old streams to the new minecraft ones
more dead air
more repetitive topics
not as enthusiastic
it's all there

>> No.46305833

Bro, gura's not some 2views chuuba how can she talk to you in the sea of chat?

>> No.46306040

>more dead airt than old minecraft streams
I hope you weren't trying to pass as some kind of gura watcher lmao

>> No.46306111

>more dead air
Yeah cuz she's building something and not just running around the jp server. Remember her haunted house minecraft stream?
>more repetitive topics
What, can you be more specific?
>not as enthusiastic
About what? She's actually building something this time so that's great for her.

>> No.46306289

What, can you be more specific?
breaking bad mention every stream
oh i want to do watchalongs in the future but i don't know what
i ate X today
maybe asmr future??
same shit man

>> No.46306383

You are definitely not helping your case

>> No.46307520


>> No.46307541

she's just missing her ritalin dose refill after being in japan for so long

>> No.46308626

It's the end of the month so she's here to clock in and collect supers from everyone's new paycheques
